WATCH: Large Ballistic Missiles Slam Into US Base in Iraq, Major Escalation Possible - RedState
Category: News & Politics
Via: moose-knuckle • 3 years ago • 51 commentsBy: Bonchie |Mar 12, 2022 6:40 PM ET (redstate. com)

By Bonchie | Mar 12, 2022 6:40 PM ET Iranian ballistic missiles hit US base in Erbil, Iraq. Screenshot credit: AmichaiStein1/Twitter
Multiple ballistic missiles have slammed into the US base in Erbil, Iraq, and stunning footage has made its way online showing the bombardment. The scale of the attack and the size of munitions used appears to be far beyond past attacks by militia groups.
Current reports are that the guided munitions were Fateh-110 ballistic missiles, and that they came from Iranian territory. Given the size of the explosions, that seems highly probable.
Reports: attack conducted by Iranian produced ballistic (Fatih-110) missiles.
— Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) March 12, 2022
The weapons system in question is very unlikely to have been used by an Iranian-backed militia group, especially with such accuracy. If these weren't fired from Syria, and again, the reports are they came from Western Iran, we could be talking about a direct Iranian attack on US forces. It's probably not a coincidence that this is happening a day after the US and EU suspended negotiations working toward a new JCPOA agreement with Iran.
While a lot here is still unknown, there is a video showing missiles being fired from an Iranian base in Tabriz, which is located in the Azerbaijan region of the country, in the time period before the US base was struck.
6 Fateh-110s were reportedly launched towards the Erbil, allegedly from Khasabad base in Tabriz of #Iran#KRI#Iraq
— Aleph א (@no_itsmyturn) March 12, 2022
If these did come from Iran, from an actual Iranian military base, that's really bad news for US foreign policy and the prospects of peace. We could be seeing the first moments of a major escalation — not just in the Middle East, but eventually in Ukraine as well, given Iran's relationship with Russia.
On the home front, it is unconscionable for the Biden administration to continue its appeasement of Iran in pursuit of a pointless nuclear deal. Will this be a wake-up call? We'll have to wait and see, but I don't see how this kind of attack can go unanswered.

It's highly unlikely this will stop the current administration from giving Mullahs hand jobs and begging to give them cash for another nuclear deal which still allows them to advance their goal of destroying Israel.
FSB, SVR or CSR responsible for this?
There are no credible reports yet of a US base hit...
This again appears to be deliberate disinformation!
Either way I stand with post #2.
The source of missiles and story are suspect.
Minute by minute updates (The source with probably most timely updates: # Kurdistan on Twitter)
#Erbil this evening... Erbil have been hit with several rockets. They didn't only try to hit American targets - one rocket also hit the newsroom of leading Kurdish news channel- see
for info. #Kurdistan #TwitterKurds #Erbil
Yes, and water is wet and fire is hot. So what?
The best info available is that someone fired some pot shots from Syria into Iraq. They did not hit any Americans or American targets...
Those hawking this want a US war with Iran.
The author of this article in Red State is some anonymous blogger probably up to no good...
But they have hit near the US Consulate.
US officials confirmed it.
HAHA have you seen that story now?
That doesn't say a US base was even involved!
Has the MOIS confirmed it for you yet?
This is straight up fake news. No Americans, no American facilities and no American bases were hit. In fact, there were no casualties. Nobody harmed. An unidentified entity firing potshots from Syria into Iraq and then that being misreporting to Americans is inflammatory disinformation with an agenda...
Who would like to see The US go to war in Iran now?
Maybe you will believe Iran's Revolutionary Guards- or are they lying?
Still nothing about a US base or Americans hit.
This looks like a scheme to get the US into Iran!
Plus, obvious intent to deceive in the headline...
Can't you at least admit that?
removed for context by charger, comment referred to was ticketed
Seems that your president's state department is taking the matter a little more seriously than [you Deleted.] Now if they can just convey this to Brandon in some form his brain can comprehend.
I used all US leftwing sources. But seems that isn't good enough.
Yes, we staged the whole damn thing ourselves. Better still the Russians staged it. Fired the missiles from Iran into positions they knew had US personnel. Damn bastards even were smart enough to us Iranian missiles; and have the Revolutionary Guard take responsibility for it. Notice Iran hasn't denied it? Must be the Russians keeping them from talking.
The only person talking about getting the US into a war with Iran is you! Some of us realize Iran has been and always will be our enemy; and just want the crippling sanctions Brandon is lifting kept in place to keep them from getting nuclear weapons. Iranians hate weakness; and Brandon is as weak as they come.
You were wrong; can't you admit that? This isn't Russian disinformation this is the fucking Iranians being the fucking Iranians!
Outrageous? Yes. Americans targeted? No...
What you cut-n-past affirms my comments.
Where does it say an American base was hit?
It's on every news channel today, would you like to recant your comments?
Time to reward iran and give them tons of cash and a path to nukes, says joe Biden
No one said that. Actually negotiations had been suspended prior to this.
I didnt see the Sunday morning shows even mention this today. Can Red State be exaggerting?
Since when did anyone care about what happened to the abandoned Kurds ... ? Seems this was in retaliation to an Israeli attack.
No one was injured or killed, but let the Iranians know in no uncertain terms that if they pull this shit again the base/vehicle the missiles were launched from WILL be destroyed. We still have plenty of first strike capability the the region.