James Carville Warns Trump: Your 'Grifter' Campaign Aides Are Lying To You

Most corrupt administration ever. One big lying pack of whores.

Trump aides are "giving him fake polls" so they can continue to make money off the failing campaign, the Democratic political consultant says. By Ed Mazza
Democratic political consultant James Carville said President Donald Trump is getting fleeced by members of his own campaign who know he's going to lose reelection but won't tell him for one simple reason: they're trying to make money off the campaign.
"It don't matter if the Dow is 35,000, he's not going to win," Carville said on MSNBC on Wednesday. "He wasn't going to win when unemployment was 3.5 percent, he's certainly not going to win now."
Carville dismissed Trump's top campaign aides as a "pack of grifters."
"HIs campaign manager's got two condos, a Ferrari, a yacht, a Range Rover," he said.
Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale and his companies collected $38.9 million from the president's reelection committees between January 2017 and the end of March. Parscale has also amassed all of the properties and vehicles Carville described.
"They're all just fleecing the campaign," Carville said, adding that the aides were also lying to Trump about his chances to keep the gravy train rolling.
"It's just about making money and they're going in, they're giving him fake polls," he said. "This whole thing is just like a crumbling empire right before your eyes. Everybody is trying to take everything they can get on the way out and they're trying to prop him up so they all can make money. "
Carville: Look what his campaign is doing. They're a pack of grifters. His campaign manager got two condos, a Ferrari, a yacht, a Range Rover and they're all just fleecing the campaign. This is all about making money and they're going in there and giving him fake polls. pic.twitter.com/Xj5Bk18GeG — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) May 7, 2020
Feck trump and the whores he rode in on.
James Carville? He's so 1990's irrelevant!
Meanwhile, your boy Biden is in free fall.
All opinions are welcome.
And yet beating Trump handily.
Speaking of free fall, what were Trump's approval ratings last month? What are they now?
It is the domestic disloyal opposition to Trump that is truly the “One big lying pack of whores.” you referred to above to seed your article with.
By her account Reade did not initially object but when she did he quit.
Meaning even if true up until then it was consensual. Butt, it isn't true!
Joe wasn't catting around in 1993 when he was already married to Jill.
Yeah, politicians never cheat. Can’t argue with that
Don't have Google where you live??
Oooooh that's a big comeback !!! /s
Rasmussen Reports uses research techniques that make its polls favor Republicans, Ipsos Public Affairs research director Mallory Newall said Monday during an appearance on “What America’s Thinking,” Hill.TV’s new show about public opinion research.
You have a less biased source?
As you provided no source for your little graph, it is essentially worthless and could have come from anywhere. Nice try though.
My apologies for the duplication. Arthritic fingers on small cell phone screen can be a bummer early in the morning.
They must be getting his happy pill recipe pretty close though.
He seemed almost cogent on GMA Sunday.
Of course one never knows how many "takes" that really took.
They are basically doing what is known as cooking the books. If Trump looses, he will scratch his head and not understand how he could loose if the polls put him ahead. For once, it will be him thrown under the bus.
Really ?
You bet! Now what did he say?
Making a big deal out of using "loose" instead of "lose" looks pretty desperate.
Its not his money, so he doesnt give a shit. Campaign money is going into the family business coffers anyway so he cant blame his underlings.
John - can't believe you would post such an obvious outlandish lie and actually have the gall to believe what you said to be true.
How 'bout actually showing some facts to support your lie.
These were the first two that popped up, Im sure there are many other articles about it.
When oh when will you ever learn that Trump is not an ethical person. It is not illegal for his campaign to use his properties as vendors but most people would say it is unethical.
It took me 10 seconds to find these two articles. Do you ever google anything?
True or not it's not a stretch.
This is what every Campaign staff does they profit from the Campaign. If you paid attention you'd realize that most Campaigns are lost causes they know they're going to lose from day one. How many millions were spent by primary campaigns in just this Presidential election by candidates who knew they had no chance, everyone knew they had no chance but they ran anyway and their staff made tons of money all while knowing they wouldn't even make it to the Big Show. How much did Hillary's staff make or Sander's staff, how many of Sanders staff really thought he could win the presidency ? Not many is my guess, voters may be idealistic or naïve but these are professional election workers they know a losing horse when they see one but they'll still take the trainers fees it's what they do. Sorry 1st this was a response to John I don't know how it ended up as a response to you.
It takes a grifter to know a grifter.
That said Carville doesn't look well. Somebody get him a sandwich.
James has always had a bit of a Skeletor look to him. I'm sure he appreciates your concern.
We aim to please
The Ragin Cajun is 75 now. He just hasn't gotten fat in his old age like a lot of others do.
I'll tell him you said so.
He just hasn't gotten fat in his old age like a lot of others do.
Anyone we are familiar with?
Lock-down has not been kind to my waistline, I confess.
I've gained 10lbs, this is not good ! I've never had any problems with weight gain, I usually go 190 in summer and 195 in winter but now I'm 205 I gained 10 on top of my winter 5. I haven't been 205 since I was 18 but back then it was from lifting weights and it was all muscle, this time it's all around the middle. I'm going for a walk I can't let myself get fat.
I'm walking a least an hour a day now with 160 stair steps, trying to shed some weight. I'm not getting on that damned scale until my clothes loosen up, lol.
I n jo\y skipping
the walk
democrat said.... LOL
whatever a democrat says? go with the exact opposite every time and you will be correct much more often than not.
Just to let everyone know, if I don't have any response to your posts, votes up or replies, it may be that I have you on ignore.
Ditto for me.
well, that explains as to Y no one ever wants to play with me...
Now Iggy, you know that is not true. You are not on my Ignore list and I am always happy to play games with you, vote up your comments, and respond to your replies.
Did u 4 get dat?
I'd never put you on ignore, Iggy.
Off topic.
The polls are the polls. You can't go by just one or even two. You have to look at them all and over a span of time. That's why I use Real Clear Politics amalgamation of polls. Here is the last two days:
Every kind of poll you need they can provide. It's great!
And always remember, people lie who on polls and most polls are done by landline, so you are going to get an older demographic.
that would be true if all polls were fairly done, which is not the case.
just curious...
what happens to the results when one or two legitimate polls are averaged with 8 fabricated polls?
ya get this...
rcp avg and final result? wrong.
all polls are not created equal.... averaging them together is a con job.
Sorry but every time I hear of him I think of Carvel ice cream and those old commercials.
Mmmmmmm, ice cream cake
I seem to remember getting my dad one of those.
He is absolutely right. The aides and appointees know how vindictive and mentally fragile he is because of his ego. So they all feed him nonsense, praise him while they push and mislead him to enact policies that only benefit themselves and their cronies.