Justice Neil Gorsuch says no-one can sue to stop the government from establishing religion
Theocrat Gorsuch says no American can challenge a Christian religious display on government property.
One inherent danger of allowing a religious minority to install a puppet controlled by religious fanatics in the White House is the now unfolding threat of government officially establishing religion – the Christian religion. Any American’s confidence that the U.S. Constitution is a protection against government establishing religion is grossly misplaced and, that belief is about to be disabused by the current religious conservatives responsible for adjudicating the law of the land.
Because a nearly half-century-old Supreme Court ruling prevented the government from advancing religion, the wall of separation between church and state is almost certainly going to be eviscerated by the Christian conservatives on the current Supreme Court. The crusade to demolish the wall of separation is being advanced by one of the Heritage Foundation SCOTUS nominees confirmed shortly after Trump corrupted every aspect of the government his tiny little hands touched. However, it is noteworthy that Neil Gorsuch’s theocratic crusade is wholly supported by Trump’s other SCOTUS appointee, religious serial liar and sexual abuser Brett Kavanaugh.
The reason the “ Establishment Clause ” is going to be found unconstitutional by the current Court’s Christian conservatives is crystal clear; they believe a 1970’s-era ruling prohibiting government establishment of religion adhered to the U.S. Constitution and is patently wrong. The prohibition on government establishing religion is appalling to evangelicals and the theocrats on the High Court are not going to tolerate it any longer.
I really have to say that the article is way over the top.
I almost stopped reading when I got to this part, " religious serial liar and sexual abuser Brett Kavanaugh."
As if that's not whacky enough, this statement is just plain false by someone who doesn't know the facts or the history of the peace cross.
The monument is strictly there to honor the 49 Bladensburg and Prince George township residents who died in WWI The monument was unique in it's day as it lists both black and white servicemen, all of whom were identified by the VA National Cemetary Administration as Christians buried in France with standard white crosses as grave markers.
The references to Jews, Buddhists and Hindu's is a cheap strawman argument.
The rest of the article is unsupported bitching about Gorsuch and assumptions as to what he might do....
Good grief, Charley Brown.
He didn't say that people couldn't sue??????
Can you find where he said that? this is the closest thing and again the writer is imposing his interpretation on a single excerpt of a sentence.
This piece is just jumbled opinion by someone who is AFRAID of what Gorsuch MIGHT do.
and crap like this paragraph is just bad logic, bad opinion and bad reading ( and poorly edited) .
I stopped at alternet.com. We can do better.
Wow since alternet is always better than any right wing rag that are posted here
One can only hope that the next time MBFC reviews them, they move just a few more millimeters to the "banned source" area.
"Probably." I LOL'd
Part of the Constitution is going to be found unconstitutional? That's quite a bit of hysteria! If you're trying to change people's minds, this is not the way to go about it.