Native American Home Etiquette
Via: ambivalent
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Native Americans from the Atlantic to the Pacific and the Arctic to the Tropics were quite cordial and rather kind to guests in the home. Europeans and later Americans noticed certain mannerisms...
The Last Days of Benito Mussolini -- The Reader's Digest, October 1944, Part 1
Via: dowser
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Certainly not a scholarly publication, The Reader's Digest offers a glimpse into American Life. I've found three issues, one from 1934, 1937, and 1944, carefully preserved in all these papers...
The Last Days of Benito Mussolini -- The Reader's Digest, October 1944, Part 2
Via: dowser
History & Sociology
10 years ago
From Part 1, the Grand Council is meeting, under the threat of death from Mussolini's elite Fascist troops, at the Palazzo Venetia, to discuss Mussonlini's removal from office. From Part 1, the...
Celebrate Black History Month
Via: xxjefferson51
History & Sociology
10 years ago
February is Black History Month. This is a time of remembering the many great contributions of African-Americans in the history of our great nation. We have experienced many advances made...
A test of an extreme and unforgiving law
Via: petey-coober
History & Sociology
10 years ago
LINK : http://news.yahoo.com/video/woman-accused-sextorting-15-old-182026410.html I put this under the sociology category because I couldn't find a category for law . Please watch the...
Hey, Obama: About Those Crusades
Via: xxjefferson51
History & Sociology
10 years ago
If theres one thing which irritates me about the left in general it is their rank ignorance of history. It is hard to get someone on the left to properly understand what happened even a few...
The Closed Minds Problem
Via: bob-nelson
History & Sociology
10 years ago
When I was a young economist trying to build a career, I lived or thought I lived in a world in which ideas and those who championed them met in relatively open intellectual combat. Of course...
Tolerating inequality
Via: bob-nelson
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Inequality sustains itself by generating an ideology which favours the rich. This might sound like classic Marxism - which it is. But it is also orthodox social science, as a new paper from...
The Problem is not the Specter of Deflation, the Problem is the Inflation Rate Is Too Low
Via: bob-nelson
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Okay, this is no longer amusing. Can we stop the nonsense about deflation. It doesn't make a f***ing bit of difference whether prices are rising at a small positive rate or whether they are...
The Crusades: A Response to Islamic Aggression
Via: xxjefferson51
History & Sociology
10 years ago
One of the most potent myths of our age is that the Crusades were little more than an unprovoked attack by a barbarous Europe against a quiescent and cultured Islamic world. According to...
Man Didn't Create Freedom But He Is Supposed To Protect It
Via: xxjefferson51
History & Sociology
10 years ago
L ife, Liberty, And ... : Sen. Ted Cruz and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie declare that our rights come from God, and they are censured. That wouldn't happen if more Americans were familiar...
No, the Civil War did not end 150 years ago today
Via: xxjefferson51
History & Sociology
10 years ago
In an otherwise detailed and historically accurate rendering of the meeting between Generals Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee in Wilbur McClean's parlor near Appomattox Courthouse to discuss...
On display at the Empire, French cartoonist’s work still relevant 150 years later
Via: larry-hampton
History & Sociology
10 years ago
More than 150 years after his satirical cartoons made waves in France, Honore Daumier is still having an impact globally and in Grand Forks. A new UND Art Collections exhibit at the Empire...
10 Unbelievable Historical Concurances
Via: dowser
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Any time I read about history, I try to put it in the context of what different family members were doing at the time-- where they lived, what they might have seen, etc. This article really pushed...
Hundreds of Dice, Game Pieces Found in Utah Cave Shed Light on Prehistoric Gambling
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Hundreds of Dice, Game Pieces Found in Utah Cave Shed Light on Prehistoric Gambling Posted by Blake de Pastino on May 18, 2015 in anthropology , archaeology , artifacts , caves...
USS Constitution, world's oldest commissioned warship afloat, successfully dry docked
Via: xxjefferson51
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Workers steady lines as the USS Constitution is guided into a dry dock in Boston, Monday, May 18, 2015. The world's oldest commissioned warship still afloat, which was launched in 1797,...
War Memorials Around the World
Via: ravenwing
History & Sociology
10 years ago
As we honor our men and women in uniform this Memorial Day, I'd like to share some very moving War Memorials from around the world that pay tribute to those who have given their all for their...
10 Female Scientists of Note That You May Never Have heard Of
Via: robert-in-ohio
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Rachel Swaby, author of a book highlighting womens contributions to science, chooses her favourite female scientists, from the greatest dinosaur hunter to the inventor of Kevlar Mary Anning...
How a 19th Century Shipwreck Could Give Canada Control of the Arctic
Via: ravenwing
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Bloomberg Business) -- Jim Balsillie toes the frozen lip of a 5-foot triangular hole cut through 5 feet of ice. Hes wearing nothing but boxer- briefs. Its mid-April, and its 5F outside of a...
Secret 1795 Boston Time Capsule Buried by Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Opened!
Via: xxjefferson51
History & Sociology
10 years ago
Revere Time Capsule 1Boston Researchers look inside a centuries-old time capsule buried by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere.A time capsule dating back to 1795 has been recovered in Boston. It was...
Inventions: 70 Years That Changed the World, 1845–1915
Via: robert-in-ohio
History & Sociology
10 years ago
High-Volume Printing Press: Johannes Gutenberg's 15th-century printing press produced six pages a day. Richard Hoe's giant press in the 1850s, using rolls of cheap paper several miles long,...
D-Day: Reminding Us Of What American Exceptionalism Can Do
Via: xxjefferson51
History & Sociology
10 years ago
PerspectiveD-Day: Reminding Us Of What American Exceptionalism Can Do1 CommentBY STEPHEN PORPORA05:42 PM ETA visitor takes a photograph of part of the National World War II Memorial in Washington.A...
Magna Carta and the Law that Governs Government
Via: xxjefferson51
History & Sociology
10 years ago
It was a time of abuse of power by the state, high taxes, foreign wars against aggressive, violent Muslims, cronyism, and unrest over civil, commercial and religious rights. Certain similarities...