Safety Procedures for Those Living in Florida (Cold Weather)
Dear Floridians,
We are going to be ok!
● Wear real shoes. Your flip flops will have to fend for themselves for a few days. They will be okay.
● Socks! Wear them. Preferably with real shoes. Still a no on the flip flops.
● Put the doors back on your Jeeps, FFS.
● Consider pants. The extra fabric may feel a tad foreign at first, but you gotta power through.
● Stock your fridge now. Publix will be closed. Assume a record number of employees will call in dead. They’ve never been this cold before, and will believe they have passed.
● You've likely never noticed it but there is a setting on your AC unit at home that makes it blow out warm air. Use it. Look for a little fire symbol or the word H E A T
● There is also a similar function for the ac in your car… and turn off the seat AC feature.
● Umbrella. Use an umbrella if you do venture outside. Not for rain, it will help you avoid head injuries caused by frozen iguanas falling from trees. Those suckers are heavy.
● Bring all those orchids inside immediately. A couple hours in that kind of cold will kill them dead in an hour just like it will you if you don't stay inside your house.
● That soft warm chewing gum thats always in your car will now be harder than rock. Please don't break a tooth.
● DON'T use your Evian face spritz outside. It will freeze to your face and you'll have little ice cycles hanging from your new lashes.
● Wash your hair now. You’re not going to this weekend. Perhaps pick up some dry shampoo on your way to pick up the last Publix sub of the week.
● Take deep breaths, you got this. No deep breaths on Saturday though. You’re lungs aren’t used to air that cold. They will collapse… best hold your breath until Monday
Florida, may the odds be ever in your favor...

Disclaimer…. This is copied

Floridians are hunkering down in the bitter cold. This weather alert will continue until normal temps for Christmas reappear at 80 degrees.
the next heat wave has started in colorado. it's 20 degrees now and expected to get warmer...
At least you can get rocky mountain high....
FYI - letting the water freeze in your bong will break it...
You must be in southern Colorado. We're still at 12 degrees up north here.
We're at 12 degrees in my part of Maryland
north metro - 38 degrees now. 32 degree temp swing from when I hit the sack last night.
It's only going to get to 78 here today, but the forecast for tomorrow is 81.
nice! I love looking at holiday themed bikinis at the beach.
The beach is a little cooler. Santa Monica should only be 69 today but it will get to 75 tomorrow.
Santa Monica Beach cam:
Do you still have the worst on the way, or has it hit?
I'm halfway between teabagistan to the north and thumperville in the south.
it's been so cold here lately, I've had to wear 3 wool socks....
>whew< ... I was afraid I'd have to explain that joke.
... to you.
I'd rather it be explained by pictures.
Be careful what you ask for
Right now at 10:43 a.m. it's 47 degrees. It's been relatively pleasant for the last week. Temperatures well above freezing. I'll try to enjoy it while it lasts. The worst, for now, is over.
Off to a job interview at 1 and then my Giant pick up around 2, at least I don't have to venture out in sub-freezing temperatures lately.
Silly goose. Me too!
Good luck on the interview.
Giant is the supermarket chain in Maryland. Got it!
I don't have any wool socks. In fact, I don't have any wool anything!
maybe you should check again...
And I used to think finding a 4 to 5 foot gopher snake by my door was intimidating!
A gopher snake???
We have 6 foot long king snakes who are my best friends. They keep the copper head population under control
My 6 foot long black snakes just scare the rats and mice indoors.
go-for snakes was how we referred to the varsity cheerleaders in my high school...
shout out to robin g for being the only one to graduate.
it took me 10 years to figure out why she was the only one that didn't have a high school boyfriend...
Funny that cold to me is a relative term and only those few who have walked where I have can relate to that. Merry Christmas to you and yours Kavika and also to all those on NT as well. Peace to all.
Minobii niibaa anami'e giizhigad (Merry Christmas) to you and yours Doc.
Happy winter solstice to one and all.
I'm already sick of this arctic bullshit. I'm heading to mexico in march.
90 degrees instead of 9...
not a maga hat to be seen...
... nor a trumpster moron to be heard.
... no trump flags to be seen.
Consider pants? That is blasphemy to some around here.
They will bundle up in a heavy coat while still wearing shorts.
seeing that always cracks me up. shorts and sandals below the waist, and a winter parka above...
I was on huntington beach in LA one march back in the mid 80's helping a friend move out there and the temp was in the mid 60's. that's open flannel shirt over tee shirt weather here. the locals all had coats on.
Morning...our kind of Christmas..
I want to enjoy a Xmas like that some day
red and green bikini...
you beat me to it
watch out for falling iguanas!
I'm glad you did this PSA. Who knows what would have happened if you didn't.
plenty of 2 legged reptiles left in florida...
Morning...try putting a Santa suit on a real croc...not a make believe snappy.
Merry Christmas Kavika..hope the rellies up north have a great Chrissie and all is well with them..
Sometimes I wonder how you all survive down there....
That is a frickin dinosaur.
We run and swim fast..hence a lot of world records..😁
And a Merry Christmas to you, shona. The tribe is fine all 26 of them.
Excellent news and hope 2023 is a good one for all of us...🐨🦘
Merry Christmas to you down under Shona!
Morning Ed..hope you have a Merry Christmas to and you aren't snowed in.. heading towards Christmas lunch here soon, so the feast begins...
Enjoy your evening...🎄🦘🐨
We have a 10 foot gator living in one of the ponds on our golf course and then two months ago a few miles from us a black bear visited our friends looking for a snack. The thing about a black bear is it can run at 35 miles per hour, climb a tree faster than any other any animal and swim for miles. If they decide you might taste good, you are in a world of trouble.
The only species of bear in Arizona is the Mexican sub species of the black bear. There is a major habitat area in the Chiricahua National Monument/Coronado National Forrest about 20 miles away. We occasionally get black bears coming down into the foothills and flat areas of desert searching for food and water. One year not too long ago had one climb a telephone pole about 6 blocks away from my house and get stuck. Arizona Fish & Game had to tranquilize it to get it down. I myself have seen them roaming around occasionally on my trips to the mountains and had one chase my car.
It's a good thing they're usually not aggressive. I've had a few hanging around my house in years past. But mange has thinned out the population over the last few years.
And that's your immediate family! Prepping for Christmas dinner at your house must start the day after Thanksgiving, which was prepped for in October.
Yes, that is the immediate family, kids and spouses, grandkids, great grandkids and great great grand kids. Then of course there is the whole Ojibwe Nation, both in the US and Canada as the old Ojibwe saying goes, Gakina Awiiya. (we are all related)
that just can't be a real picture...
I drove to my parents' house in West Virginia yesterday. It was zero Fahrenheit. My washer fluid froze in the reservoir.
My sis drove in from Wisconsin. She usually makes the drive in 8 hours or so. This time, she left Thursday night and just got here 2 hours ago. She sat for 2 hours yesterday in Indiana, waiting for a wreck to clear, then decided to get a motel room because it was so late.
I learned that lesson the hard way. bought some fluid in south texas for the drive back to colorado one winter. hit a blizzard in the panhandle and the washer fluid froze. learned that the alcohol content in the southern fluid wasn't up to snuff for the north, enough to keep it from freezing in the pump and lines, and I had to dump rubbing alcohol in the reservoir to get it to work even half-assed for the rest of the trip. here it's labeled for winter or summer use.
Hmm heard of it evaporating here but never thought of it freezing as it would..
Been watching the news re the storm over there...I find it rather fascinating seeing cars trucks etc sliding around but also know the deadly consequences of it..
The panel beaters must make a fortune in winter repairing damaged cars...
Back in the day my father use to put chains on the tires.
I think that is illegal now.
Yes wondered about chains. We use them here up in the high country and you are fined if you don't...
They even tell you to use them by the police on the weather reports...
I have never heard of any paint and body shop going out of business here in colorado.
truck chains are sometimes mandatory in the mountains here. huge fines if you lose traction and spin out in the mountains. huge fines getting caught without chains on during traction/chain events. huge fines getting caught without chains available on the truck during winter months.
I found some at Lowe's today that says it's good as low as 30 below.
use depends on the state and their laws here in the US. i have a couple sets one for the car ( cables actually but same principle, and to me about as useful as tits on a boar hog for all the good they do ) , a set of 4 for the pick me up , with all the parts and the tool ( giant plier looking deal ) to reattatch the cross chains as needed , best set i ever found was in a dumpster in the AF when they were closing the base ( yes they threw brand new tire chains in the trash rather than ship it out ) these needed no tool to adjust the cross chains , could fit anything from a 14 in tire up to 30 inch tire , i will just say that myself , the flight chief , shift commander and my partner that night all went dumpster diving and all had multiple sets when we got off shift....
Driving out past Cumberland Maryland in years past - in mountainous areas, etc, I couldn't imagine having to be a trucker driving those types of roads in the winter weather. Yikes, there were paths off the road that led up hill specifically I believe for truckers who lose their breaks or control or whatever to veer off onto and up so that they could stop
runaway truck ramps, we've got those here on I-70 in the mountains.
Had a set of the cable type for an RX-7 once.
They damn near shook my rear gear to death.
Only used them once and then bought a 4x4 truck for winter.
The truck is long gone but still have the rotary rocket.
Almost used one once when I couldn't downshift going downhill into Salt Lake on I-70. Burned out the trailer brakes and got a bit sideways at one point.
Finally managed to collect it and avoid what seemed inevitable.
Had seen pictures of what rigs look like after hitting those water barrels.
The gamble paid off but still get nervous anytime I'm near Salt Lake City.
I owned an RX7 for a few years. I bought it from a flight attendant when I was just starting my midlife crisis and was being too cheap to buy a Porsche. I'd drive it up golden gate canyon and scare the shit out of myself. that car took corners like it was on rails. I lent it to an old friend that needed a car and he promptly wrecked it without as much as an apology afterwards. got a collect call from him a few years later when he was in jail looking for bail money. I refused the call.
It was in the low 20s this morning in north Florida. Not the coldest, but damn.
My year old mini yorkie has a bad habit of waking is up at 5am (still haven't found the clock she uses to know what time it is). I was a habit to throw on some shorts and take her out for the morning walk.
Not going to do that again for a few days.
You can let the 'lil fat guy go now Kav.
Have a Super Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, 1st.
How can you lie to your dog? tsk...tsk,,,tsk
Merry Christmas to all, kinda the opposite up here with a major warming spell -37 yesterday all the way up to -17 today. Time to break out the shorts
Merry Christmas, Freefaller.
Arvo... Christmas day here I am down the beach..🎄🎄🎄🎄
Have lived with a couple of Rotary Club foreign exchange students from down under.
Accepted an invite to visit a few years ago and fell in love with Oceania.
The only problem I had was all of the deadly lifeforms.
Got used to shaking my boots out every morning.
As a USA American I was uncomfy about not being able to pack a gun.
That blue ring octopus. I probably wouldn't even see those little suckers.
I have a cousin that lives in Perth. My brother went to visit him but I haven't yet. I am still not a fan of planes and from what I gather, that is a long ass flight.
It does look beautiful there though. Would love to see it.
It's easier than driving a car because there is less traffic.
Flew my first plane when just a teenager.
Had my first (and last) crash a couple of years later while crop-dusting.
That damned tree just jumped out in front of me.
That is my story and I'm sticking to it!
Morning CJ...what on earth would you pack a gun for? We don't bite.
Depends what part of Oz you are in what you need to do.. it really is a pretty tame.
In my life time killed two snakes and have seen about 10 others in the bush so you leave them alone. All snakes are protected here.
And only one blue ringed occie they live in the rocks and quite rare..
Sharks, crocs assorted jellyfish you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.. probably got a higher chance of being shot dead in the States than been eaten, biten or stung here....
Hope you had a good Christmas.. Boxing day here and just got woken up by the Kookaburras laughing in the trees...and the garbos coming around emptying the rubbish bins..
Can't get more Australian that that..
no neo-fascists = no need for guns.
My daughter lives in Perth and I've visited it many times. A beautiful city with the Swan River running through it and a lot of great wineries in the area.
From LA it's 14 hours to Sydney, change planes and 5 hours to Perth.
There is no need for a gun in Oz, they don't have the random shooting that we have here and the wildlife isn't nearly as deadly as what we have. There are no land carnivores in Australia with the exception of dingos.
The most deadly critters there are some of the shakes and saltwater croc and sharks. The US has more shark attacks than any other country in the world, in 2021 4x as many as Oz.
All and all Australia is a safe country when it comes to humans killing each other and the same with wildlife.
Arvo Kavika..ahhh no don't tell them that..we like to keep it all to ourselves...
Actually my cousin's son is sitting in a Dreamliner right at this moment getting ready to take off for Dallas..
Flying Qantas 15 hour direct flight..told him to pack his winter woolies and enjoy it all...and no he doesn't need to pack a gun..😁
just tell him to keep his eyes open when he's in a public restroom here in 2nd amendment land. that's how I ended up with a newer glock 9mm...
As the saying goes, if you walked away from it it was still a good landing.
Force of habit. Everybody carries in this red state.
Everybody else in Dallas does.
I worked in Sundance Square for years. They had an 'open carry' rally in Fort Worth [May 2014]. The FW police were in full force that day. Lots of guns over shoulders, spitting on the streets, and loud "look at me" banter. Truth be told, if I were a dentist or fitness instructor, I would have passed out cards. I have never seen so many toothless pot-bellied people in one place. Ever. I felt sorry for some. It was clearly the only time they felt they were a bit more superior to others than they ever had been in their lives.
My Nephew did that for a while. Glad he quit. It is disgusting. My BIL cussed him and his friends out one day for spitting on his concrete. Then they would carry a cup or can or something and spit in it. Would sometimes make me want to vomit.
those were the gravy seals...
Me too. Ew.
It is the same kid that got a dui for just having to drive on the road while on his 4 wheeler. Instead of an option available to be able to load up the 4 by or even just drive it home along the power lines, he decides, oh hell no, I am driving home on the main street...
There is no such thing as "cold", there is only a lack of heat.
Did the Marines teach you that?
Thank you, and all other veterans and enlisted people here, for your service.
I thought it was run up the beach and head for the landing strip...
wasted joke...
So I should call myself cj lack of heat?
I can send mittens if necessary... It's finally above zero here so I won't need them.
Have been wearing shooting mittens lately. They instantly convert into fingerless gloves.
50 grams of Thinsulate makes for a very warm convertible mitten.
I have a set like that , made of ragg wool with 40 grms thinsulate lining , i have a circulation issue in my fingers( lightly frostbitten years ago) so i also wear a light cotton liner inside that , keeps the nubs nice and toasty , even in the 40 below weather i had last week . BUUUT if i really want to keep the stumps warm i still have the arctic mittens i was issued in the military 40 years ago, combine those with the above and my hands sweat even at that 40 below temp . even the wind cant get through those suckers .
They made me turn mine in when I retired last May, damn Bin Rats!!
yeah , its amazing what gets let go and what needs turned in , thing is now all of it is available on line if one looks , i still have a poncho liner, i did upgrade from a military rain poncho to a civilian version made of oilskin , my grandkids all try and claim that when they see it .
Keeping fingers, toes, nose and ears warm is half the battle.
Have found a balaclava to be worth its weight in gold in sub-0 temps.
A buddy came back from Nam and found several packages waiting for him that he had shipped ahead. When re-assembled it turned out to be an M-16 that he had found buried in the mud. He still has it to this day.
Take that bin rats!
lol , try doing that today ....
thats me , minus the nose keep the rest warm and its good , the nose just turns into a constant running faucet .
Now the one thing i do actually miss from my military cold weather gear in the AF was the canvas muk-luks , i use to treat mine with ducksback repellent like i use on my oil skin , swapped out the thin wool liners for some decent felt ones from sorrel and they worked great . i had 3 pair left when i discharged and they let me keep them , they lasted about 10 years a piece here in the wyoming winters . i never used those damn air inflatable rubber mickey mouse boots , way to cumbersome in the security police field and what we did .
I had a vietnam vet client show me the contents of a floor locker he had in his home of stuff he had sent back to the states in the 60's. he had a liberated AK, an M-16, and an M-16 with a grenade launcher. all with way more ordinance than he would ever need. another client had a WWII B.A.R., a thompson, and a M1917 water cooled 30 cal. displayed in his living room. my uncle pete brought back a couple dozen lugers he had won playing poker on the troop ship coming back from europe. another uncle donated his war booty vietnam era AK to ted cruz's presidential campaign auction in texas back in 2016. all my friends ever sent back was stereo equipment, wtf?
When I went to Antarctica for the first time I went to the cold weather gear issue at our forward support base in Christchurch, New Zealand. Much to my surprise I found that some of the gear they were issued was issued to troops during the Korean War. Especially the thermal long johns and gloves which were serge wool liners under thin leather shells. I talked to some others who had been down there already and they told me they were worthless. I then proceeded to go to a North Face outdoor goods outlet and purchased a good set of polypropylene thermals and good pair of olive drab Thinsulate lined ski gloves. I was toasty warm. The coldest I ever experienced down there was -98 degrees without wind chill factor. Over my thermals I wore a military issue Seabee green fatigues with a goose down lined wind pants, a green parka with fur lined hood, inflatable rubberized snow boots, my ski gloves, and my military issue bear paw mittens. I was able to comfortably walk between the buildings without getting too cold. The wind was so cold that if you stood still facing into the wind, it felt like needles piercing you skin on your legs. I had a ball!
have to admit , some of the issue stuff IS totally worthless, but every now and again , they end up having something that actually not only does something right and as it should , but actually does it better . i remember getting bundled up to walk picket on a lone aircraft on the ramp at night , in the mid of feb during a noreaster in new england , i felt like that little brother on a christmas story (" i cant move my arms !!!!!") if i had fallen over i would have been just as fucked as him , turtling on the ramp.
Omigosh, I've had some worth their weight in gold! Drenched in honey, flaky crust ...
Oh wait. You said balaclava. I thought you said baklava. Sorry. Carry on.
Baklava is on the list of scheduled drugs.
The most addictive substance known to mankind.
That made me laugh really really hard!
I only speak truth.
Same friend also sent back a set of Sansui speakers which were very popular at the time.
my favorite unofficial import of that era was thai stick.
Not mittens the kittens!
I still got my ECW gear from when I was in Antarctica. Comes in handy on the few days it gets cold enough in the desert to need them. Them bear paw mittens are nice.
Late to this party. Apologies.
better late than never...
Not for those women who sometimes forget to take their pill.
there's a pill for that too.
One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small.
And, the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all...
Another rough winter in Florida. The Pelican Navy has arrived from the north and are frolicking in the 80-degree water.
29 degrees here. a real heat wave...'s 29 degrees here too... Celcius that is...🏖️🏊🌊☀️
your thermometer is upside down, 84 degrees F sounds warmer.
Have travelled to Down Under. Ya leave at KCI wearing long-johns, heavy gloves and a down coat.
Ya go to the head with your carry-on and emerge wearing shorts and an Aloha shirt. Just in time for wheels down at SKSIA.
a friend of mine that has cycled over many parts of the world told me the worst drivers on the planet live on that island. of course he's never cycled thru asia and experienced their drivers, which is one of my favorite interchangeable stereotypes...
Oops! Don't let any Aussies hear you say that!
They tend to call it a continent (it is actually).
it's the world's smallest continent and the world's largest island...
Isn't the continent, Oceana which includes Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia?
Arvo devang...see you should never believe all that you hear..
He was probably riding on the wrong side of the road while here, therefore he would be fair game..
We love our island home, that's why we are so unique..mmmhhh who wants to be attached to other drop kick countries..all they seem to is fight with their neighbours..
Arvo Drinker...yes that is correct..but most people just refer to us as being the Continent due to the land size...
Seems y'all get along with NZ pretty well.
Yep get on like a house of fire...but we are very fond of the Ditch (the Tasman Sea)...just enough distance to keep us apart..but close enough to deport them if they stuff up..🦘🦘
Shona, doesn’t the Sydney Harbour Bridge lead straight to Auckland? Don’t Kiwis use that when the want to get some authentic pavlova?
Nah ..we just mention snakes that keeps them out in droves and off the bridge...We have offered to export a few over there to liven things up as things are a bit slow over that side of the Ditch...they are snake free which is no fun at all.
Kiwis wouldn't know a decent pavlova if it bit them...and as for putting Kiwi fruit on it, sacrilege..
I love me some baked meringue. It's right up there with baklava.
I try to avoid most sugar now. sucks.
Weather report from Ocala, FL. Friday, January 13, 2023...
High of 70 with a low tonight of 41...OMG it's time to break out the parkas again.
does fish and game take advantage of these lower temps to gather invasive species?
We have so many invasive species that it's a year round job.
The latest is 18-foot python
I'd rather attempt to wrangle an 18 foot python at 40 degrees than 90 degrees.
great. when the novelty wears off and goobers get tired of buying rats to feed their reptiles, they just turn them loose off the side of alligator alley road.
Just be sure to watch out for falling Iguana.
I'd rather attempt to wrangle an 18 foot python at 40 degrees than 90 degrees.
You don't want to meet this guy in a dark alley or a bright alley or anywhere for that matter
18 feet and 215 lbs from the Everglades.
"have you seen fluffy lately? I just let him outside for a few minutes ... "
Fluffy may be in big trouble.
another snow storm headed my direction, oh goody. is your driveway big enough to park an RV?
fluffy = python crap
Nothing a double barreled shot gun can't fix...or we could export some of our Crocs..they would fit right in over there.. sorry but alligators just don't cut it sometimes...
Florida also has crocs and the pythons have been killing both. In fact pythons are destroying the Everglades, well over 75% of the native critters have been killed off by pythons.
I would advise anyone with a shotgun heading into the ''Glades'' that they have a native with them or there is a chance that they will not come out alive.
Pretty sure that 12ga. full auto shotguns were invented for a reason.
... messy. probably one of the few instances where an ar would be useful.
I have 5 months of winter left to endure. I'm not going to make it without cracking up.
I need sun, in an exterior environment over 80 degrees...
The high today was 73 in Ocala, FL.
Morning..the high here y'day was 93F..😃
73 in the middle of winter. Spring, summer and fall the temps are much higher.
Five months of winter...stuff that.. where do you live??? Antarctica or somewhere...maybe time to migrate.. hmmm lets see...I heard there is great country in the Southern Hemisphere sun, sand and surf all year round if you want.
Has a few things that can kill you or eat you.. but hey no where is perfect...and the locals are friendly...and speak English... sort of..
colorado. supposedly a snow storm coming tonight, 1/4 to 1/3 of a metre by tomorrow.
maybe, but at my age I can't outrun or out swim the hungry, and for some reason I think oz women would terrify me.
Peek A Boo, where the hell is the beach?
oh hell, it snows there?
Yes but nothing like you have to go up into the high country to get to it...occasionally it snows in the lower down altitudes...
And we don't have to dig out way out etc or have snow ploughs etc..snow is a novelty here, not a life threatening blizzard that buries everything and everyone...️
woke up to 8 inches this morning. ... get your mind out of the gutter.
high country? you have a high rock in the middle of the desert...
try this on...
video link is a bit wonky. click on the live feed when it loads up and shows on the screen.
... I'm just pulling your leg a bit.
Morning..that would be Uluru in the outback.. that's just "the rock".
High country is especially in Eastern Victoria.. mountain ranges etc and Brumbies (wild horses) that roam them..and cattle that are sent up to graze etc..
Great video snow always looks nice but think I prefer the beach..️
sun, sand, and surf for me too...
May 21st 2022 Orange NSW, Australia...Where is the snowplow!!!!! or snowshoes!!!!
2832 feet above sea level.
uh, no thanks... need soon melts...just a tad chilly up that way occasionally..😃
these old bones don't like the cold.
... at all.
I suppose I should look at google earth to check out the oz terrain sometime.
news of another snow storm hitting on saturday, yippee... /s
f'n frozen hell.
Road trip!
I did a few weeks seeing old friends in different states a few months back.
Just drive South to Austin and buy a new pair of custom boots first!
I'm headed south in march for sure, but I always get a severe case of happy feet when I know I'll be traveling soon, so it could be sooner. if I can get out of a Dr's appointment in mid february, I'm gone.