
NYC’s sanctuary city policy under fire after freed illegal immigrant allegedly murders 92-year-old


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  kdmichigan  •  5 years ago  •  71 comments

By:    Adam Shaw

 NYC’s sanctuary city policy under fire after freed illegal immigrant allegedly murders 92-year-old
Khan was arrested and reportedly told detectives that he found Fuertes lying on the ground and was trying to help when he “fell down, his belt broke, his pants fell down and his penis fell near her vagina.”

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

New York City’s sanctuary city policy is again under fire after an illegal immigrant, who was released from NYPD custody in November despite a plea from federal immigration officials to hold him, is alleged to have gone on to sexually assault and murder a 92-year-old woman.
“There has been a complete breakdown of law & order in New York City,” Acting Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf tweeted Wednesday. “NYC proudly passed sanctuary city laws & bragged about it for months. But now they, & more importantly, the citizens of NYC are facing the deadly consequences of the sanctuary policies.”

Reeaz Khan, an illegal Guyanese immigrant, is accused of attacking Maria Fuertes as she walked home on Jan. 6. Fuertes lay half-dressed in 32-degree weather, conscious but “incoherent” at 2 a.m. She was taken to a hospital, where she died from injuries that included a broken spine, according to The New York Post.
Khan was arrested and reportedly told detectives that he found Fuertes lying on the ground and was trying to help when he “fell down, his belt broke, his pants fell down and his penis fell near her vagina.”
But the case has renewed scrutiny on New York City’s policy of being a “sanctuary” jurisdiction -- meaning it does not comply with detainers issued by federal immigration authorities unless they are convicted for one of a number of serious or violent crimes. Those detainers are requests that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) be alerted when an illegal immigrant is about to be released from custody so that they can be transferred to ICE custody and go through deportation proceedings.
ICE announced this week that they had issued a federal immigration detainer on Khan in November when he was previously arrested on assault and weapons charges. The NYPD ignored the detainer and Khan was released.
Thomas Decker, field office director for ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), said in a statement that the sanctuary policy was "dangerously flawed” and accused New York politicians of caring more about criminal illegal immigrants than their own people.
“New York City’s sanctuary policies continue to threaten the safety of all residents of the five boroughs, as they repeatedly protect criminal aliens who show little regard for the laws of this nation,” he said. “In New York City alone, hundreds of arrestees are released each month with pending charges and/or convictions to return back into the communities where they committed their crimes, instead of being transferred into the custody of ICE.”

“Clearly the politicians care more about criminal illegal aliens than the citizens they are elected to serve and protect,” he said.
The NYPD initially told the Post that it “did not receive an ICE detainer” regarding Khan -- leading ICE to take the extraordinary step of posting the fax confirmation sheet proving that the request was made.

“It is the height of hypocrisy for NYC to blame ICE for this tragic crime. The mayor & police chief have continually celebrated that they don’t honor ICE detainers, & to deflect the criticism for this completely preventable murder is incredibly disingenuous & shameful,” Acting ICE Director Matthew Albence said.

“ICE could’ve wallpapered the precinct with detainers & #NYPD would still not have honored them,” he said.
Mayor Bill de Blasio then defended the policy, going so far as to double down and claim it makes New Yorkers safer. He also noted that there are 177 crimes that do trigger cooperation with law enforcement.

“The Trump administration’s scare tactics destroy trust in law enforcement,” he tweeted. “The day our police ask for immigration status is the day people stop reporting crimes & sharing information. It’s the day we stop being the safest big city in America. We won’t let that happen.”
DHS spokeswoman Heather Swift shot back, accusing de Blasio of “hypocrisy” and of hiding behind police because “he cannot defend his anti-law enforcement policies.”
“Tell me Mr. Mayor: What are you going to tell [Fuertes'] family? ‘I could have prevented your loved one’s rape & murder but I decided to provide sanctuary to criminal aliens instead.’"

De Blasio also took heat in New York, with New York State Assemblyman Mike LiPetri accusing him and others of "gambling with American lives."
"The role of law enforcement is to keep our families safe -- plain and simple," LiPetri said. When Bill de Blasio and other radical left-wing politicians advance policies that protect those here illegally, they tie the hands of our police and jeopardize our communities. This is a matter of public safety. For sanctuary sympathizers to interfere in this process with partisan politics, they are gambling with American lives. It's shameful."

The Trump administration has been trying to draw greater awareness to the dangers of sanctuary cities. In September the administration announced a coordinated push to highlight the dangers to the law-abiding public of sanctuary jurisdictions.
“It’s time to publicly call out those who have put politics over public safety, those who make our communities less secure, who create safe havens in which criminal aliens and gangs are allowed to flourish and can victimize innocent people with impunity,” Albence said at a White House briefing.


jrDiscussion - desc
Junior Quiet
1  seeder  KDMichigan    5 years ago
ICE announced this week that they had issued a federal immigration detainer on Khan in November when he was previously arrested on assault and weapons charges. The NYPD ignored the detainer and Khan was released.

So a illegal immigrant commits felonies then gets turned loose. Is this what the Democrats represent? This is not a isolated incident, it happens all over the country in these Democrat shitholes and I for one don't understand how you put a illegal immigrant before the safety of your own citizens. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  KDMichigan @1    5 years ago

The Mecklenburg County Sheriff here does it all the time and refuses to cooperate with ICE and do his own thing. We had 287g here prior to his election and he campaigned on not enforcing it and isn't. He, the magistrates, and DA's are under fire from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief to quit letting them go. It's what got the jerk elected. FEEEEELINGS.

Professor Quiet
1.2  Jasper2529  replied to  KDMichigan @1    5 years ago
So a illegal immigrant commits felonies then gets turned loose. Is this what the Democrats represent? This is not a isolated incident, it happens all over the country in these Democrat shitholes and I for one don't understand how you put a illegal immigrant before the safety of your own citizens. 

I used to think it was bad that Democrats promoted "free stuff" for illegal aliens but on further inspection, they've also created sanctuary states, counties, and cities that protect illegal aliens and ignore the safety of US citizens and legal immigrants.

Professor Quiet
1.4  Ozzwald  replied to  KDMichigan @1    5 years ago
So a illegal immigrant commits felonies then gets turned loose.

Do you feel that only native born people should be turned loose after committing a felony?  How about illegal aliens from Norway?

Junior Quiet
1.4.1  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Ozzwald @1.4    5 years ago
Do you feel that only native born people should be turned loose after committing a felony? 

You want to point out where I said that? 

How about illegal aliens from Norway?

I don't think policy limits ICE to detaining someone from certain countries, If you have proof they do please share your profound knowledge.

Professor Quiet
1.4.2  Ozzwald  replied to  KDMichigan @1.4.1    5 years ago
You want to point out where I said that? 

Do you see the question mark?  That means I am asking a question, not making a statement. 

I don't think policy limits ICE to detaining someone from certain countries, If you have proof they do please share your profound knowledge.

Again, see the question mark?

Junior Quiet
1.4.3  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Ozzwald @1.4.2    5 years ago
Again, see the question mark?

Well why ask questions that make no sense? 

What do "native" people have to do with a illegal? 

Why ask a about a illegal alien from Norway, a illegal is illegal, what country they are from has nothing to do with it.

Professor Quiet
1.4.4  Ozzwald  replied to  KDMichigan @1.4.3    5 years ago
Well why ask questions that make no sense?

They make sense, you're just afraid to answer truthfully.

What do "native" people have to do with a illegal?

Are you okay with native born people being turned loose from jail to commit more felonies?

Why ask a about a illegal alien from Norway, a illegal is illegal, what country they are from has nothing to do with it.

Trump is okay with them as long as they're from Norway, just asking if you agreed with him.

I noticed that you deflected and never answered a single question.

Junior Quiet
1.4.5  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Ozzwald @1.4.4    5 years ago
They make sense, you're just afraid to answer truthfully.

No they don't but I have time to play your little game.

Are you okay with native born people being turned loose from jail to commit more felonies?

If you are a American citizen and you have served your time for a crime you committed what kind of moron would think you shouldn't be turned loose? If you are not a citizen and you come here to commit crimes against citizens you can go back where you came from.

Trump is okay with them as long as they're from Norway,

When did Trump say he was okay with illegal immigrants as long as they are from Norway, I call bullshit. 

I noticed that you deflected and never answered a single question.

No I didn't deflect I ignored, I'm sure you can figure out why.

So from your post I take it you are more than happy to incorporate all the low life law breakers from the world into American society so they can rape and murder 92 year old woman.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.4.6  Greg Jones  replied to  Ozzwald @1.4.4    5 years ago

Your spurious reasoning failed to establish that there are a sufficient number of aliens from Norway to be declared a problem,,

while deflecting away from the reality that most illegal aliens are from South and Central America, and Mexico...which is big problem.

Professor Quiet
1.4.7  Ozzwald  replied to  KDMichigan @1.4.5    5 years ago
If you are a American citizen and you have served your time for a crime you committed what kind of moron would think you shouldn't be turned loose?

What about being released on bail, early release due to over crowding, etc?

When did Trump say he was okay with illegal immigrants as long as they are from Norway, I call bullshit. 

As long as they're not from any shithole countries...

No I didn't deflect I ignored, I'm sure you can figure out why.

Because you were afraid to provide a truthful answer?

So from your post I take it you are more than happy to incorporate all the low life law breakers from the world into American society so they can rape and murder 92 year old woman.

Why should Americans have a monopoly on it?  Equal rights and equal punishments...

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.4.10  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Ozzwald @1.4.7    5 years ago
Equal rights and equal punishments...

I agree... put them in jail for their crimes then deport their asses out of this country equally.

solid plan :)

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.5  Vic Eldred  replied to  KDMichigan @1    5 years ago
Is this what the Democrats represent?

Yes it is. They interpret ICE as a force they can't control and the President they hate can control. There is only one solution to this - we need to win back the House and a super majority in the Senate, so that we can pass legislation that would actually punish local governments and officials which adopt "sanctuary" policies. 

Junior Silent
4  squiggy    5 years ago

It's not like the leadership of the Free Bail state is gonna crack the whip.

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
6  Steve Ott    5 years ago

So, we are going to demonize entire countries or groups of individuals for the actions of one, a hundred, even a thousand individual actions? 

We are going to demonize illegals (I don't believe in the fairy tale of illegal humans) because of the actions of a few? 

Shall we then demonize all whites for the actions of a few whites, or blacks for the actions of a few blacks, ad nauseum?

If we were to deport all groups for the actions of the few, then, I suppose it would not be long until this section of north america would be free from humans. Just imagine the peace and verdant lands that would ensue. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
6.1  Split Personality  replied to  Steve Ott @6    5 years ago
Just imagine the peace and verdant lands that would ensue.

The buffaloes and native American tribes would be so appreciative...

Professor Participates
6.1.1  1stwarrior  replied to  Split Personality @6.1    5 years ago

Well, according to Steve, being "free from humans" would also include being free of Native Americans.

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
6.1.2  Steve Ott  replied to  1stwarrior @6.1.1    5 years ago

Wouldn't it? Following the logic of removing all peoples because of the actions of a few would logically extend to "all peoples".  Taking it to its extreme out come, you would eventually be left with a few black clad, jack booted fools who would soon die out. 

Professor Participates
6.2  1stwarrior  replied to  Steve Ott @6    5 years ago

8 U.S.C. §1373 prohibits states and local jurisdictions from preventing their law enforcement officials from exchanging information with federal officials on the citizenship status of individuals they have arrested or detained. The Supreme Court upheld this provision in 2012 in  Arizona v. United States .

That's all that needs to be said Steve.  The cities and states who are giving sanctuary are also violating 8 U.S.C.,

18 U.S. Code   § 2. Principals

(a)  Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal.
(b)  Whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offense against the United States, is punishable as a principal.
8 U.S.C. 1324 lists the penalties that can be utilized for aiding, abetting and harboring.
Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
6.2.1  Steve Ott  replied to  1stwarrior @6.2    5 years ago

Oh yes, please do quote statues, as though those who post such tripe as this article believe in statutes. You and I may, but they don't. 

You seem to have forgotten the Tohono O'odham Nation or the Akwesasne. Are they illegal? If one of them crosses the invisible line without a passport, are they then illegal? I can pretty much guess what your answer will be, but let me ask you then, what is the difference between them and some one from Brazil or any other nation? 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
6.2.2  Split Personality  replied to  1stwarrior @6.2    5 years ago

No, of course it's just not as simple as that 1st.

My previous county always notified ICE as required.

Since ICE refused to pay the county for additional babysitting hours, days or weeks, meals, etc, the county refused to hold them one minute longer than necessary and legal...

ICE complained. The POTUS complained, The Governor complained.

The Courts intervened and gave them a cushion, a window as it were and they were immediately sued for violating the perps civil rights.  One case involved mistaken identity and cost the county big time.

So that 80% Republican stronghold went back to notifying ICE as to when and where the perp is to be released and if ICE shows up, they can have them, if not, the perp goes home and ICE has to catch them on their own.

Junior Quiet
6.2.3  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Steve Ott @6.2.1    5 years ago
as though those who post such tripe as this article believe in statutes.

Seems to me you are the one that doesn't believe in statutes. If you are a illegal immigrant that is cause to be deported period, according to law. The felony he committed just doubled the  reason for deportation. 

Professor Participates
6.2.4  1stwarrior  replied to  Steve Ott @6.2.1    5 years ago

C'mon Steve - the Tohono and Akewesasne are on their treaty lands.  Illegal aliens don't have treaties with the U.S.  'Member, treaties are the "Supreme law of the land" and "technically", the tribes can/are free to travel their lands.

Professor Participates
6.2.5  1stwarrior  replied to  Split Personality @6.2.2    5 years ago

But, NY did not notify ICE and refuse to do so.

Professor Principal
6.2.6  Kavika   replied to  1stwarrior @6.2.4    5 years ago

If they are on treaty lands why is the US government trying to build a wall through the middle of the Tohono land? 

So much for treaties when it comes to American Indians. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
6.2.7  Split Personality  replied to  1stwarrior @6.2.5    5 years ago

ICE doesn't have access to jail records and sentences?

Sounds like more job opportunities for more ICE agents to hang around jails and screen the releases.

Federal pensions in the making.  Lower unemployment.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
6.2.8  Split Personality  replied to  KDMichigan @6.2.3    5 years ago
If you are a illegal immigrant that is cause to be deported period, according to law.


The felony he committed just doubled the  reason for deportation

Agreed, but now, not until he serves his sentence, after which he will definitely be deported.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
6.2.9  Greg Jones  replied to  Split Personality @6.2.2    5 years ago

You know better than that...the common practice here in sanctuary city Denver is to release the perp, then notify ICE.

It's not the function of ICE to do the police's work for them. Local police are almost always their first contact with LE

It comes down to politics and the it is the Democrat mayors, city councils, and country commissioners who are letting criminals go.

I  doubt the majority of the scumbags are seeking asylum. They are simply here to prey upon the American people.  

Professor Guide
6.2.11  GregTx  replied to  Split Personality @6.2.8    5 years ago

Which should end with a lethal injection not deportation.

Professor Participates
6.2.12  1stwarrior  replied to  Kavika @6.2.6    5 years ago

And the U.S. has observed and honored how many of their treaties with the Tribes/Nations???

Nada - zero - zilch - none - nacht - of the over 300 treaties that the Tribes/Nations signed with their blood and honor and have adhered to them because to them, their word means more.

Professor Principal
6.2.13  Kavika   replied to  1stwarrior @6.2.12    5 years ago
of the over 300 treaties that the Tribes/Nations signed with their blood and honor and have adhered to them because to them, their word means more.

My point exactly...Why give a shit about what the feds/state do or don't do when they can't even their own treaties. 

Senior Guide
6.2.14  XXJefferson51  replied to  Split Personality @6.2.2    5 years ago

Split Personality
Professor Guide
6.2.15  Split Personality  replied to  GregTx @6.2.11    5 years ago

That works for me too.

Junior Quiet
6.3  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Steve Ott @6    5 years ago
So, we are going to demonize entire countries or groups of individuals for the actions of one,

Gaslighting, even if you are a green card holder you can be deported for a felony conviction.

Shall we then demonize all whites for the actions of a few whites, or blacks for the actions of a few blacks, ad nauseum?

More gaslighting, 

If we were to deport all groups for the actions of the few, then, I suppose it would not be long until this section of north america would be free from humans. Just imagine the peace and verdant lands that would ensue. 

Your whole post ignores the fact that the perp was a "Illegal immigrant". Your hyperbole is duly noted.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
6.4  Greg Jones  replied to  Steve Ott @6    5 years ago
If we were to deport all groups for the actions of the few...

No one has said that. Don't you think illegal alien felons, especially repeat offenders, should be deported?

Ideally, they should be tried and imprisoned here

user image
Freshman Silent
7      5 years ago

Americans paying the price for disgusting progressive policies. The only thing real Americans can do is flee these hell holes.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
9  It Is ME    5 years ago

I love NYC, and all the other "Sanctuary Cities"...….as "Seen on TV" !

Glad I don't live in any of them places. 

Senior Guide
9.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  It Is ME @9    5 years ago

Me too though such slimepits of humanity are the coastal urban centers of my current state.  

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
10  Jeremy Retired in NC    5 years ago

A Democrat policy that failed?   Excuse me if I don't act like this wasn't expected.


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