The Communist Revolution runs into some trouble.
Category: Stranger Than Fiction
By: the-peoples-fish-still-hand-of-the-queen • 5 years ago • 45 commentsPlease help, bring them Soy, they need more Soy!
Capital Hill Autonomous Zoo? And Where is the Secret Service? Michelle is clearly in the picture.
If you can help feed some of the animals please bring oats and soy.
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You are dragging this forum into the gutter.
Yup. Just like what the 'president' and his supporters are doing to the U.S.
What da whaaaat! Did you just make a joke?
Maybe there's hope for you after all
TDS sufferers already did that.
LMAO Michelle came out of quarantine to protest?
I heard that the Village People have taken the policeman out of the group. /S
Please help,
Any allusion whatsoever that what's happening today is remotely close to what these people went through, is so far off the mark it's not even in the same universe.
Talk about disgusting. This comparison is 100%, unadulterated, disgusting tripe.
Absolutely uncalled for
Pretty poor taste there JR.
Yeah and totally unapologetic.
"Capital Hill Autonomous Zoo?" 5 people of color
How long is this racist article going to be allowed to stay up on NT ?
Wow. Quarantine has been rough on Oprah. WW must not be delivering.