they all took their blood oath to trump last night and got their ceremonial daggers. then they got pizza delivered and practiced goosestepping around the parking lot by the light of a dumpster fire.
The party rumor mill messaging this morning is the vote will pass.
they've got their thumper trump fluffer that's more than happy to bend over and they know the voters won't stand for another exhibition of GOP incompetence...
Now the preachers of merit across NT will have to contend with a 'meritless' GOP Speaker of the House because GOPers in congress couldn 't take the shame of talking big shit for years and having the public see with its own sets of eyes the GOP house flopping around on the House's floor endlessly trying to catch its breath to announce a leader. So now a 'newbie' has the GOP gavel and he being the best they could put out of their . . . . . . . hat!
Oh, so NOW the "most important quality" is ELECTABILITY and not MERIT ANDELECTABILITY! VP Harris had ELECTABILITY and MERIT and MAGA decries and mocks her ceaselessly. Chalk it up under GAMES PEOPLE PLAY.
Mike Johnson, apparently is a 'MERITLESS' nobody who has little to show for his time in congress. A relative 'nobody.' So much for MERIT as song by NT conservatives. BTW, . . . let's see if GOP conservatives send out its 'Merit Police' to accost this fraudster in charge of the House!
Own it. MAGA was finally shamed to act. And it can't even get a SENIOR statesman to take the job and govern its herd of GOPers. Ha-ha! A junior statesman with no proper leadership role was an appeasement selection.
MAGA complains about VP Harris lacking VP credentials and now that noise will fall to the dirt! MAGA just elected its meritless Speaker unanimously, because he was the only 'fit' member to even try after MAGA shitcanned McCarthy.
MAGA can't govern the United States of America. Oh, Speaker Johnson, watch out for upcoming 'ouster' if you get too reasonable in your 'newbie' job.
Well, GOP House conservatives released the white 'smoke' today; they have a MERIT-LESS 'newbie' Speaker without a lick of experience. To be clear, I don't care who they choose for Speaker for their majority, but since NT GOPers 'love' to whine about democrats' merit to serve. . . . Then, it's fair to point out their lack of consistency!
they're all terrified what some indicted traitor will say about them on truth social and then the voicemails and emails of their families filled with death threats from fascist fanatics that want a dictator to rule america...
Just a little "something-something" the late great Sam Kinison made remarks about just come back to me regarding conservatives who insist on doing the same SHIT year after year after year. Enjoy Mr. Kinison (Resting in Peace) .
Good point, thanks CB. I wonder why hungry Americans don’t move to where the food is or the jobs are to by the food. Our Central American brothers seem to understand what some of our native born don’t.
I give it until Jan 2025 when the Dems take their next shot. This will be fund raising gold for them and they are already out raising the Republicans. I predict it will still be a thin margin...
What are the odds?
The party rumor mill messaging this morning is the vote will pass.
they all took their blood oath to trump last night and got their ceremonial daggers. then they got pizza delivered and practiced goosestepping around the parking lot by the light of a dumpster fire.
The only oath taken was the one every democrat took: To vote as a solid block of shit in order to obstruct.
Is Trumpo losing his power over the gop?
trump going balls deep down the throat of every unamerican, anti-democracy rwnj in DC...
they've got their thumper trump fluffer that's more than happy to bend over and they know the voters won't stand for another exhibition of GOP incompetence...
that's what's mounted atop the necks of the current traitor trump supporters...
Now the preachers of merit across NT will have to contend with a 'meritless' GOP Speaker of the House because GOPers in congress couldn 't take the shame of talking big shit for years and having the public see with its own sets of eyes the GOP house flopping around on the House's floor endlessly trying to catch its breath to announce a leader. So now a 'newbie' has the GOP gavel and he being the best they could put out of their . . . . . . . hat!
Of no more spending?
Johnson has already said he would whip another stop gap spending bill if elected.
"if elected?"
Barberino just got a vote. No more spending!
Yeah... Good luck with that. When it starts cutting into the donor class profits they all capitulate to save their jobs.
Will that be when democrats decide to vote for a Republican Speaker.
I say let it go on.
Let what go on?
Of course you do. Your guys caused this...
to the guilty, it's always somebody else's fault...
Will Mike Johnson be our next Speaker of the US House of Representatives? Who is Mike Johnson?
How to describe the ineffective, insane, and incredulous brand that is the gop:
“Cannibals prefer those who have no spines” ~ Stanislaw Len
“Will Mike Johnson be our next Speaker of the US House…?”
No, just a Squeaker for the Louse…
Mike Johnson is a far right Christian nationalist, a Young Earth Creationist, and a devout Trumpist MAGAite.
Good friggin' grief you are correct. A YEC too?? Politically and religiously delusional?
It's an ugly combination.
executive level maga...
Not sure the GOP could have picked someone with a worse set of qualities.
They don't have a lot to choose from, and the few who deviate in any way from MAGA orthodoxy wouldn't stand a chance.
Apparently, he had the most important quality, electability.
that's been trending with them for over a decade...
This is sure to bite the House Republicans in the ass as Dems outraise them for reelection.
Yeah, the GOP has lost its mind. No surprise, just more disappointment.
I just heard it mentioned that mike johnson is jim jordan in drag...
the GOP is now an authoritarian movement.
“…mike johnson is jim jordan in drag...”
Making room for numerous committee assignments for George, by george.
Gee, preach tolerance, but are actually closeted homophobic bigots, who didn't have that on their Bingo card?
If he is in Drag, he can't come to Florida....Oh wait, a federal judge overruled DeSantis and threw that law out.
Inviting Drag Queens to Florida.
Oh, so NOW the "most important quality" is ELECTABILITY and not MERIT AND ELECTABILITY! VP Harris had ELECTABILITY and MERIT and MAGA decries and mocks her ceaselessly. Chalk it up under GAMES PEOPLE PLAY.
I’m sorry that my sarcasm wasn’t more self evident.
♪ You spin me round ♫ round baby like a record baby! ♪
Oh, you forgot or dismissed the sarcasm tag. Which? Don't be sorry just remember the tag next time!
Mike Johnson, apparently is a 'MERITLESS' nobody who has little to show for his time in congress. A relative 'nobody.' So much for MERIT as song by NT conservatives. BTW, . . . let's see if GOP conservatives send out its 'Merit Police' to accost this fraudster in charge of the House!
The were hoping for a meritless loser like Jeffries to get the job, you had to be retarding to think that would ever happen.
Own it. MAGA was finally shamed to act. And it can't even get a SENIOR statesman to take the job and govern its herd of GOPers. Ha-ha! A junior statesman with no proper leadership role was an appeasement selection.
MAGA complains about VP Harris lacking VP credentials and now that noise will fall to the dirt! MAGA just elected its meritless Speaker unanimously, because he was the only 'fit' member to even try after MAGA shitcanned McCarthy.
MAGA can't govern the United States of America. Oh, Speaker Johnson, watch out for upcoming 'ouster' if you get too reasonable in your 'newbie' job.
Pelosi was a senior statesman and was so worthless that she lost the house twice.
Spin, George, Spin.
Cue my 'song':
Dead or Alive You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) Official Video
Stomp! Bump! Bang! Pivot! Swirl! Wave! Bend! Fall!
On the other hand, she was so worthless that she won 4 times and was Speaker for 8 years.
we're already witnessing the least productive house in the last 30 years. go maga go. losers...
Well, GOP House conservatives released the white 'smoke' today; they have a MERIT-LESS 'newbie' Speaker without a lick of experience. To be clear, I don't care who they choose for Speaker for their majority, but since NT GOPers 'love' to whine about democrats' merit to serve. . . . Then, it's fair to point out their lack of consistency!
On the O's now and not a single 'Other' vote.
It only takes 5 defections thanks to the democrats.
No, thanks to the razor thin majority due to Trump.
Do you fault Trump for anything??
Only one thing: Losing to Biden and the left.
Now that is just amazing.
The only thing that you fault Trump for is losing the 2020 election.
A remarkable admission.
they're all terrified what some indicted traitor will say about them on truth social and then the voicemails and emails of their families filled with death threats from fascist fanatics that want a dictator to rule america...
Nah, they are just afraid to stand up from the genuflection
It's done. Johnson is the newest Speaker of the House.
Sam Kinison World Hunger
Just a little "something-something" the late great Sam Kinison made remarks about just come back to me regarding conservatives who insist on doing the same SHIT year after year after year. Enjoy Mr. Kinison (Resting in Peace) .
Good point, thanks CB. I wonder why hungry Americans don’t move to where the food is or the jobs are to by the food. Our Central American brothers seem to understand what some of our native born don’t.
Well, at least you watched the video!
I saw it years ago. And you’re right, we have native born Americans living in food/employment deserts while migrants move to where both are.
Sam was ahead of his time and died too young.
Congrats to Rep Johnson
I give it a month...
I give it until Jan 2025 when the Dems take their next shot. This will be fund raising gold for them and they are already out raising the Republicans. I predict it will still be a thin margin...
as long as we shed the dick grabbing vaper from colorado as part of the deal...
Johnson of Louisiana elected Speaker of US House.
It is reminiscent of WWII when they had to go through a long list of Generals to come up with Ike - because he could get along with everyone.
Well, they sure sat and shat for long enough, guess they felt it was time to get off the pot and get about the people's business.
Did they change the rules so that one person can't cause this kind of chaos again?
No, the rule remains in effect. Expect more chaos to ensue.
There is talk that a rule change along this issue is 'next' order of business. . . . Watch this space!
The new Coat of Arms for Congress will be Dino the Dinosaur.