Wonton Killings, Gazpacho Police, Peach Tree Dishes: Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene Make the Case for Congressional IQ Minimums | Vanity Fair
Category: News & Politics
Via: pat-wilson • 3 years ago • 46 commentsBy: Conde Nast (Vanity Fair)

Just a little humor...

As a reminder, these people are in charge of making laws.
By Bess Levin
September 14, 2022 WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 01: U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) scream "Build the Wall" as U.S. President Joe Biden delivers the State of the Union address during a joint session of Congress in the U.S. Capitola€™s House Chamber March 01, 2022 in Washington, DC. During his first State of the Union address Biden spoke on his administrationa€™s efforts to lead a global response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, efforts to curb inflation and bringing the country out of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Evelyn Hockstein-Pool/Getty Images)Pool/Getty Images
Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene haven't been in Congress very long, but they've made big names for themselves so far. As cartoon villains who vote against bills that benefit cancer patients. As bigots who vilify transgender people and want to criminalize transgender medical care. As bat-shit crazy lunatics who believe that Democrats are part of a satanic cult of pedophiles who eat children and that California wildfires are caused by Jewish space lasers. As people in charge of making laws who nevertheless say things like "gazpacho police," when referring to the gestapo, "peach tree dish," when they mean petri, and "wonton killings," when the word they were likely looking for was "wanton."
The latest instance of food-related linguistic terrorism came on Tuesday when Boebert — who is "tired of the this separation of church and state junk" and wants "biblical citizenship training" in schools — read a passage from the Bible about "wanton killings" but pronounced it like the Chinese dumpling. At no point did she appear to realize the error, and in fact seemed to suggest she'd be reading up on what "wonton killings" entail. Are they murders that occur over dim sum? Is it when someone is suffocated with dough and then buried under a pile of ground pork? Has Law & Order: Criminal Intent ever done an episode about them? Hopefully the representative from Colorado will do her own research and let us know.
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Boebert's rhetorical gaffe, of course, recalls to mind a similar food-related foul-up from earlier this year when Greene, the other half of this Laverne and Shirley duo from hell, attempted to reference Hitler's secret police squad and instead invoked a little-known law enforcement agency made of cold tomatoes.
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Several months later, the congresswoman from Georgia claimed Bill Gates wanted to force people to eat burgers grown in "peach tree dishes."
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Not sure what else there is to say here other than the fact that these women serve as shining examples of why elected officials should have to prove they have an IQ of at least 50 before being sworn into office.

There really ought to be an IQ requirement for those that serve in Congress.
that would definitely eliminate the trumpster problem in our gov't.
You know it's a problem when her boob size is a larger number than her IQ.
each of their shoe sizes is closer to their IQ's...
Wonton killings, gazpacho police:
No soup for you!
To put it kindly, these are people who dont read and dont understand much. I think we've only uncovered the surface skin of their ignorance. It runs deep.
That actually is putting it kindly.
Didn't Boebert fail the GED exam?
She has failed every meaningful exam in respect to representing her constituency.
So before anyone cast dispersion, I reside in her district.
I think she never encountered a bar she could pass either.
Dispersion? I'm struggling with the play on words.....wait a minute... Aren't they dispersed enough in their reasoning to cast aspersions on the waters errrrr....
well, to be fair, she only attended high school long enough to become impregnated...
Well, I mean, that’s why you go, right? Mission accomplished.
her story gets a lot more hilarious. her mom was a pro wrestling groupie and her wrestler daddy paid off the gov't official that administered the paternity test to get out of paying child support.
No wonder she's so angry all the time, what with her hubbie dropping trou in front of tween girls at the local bowling ally, aye yai yai !
In my opinion, it's the American VOTERS who require a minimum IQ in order to be allowed to vote. What a positive result THAT would create.
I'd settle for a math proficiency requirement.
If that were true only Conservatives would be allowed to vote in America
That is a totally useless and divisive comment that contributes nothing to the discussion, but I'm sure the Q'anon crowd would appreciate it.
Just as useful as your comment 6
LOL. At least my comment wasn't partisan and divisive, which is a big problem that is preventing America from progressing.
Your comment was a slap in the face to Americans.
Only to ignorant ones who are causing the deterioration of what I used to think was a wonderful country.
Well, first of all at least I'm capable of appreciating and being comfortable in different cultures. If I insult anyone it's because they deserve it, and even if I do I would only insult those who deserve it. Besides, I happen to have a number of "leaning right" friends who are or were members of thenewstalkers who DON'T deserve being insulted and they are not. If I did insult NT members, isn't it a wonder I almost never get a ticket?
The country people choose to live in tells volumes about where their allegiance is.
Ridiculous bullshit. My allegiance is with Canada, the country of my birth, citizenship and passport which I will NEVER give up no matter WHERE I live. Ask your American expat friends where their allegiance lies.
Bullshit comment. You choose to live in China not Canada.
End of story
Although I might be goaded, I don't intend to get a ticket over this. But I think that anyone with a brain in their head would know that where a person has reasons to live somewhere, and I do, does NOT have anything to do with the country to which they owe their allegiance.
THAT'S the end of the story. Another ignorant taunting comment and I declare an IMPASSE.
Lauren Boebert. Dumb as . . .
Who elects these people?
Boxes of rocks
Obviously people just as or dumber than them.
I think I'm going to do a stake out ar Pei Wei...those wontons are for eating not sending to prison
The thing about this picture of "Laverne and Shirley" (from the article) is that it really just makes most American men just want to get the two of them really drunk.