FOX News Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News' Jennifer Griffin on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.
“I am ashamed for the first time in my career,” said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The service member, whom Griffin described as "hardened," is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria.
“Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” this military source on the ground told Griffin. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."
President Trump said the U.S. would pull its troops from northeast Syria on Sunday, a move considered a blow to the U.S.-backed Kurds by many analysts and political observers. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan later announced a military operation in the region that he said was to "neutralize terror threats" and establish a "safe zone."
At least seven civilians have been killed in strikes in northeastern Syria since the assault began on Wednesday, according to activists and a war monitor. Turkey later announced that its ground forces had invaded the region to fight the Kurds.
“This is insanity,” the concerned U.S. service member said. "I don’t know what they call atrocities, but they are happening.”
Griffin called it one of the hardest phone calls she has ever taken.
U.S. military officials told Fox News the president ordered the military not to get involved in the Turkish strikes, after the Kurds requested air support.
Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria are guarding thousands of captured Islamic State (ISIS) fighters, now without the help of the U.S. in the area.
The Special Forces member said the Kurds have not left their positions guarding detainees. In fact, “they prevented a prison break last night without us," the military source on the front line said. “They are not abandoning our side [yet]."
"The Turks are hitting outside the security mechanism," according to the source, who said the Kurds are "pleading for our support."
The American troops are doing “nothing," the source lamented. "Just sitting by and watching it unfold.”
Troops on the ground in Syria and their commanders were “surprised” by Trump's withdrawal decision Sunday night.
Of the president’s decision, the source said: “He doesn’t understand the problem. He doesn’t understand the repercussions of this. Erdogan is an Islamist, not a level-headed actor.”
“The Kurds are as close to Western thinking in the Middle East as anyone,” said the longtime member of Special Forces. “It’s a shame. We are just watching. It’s horrible.”
“This is not helping the ISIS fight," the military source said.
Many of the ISIS prisoners "will be free in the coming days and weeks," he predicted.
Trump told reporters Wednesday afternoon that the captured terrorists were "really bad people who should go back to Europe."
"We said to various countries, we'd like you to take your people back. Nobody wants them, they're bad," Trump said, saying that "maybe the Kurds [...] if not them, Turkey" would deal with the ISIS fighters.
"The Kurds are sticking by us," the Special Forces source stressed to Fox News. "No other partner I have ever dealt with would stand by us."
American troops were disappointed in the decisions being handed down by senior leaders, the source on the ground added.
How can this possibly be "Making America Great Again"?
Or are you Trump lovers going to be listing this under "Fake News" and run away from the facts?
That craphole isn’t part of America.
So sad that so many don't understand the concept that has been America
I wonder if our Kurdish allies feel that their homeland is a "craphole"?
(Or perhaps I should say "ex-allies"-- as they now know the U.S. government in not to be trusted?)
This makes me sick to my stomach. I Originally thought that Nikki Haley should wait until 2024 to throw her hat in the ring. I've now changed my mind. I think the Republicans should back her as THE Republican candidate for POTUS in 2020.
All in with your there Buzz. It is going to be damn near impossible for the US to remove this stain.
There are several negative aspects to this, In addition to Trump being complicit in genocide, what potential allies will ever trust the U.S.again?
The Kurds that "we had their back"..which in fact we did.
Until a sleaze like Trump stabbed them in the back!
His behavior isn't surprising at all. He mocks John McCain and the parents of an American soldier that dies saving his buddies.
We do know one thing for sure the 5 generations of the Trump family in the US have NEVER served in the military.
The selfish would never contemplate military service as it's for "suckers".
Trump is now calling Turkey's operation against the Kurds "A bad idea."
"I have gotten him to stop from virtually the first day I was in office, but they wanted to fight and that's the way it is. And they've done it for so long," Trump said.
Did all our Trump supporters call in sick today, or is it that they can't come to support this move by Trump either?
Freedom Warrior.....? C4P.....? Hello...... Anybody out there?
They're waiting for the latest talking points to try and explain this away or blame it on Obama.
Since everyone wants to ignore reality.
1) Are US forces in Syria there legally under international law? It is a simple yes or no answer. If your answer is anything but no. Provide the National Security Council Resolution # and link. Hint, it doesn't exist. Syria never invited the US, France, etc there. The only outside forces in the country are Russia, China, and Iran with permission. No, the war on terror doesn't count.
Syria has asked US, French, and Turkish forces to depart.
2) France has about 200 of their special forces operating with the Syrian Kurds. Where the hell are they. Especially since France and Britain stated early they would protect the Kurds when the US left.
Why isn't anyone blasting France and Britain for not honoring their commitment. Did the French troops there get lost? We haven't heard France screaming for help as their special forces fight Turkish military along side the Kurds.
3) Seems the entire world doesn't give a shit about the Kurds; but Trruuummmmpppppp, actually followed through on a campaign promise and withdrew US forces from an unwinnable proxy war in Syria. Sorry Obama/Hillary, Assad will not be ousted- unless Putin gets sick of him. Outside of screaming at Trump NATO has done nothing more than issue a rebuke; and the EU is upset- what else is new?
Yes, I am sure that will show Turkey. Oh wait, they still went ahead with the attack?! Well NATO chief did say Turkey had "legitimate security concerns". Guess they don't trust those Kurds wanting to carve up the ME to make a Kurdistan.
Then there is the big EU3.
So no troops coming to the Kurds aid- despite their promise? No getting NATO to threaten Turkey being removed? No sanctions even? Just a strongly written letter that they do not know how they will deliver. That is the EU in a nutshell. No US to do the heavy lifting and they curl up into the fetal position.
4) How about Russia, surely they will demand Turkish troops pull out of Syria.
Wait, Putin being nice to Turkey? WTF, oh wait, that is right- Putin is trying to get Turkey as an ally- and have them defect from NATO.
Seems that Turkey is playing both sides against the other quite effectively.
5) Giving Bush Jr and Obama a free pass. Walking free and clear are Bush Jr and Obama who created this damn mess to begin with. Bush Jr's ill advised invasion of Iraq and ouster of Saddam created ISIS/ISIL. Obama's moronic insertion of US troops into Syria and to give arms, training, logistical support, and fight along Kurds and "moderate" Sunni factions under the war of terror was simply illegal. There was no hiding the real reason Obama wanted Assad out. Training, arming, and fighting alongside the Kurds was a good way to keep Syria from winning the bloody civil war. Too bad he didn't take into account Syria inviting Russia, China, and Iran in- giving those countries ports, and air and military bases. Obama never secured the Syrian government's permission to be there. He never even tried to get a UN Security Council Resolution, as he knew both Russia and China would block it.
Blame Trump. That is all the chicken hawks have. Anyone wanting to join the Kurds in fighting, they eagerly welcome all comers.
Somebody checked his spam folder...
)but you may be right
"No other partner I have ever dealt with would stand by us."
Nothing like pissing off other allies huh !
"The Kurds are known to say: “We have no friends but the mountains.”!
We say a lot of things, too... and apparently we don't mean it.
Here is an expression to remember... Actions speak louder than words, and the Kurds have had our backs for two wars now, and each time we cut out on them after promises were made. That does not speak highly of us and our other allies are watching and taking note.
Let's put this on "Other" allies for a real change !
Our "other" Allies speak that way about us, no matter if we do or if we don't !
Luke 11:46
New International Version:
"Jesus replied, "And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them."
Matthew 23:4
New International Version:
They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
Well, I suppose you could call Luke (PBUH), Matthew(PBUH) and Jesus(PBUH) our "allies"-- but I doubt if they'd currently be much help in fighting ISIS-- or even Turkey!
And there's no way you can change what they said (unless you can get a special dispensation from the Pope (PBUH on him as well).
Which may be hard to do in a Muslim country!
Yes but let's not forget-- they never sent their Navy to help us during the Normany Invasion!
Trump Says the Kurds ‘Didn’t Help’ at Normandy.
We should bomb a NATO Ally on purpose ?
Well, thank goodness that today we came to the aid of a true ally. They fought side by side with us at Normandy. A true democracy with a splendid human rights record. (except for women, gays, non muslims and a host of others and that little episode of murdering and chopping up a US resident. The Prince didn't do it. The devil did ). Oh, and there was that little thingly about some Saudi's flying planes into towers in NY.
So, onward Christian Soldiers we must protect the House of Saud.
Well, dontcha realize that's all part of Trump's plan?
Just so you understand-- by doing that he's fulfilling his campaign promise to get us out of endless wars in the Middle east!
Would an honorable Bone-Spur-Survivor like Trump ever lie?
Of course not!
(That's why he's removing soldiers from those countries)
Trump: The Kurds Didn't Help Us With Normandy
Yes-- Kurdistan is landlocked-- just so you understand.
Map of Kurdistan, a landlocked country
:It doesn't border any oceans
And this I can tell you, there is no excuse! If the Kurds were really decent people, they could've come up with some solution (I wouldn't be surprised if the evil Kurds were all Socialists-- like Hillary!)
Perhaps fell large trees, using the primitive Kurdish-type tools (in their shit hole country), cut them up into YUGE rollers, and rolled their ships to the Meditteranean I can tell you that!
Then charge ashore on Normandy with the other Allied fighters-- (Just so you least those Kurds who didn't have Bone Spurs which were all too common from those mountains-- its not their fault)
Or-- perhaps the Kurds are all members of the (gasp) "Deep State"-- See map (above) ot their landlocked country (which means its completely surrounded by land (just so you understand).
Please don't show that clip. A fucking draft dodger chiding people because they didn't fight in a specific war (his entire family has avoided conflict, fucking cowards) is about all I can take.
Those bastards...
How do you even look these people in the eye as you are leaving and following orders?