American Samoa soldiers appearing in uniform during DNC roll call raises questions

American Samoa's turn during Tuesday night's video roll call at the Democratic National Convention was noteworthy not only because of the scenic Pacific backdrop, but because of the presence of two junior enlisted Army soldiers who were seen flanking two Democratic delegates.
The scene raised eyebrows because U.S. military personnel are not supposed to participate in political events while in uniform.
All American military personnel, active duty members and reservists are instructed to remain apolitical during political campaigns.
Like all American voters, military personnel can support political candidates and attend political rallies, but they must do so on their own time, and never while in uniform.
That's why the presence of two junior Army enlisted soldiers during the DNC's roll call to nominate Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's presidential nominee has now drawn viewers' attention. The soldiers' name tags were clearly visible on their uniforms, though their faces were covered by face masks used due to the coronavirus pandemic.
A defense official told ABC News that the presence of the two soldiers will raise questions about how they ended up participating during the roll call as the political restrictions remain in place for all active duty and reserve personnel.
ABC News has reached out to the DNC for comment and to Biden campaign officials for clarification on who authorized the presence of the two soldiers during the roll call.
It is unclear what Army unit the soldiers belong to as American Samoa does not really have an active duty Army presence, nor does it have a National Guard. Still, there is a small Army Reserve Center that manages several hundred Army reservists on American Samoa.
They didn't belong there in uniform.
Whomever thought that this was a good idea needs to get straightened out. Furthermore, someone at that command needs to remind everyone what the policy is for participating in political activities while in uniform. You don't do it.
It happens often enough you would think people would learn.
We had the sailor in uniform yelling at Trump supporters back in July. Evidently she lost a stripe, got three months reduction in pay, and three months of restricted duty at Captain's Mast. According to Navy Times, the CO of Naval Base Ventura County where she was assigned, ensured that all associated commands reiterated DoD policy regarding political activity of those in uniform, and how violations would be treated.
Since General Milley's photo op and subsequent apology, I'm sure the DoD has sent out orders to all commands about political participation. Still, in these heated times....
Yeah... there was one rock head on post during my time in the 80's that thought he could get away participating in elections rallies. They made an example of him.
I thought that was inappropriate too, but maybe they were just trying to rival Donald Trump, who always surrounds his political activities with inappropriate visuals.
Can you give us some examples?
A visual which General Milley apologized for hours later.....
The photo was take shortly after Trump's thugs attacked press and peaceful protesters at Lafayette Square .
Thanks JR!
You failed to mention where this picture was taken? Looks like he is addressing troops at a military venue to me. What are they supposed to do? See if they can scrounge up some civies to slide into?
I won't kill your buzz by linking to all the articles where military leaders complain about Trump using the military as a political prop.
Well one
Former generals turn on Trump for using military as ...
Nov 03, 2018 · Former generals who no longer need to respond to the wishes and whims of the commander in chief are becoming increasingly vocal about how President Donald Trump is using the U.S. military as props...
Trump addresses American military personnel and turns it into a political rally:
He even did it with the Boy Scouts!
Thanks for the link but I don't see how wanting the military at the border, Draconian to say the least, has anything to do with props no matter what their opinions are..............that was the point of the article. Military at the border.
And still doesn't address the venue at which he was speaking. I'll give you another chance if you want to "kill my buzz".
What's you point? He was at a venue and spoke to the attendees.........and threw in some campaign rhetoric. Where is the harm/foul?
Independent of party, the military does not like being used as a political prop, nor should it be used as such.
It's been done for decades by both parties, but the practice should end.
Because Trump right? FFS..................................
Furthermore, when has Trump been fight about anything FFS............................
If you don't understand the problem, which I find very unlikely, that's on you.
If you're a Trump sycophantic apologist, that's a whole different issue.
No doubt you would be singing a different tune if it was a Democratic politician.
Shaking your head too much can rattle your brain.
Him: It's been done for decades by both parties
You: Because Trump right?
Me: Shaking your head too much can rattle your brain.
You missed this............
Him: It's been done for decades by both parties, but the practice should end.
Me: Because Trump right........
Get it now?
Just in case you need a reminder..... I'm bitching about uniformed military personnel being used at a DNC function. What the hell does this have to do with you're hero Agent Orange? Bottom line.... stop politicizing the US Military.
Having lived in American Samoa, I also speak the language and have many friends that are Samoan both on da rock and the mainland let me add this.
I doubt if this was done as a political stunt. I would guess that since Samoans are very proud of their military service and along with American Indians have an extremely high enlistment rate per population they were trying to show their pride and patriotism in America.
Also, Samoa is stuck in a bizarre position. They are not US citizens as other territories are but are US Nationals and must apply for naturalized citizenship if they wish to become US citizens.
Fa'a Samoa. (the Samoan way)
Okay agreed.
I didn't miss anything.
The practice should end regardless of who is doing it.
Get it?
they were trying to show their pride and patriotism in America
No question about it.
Fa'a Samoa
May as well add the rest of the information. Companies B and C, 100th Infantry, 442nd Battalion are the reserve units stationed in Samoa. They are incredibly proud of their unit as their history is incredible.
If you're not familiar with their motto, ''Go For Broke'', please look it up. They were the most decorated unit in WWII, often called the ''Purple Heart Battalion''...
I had the honor of meeting one of the original members of the 442nd on a number of occasions. Senator Daniel Inouye, Medal of Honor recipient.
Senator Inouye was a true hero.
His life long friendship with Bob Dole is a great story. They were both wounded in and recuperated together in the hospital.
I'm afraid you did. You left out the first part. Now if the precursor, "It's been done for decades by both parties" was left out of your comment, and this "but the practice should end." was all you concentrated on. If it's been done for decades, what was stopping it before? Not a damned thing...............until now. Discussion least your part of it. Have a good evening.
That's some garbled nonsense. Again, try not to shake your head too much. It could be problematic. Discussion over... with you.
Met a bunch of Samoans on the carriers..... Great people. Friendly and warm hearted. Just don't get on their bad side. Strong and determined and not afraid of anything!
I watched one of them pick up the entire bridle assembly to launch aircraft with, that weighs in at around 300lbs, toss it over his shoulder and carry it from the bow to the waist cats amid ship. That's over 500 feet!
They are warm and welcoming people. Great singers and musicians as well.
They are slow to anger but it's best not to get on their bad side.
While they were both staunch supporters of their respective parties, they both knew enough to compromise to move the country forward.
You don't do it.
Unless it's for Democrat unity, apparently
see 2.1.2......
Democrats just giving a fair warning electing them (Biden/Harris) will turn this country into a Police State...
So you're drinking the Trump Kool-Aid by the gallon too I see.
Trump is the one demanding you wear masks...
Trump is the one ordering you to stay home...
Trump is the one banning church gatherings,,,
Trump is the one silencing dissenting medical opinions...
Oh that's right..... libertarian. Only care about oneself. Can't do anything to be part of the team and solve problems for the betterment of America.
Forgive me.... you are waaaaay past the Trump Kool-Aid.
Pigeon holing me is harder than trying to catch a greased pig, but Yeah, on this pandemic issue, I definitely lean Libertarian. Let the People decide what is best for themselves. Maybe some will decide that a bug that kills less than half a percent of ONE percent of the people who catch it...and they have to have a compromised immune system at that...isn't worth staying home for. Or maybe they will decide to stay home and get paid big bucks instead??? THEIR CHOICE; not YOURS!
Not very creative with the Personal Insults...
So you're all okay with the nearly 175,000 dead Americans from Covid. How VERY libertarian of you.
You never did get back to me on how libertarians think their way of governing moderates the corrosive influence human greed in their deregulated utopia... But that discussion is for another day, and another seed.
Take care......
Maybe they should have been given the hydroxycloriquin and zinc????
Probably had something more important to do. Link to the conversation and we can go revisit it.
So it gets worse..... You promote conspiracy driven cures along with libertarian views. Maybe next will be blood letting, or making use of leeches eh?
How do ypou figure that exactly???? Because he sends in backup to the overwhelmed police departments trying to stop assholes from burning and looting peoples homes and businesses while beating the shit out of anyone that dares to disagree with them?
Or maybe you would rather the "peaceful protestors" beat the shit out of you, rob you, and burn you out?