"He's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer" idioms
Category: The Lighter Side/ Humor
Via: krishna • last year • 17 commentsBy: Dan Hersam
Graphic credit: Learning.mind.com

Here are some "not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer" type idioms. Do you know any other good ones? If so post them in a comment, below:
1. Not the brightest light in the harbor.
2. The light's on but no one's home.
3. He's a few screws short of a hardware store.
4. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
5. A few cards short of a deck.
6. A few fries short of a Happy Meal.
7. About as sharp as a marble.
8. Smart as a bag of rocks.
9. The gates are down and the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.
10. An intellect rivaled only by garden tools.
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The gates are down and the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.
If you gave them a penny for their thoughts, you'd get change.
Slightly different (?)-- apparently this one used to be popular in Texas a while back:
He's all hat and no cattle
His cornbread ain't all done. Sausage done slipped off his pancakes...
Is that one Southern in origin?
Southern as grits and gravy...
I had a feeling it was (the reference to Cornbread...)
Quotation from the movie 'RV':
Got a few roos loose in the top paddock...means you are troppo, nuts etc..
Mad as a cut snake...you are really p_ssed off..
Going off like a frog in a sock..means you are excited..
He charges like a wounded bull..damn expensive...
love that one
I never heard that word before...what does it mean?
Evening..mad, out of your tree, going ballistic..etc..😁
He has "the best words".
He's got one living brain cell and it's on life support
When God was passing out brains he thought He said trains and said he would wait for the next one
Morning trouty ..
Love the brain cell, will have to remember that one..
How about he's a taco short of a combination plate .
His elevator doesn't quite reach the top floor.
She has diarrhea of wordage but a constipation of ideas.
One from g paw,
They have more loose screws than a hardware store after an earthquake....