Democratic Rep. calls Antifa members 'peaceful protesters' during CNN interview

The same day that 13 individuals were arrested at far-right and far-left demonstrations in Portland, Ore., Rep. Debra Haaland, D-N.M., called members of Antifa "peaceful protesters."
During a Saturday interview with CNN, Haaland responded to a tweet from President Trump about declaring Antifa a domestic terrorist organization, and accused him of siding with white supremacists.
"Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an “ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.” Portland is being watched very closely. Hopefully the Mayor will be able to properly do his job!" Trump tweeted on Saturday.
"This is on par with what the president does. He sides with the white supremacists, he sides with the white nationalists, with the domestic terrorists in our country... he's incited violence against people of color," she said.
"Portland is a Progressive city. They want to ensure that they keep their city moving forward," Haaland continued.
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"It’s not surprising that Trump would side away from the folks who are the peaceful protesters working to safeguard their city from domestic terrorism. [I'm] just not surprised at all that the president sides with the white nationalists. That’s been his mode of operation since before he was elected president."
Police Chief Danielle Outlaw said at a press conference that the 13 individuals who were arrested were charged with disorderly conduct, interfering with police, resisting arrest, possession of a weapon in a park and unlawful use of a weapon.
Police also tweeted out images of weapons they had seized from multiple groups of protesters, including bear spray and metal poles.
"At this time, we know of six force-events involving officers," Outlaw said. "There was one instance where an officer deployed pepper balls. The other instances involved take-downs or control against resistance."
What is not surprising is her comments. Antifa attacks Trump supporters and calls them fascist and the left love them for it. Or the delusional thought that Antifa is a minority group that only consist of a handful of people.
Antifa is a terroristic group plain and simple no amount of sugar coating can hide this fact.
Um, that's because they ARE fascists.
Compared to white nationalists, KKK, Neo-nazi's? They are a small group.
Right? Remember when they drove a car into a group of people in Charlottesville? And what about their long history of lynching Black people? Or their long history of violence against Jews?
Oh wait, none of those are things AntiFa has done, those are all things done by right wing fascists.
And before you claim that AntiFa is a fascist organization?
AntiFa stands for Anti-Fascism.
Fascism ( / ˈ f æ ʃ ɪ z əm / ) is a form of radical right-wing , authoritarian ultranationalism [1] [2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy [3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. [4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I , before spreading to other European countries . [4] Opposed to liberalism , Marxism , and anarchism , fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum . [4] [5]
Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes to the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and the total mass mobilization of society had broken down the distinction between civilians and combatants. A "military citizenship" arose in which all citizens were involved with the military in some manner during the war. [6] [7] The war had resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines and providing economic production and logistics to support them, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens. [6] [7]
Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete and regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties. [8] Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society. [8] Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence, war and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation. [9] [10] Fascists advocate a mixed economy , with the principal goal of achieving autarky (national economic self-sufficiency) through protectionist and interventionist economic policies. [11]
Since the end of World War II in 1945, few parties have openly described themselves as fascist, and the term is instead now usually used pejoratively by political opponents. The descriptions neo-fascist or post-fascist are sometimes applied more formally to describe parties of the far-right with ideologies similar to, or rooted in, 20th-century fascist movements. [4] [12]
Really how you figure. I'm a trump supporter.
That is a totally false statement. Care to back it up?
Pray tell what that has to do with the article. Antifa is not peaceful protesters I don't care what you say.
That might be what it stands for but beating down people, destroying personal property and taking away others rights to free speech is more of a Brown shirt tactic. Hitler would be proud.
It's supporting evidence that opposes your theory that AntiFa is violent.
Hitler was a fascist, pretty sure he wouldn't support a group called, Anti-Fascism.
How are they taking away free speech? Show me even one incidence where they gagged someone so they were unable to speak?
Actually it does not do that at all. It says nothing about antifas actions. Are you going to try and tell me that hitting someone over the head with a bicycle lock or beating a journalist in Portland or throwing rocks bottles and other debris at police among other acts committed by antifa were not violent?
Sheesh, not like they drove a car into a group of people.
I want to see a membership list of Antifa members. Like the KKK has...
Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics
Or meeting dates. Like KKK rallies.
Or a leadership chart.
Leaders of the Ku Klux Klan
Or anything to show they are not just a label to throw on liberals, to try and claim equality to white supremacists after Charlottesville . Antifa is largely an imaginary boogeyman by the right wing, made up to try and balance all the violent racists in the conservative party.
Is driving a car into someone your only definition of violence? I am sure all those that have been assaulted by antifa will disagree with you.
Lets see.....getting hit with a lock or a car....yeah I see the comparison!..../s
So to you hitting someone in the head with a lock is a non violent act.
Where did you see that?! But i tell you this, I bet you the parents of Heather Heyer wishes she was just hit in the head with a lock!
That's what they WANT you to think it stands for. In reality, it stands for Anti First Amendment. Their whole being is to shut someone down that thinks different than their fascist asses.
Their first go to is violence, exactly what the brown shirts of the 40s did, and they are really nothing more than a bunch of illiterate liberals.
How many Russians did it take to think up that claim? Ignoring every single historical fact about Antifa.
About as many as it took to think up your response or did you use the Chinese?
No...stupidity usually comes singularly. No help required.
Fascism can not be confronted peacefully.
soooooo ….. The need to follow the "Brownshirt" plan to a tea ?
Mimicking those you hate, ain't a good thing !
Brown shirts refers to nazi's. So once again. You're wrong.
Pictures don't lie !
No difference !
Wow... Big difference between putting your fist in the air to garner support and a nazi salute. SMFH.
The photo on the right appears to be a black and white photo of the Charlottesville tiki torch rally though they're missing their MAGA hats and tiki torches. I've no doubt Truthless Trump would have called them all "fine people" in that photo as well.
Pictures don't are trumptards "fine people"
You found the "ONE" time ?
Who did they beat up again ?
Oh ….. So sorry !
It wasn't !
I didn't write that ……. Did I ?
Who did they kill...who ran into people with his car and killed a many people did antifa kill?
One Moron did !
Ban Cars ?
One white supremacist many have antifa killed??????
Actually .…. a Moron is a Moron no matter what color they are.
"how many have antifa killed??????"
Why ….. Zero.
Doesn't make them any less a Moron , unless one likes them. When they pound someone into the pavement out of love
, then they're just "Freedom Fighters" huh.
Ban morons? Naw, can't do that, that would wipe out a good 45% of the republican party.
Generalize Much ?
Ditto 75% Democrats ?
Wow, you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo original. [eye roll]
I asked questions. I didn't make a statement.
Isn't the picture on the right of Hitler's brown shirts? The one on the left is in color.
You miss the point. They are a disorganized group but Antifa is no better than alt right, and as you can see with the comment by the Rep she gives them a pass.
Nice try.
Antifa is in no way comparable to the US military. The military has a code of conduct it has to operate on. It also has very specific Rules of Engagement it operates under.
What are Antifa's?
Get real. Antifa is no different than what they are fighting. They should already be designated as a domestic terrorist organization.
No one said Antifa was comparable to the military. The meme points out the obvious fact that allied forces were "Anti-fascists" who were going into Europe to "disrupt" and uproot a large group of white supremacists. You might have heard of them, they're called Nazi's. And strangely enough, they seem to have had a bit of a resurgence recently after being given cover by their new Dear Leader, coming out to join other white supremacists, waving their swastika flags amongst the confederate flags of right wing extremists, the KKK and white nationalists who have been emboldened by the "chosen one", the "Orange Mussolini", dishonest Donald.
They are opposed to fascism... which really doesn't surprise me when the right wing gets triggered by them.
Only the left opposes the right to peaceful assembly and free speech for all US citizens. Only the left is defending a violent domestic terrorist group.
I was in the service, I know how it works. But you are completely missing the point of the picture.
Please elaborate how he used racism as a part of his platform?
Please elaborate where he called for mass deportations?
He is working on making America great again after the last failure as CiC.
sweet you got a Fascist in there.
I'm not sure about that. I never seen him blame immigrants for America's problems. Illegal aliens, probably.
Now the ID thing ….I think he did say something like hat but I totally disagree with it.
Now do you want to counter my meme?
"Some of these clowns still think that Trump instituted a Muslim ban."
Ummm......"Donald J. Trump is asking for a ban on ALL Muslims"
I seem to remember Trump saying that during his campaign....or as some would say....HIS RISE TO POWER!
"Mass deportations are necessary if we want people to be here legally." agree he used that facist technique...good to know!
The "Left" are NEVER violent in their own eyes !
After all, they're doing "Good" things.
"Blood and Soil. Jews will not replace us."
What are you are defending?
Do you actually know what "Defend" means ?
"I" ….. defended nothing.
Re-Read my comment based on the article.
What are you defending?
We are defending the right of any US citizen to peacefully assemble and freedom of speech.
What are you defending? A bunch of chicken shit domestic terrorists that have become the very thing they claim they are fighting against?
So when Nazi's march in our streets we should just ignore it? I don't agree with any violence or vandalism that some individuals within Antifa have used to push back against worthless white supremacists and piece of shit Nazis, they should protest Nazis peacefully showing the fascists what it means to be a real human instead of a waste of space. I don't think we as a society should just stand by completely passive as Nazi's march in our streets and right wing extremists commit mass murder every year in our country. Only those who don't imagine themselves in danger of right wing extremist hate, such as some straight white Christians, would remain passive in the face of such terrorism. They don't see any sense of urgency because they aren't the targets of the right wing violence and they know it, which is why so many seem to scream and shout about "Antifa" even though there have been zero fatal Antifa assaults. That doesn't justify the assaults and Antifa should be condemned for any use of violence and vandalism. However, there simply is no comparison between Antifa and right wing inspired terrorism which kills dozens and dozens of innocent Americans every year.
Sucks that we have a Constitution doesn't it. The right for peacefully assembly and free speech is the same for all US citizens. Not just the ones you agree with politically. Sorry, you will never be able to get that removed.
Seems they don't agree with you; and have been violent repeatedly and often; and they aren't very particular about their targets either.
So death is your standard. Give Antifa time they are really trying. With the Dayton shooter you might need to wipe that "they don't kill" BS out completely.
So all you have is BS. It is OK to trample US citizen rights; so long as they don't adhere to your political beliefs. Good to know.
"I" ….. defended nothing" ….. in my comments.
Did you miss the memo ............… AGAIN ?
It doesn't suck at all, I love our constitution and have no problem with the Nazi's marching or your defense of them. What I said was that we don't have to just ignore it either, they are expressing their fascist racist beliefs and every real patriotic American should be out in the streets expressing their freedom of speech by telling these slime balls what pieces of shit they are. I have never condoned any use of violence by any side so the laughable straw man you've tried to create from my comment is hollow and useless, just like right wing fascism.
But thru this whole article on how a Dem Rep called Antifa peaceful all you have done as said whatabought.
I defend everyone's right to peaceful assembly and free speech no matter how much I disagree with them. That includes the "alt-right", "alt-left", and every other idiot under the sun that thinks these stupid protests influence anyone in US outside of annoying blockage of traffic.
So you shouldn't mind if Antifa gets classified as a domestic terrorist organization; and gets treated the same way as the "alt-right". They exhibit all of the same violent characteristics; and they attack everyone regardless of political affiliation.
YES!!! That is exactly what you should do. That is what was done when they marched through a Jewish neighborhood in Skokie, IL......and the Nazis went away when they couldn't find anyone who would help them make headlines. If all they're doing is marching, let em march.
Really makes me wonder why most of the right wing hate a group that is opposed to fascism. Says a lot about them.
Because there is NO difference between antifa and Hitlers’ Brown Shirts.
only those who despise liberty would condone or embrace these anti liberty thugs
Antifa aren't the one's holding tiki torches and doing the heil hitler salute and chanting Jews will NOT replace us.
That should be said of the actual right wing inspired terrorism that kills dozens and dozens of innocent Americans every year. It's rather sad that instead, a loosely organized patchwork of anti-fascists who haven't caused a single fatality are the target of your ire. Way to deflect from the actual terrorism that is alive and well and is effectively being protected and continually defended by many religious conservatives.
Sadly, you likely won't hear the voice in the religious conservatives head that says "Well, what's wrong with that? Why should we let Jews replace us? What's wrong with defending "white culture"?"... You'll just get more deflection and distraction because that's all they've got without openly admitting to their inherent biases like their representative Republican Steve King has done so many times.
Anyone who engages in acts of violence whether extreme right or left should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I’ve yet to see or hear of a peaceful protest by antifa. They attack everyone physically who doesn’t agree with them.
I’ll repeat, anyone who condones or supports them or white nationalists engaged in similar violent behavior makes themselves an enemy of liberty
Acting stupidly in itself doesn’t make you a threat to someone physically or our liberties. I condemn their beliefs, but support their right to hold them as long as they don’t harm others
antifa is ONLY engaged in violence towards others and that’s why they threaten our liberties as citizens
Yea, sure Larry, and the neo-nazi's and white nationalists are getting together to share apple pie recipes. [eye roll]
Never heard about the El Paso shooting?
What's not true? Do the 48 killed by right wing inspired extremists last year not constitute "dozens and dozens"? Let's see, 12 plus 12 plus 12... plus another 12... yup, it checks out, that equals 48 and definitely constitutes "dozens and dozens". Or were you unaware that a "dozen" meant 12 of something?
But they did, and do harm others Larry.
Baloney...who killed a woman and now is in many people did antifa kill?
Yep, exactly....
James Alex Fields Jr. was the driver, he is also a self admitted white supremacist. Sentenced to 419 years.
You do realize Larry that every act of extremist violence in the USA in 2018 was linked to right wing extremist groups, right? It's well documented, go look it up.
Does some say be have to be killed for it to be a violent act? Sure is a narrow definition.
Then you should read the article and watch the press conference by Portland authorities. The Antifa counter-protest in Portland was peaceful.
Saturday's dueling demonstrations between left-wing Antifa and far-right groups were mostly peaceful. Some isolated confrontations occurred after the main rally.
Their definition of mostly peaceful is a joke. Glad you found that funny.
And did the prosecution prove any conspiracy with any one else in the groups marching in Charlottesville at all? No, they did not, in spite of looking for such a conspiracy very diligently. So, who cares what he calls himself. His actions can't be tied to any other person or group.
Because they have chosen that name for its propaganda value. They are trying to use a perception of opposition to facism as a license to violently impose socialism.
Exactly....Everything they do is to stop the First Amendment of those who dare not think like them. Their name actually stands for Anti First Amendment, as that is exactly what they do...with violence as the first means, or in other words...fascism.
"We are not non-violent, we will fucking kill these people if we have to..."
---Chris Cantwell, white supremacist.
But AntiFa are the bad guys... Sure, ok.. keep telling yourselves that.
Where has anyone defended the white supremacists?
They are pieces of shit just like Antifa.
They have the right to peaceful assembly and free speech just like Antifa does. Too bad both sides tend to ignore the law.
Read the title of the article, that should explain why I posted this.
Maybe you should try reading the article. Par for course all you have done is spin the discussion to white supremacists and putting down anyone on the right.
Antifa is not peaceful protesters. Fact.
Still carrying a torch for those fascist white supremacists eh?
From a article on a senator calling Antifa "Peaceful protesters" I have been called A fascist, a white supremist, and a fascist white supremist.
Not one of them discussed the article...
Why do I feel like when you posted this, most of the liberals on here grabbed their well worn copy of "Rules for Radicals" and reread it yet again?
Still carrying the torch for the Antifa Brownshirts eh?
Who'd a thunk it....But, but, but, Antifa is violent....oh please....defend this, I dare you...there is NO defense.
Proud Boys Leader Admits Their Rallies Are For Fighting And Wasting Money
And yet again, I'm not surprised.
If they fuck up and kill Nazis then they are okay in my book.
I personally would not want to see anyone get killed.
If it is a Nazi then give me a front row seat. Fuck Nazis.
Fuck Socialist Liberals.
See how that works?
But Nazi's...
I love this video, After Antifa stop pedestrians they let a woman thru then a man sneaks thru with her, then they assault him then cry like the skinny jean wearing bitches they are because the cops arrested a Antifa member.