DAY 2 RNC - "Clown Caravan & Dog Show" Convention
Category: News & Politics
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it • 5 years ago • 237 comments Donald J. Trump, America's first FAKE POTUS, real POS set the tone for the convention, "If we do not mention the PANDEMIC, it will magically go away."
Melania continued to use her subliminal message via her military costume visually sending her real message to the gathered crowd of unmasked attendees.
According to our sauce, Steven Bunions, aka, "Stinky Feet", Eat The Press Do Not Read It, our dishevelved Washington D.C. "political hacked," noted in his, as yet, unvetted article, that the "First Ho" changed costumes several time during her five-minutes speech!
Bunions forcibly emphasized that Melania's "Booed" Speech was not written by Michelle Obama.
"It was authored by Steven Miller, and, written in crayon, in
L A R G E B L O C K letters that Melanoma, might be able to read it with her squinty eyes!"
Melania's cryptic message is still being puzzled-over by the "not so good looking, not-too-bright folks at FOX TV FLAGULENT NEWS, when she whispered to the crowd, that "They are coming!"
Immediately, recognizing her faux pas, she added, " least, I am!"
Again, cheers, Hoots & Hollering erupted from male Gorillas, in attendence, that the sheer volume was so loud that it burst the "Glass Ceiling," injuring several Trump supporters, too, obese to squeeze out of their seat.
Mister Bunion, still intoxicated, noted that: "The Bearded Lady was acclaimed the best performer of the night."
The "exceeding boring" evening ended with a rousing chorus-line dance, in FULL costume, to the National Anthem, by the entire cast, marching in Goose Step fashion, all the way back to their Carnival Cages, where they are locked up for the Night!
Celebrity Host, Ellen De-Generis, surprised everyone, even the shows producers, by giving away "FREE BARF BAGS," courtesy of the DNC!
Kid Rock, the Master of Ceremonies annouced, as people fled, "that tommorow Night, DAY THREE , will be WORSE THAN
I was thinking about a seed that would open nominations for "The Biggest Liars" of the RNC. Right now I have a tie between Pam Bondi, and Larry Kudlow
Possibly another category for the biggest violators of the Hatch Act....
Where to start........
Most would say that the overall tone of last night's convention wasn't as scary as the 1st night but I disagree. It was more worrisome because it was cloaked in an almost normal tone. There were hidden calls to action (abortion), there were soft spoken lies wrapped in a grand finale of multiple speakers violating the Hatch Act.
The personal stories were good albeit embedded with subtle lies and distortions. The pardon was well deserved and the naturalization ceremony was touching but neither appropriate for a political convention. Perhaps another hint that if you tow the line you too could get a pardon or become a citizen.........
I could go on but I think I've made my point.
PJ: That is one of the best summaries of what we are up against. I can not understand why any rational person would VOTE for this MONSTER!
I will tell you when I realized we as a country were in big trouble. It was at Helsinki, watching Trump and Putin walk into the press conference right after their 2 hour private meeting. Trump looked like all the blood had drained from his orange face. He looked scared and defeated and Putin looked smug. Something happened in that meeting. At that point I can honestly say I was worried and everything that has transpired after that meeting has only reinforced what I believe happened behind close doors with these men. Putin without question has something on Trump.
I think I figured it out from an article I read yesterday..... It's a point of pride for the Trumpers..... If they change their minds it will mean that they weren't smart to vote for him in the first place. They want to feel smart so they can hang out with others that make them feel smart too..... Facts and details never enter the conversation.
It took you that long PJ?
That was the clincher. I thought it was odd and was pretty sure but that brought it home for me.
I am sticking with the Compulsive LIAR, Donald J. Trump! Bondi and Kudlow are right up there with Trump. Do you think he is "doing" them both, or, just "watching"?
They are as disposable as a used diaper to Agent Orange....... Doing........??? Done Em!
The Trump Organization is so straped for cash with all of the litigation about their criminal activities that they have taken to selling "the Donald" Depends on-line.
How classless is that?
By the way, I alway "Fly Blue," never tried "Fly Navy." Is it true one must fly one's own plane?
I just heard that Mrs. Falwell gave oral sex to a college student staying at their house. Falwell must have watched that too.
Meanwhile, back to reality.....
Greg Jones: Trump's "Bounce" is going to be a bounce to JAIL. Put that in your delusions and file it away!
Personally, I think it is childish, unfair and destructive to criticize the RNC this close to an election. November 3, 2020 is the time to do that.
Say it loud... Say it proud!
On behalf of clowns and hound dogs I must object...
All comparisons with the damn gop are uncalled for!
I apologize, JBB. I stand corrected!
That's better...
I hate clowns. I like hound dogs especially Beagles
In 1957, I hit Bozo The Clown with a rock.
High five!
Haha. Yet somehow I am not surprised..
I was a Chucko The Clown Fan. Bozo just plain creeped me out. I had an opportunity and took it. I don't know if anyone remembers the infamous "Fuck you clowny!" on live TV or not, but it was a kid that I went to school with.
Ender, I am not normally a violent person, but sometimes I just do what I have to do.
I actually worked with Bozo when I was the Advance Man for a Circus/Carnival Show touring small cities in the South.
I, too, had that desire to throw a ROCK at him. I hated clown, and, desperate to eat, worked with a professional clown, "The Professor," in our show for elementary schools, and two crummy circuses.
We were called "The Professor & Troubles, The Clown." Do you know which character I played?
Apparently, I had been playing that character most of me life.
Ain't reality strange?
You sound just like a famous, historic Princess, Wales, Warrior Quewn, Boudica, one who lead an rebellion against Rome's Rule. (Britian in A.D. 60 or 61).
"A.D." is short for "After Donald," or, so my sauces tell me.
6 times more views? LOL at the death of the dnc
let's compare campaigns, shall we?
dems = we hate trump
gop = we love the usa
hint: people who hate our country don't get to run it.
I'm glad it is receiving high ratings. It's important that every American be informed and come to those decisions themselves and not through the eyes of the media.
I would caution you from celebrating just yet. I watched Monday and last night and plan on watching the next two evenings but I have NO plans to vote for this President and this Administration. I doubt I'm the only one watching who won't be voting for him.
yeah, we watched the dnc shit show also.... LOL
there is no enthusiasm for joe taking us back to the bs of the last 30+yrs
maybe if the left burns another city? might help the dems... LOL
Ah.......the typical trump supporter classy response.
Moving the conversation back towards civility, I agree that the rioting is going to prove a challenge for the democrats. People tend to be sympathetic towards a cause but only for so long. There's nothing more motivating then having your livelihood destroyed or your life negatively impacted.
Protesters need to KNOCK IT OFF. We get it. However, there is no excuse for rioting, looting, and setting fires, some of which have been tracked to the VIOLENT PRONE, RACIST QAnon.
So you admit to watching it?
True that. And the American people know which party embraces and supports the rioters and fire starters
I don't watch it!
As a telepathic, I have the ability to intuitively devive its malevolency, and, understand the EVIL that it poses.
This is not a GAME.
Our country is under siege by Russia, and, Trump is in Putin's pocket.
Follow the MONEY, not the BULL CHIPS spewing from Trump's Lying, Pussy-Shaped LIPS!
PJ is watching, Perrie is watching, my wife and I are watching..... Call it civic duty Greg.
But they like Trump, so isn't it okay? s/
The Republican Party, or, should I say, the GOP (Government of Putin) has been wrecking this nation since the late 1950s.
Eisenhower, the 34th President, warned America in his Farewell Speech about the greed and corruption of the "Industrial-Military Complex" that was putting MONEY ahead of COUNTRY!
The GOP is the Party of BIG CORPORATE MONEY, BILLIONAIRES, and, LITTLE uneducated "dopes!"
I am doing neither. Trump's speakers make me want to puke due to their ignorance.
Watching the RNC? Absolutely I watched it....every single minute. It's called being engaged in our political process and listening to hear what the other side's platform is.
Have they stated what their platform is yet?
It was convoluted because of all the fire and brimstone. My take away was a continuation of slashing through regulations; giving trump an opportunity to bring back jobs now that COVID19 has been defeated; freeing the slaves still owned by democrats; forging ahead with school choice; taking women's rights away but nothing on christian men watching wives fuck other men.
Nothing on debt reduction or infrastructure that I recall.
He might want to defeat COVID before going on to the next task. I don't think he's good at multi-tasking
What part didn't you get Greg about PJ watching the shitshow?
They are still deciding between Platform shoes, or, Cowboy Boots.
I disagree that either party embraces rioting and such. The problem is how do the democrats balance supporting the purpose and disavowing the rioting. For me it has to be more than words, there have to be actionable steps. What we know for certain is that how communities are currently handling it is not working and waiting to put new policies in place with law enforcement doesn't address the immediate need.
"Dem?" Do you mean, "Them?" Or is that a hidden code for the QANON folk? Asking for a friend of mine in Homeland Security.
He, like Trump, is too lazy to do his job, so, we must do it for him.
Looking forward to your KRYPTO response.
Amen, PJ!
And, what Trump does do, ONLY makes things worse.
It is, as if, the Orange-faced, Orange-Hair, Maroon-In-The-White House, "The Donald" wants to start a Civil WaR.
That scheme might give him the POWER to declare Marshall Law and call off the presidention election. Because if Trump loses, he is going "Straight to Jail & Want Cross Go."
On numerous occassions, too, numerous, this Goon Bah (MOB TALK) has toyed with running for a 3rd term!
The-Demented-In-Cheap-Shoes, has even been asking his followers of "adult, political toddlers", if they would like to see him become "President For Life?"
Scary, isn't it?
That someone so ill-equiped, so, berft of American history, so. unfamiliar with our Constitution, apparently has NOT read it.
How is Trump going to "uphold the Constitution" if he cannot read it?
Excellent re-cap! So consice, pithy and passionate!
Excellent re-cap! So consice, pithy and passionate! You had me at "...F*** his wife!"
That is refreshing, good NEWS. No sense going down with a Frighter filled with WHITE TRASH!
People are not able to look away from train wrecks.
The reviews are in. The RNC is universally panned...
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that the RNC was "panned."
I was hoping for "BANNED!"
Magic Eight Ball, I think you may have been rubbing that 8 ball, too, often.
Look at the data! The person who is working against America is DONALD J. TRUMP.
Everything he does, says is designed to put MONEY in his pocket or his family's pockets.
I, too, thought, for a NY Minute, that Trump might be a good choice. He was seen as a sucessful businessman, a "Mover & Shaker," someone that would be capable of grabbing the reins of this country quickly and right the course.
But, after I did a little checking on my own, read his Art of The Deal, learned about his 3500 lawsuits, three marriages, his first wife's book, and, delved into his background, I learned he is a CAREER "Con Man," a deadbeat who has a long history of not paying his bills.
No bank in America would lend him Money, so, Trump turned to the one bank that does business with Russia, Drug Cartels, and International Criminals.
Trump is NOT who you might think he is. He is the GREATEST THREAT to this country since the bombing of PEARL HARBOR.
That is not just me saying this! It is what four previous presidents believe, what is echoed by several former National Security Advisors, and all of our long standing allies: England, France, Germany, the Neatherland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, etc.
To a country they all privately say that Trump is incompetent, ignorant, and, possibly insane.
anything trump does will be better than the violence and bs from the left
every election, it is jobs and the economy = trump crushed 50yr records pre covid and he can do it again.
joe wanting to drag us back to the economic failures of the last 40-50 yrs? end our energy independence and send our manufacturing back to china? too funny
trump might just win 40 states this time around.
8 Ball: You can lead a horse to water, but, you can't make it drink.
That applies to all Trump Supporters, so, twisted up with their cultural HATE, that they refuse to see the light!
Yet, to a person call themselves devout Christians.
You don't think freedom and democracy are important? I'm trying to wrap my head around this complete blind eye from trump supporters on so many laws being broken and purging of those with a responsibility to ensure we are following those laws.
Sometimes we have to sacrifice for the good of the country to preserve our rights.
Jobs and the economy can always be addressed. We've shown that we can bounce back in those areas but once a right is stripped from us then the statistics of ever getting them back is slim to none.
What rights have you lost?
don't worry... trump will leave office soon enough... LOL
to the socialist/communist left? not a chance.
the left tries to silence every opinion they don't agree with daily.
we don't try to silence the left, we want them to run their mouths as often as possible,
SO, just for fun, name one right you have lost? tell me all about it.
Anybody that can justify 180,000 dead Americans happening on Trump's watch as being okay, isn't up for holding their own accountable for anything......
So save your bandwidth folks..... Nothing you are going to say that is going to change a Trump-Fluffer's mind.
This is fun for you?
Life (the ability not to get infected by COVID19 because of anti American's)
Liberty (the right to cast my vote without being disenfranchised by trump)
Justice ( trump traitors being pardoned)
covid is 99.5% survivable... life is risk, get over it.
how did trump disenfranchise your vote?
obama didn't do the same? LOL
what are you so afraid of? all the polls say biden will win right? LOL
Tell that to the 180,000 who have died from it, so far.
You used to be fun, now you just come off as bitter. It looks like having a decent conversation isn't going to happen. We aren't able to see the other's point of view.
They don't care. It is like a cult.
Every nasty thing that comes out of the dons mouth they repeat ad nauseam.
I have read some here that actually think if he isn't reelected, the world as we know it is going to end. They actually think wall st would crash, law and order would be no more, we would descend into chaos and taxes would go up 1000%.
Scary that they actually believe their own doom and gloom and look at him as some type of savior.
It is like some religious leader telling them only he can save them, the whole time depleting their bank account, yet instead of money they hand over their common sense, decency and any morals they once had.
Maybe changing the water to Kool Aid?
you just now figured this out?
Well, there's rumors of a big asteroid heading before us and it will hit us the day before election day....
Not Trump's fault. So the lying and devious Chi-comms are blameless?
you may have been rubbing that 8 ball
That is not what he rubs, besides people the wrong way.
The RIGHT to live in a free society that honors the Constitution, instead of ripping it apart to feed to starving Maroons unable to read, for starters.
Now 8 ball, you are playing "Doctor?"
For your sake, I hope she is over 16.
I am ready! I got big plans when it hits the White House directly.
Well, Dennis Smith, you know, as I do, that Mario Cumo, has power over Trump! Trump wanted to do it, but, just couldn't.
Well, Dennis Smith, you know, as I do, that Mario Cumo, has power over Trump! Trump wanted to do it, but, just couldn't.
The Right to Clean Air.
The Right to a Fair, Just, and Honest United States' Atorney General.
The Right to a Postmaster General who is not wrecking the Post Office to aid Donald J. Trump steal the up coming election.
The Right to hear the TRUTH from our POTUS, not a stream of 20,000 "vetted lies."
The list goes on and on, but, I have to take a piss, because I am "pissed at the Fake POTUS, real POS, installed illegally by a foreign.
No, we knew, it all alone.
But, being good, honest souls, we believed, and, still do, that it is our duty to show "the FALLEN" the light, that, they too, might put aside their "incessant gripping," and, concentrated HATE!
"May, the Good Lord Bless & Keep You From Your Demons.
"Out, Out Satan. Get ye, behind me!"
Repeat this prayer, night and day for Thirty-day and the Demons will be forced to set you free.
If not, there is a Train leaving every Night , on a Fast Track for Hades from a Backwoods, Born Upside Down & Backwards Church, near you.
Just listen for the screaming at 12 MIDNITGHT, when an "unbeliever" is bitten by the SNAKE.
Thank, you. I appreciate the compliment, but, I am deadly serious. Trump is a danger to this planet.
Why do you think a metor is heading for the Earth the day before the election?
I'll bet, Dear Moriarty that was a GREAT POST!
You know, I used to have DELUSIONS, too. Now, I take my meds, and, I don't have to be controlled by them. I, also, STOP hating everyone.
Talk to your doctor.
ZERO. He hasn't done anything and still isn't doing anything.
Trump's calling the "Pandemic a Hoax," refusing to wear a mask, sending 17.5 TONS of Medical Supplies to China has cost this country 180,000 lives!
Compare that to the 50,000 American KILLED in Vietnam in 14 years.
There is no reasonable explanation for SUPPORTING this Career Criminal, "Pussy-Grabbing," Child Rapist who continues to conspire with Putin to interfer with our country.
What kind of DEMONIC POWER does this Orange Devil have over his devoteed followers?
It centainly isn't his looks, his lack of accomplishments, his level-headed governance!
What do you think of the Republicans' policy propositions thus far?
.... .... what's that?
.... .... .... You haven't heard any?
dems = we hate trump ( losers )
gop = we love the usa ( winners )
More like...
Dems- "We respect American's intelligence"...
The gop - "Be very afraid and believe our lies".
That's your idea of "policy", hmmm?
Hardly surprising...
8 Ball: Are you seriously that uninformed? This is NO game. It is a LIFE & DEATH crisis on every front.
180,000 AMERICANS are dead due to Trump's incompetence, interference with the Center For Disease Control, who stupid dismissal of the threat of COVID as a "Fraud."
5.2 million additional American are infected by a virus that Trump claimed was created by Dems to discredit his achievements.
There are no TRUMP achievements, other than the 20,000 LIES he has told in 3 & 1/2 years.
The GOP (Government of Putin) does not LOVE the USA, they love the "Confederacy," the illusion of the "Grand Old South," and miss the sense of "SUPERIORITY" that they derived from "lording over" people of color.
wow, that sounds serious... LOL
got news for ya.
leftwing marxists, socialists, and communists are not going to run our country. (no joke)
we are done with the lefts games.
job well done.
I could list more, but you don't care
speaking of achievements, how did russia russia russia and then impeachment work out? y'all spent 4 yrs trying to remove trump from office and now he is going to kick the lefts ass again... LOL
tRumpturd loves tRumpturd, no one else.
the RNC are spineless bastards kissing tRumps' ass to save their lucrative positions.
I don't want them running our country any more than I want fascists, Nazis, or the Christian Dominionists
When they have no response, the "frightened, name slinging " DUMKOFFS" touted out Hitler's refrain, "...Socialists, communists, left" buzz words.
BINGO! Is there name!
That is what I think, also, Bob Nelson. They have , just "HATE RHETORIC!"
This is a very serious and dangerous time for our country. We MUST crush Trump. It is not enough to defeat him.
no... our country will be fine without the left running it into the ground.
The Left, or, Liberals REVOLTED against the tyranny of George the III.
The Tories, or, "Calcified, Wig wearing Conservatives" were the TRAITORS.
Just as the Confederates were during the Civil War.
Their policy is things like destroying pristine lands so a few can make a buck.
is the lefts policy of burning cities and destroying people's business and lives any better?
seriously... that is rhetorical.
Yet the donald has no set policy. So you are just going to ignore that it seems.
Funny that I don't see any cities that have been razed to the ground.
Nothing but hyperbolic comments and unfounded rhetoric.
And are you one of those that is good with 180,000 dead From Covid on Trump's watch? Don't think he has any skin in this game? Do tell.
You know, all of this could end very easily.
If cops stopped shooting and killing people.
Sorry that is so hard for some to grasp.
But do go ahead with your partisan bullshit.
Oh I know exactly what you are saying. Very transparent.
Triggered so bad you have to yell?
It is what it is....
How do you think we get the "PRISTINE LANDS?"
That is all that they have, Bull Chips! Must like the taste!
Trump might have SUPPORTED Dr. Fauci, a World-Wide respected epidemiologist.
Trump could have taken a LEARDERSHIP in the Pandemic, instead of denying it.
Trump could have taken immediate steps to protect American when he received his FIRST ORAL BRIEFING on 5 December 2019, FROM THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY!
Instead, this lazy POS, brushed it off and went golfing.
Trump could have sent the Nation's Stockpile of Medical Supplies, 17.5 TONS, to the states who needed them!
Instead of to China, that this deranged Sexual Predator, sent to COMMUNIST CHINA at our expense.
Trump could STOP his constant LYING, and, UNDERMINDING the Medical and Scientific Professionals, who know what the HELL THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!
So you finally come back after two days and try to provoke me into getting a ticket.
I know your games. Not amused.
Take it to someone that gives a shit.
We must silence distiller of Trump's FALSE Talking Points!
Toss Breitbart and Rush in for good measure.
yes, silence everyone who does not agree.
and then give the gop a lesson on how important rights and free speech are.
solid plan... LOL
Unplug from the hate generators MEB.....
For many Trump-Fluffers, I think its impossible as they are now hardwired to the hate. Call it an addiction. It's why they can dismiss 180,000 dead Americans so easily.
They were always hardwired to the hate, Trump has just emboldened them to be more open about it.
No.... We would still have truck loads of facts that Trump supporters willfully ignore because the truth makes them feel bad for supporting a POS in the WH.
Speaking "Truth to Trumpers" is akin to spitting into a Tornado. It does no go. They are going to do damage wherever they roam!
Avoid their FOAM! It's Toxic!
Speaking "Truth to Trumpers" is akin to spitting into a Tornado. It does no go. They are going to do damage wherever they roam!
Avoid their FOAM! It's Toxic!
"Trump-Fluffers" that's rich!
If he/she/it means everything, does that include cheesecake and puppies?
And another one. Do as I say not as I do.
why is it ok for him to defy policy yet no one else in his department.
Hypocritical ahole.
Is anyone surprised that P Brain is going to break the law with this. Look who his boss is.
Melania speaking at the RNC must have been included in her re-negotiated pre-nup.
Hey - it was a very well written speech. I think she can avoid conviction.
Oh - has anyone run it through "Plagiarism Checker" yet cause - you know ... last time.
I ran it thru my shredder. It KICKED IT OUT. "🇷🇺Russian propaganda. Return to PUTIN!
"The above photograph is a SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE from Putin to the Masses of Unwashed Asses comprising the majority of Trump Supporters."
CAUTION: Avert your eyes.
Real Americans know that Trump is a POS. Some that voted for him in 2016 learned not to make that mistake twice.
We are the analysts. Trumpers are the dubbed receivers that do not no that they have been flipped by the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.
The conspiracy theories are for the weak minded.
Multitude of investigations have been done by those who despise Trump the most and nothing has come of it.
Time to stop repeating brainless Democratic talking points.
Is that the subliminal message Putin sent you?
"Roger, that! FLY NAVY1."
Why would I? Only Trump supporters take their ques from Putin (knowingly or unknowingly), and unlike those same supporters, I find no humor in that aspect of someone's support for Trump.
Is that the subliminal message Putin sent you?
No. With all the data that abounds by the truckload that proves Trump is a POS, it's kind of hard to ignore the obvious. Somehow Trump supporter sure do though.
I am beginning to think, forgive me, "that they are slow."
I can hear everything you say.
Oh, no, there are hundreds of thousands, maybe as many as 74 million, here, in the USA.
You'll see on November 3, 2020. We don't need "reminders" to call to the poles. We can "HACK-IN" from home!
FLYNAVY1, remember, always, that in school there were always student that needed, "Special Help."
One must be patient with the "Mentally Handicapped," even if Trump makes fun of the "Physically Handicapped."
Remember, your Scripture, it's no logner a "handicap for a handicap".
To steal from the movie "Sixth Sense"
"I see slow people. They don't know that they're slow...."
There's a study out there somewhere along those lines...... I think you were the one that posted it ETP.
I, must, confess, I, too, am one of them! That is how I know about "slow-mo!"
I, must, confess, I, too, am one of them! That is how I know about "slow-mo!"
Agh, seeking quiet. Try turning off the RNC Convention of Grotesque Lies!
Thank, you for the "Hilarious" comment POST.
I was a Stand Up, Sit Down, Roll Over Comedian, once upon a long time ago. I TRAVELED the same circuit as Mark Twain...picking up the horse manure dropping with a shovel.
But, hey, it was "show biz," which came in handy in this life.
Yes, it is a required duty, or, "the Russian Speaking Gold Digger" will get NO MONEY, Honey.
Well, a "hard working, ex-porn star" has to do what a an ex-porn star has to do when her career is through!
I think she chose that outfit for the subtle meaning it has. She can't come right out and bash him, but her outfit is saying....reelect him and you have the new Castro.
Agh, that is what she is saying! I get it now. She was being subtle, that is why she didn't flash her bosom!
All she needed was a garrison cap with a red star on it to complete her authoritarian ensemble.
Doris Murphy: "You think there are men in this country who ain't seen your bosoms?" (A League Of Their Own)
BINGO! Is there name!
The BEARDED LADY was voted the most popular speaker last night who will it be tonight?
Dr. Stella MUMBLE-JUMBO, the Alien Semen Conspiracy Theorist or Rand Paul, the ALIEN from the planet OUT THERE TOO FAR?
Actually, there is proof of the demon/alien semen thing....Eric, Don Jr, and Ivanka.
I think I know why you are having so many double posts. PN me if you want my theory.
Trump openly disregard our laws, customs, decorum, and the CONSTITUTION.
Supporting Trump is supporting a TRAITOR. Honor requires that good people, "when disgraced should fall on their sword."
It, the "HATCH ACT," should NOT be used to "hatch criminal acts," Donald.
Grow Up. Read something once in a while. Get your fat arse off the damn golf course.
Guess who paid for that illegal gathering. The taxpayers did. This way more of the election funds can go into Trump's pockets.
I could be wrong, but I heard something the other day to the effect of, tRump can decide whether it's a violation or not.
Or maybe that was with the FEC (Federal Elections Commission).
I mean he violates another rule or law every fucking day. I can't keep up.
I ran it thru my shredder. It KICKED IT OUT. "🇷🇺Russian propaganda. Return to PUTIN!
The Left, or, Liberals REVOLTED against the tyranny of George the III.
The Tories, or, "Calcified, Wig wearing Conservatives" were the TRAITORS.
Just as the Confederates were during the Civil War.
Shush! Keep this "For Your Eyes Only!" communicate and in your RED CAP!
The communication that I received from Putin. I am forwarding it to you that you might disseminate it to your misguided colleagues.
Yes, it is a required duty, or, "the Russian Speaking Gold Digger" will get NO MONEY, Honey.
I am beginning to think, forgive me, "that they are slow."
"Trump-Fluffers" that's rich!
Trump making fun of a "disabled REPORTER" at one of his "HATE FEST Rallies In The Alley!"
Evangelicals do you SUPPORT the concept that this RNC CONVENTION Speaker espouses.
One vote per household and it must be cast by the male head of that household?
Sorry, that is the WRONG image. That is Trump's father from the other side.
I think I dated that guy in college.
You sound just like a famous, historic Princess, Wales, Warrior Quewn, Boudica, one who lead an rebellion against Rome's Rule. (Britian in A.D. 60 or 61).
"A.D." is short for "After Donald," or, so my sauces tell me.