Finally, The George Washington Presidential Library
Via: perrie-halpern
History & Sociology
10 years ago
A must watch, for those of you who love the history and George Washington. Amazing that it took this long to do it, and even more amazing that it didn't cost a dime of...
Military.com Badass of the Week - Joe Medicine Crow
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
10 years ago
The story of Joe Medicine Crow. Last War Chief of the Crow Nation. An amazing story that should be required reading for military personel. Please view the video at the end of the article. Taken...
Cher Ami (dear friend) The Little Bird That Saved 200 American Lives in WWI
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
10 years ago
We think of our war hero's to be humans, showing incredible courage. Over the years our animal friends, have show great courage, suffering serious wounds, dying in action to help their human...
"Let's Talk Native...with John Kane"
Via: 1stwarrior
History & Sociology
10 years ago
"The only Native radio talk show in Western New York. The show has one function a nd that is to provide a forum for Native issues. LTN airs Sunday nights on WWKB 1520AM. Replays of the shows can...
12 Unspoken Rules For Being A Liberal by John Hawkins | Aug 31, 2013
Via: krakkin
History & Sociology
10 years ago
There may be no official rule book for being a liberal, but that doesn't mean there aren't rules. There are actually quite a few rules liberals go by and the more politically active liberals...
Online and Offline Violence Towards Women, Women and the Internet: Part One
Via: mountainfirefall
History & Sociology
10 years ago
https://medium.com/ladybits-on-medium/4c854eb591a5 and a response (below): you won't understand the response if you don't read the above linked article The Harry Potter final movie had a...
10 Incredible Real-Life Mad Scientists
Via: hal-a-lujah
History & Sociology
10 years ago
6. Sergei Brukhonenko (1890-1960) Soviet scientist Sergei Brukhonenko has been credited with helping bring about important advances in Russian open-heart surgery, but his grisly...
How Sears made our Christmas AWESOME.(nostalgia)
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
History & Sociology
10 years ago
One of my favorite holiday memories was sitting on the floor pouring over the Sears Holiday Wishbook. This was the catalog to end all catalogs. Every fall we would wait in giddy anticipation...
Modern morality & social development
Via: petey-coober
History & Sociology
10 years ago
It is my contention that many recent declarations about morality [It MUST be completely equal for everyone ] are getting waaaay ahead of the necessary fundamentals for that to happen .Such equality...
The Man Who Survived Two Nuclear Bomb Attacks
Via: hal-a-lujah
History & Sociology
10 years ago
source Tsutomu Yamaguchi died from stomach cancer. The cancer part perhaps isnt surprising given that Yamaguchi is currently the only person officially recognized by the Japanese government...
Do American Indians Wear Cowboy Hats and Turbans?
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
10 years ago
The short answer is, yes they do. American Indians have worn Cowboy hats for decades. Indians are farmers, cattleman, and ranchers throughout the United States. Indians worked as ''cowboys'' in...
When one says American Indian, what comes to mind?
Via: larry-crehore
History & Sociology
10 years ago
I found this in Indian Country today very interesting view and very true: The U.S. Has Abandoned Natives Dale Schlundt 2/2/14 " When one says AmericanIndian , what...
First Treaty Signed at Fort Pitt With Delaware for Trade and Alliance
Via: larry-crehore
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Duane Champagne 2/15/14 Between 1778 and 1871, the United States negotiated treaties with Indians. The first treaty was signed on September 17, 1778 at Fort Pitt, present day...
Is South Dakota About to Give Some Childhood Sex Abuse a Free Pass?
Via: larry-crehore
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Stephanie Woodard 2/17/14 A bill in the South Dakota legislature that appears intended to give several dozen Native American childhood-sexual-abuse plaintiffs their day in...
Money alone can’t fix Canadas Aboriginal education
Via: larry-crehore
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Jeffrey Simpson Prime Minister Stephen Harper acted correctly, if belatedly, when he decided to pour lots more money into aboriginal education. The sums are considerable, but the need is...
Sniper - The Life and Times of Corporal Francis Pegahmagabow
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Corporal Francis Pegahmagabow, is listed as one of the ''Top Ten'' snipers of all time. Serving in WWI, with the 1stCanadian Infantry Battalion. Pegahmagabow was awarded the ''Military Medal'',...
This Day in History - 2/27/1973 The Siege at Wounded Knee Begins
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Today, 2/27/73, the defining day in modern American Indian history began. The Siege at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Itpitted American Indians and many non Indians that joined us, in a 71 day stand...
'Cobell' Dishonored by Interior's Buy-Back Plan
Via: larry-crehore
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Gabriel S. Galanda 3/3/14 The U.S. Department of the Interiors Indian Land Buy Back Program has been lauded as the hallmark of the $3.4 billion Cobell v. Salazar settlement. As the Buy Back...
History of Ancient Los Angeles Was Driven By It's Wetlands
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
10 years ago
History of Ancient Los Angeles Was Driven by Its Wetlands, 8,000-Year Survey Finds Blake de Pastino Feb 25,2014 0 Comments It may be hard to visualize if youve been...
First Evidence Found of Storied Battle That Stopped Spain's Eastward Expansion
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
10 years ago
First Evidence Found of Storied Battle That Stopped Spains Eastward Expansion Blake de Pastino Mar 17,2014 0 Comments Nearly 300 years ago, two great alliances...
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