A female reporter kissed on live TV says: 'This is not OK'
Category: News & Politics
Via: loretta-mashkawidee-kemsley • 6 years ago • 105 comments

Rivest said she wanted viewers to know that incidents like the one she experienced are "a violation and all-too-common occurrence."
"Journalists in the field, especially women, again just trying to do their jobs, experience harassment like this all of the time, and it is not OK. If you want to act like an idiot behind me in a live shot, that’s your choice," Rivest said. "But when you put your hands on me or anyone else without their approval, that is wrong."
Rivest reported the incident to police, and the man has since been identified as Eric Goodman, according to the Louisville Metro Police Department. Goodman has been charged with harassment with physical contact, a misdemeanor, and was issued a summons to appear in court, a department spokesman told NBC News on Thursday.
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More than 300 people commented on the tweet. A majority of them supported her, saying Rivest handled the situation well while on air.
"I am so angry for you. Good for you for calling him out!" one commenter wrote.
"I’m pissed at myself that I laughed," Rivest responded.
She explained in an on-air conversation with veteran WAVE reporter Dawne Gee Monday that she was shaken and "didn't know how to react."
"I was shocked, but my nervous laughter does not equate to approval of his actions," Rivest said. "It was an exertion of power over me, a woman — trying to do her job — who couldn’t stop him. This embarrassed me, and it made me feel uncomfortable and powerless."
But perhaps one of the best reactions came from her 9-year-old "little sister" with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. "Oh my gosh Miss Sara. He stole your first kiss!" the girl said, according to Rivest. "So rude!"
The man assaulted her, on camera no less. I Think it would have been justifiable self defense it she had kicked him between the legs!
This is not okay. Who knows where those lips have been? She did the right thing to report it. Empathically.
Recently a tweet has come out from singer, Kelly Clarkson, alerting her fans that she do not like people (not her husband or family) coming up touching or kissing her face for the same reason: Who knows what communicable disease or whatever someone can be sharing, publicly?
Not. Cool.
What that ahole did is considered assault, an arrestable offense.
Read this story earlier but this sort of thing has been happening for the past couple or more years. I don't know why it has become something to do but it's a crime and needs to stop.
Apparently, the message of paying fines and charging for assault has not gotten around enough yet! How much should a stolen kiss cost nowadays?
Lol a broken nose works for me, maybe a couple racoon eyes as well
One day somebody 'mugging' for the camera is going to get 'mike-brained' on the air! Here is the theory of the case:
This morning, I'm thinking even so, she (or he) as reporter will have to clear reactions with the station and local law (as to proportional response) around the country. Or, on the wildest of chances, the reporter can be sued (and station) for damages and potential injury. After all, there is footage right there.
Just wait until that "unobjectionable" kiss turns into spitting into another persons face or a slap on the face. This is commonsense as you stated in your comment, and those Facebook commenters are losers too .
Spread the word. I don’t like being kissed on my face when U meet me. Ever. Male or female. I ain’t European y’all. I didn’t grow up doing that. I don’t like it. I don’t know where Ur mouth has been but I know where it’s not gonna end up, that’s anywhere on my face. #MyPSAForTheDay
It's hard to clear it with the station when it happens spontaneously. After I filed for divorce, too many men believed that creepy old adage that divorced women will sleep with anyone because they miss sex so much. Made my life a misery for a while.
The place where I trained horses and riders had a grassy area with a campfire. There was a low fence around it so the horses wouldn't do something stupid and end up in the fire. One evening, I was leaning against the fence visiting with other horse people while some of them cooked on the campfire. A teen boy I knew sat on the fence beside me and put his arm around me, touching my breast as he did so. From the Cheshire cat grin on his face, it was obvious he felt like he'd done something marvelous in front of his buddies.
I reacted by knocking him over the fence. He also fell down a small sloped hill. Everyone laughed at him because they knew he was out of line. He was embarrassed, but came back to sit next to me. He apologized and did not touch me again.
I realize others may feel different, but if I had to do it over, I would. I should have been able to visit with my friends without worrying about being assaulted. We have the right to defend ourselves without waiting for an okay from someone else.
If I was her, I probably wouldn't hit him with the mike because they're expensive, but I would have nailed him somehow. He was doing the same as that teen boy: showing off for his friends at her expense.
The station has no say. They cannot prevent her from defending herself.
As far as law enforcement, I imagine that in most places, she would be considered by law to be acting in self-defense. If the unwanted kisser wished to sue her for damages, she could always press criminal charges.
Thanks Sandy! Actually my @ 3.1.5 comment was directed at your facebook comment! I clicked the wrong comment and imagine my 'horror' when I realized I had accidentally responded to myself! (Your facebook comment is even further down the page. - lots happening with me in the 'moment.')
What's worse is some clown(s) began to think it's 'trendy' to walk up on a reporter 'captured' by their professionalism and touch him or her. A professional is usually so 'in the moment' that they likely won't see the 'perp' walking up. Then, you feel. . . something . . . .
Well, I am referring to station written policy or 'field' policy on how reporters should and legally can respond to said incident. Let's take a hypothetical, that that guy in the pic/video has a glass-eye and the reporter whips his butt good and long enough for it to drop out on the pavement and crack, or it recedes into the back of his head. . . a court might question if the reporter overdid the defense of his/her person.
Largely, I agree with you and Sandy on this all-around. Hands off other people, especially professionals, doing their jobs!
LOL. Not to worry. I've made far worse mistakes than that. In fact, I just corrected the headline on the story about the soldier saving the baby's life. I'm not sure how it happened, but the url appeared where the headline should be. Guess I should be more awake when I seed articles.
I agree with your comment about a written policy...if the station made all of its employees aware of the policy. Having a written policy but not ensuring employees know about it does no good.
I once worked for a company that had an employee manual. However, I was surprised when my boss asked me to update it because, even though I'd been there for years, that was the first I'd heard of it.
I'm not sure a company would be on legally sound ground if they forbid women from defending themselves unless they provide others who would protect her.
Of course, this is pretty much a female problem. Male employees aren't in much danger of being assaulted by kissing women, IMO. I'd think they're in more danger of being assaulted by angry men. I remember one female reporter who was attacked by an angry man who was the topic of her story. He was a landlord abusing the laws about renting to black people. She was standing in front of the apartment house doing her story when he suddenly rushed in and began pummeling her and the camera man. Broke the camera, went to jail and ended up paying for the camera and their trip to the ER.
That's true. I'm sure they also feel they can get away with it because they don't want to appear unprofessional on camera.
An elbow to the rib cage would have the desired effect
But then she'd have to turn around and interrupt her work.
Her work at that point would become a lesson in manners.
Good point.
If she could hit the solar plexus, so much better.
Remind me where that is...is that right below the breastbone? Like a direct hit to the diaphragm?
Yup. Get hit there hard enough, and you feel like you can't breathe.
Yeah...been hit a time or two with softballs and basketballs right there
You'll get no argument from me
Loretta, this might be considered a bit of a 'redirect,' but it associates so well with your comment and loosely with the topic of assault (and in this case, murdering). Here are two women attacking a man in a busy airport in Malaysia, while his back is turned. One smears a substance on his face and the other strays a "solution" on his face afterwards.
Sadly, women can be bad actors too! Y'all might remember this chilling attack:
A disturbing number of Facebook commenters have said this is no big deal. One even said the guy should have hit her, so she'd have something to complain about.
Most people should have learned by kindergarten to keep their hands and other body parts to themselves, but it seems that a sizable minority have not learned to either do so themselves, or expect it from others.
You go that right...
Yes, Biden should have known better, too.
Hey sunshine? How many women have accused Biden of sexual assault? Zero. Trump? 19. But Biden is the creepy one, got it. LOL
Awww, didn't mean to make you cry, sorry about that.
This isn't an article about politics. Please stop going from seed to seed and making them all about politics.
I will seed where I want and make whatever comment I want.
Tell it to a mod.
Thanks MUVA. Seems political comments against Trump on this seed are acceptable. Be glad to accomodate the wishes of a seeder [delete]
It was a "big deal" to her. She felt powerless while trying to do her job. The idea that our bodies are owned and controlled by men has to die. I went through this when I was a young teen and adult. The men who did it were gross. One was a old man who reeked of sweat and manure. Another claimed he was going to marry me, therefore he had a right to touch me. I was a young teen. He was an adult man. Some of them were boys I dated. None of the men who did it cared what I thought. As long as they wanted to touch me, they felt they had the right to do so.
I'm so glad for the #metoo movement that no doubt played a roll in the criminal charges against this man.
As men hear about or experience charges for grabbing our bodies, they'll change their behavior.
This is most definitely not OK. You always follow up with a pat on the behind to let her know you approve. This guy is just straight up rude.
Anybody patting me on the behind better have money for bail
Oh you're one of those high maintenance chicks huh? I guess in your case he would have to throw a "Nice ass" ;) in there to make sure you knew he liked it. Geez you chicks just get harder to please these days.
I don't think it's funny if anyone other than my husband pats me on the behind or says "nice ass".
I don't think my spouse would find it funny, either
Have you ever asked him? Doesn't sound like you have. Some guys are into that......
Trust me people making claims of what they would do when they don't have to worry about that happening is what is the joke here.
Pretty harsh to imply that jungkonservative can't please chicks.
I bet she would blush and giggle. So typical
Um okay.....
I have never had a man just come up and pat my ass or try and kiss me. I have had a few unwanted hugs. I have noticed men have stopped whistling.
One time a guy asked me to go to the Promised Land with him.
Maybe pay attention to what you block quote when you're trying unsuccessfully to insult someone.
That's chick code. She's challenging me to please her. This is where you sit back and let them come to you....
I always get hugs from people I know. nothing wrong with that, Guess I'm just a huggable kind of guy.
Making light of this situation seems to be the forte of men who would do this.
I admit I have been having a little fun with this and I should take it much more seriously. I mean he basically sexuality assaulted her and her life will never be the same after that day that we all got to witness on TV. Her body was probably a sacred, untouched temple and he he defiled it like a barbarian savage. He got off way too easy in my book. We really need to brainstorm on what to do about this kind of toxic masculinity.
I don't think it was men in general she spoke about.
You know what they say "If the shoe fits..."
She should have stood her ground and shot him.
She probably lives in a city with strict gun control so that probably wasn't an option for her. The left's war on women continues.
Why make this a left-right situation? This is done by men on both sides to women on both sides. It's a male thinking they have the right to harm women situation.
OK first off she was not harmed. He gave her a peck on the cheek. To him it was probably really less about her and more about him making a fool of himself on TV. And this is not a male exclusive problem. There are men who have complained in their workplace of unwanted sexual advances from their female counterparts. People just don't make a big deal out of it. Just like this situation. If it was the other way around and he was the reporter and she kissed him, no one would care. Look at all the female school teachers who have had inappropriate relations with their students. You don't hear people make a big deal out of it although it is happening more often. However if it was a male teacher and a female student. Look out. Gross double standard.
Because that is unfortunately what this site has turned into. Not making a complaint or bashing, it's just the way it is now.
What if he had a cold, flu, "soupy" lips? Would you want an unwelcomed kiss?
Ah, so you're pro choice now?
The action was inappropriate.
The reactions are a bit excessive.
The litmus test I always apply and the question I find interesting is "what would have happened if the roles were reversed?" If this had been a handsome young latino reporter and some drunk girl on her way out of the bourbon festival had stopped to kiss him on the cheek......the action would still be equally as inappropriate, BUT:
No one should ever put their hands (or lips) on anyone else unless its consensual.
I had my idiotic behind the reporter moment years ago involving blue baloons, gay men, fruit of the looms, and a box of wine (a story for another time
), but I would have never ever considered violating the reporter's personal space.