You didn't object

Dear Republicans:
You didn’t object when you heard Donald Trump say he likes to grab women “by the pussy.”
You didn’t object when he kicked the American media out of the Oval Office and handed two Russian spies classified data entrusted to him by one of our allies.
You didn’t object when he likened our intelligence community to “Nazis.”
You didn’t object when he stood before the Memorial Wall of Stars at Langley and told lie after lie about himself and the election.
You didn’t object while at the Helsinki Summit, he met behind closed doors with the Russian President.
You didn’t object to him banning the American Press from covering that meeting.
You didn’t object when he emerged from that meeting and sided with the Russian President over the findings of our own intelligence community.
You didn’t object when the Trump campaign admitted to accepting Russian offers to help him defeat SecState Clinton.
You didn’t object when he stood before the cameras and said; “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find 30k e-mails that are missing.”
You didn’t object when the Russians responded that VERY DAY with stolen emails.
You didn’t object when it was confirmed that the basis for the Trump Tower meeting was a total fabrication. That it had nothing to do with adopting Russian children, and everything to do with swinging the election.
You didn’t object when it was revealed that Trump himself floated the cover story of adoptions from Russia.
You didn’t object when it was confirmed that his campaign staff had met with Russian agents over 150 times, after claiming they had never met with them at all.
You didn’t object when the Trump campaign declined to inform the FBI about the Russian advances.
You didn’t object when Trump’s campaign manager gave internal data on four key battleground states to agents working for Putin.
You sure as hell didn’t object when those very same four battleground states miraculously shifted towards trump on Election Day.
You didn’t object when Trump kicked his Attorney General out of the room and asked the FBI Director to let his National Security Advisor off the hook for lying about his contacts with Russian agents.
You didn’t object when Trump fired that FBI Director for declining to let Flynn off the hook.
You didn’t object when Special Counsel Robert Mueller said he couldn’t establish a conspiracy, largely because so many of Trump’s staffers lied during their interviews, and because Trump himself refused to submit to a live interview.
You didn’t object when Special Counsel Mueller cited no fewer than ten instances of the president himself obstructing justice in his report: an impeachable offense.
You didn’t object when it was revealed he cheated on his wife with a porn star.
You didn’t object when it was revealed that he paid off that porn star to the tune of $130,000.00 to buy her silence just prior to the election, an illegal attempt to hide relevant facts from the electorate.
You didn’t object when he withdrew the U.S. from the JCPOA, which was the first and ONLY treaty that’s successfully kept Iranian nuclear ambitions in check.
You didn’t object when he pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords.
You didn’t object when he scuttled the Obama administration’s clean air and water standards.
You didn’t object when he opened up vast tracts of protected wilderness to his friends in the oil and mining industries.
You didn’t object to the myriad of cases of violations of the emoluments clause.
You didn’t object to the recently-discovered military stopovers at Trump properties in Scotland.
You didn’t object when after mass shooting after mass shooting, he wouldn’t lift a finger to protect even little school children from gun violence.
You didn’t object when he started putting tariffs on everyone from China to Turkey, which have undeniably hurt millions of people around the world and shaken the stock markets.
You didn’t object when he gave the corporate farming industry $26B in compensation for their losses due to his tariffs.
You didn’t object when he channeled $3.6B in Pentagon appropriations to his wall on the Mexican border.
You didn’t object when Trump called out against “Islamic terrorism” on multiple occasions, but never once for terrorism by white nationalists.
You didn’t object when he forcibly separated little children from their parents.
You didn’t object when he confined those children to chain-link paddocks.
You didn’t object when a whistleblower revealed the president had on multiple occasions said things that potentially undermined our nation’s safety and security.
You didn’t object when his personal lawyer, his personal consultant, and his army of sycophants at Fox News have repeatedly and consistently lied about ALL of the above for three excruciatingly long years.
So here’s my question for you: What about any of the above do you believe entitles you to the right to call yourselves “patriots?” In anything other than today’s bizarro-world, you wouldn’t even make the rank of American. When this nightmare ends, we’ll remind you of just how patriotic you were during these days. Your karma is gonna sting.”
Laura Crystal posted this to my page at FB. I don't know if she wrote it or was just passing it along.
I have found the original author:
Bruce Lindner
Excellent article. Good to see you here !
I didn't, and WON"T, OBJECT to ANYTHING on that damn LIST, as it has all played out, just as displayed by author.
No, BIDEN is the real threat to AMERICA, WTF ???
This mental midget melancholy flowered piercing earring, left for the Right, dangling like a participle marsupial , Sloth child, gone wild and running over the under educated, like a steam roller powered by his own methane, as his followers don't even gasp at his emitted gas pollutes a position, compromised, a situational unsanitized, from a gold thrown
have been the dream of a country created by so many with the good intentions of actually creating a perfect Union, and ACTUALLY making AMERICA GREAT, not again, as this wookiie grabbing back and front stabbing mami black labbing with our Vets and White Power dabbing, is
a disgrace, and/of any race, as he spits on all the graves of those who fought and died, gave life and limb, for one who should be hung from a tree with good reason,
TREASON, but now the true snowflakes will all be individual mobs with sobbs , but that is how i view what this no one could chew, let a loan swallow, what this purveyor of partisan bull ship, could ever pay back
but how bout that, he bangs pornstars, andwhat can you say about
that fckn Hair besides Split End to End and let our Country Mend
We've heard all this BS propaganda, untruths, and lies many times before here on NT.
Most of the assertions in the article are false.
It gets boring and tiresome and has no impact on anything.
Why not post something new, worthwhile, important, relevant, and interesting.
She sounds spot on, and for the record, it's the regressive nut jobs that are still mad about the midterms.
Untruths? Trump is past 12,000 lies in 3 years. The regressives have NO right to complain about lying. It's not propaganda, it's what happened. The fact that you disagree with it only proves that it's spot on.
List them, and be specific as to how they are lies.
If that's what you need to tell yourself, go for it. If everything in the article was about Obama, I am sure you would have the same reaction, right?
Don't like it, don't read it.
Was it you that to posted a paragraph from an article that took Trump to task for all his wrongdoings and replaced Obama's name? For instance:
Obama, who never served in Vietnam, and who received multiple deferments to avoid service, had this to say in July 2015 about U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a naval aviator who spent five years in a North Vietnamese prison camp, where he was tortured. "He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”
or this:
During the campaign, Obama impugned the character of U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, a native-born American, hailing from Indiana, who was hearing a class action case against Obama's now-discredited Obama University.
"He's a Mexican," Obama said to CNN of Curiel. "... The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can't even believe."
or this:
Obama's news conference with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki was an embarrassment. Obama's meeting with the Russian president came on the heels of Russia’s attempted assassination of a dissident on British soil using banned chemical weapons and the indictment of 12 Russians for 2016 election meddling. Instead of condemning these actions, Obama publicly sided with Putin over his own intelligence community.
Do you think the right leaners would be okay with that? Wasn't that you that served up that example? If not, I apologize and I give kudos to whomever thought of it.
You first.
Oh dear, that's hilarious! Good luck with that ... ha!
I note that silence ensued.
Like the good things Trump has done for the country and it's Citizens.
But .... alas ….. "Good' isn't a "Good thing" for the "Left's" existence. They must have bad, bad, BAD !
Trump is past 12,000 lies in 3 years.
List them, and be specific as to how they are lies.
Here is some reading material for you, knowing how you love your bootstraps, do some work yourself, otherwise we have to fill the entire forum with his lies and it will take days to load. Hope you are up for this, there are more lists of lies to get for you, and happy to oblige. Do we need to make it so easy you don't have to open other links?
Look at the list of references you used. Every one of them are Trump hating, far left loon propaganda.
If Trump said he was a shade of Sungold orange, one of these hate peddlers would say he is lying and that he is actually goldenrod.
That is the kind of BS this country is facing tody.
Nah...I would call him tangerine
I was going to say burnt umber, but tangerine is better.
I understand that when Melania used to have sex with him, she'd look over his shoulder and think almost aloud: "Apricot. I think I'll paint the ceiling apricot."
Prove it. I asked you first, prove they are lies. And Lib50 already covered your question anyway.
You can't prove they are lies because you know they aren't. Now move along Greg, move along.
I grew up in a REP family in a REP neighborhood, worked on Reagan's campaigns and was a lifelong REP for my entire life until about a decade ago when I changed my affiliation to IND because of the hate spewing from the right. Hate is not a conservative principal. Unreasoning spewing isn't either. I will not be associated with it.
I find it extremely saddening that some people cannot or will not use their reasoning abilities before giving a knee jerk reaction to something posted. If we're going to keep our great nation a democracy, everyone on both sides needs to do that.
Unfortunately, Fox News has spent decades teaching people on the right to hate people on the left. People on the left have reacted with anger. The right has moved so far right that they even make moderates look like liberals.
On top of that, Putin's propaganda machine spews hatred at us, pretending to be us. I never know anymore whether I'm listening to his propaganda or someone's honest opinion.
"The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election. Far less splashy, and far more difficult to trace, was Russia’s experimentation on Facebook and Twitter, the American companies that essentially invented the tools of social media and, in this case, did not stop them from being turned into engines of deception and propaganda."
Unfortunately for the author, there have been objections from Republicans. It's just that those objections were overshadowed by outrageous hair-on-fire extremism from Democrats. So, it's not surprising that people are unaware.
Keep in mind that Trump wasn't handed the Republican nomination. There really was vociferous push back against Trump being the Republican candidate. And there was a noted lack of enthusiasm from Republicans at the RNC convention. But Democrats really wanted Trump so that the election would be an easy win for Clinton. Clinton was supposed to win by such an overwhelming margin that Democrats could claim a mandate.
Not even the Ukrainians leaking information to influence the election could help Clinton. Clinton really was that bad.
Democrats haven't been kicking Republicans out of Congress; they're just leaving. Republicans have been quitting Congress in droves because of Trump; although many would not admit it. The TEA Party faction has been forked; it's done. Even Paul Ryan simply quit. And Mitt Romney won election to the Senate with a resist Trump campaign.
The Democrats' worst nightmare is coming to pass. Trump is forcing the Republican Party to become younger and more diverse. The old, white deadwood in the Democratic Party can see themselves fading into irrelevance just as the Clintons have faded. Even Obama seems rather last century.
Is on both sides. I just had a conversation about that with my grandson this morning. He votes in every election, but his friends don't. I told him that's a shame because there are so many in their generation they could really change the direction of this nation into something that would better suit them within just a few elections if they only realized their power. Old fogeys like me can try to keep up with what they need in the future, but it's hard work. So much better if it came directly from them.
I'm against the idiot in the WH, so I'm going to vote for whoever is the DEM nominee. I wish the REPs would stand up to him. Instead, they're leaving. That and his fascism scare me.
Since the GOP has been taken over by haters, I don't feel I can vote for any R anymore. I don't like that feeling. I've always voted based on their record rather than their party, but the GOP is so staunchly demanding lock step voting in legislatures that it doesn't matter what the individual stands for anymore. They're afraid they'll be ousted by their own party if they aren't obedient to the demands of those in charge.
Repubs put their party, a surprise to not many and should definitely be offending to some if not most any, Above Country, as they discard the built in checks they bounce, while unbalanced is their beam set on high, like a brain that can't cell a brate, a body that can't buy or rate, as together they couple , but can't fornicate, as they fck a nation out of contempt for a quart or two less than a litre, abuser and cheater, supported by dicks jockeying for imposition, to bend rules without friction as they discard respect and tradition, for OUR COUNTRY, that is for US All, not for just those who would crawl under any form or norm, all due to a D form, running as an R rated xxx frcken
porno star porking, playmate paying for playing John
who, needs Doe, to get him a hoe from the shed roof under
your in ,
with prostituted Russian pros, who won't slow down, till the Orange Clown be Putin down
my prediction. Not around here so much, but there are a vast many, who have realized they fricked up big time, and are not yelling it out loud, as they keep that admission, to themselves.
Can't say i blam.....ahh who the fck am i kidding, i do blame them, but could forgive their transgression if they might just accept their mistake, and would own up to em.
The Republicans will never be able to get rid of the Trump stench.
They can't avoid being involved for long. The old fogies are dying off. Politics has changed because the WWII generation can't dominate politics any longer. No one stepped up after the WWII generation became too old and began dying off. Barack Obama was born fifteen years after the end of WWII.
The pertinent question: are you opposed to Trump's policy direction or are you opposed to Trump being a media sensation? It's true Trump has not been subservient to the politics of the Presidency; Trump has retained his individuality. Do not confuse service to country with subservience to politics.
Trump has been less fascist than any President since Ronald Reagan was elected. Someone had to challenge the legacy of Reagan and that someone has been Trump. Republicans certainly weren't challenging the policy legacy of Reagan and Democrats have been embracing Reagan's policy legacy since Bill Clinton was elected.
Ronald Reagan was a smooth talker that looked good for the camera but, as President, Ronald Reagan put the country on the wrong track. Trump deserves a lot of credit for finally removing Ronald Reagan from American politics. Reagan was the real fascist who advocated a marriage between government and private business (particularly finance). And Bill Clinton sold the Federal government to the highest bidder by following Reagan's policy prescriptions.
Does the US need to recalibrate it's relationship with NATO? Does the US need to shift trade policy away from building Reagan's service economy? Does the US need to redirect economic policy away from Reagan's policy focus on finance and toward manufacturing? Should the US change military policy from Reagan's "might makes right" policy prescriptions toward using the military to support diplomacy rather than leading diplomacy?
So, ask yourself what is the real problem with Donald Trump? What are your expectations for a President that will replace Trump? If the answers to those questions focus attention on the media created public sensation rather than policy directions, then the outrage is really rather superficial.
Trump isn't anyone I'd want to associate with. But that doesn't mean a more likable President will be better.
Really? Who's left? Have you forgotten that the 2016 line up of Republican candidates, three short years ago, was as diverse (or possibly more diverse) than the current line up of Democratic candidates? Democrats don't hold an edge on candidate demographics any longer; the 2016 Republican primaries disproved that idea.
Who are the Republican 'haters' in the headlines? Just because a corrupt press says it doesn't make it so.
Thus handing Congress to the democrats mid-term. Thank you, Donald Trump!
"objections from republicans."
Ahh, this is off subject but republicans object to a 14 year old wishing to terminate her rapist's baby. Go ahead, object away.
This too. (Paraphrasing) "I believe Putin before I believe my own INTEL." DJT. Helsinki.
Since the gop continues to back Trump more and more voters are finding the gop to be entirely objectionable. Considering the historic whooping the gop got in the midterms you would think they would be catching on. Instead the gop seems merely intent on doing as much damage as possible. Remember that when you vote...
Hi, Loretta! It's good to see you here.
Hey, its wonderful to see you too. Hope things are going well for you and I get to see more of you while I'm here.
ALL people should ask questions about their leaders.....but the right questions is what they should be asking !
Not some media driven conjectural question.
If the Country is doing terrible, ask Why ! If the Country is doing mediocre, ask Why.
If the country is doing good, BE HAPPY (GIVEN: ALL will never be happy anyway) !
Magic Johnson estimates he has slept with more than 1,000 women, but has said that it was so many he lost count and had no idea which one of his trysts infected him with HIV......
BUT HE's a HERO to our kids !
So a grab or two from Trump....really shouldn't bother folks !
So-Called Adults these days.