By: MrFrost • 3 months ago • 112 comments
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Lots of vets have no family, if you know of one, throw them a hello, or a call, or a plate of food. Vets did a lot for this country, today is one of those days you can pay it back.
Our brother-in-arms and friendship, Mr. Frost, has not commented farther on a cause for 'alarm' he rendered. I am concerned. Whom will he speak with amongst us? Will he speak to any of us about it?! We're here for you, Mr. Frost. And, I, we, are alarmed right now! PM me too if you wish!
Okay. I can understand letting the holiday hold its own with the 'young folks' (as I am tired of all the 'celebratory' behavior myself) - but, is that all you mean by it? Mr. Frost, you have given us a 'fright' and we want to know you are alright! Are you alright in mind, body, and spirit? (I remember you have suffered a great loss in your life. ARE YOU ALRIGHT, Sir?)
(And yes, I am going out on a limb here to ask this.)
Looks swell! I am not 'big' on the holiday these days anymore as I get older. Just want to sit and relax. (No company either today.) Those 'birds' on the plate design 'threw' me for a moment as I tried to make out what 'sweet' they were. (Chuckles.)
YOU'RE let down. I miss the annual expat Thanksgiving dinner here that ended in 2019, but we DO celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, which is similar in some ways to Thanksgiving. In Canada it's about a month earlier because of the necessity of earlier harvesting.
As I have told you before, during my time in New Zealand with the US Antarctic Program, many of my Kiwi friends and co-workers tried to get me try vegemite but I just did not care for it and only tried it once. It is a acquired taste that you have to be raised with I guess.
Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch time or in the evening?
we had ours at 12:30pm this year, which was nice, because usually it's supposed to happen around 2pm and never does until later, and I become even more obnoxious if my eating schedule is delayed. at least I didn't have to graphically death wish my maga uncle's hero when he broke the no politics rule at the dinner table this year ...
the maga relics and thumpers in my family all have a foot in the grave. I think the whole family get together dynamic fell apart over covid, and now we're all spread out over hell's half acre. then dragging all the family relics around just became a bit much. my past sales career messed me up. now if I'm in somebody's house longer than 3 hours without collecting a check, I just want to pack up and go home.
my pranks of turning the crosses on their religious bumper stickers into swastikas and drawing swastikas on their trump bumper stickers with a magic marker can only be done once or twice until they abandon the idea of adorning their vehicles all together ...
my best prank was putting an "I miss Bill" (Clinton) bumper sticker on the back bumper of my republican or death uncle's jeep. he was a big shot in the republican party structure in texas back then and I had taken it down there for the express purpose of putting it on his vehicle. I forgot about it right after I had done it and didn't mention it to anybody, and apparently he hadn't noticed it for several months. however, it was brought to his attention at a republican party function some months later which caused him some embarrassment among his fascist peer group. for some reason he failed to find the humor in my prank for a number of years.
My wishes to ALL American NT members (even those who aren't friends) for a joyful and delicious Thanksgiving. If NT can be considered a boat, we're all in it together and should do our best to keep it afloat.
Yes, arkpdx, most of NT's members are my friends, some of whom I disagree with some of the time, but those who deliberately insult or taunt me or do what they can to try to harm me are not. I can love my neighbour, but not my enemy.
I have awoken from my food and beer induced nap. We had deep fried turkey, ham, stuffing balls with gravy, green beans, last of the tomatoes from greenhouse, cold beer and plenty of it and a very large tray of deviled eggs. Good time and short visits from people I don't see enough of. And enough leftovers for a few days.
Being a retired vet and living on an installation we do whatever we can for the active duty members.
Every year we, basically cook 2 meals. 1 for the family the other is taken to the ACPs for the Soldiers who are working. Once that is done start the fire and invite the neighbors over for cigars and drinks.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Frost! "Gobble, gobble!"
Semper Fi Frosty - and, yes, we're providing food/meals for our vets.
Wish you could join us.
Have a Happy and filling Bird Day.
Happy Thanksgiving, Istwarrior! Gobble, gobble!
Thanks my friend!
Happy Thanksgiving Frosty. Semper Fi!
happy belated T-day mr frost!
Thanks Buddy!
To you as well.
Told my far-right wing fascist family to go fuck themselves.
Ho Ho Ho
C'mon man....
Let's not do that.
Thanks and back at you Mr. Frost.
My pleasure my friend, this will be my last thanks giving.
Morning Frosty...if you don't mind me asking...any particular reason this is your last Thanksgiving??
Understand if you don't wish to answer but none of us knows when the bell will toll.. myself included..🤗
Mr. Frost? I'm checking in on. . .you! What's going on, my friend?
What's happening Frosty? If ya wanna, you can PM me.
Why is this your last Thanksgiving, Frosty?
Our brother-in-arms and friendship, Mr. Frost, has not commented farther on a cause for 'alarm' he rendered. I am concerned. Whom will he speak with amongst us? Will he speak to any of us about it?! We're here for you, Mr. Frost. And, I, we, are alarmed right now! PM me too if you wish!
Tired of celebrating it by myself.
Okay. I can understand letting the holiday hold its own with the 'young folks' (as I am tired of all the 'celebratory' behavior myself) - but, is that all you mean by it? Mr. Frost, you have given us a 'fright' and we want to know you are alright!
Are you alright in mind, body, and spirit? (I remember you have suffered a great loss in your life. ARE YOU ALRIGHT, Sir?)
(And yes, I am going out on a limb here to ask this.)
From now on please come to our house for Thanksgiving.
Morning G...I certainly hope Frosty takes you up on your kind offer..
That's what mates do and things can change a heck of alot in 12 months...and all for the better..
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving..
I might even be tempted to free load, naturally I would bring something to share... Vegemite naturally...🤣
I sincerely hope he does. You, too! Vegemite gravy? That sounds, um, delicious?
We had a really nice Thanksgiving, thanks.
Morning...yes people actually do put Vegemite in their gravy..I haven't tried it myself though..😁
I wouldn't be waiting around for the phone to ring ...
Huh..we can have Bluey, Bingo and Muffin in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade..just a matter of time before a jar of Vegemite goes floating along too..
it won't float before or after digestion ...
I may just do that!
We would be more than happy to have you there.
Arvo Frosty..I would take G up on his offer if I was you otherwise I will send you a years supply of Vegemite for the next Thanksgiving..
You gotta be happy with that..
Just ask Devangy...😁
............<draws in breath sharply> I dunno....
See G's offer is looking better by the minute..
This or...
I suspect you will be having an extra one at next year's thanksgiving G..
My mission is now complete..😊
Dad and I were planning a New Zealand trip.
Then he had an AMI and died.
Am still thinking about it but it won't be the same.
Oh no! I am so sorry for this loss!
As a great nation we really need to declare 'war' on heart attacks and heart disease! The time is now!
This, this is what makes America great, we embrace our own....
See, now I have eaten a slug, raw....but there are some things I just won't eat...
Arvo...Hmmm think you have been talking and hanging Devangy to much..
Next you will be saying I live on that rock or sandbar in the sea..
You mob just don't know what you are missing..🐨
butchered english slang, bloodthirsty creatures, and driving badly down the wrong side of the road?
you could fit my 10 years supply of vegemite on one side of a butter knife ...
A butter knife..
That's not a knife..🤣🤣
Evening....yes I think that will go down in posterity..
Absolutely. It's been a lot of years since I watched that movie, and that scene is one I'll never forget.
better than up the posterior ...
Happy Thanksgiving, Kavika! Gobble, gobble!
Morning.... Happy Thanksgiving to you mob across the Pacific..
Hope you celebrate it which ever way you see fit as it means different things to different people I guess..
But enjoy your time with family and friends and be grateful for what you have....
At the end of the day we are all on this one planet together and we had better make the most of it..
Happy Thanksgiving, Shona! Gobble, gobble!
Morning CB..hmmm I feel somewhat let down by my Vegemite on muffin this morning when everyone seems to having roasts etc over there..
Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch time or in the evening?
Oh well Christmas is just around the corner for us..we will make up for it then..🦃🦃🦃
Not quite a Thanksgiving meal but it will do me..
I'm good. After 2 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Looks swell! I am not 'big' on the holiday these days anymore as I get older. Just want to sit and relax. (No company either today.) Those 'birds' on the plate design 'threw' me for a moment as I tried to make out what 'sweet' they were. (Chuckles.)
Morning CB...yes it's getting much the same with Christmas.. happy to keep it quiet and just family...
I know other families have huge get togethers and 9 times out of 10 ends up in arguments and fights...pass...
The birds on the plate are rainbow lorikeets...they come into the gumtrees out the front of my house they are after the nectar in the flowers..
They are noisy little buggars but I love hearing them and seeing them..
Never use to get them here only up Queensland but over the years they have moved South to Victoria...
Not my photo...
What a colorful creature it is!
YOU'RE let down. I miss the annual expat Thanksgiving dinner here that ended in 2019, but we DO celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, which is similar in some ways to Thanksgiving. In Canada it's about a month earlier because of the necessity of earlier harvesting.
As I have told you before, during my time in New Zealand with the US Antarctic Program, many of my Kiwi friends and co-workers tried to get me try vegemite but I just did not care for it and only tried it once. It is a acquired taste that you have to be raised with I guess.
Semper Fi!
we had ours at 12:30pm this year, which was nice, because usually it's supposed to happen around 2pm and never does until later, and I become even more obnoxious if my eating schedule is delayed. at least I didn't have to graphically death wish my maga uncle's hero when he broke the no politics rule at the dinner table this year ...
Morning..yes think that will be a good idea no politics rule... or religion..
With Christmas so soon after Thanksgiving do you tame it down or is Christmas just as big?
I have heard people say Thanksgiving is bigger than Christmas now...
I guess you have Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas it could be wearing a bit thin...
the maga relics and thumpers in my family all have a foot in the grave. I think the whole family get together dynamic fell apart over covid, and now we're all spread out over hell's half acre. then dragging all the family relics around just became a bit much. my past sales career messed me up. now if I'm in somebody's house longer than 3 hours without collecting a check, I just want to pack up and go home.
my pranks of turning the crosses on their religious bumper stickers into swastikas and drawing swastikas on their trump bumper stickers with a magic marker can only be done once or twice until they abandon the idea of adorning their vehicles all together ...
Morning... you're bad....but I like it..🤣
my best prank was putting an "I miss Bill" (Clinton) bumper sticker on the back bumper of my republican or death uncle's jeep. he was a big shot in the republican party structure in texas back then and I had taken it down there for the express purpose of putting it on his vehicle. I forgot about it right after I had done it and didn't mention it to anybody, and apparently he hadn't noticed it for several months. however, it was brought to his attention at a republican party function some months later which caused him some embarrassment among his fascist peer group. for some reason he failed to find the humor in my prank for a number of years.
I am thankful for my friends on NT. Y'all know my 'story' and still '
' me - anyway! Peace. Love. And Soul!
Happy turkey day to the US,
but here in Canada we celebrated it a month and a half ago
Morning Free..we are always ahead of you mob on the wrong side of the world and Hemisphere..
Thanksgiving was yesterday now..🦃
Happy Thanksgiving (anyhow!) to you! Gobbled, gobbled! (See what I did there?)
My wishes to ALL American NT members (even those who aren't friends) for a joyful and delicious Thanksgiving. If NT can be considered a boat, we're all in it together and should do our best to keep it afloat.
If it springs a leak, we can all go down together..🦘🦃🦫
Beware of the white whale.
If it's Migaloo the white humpie not a problem..he swims up and down the East coast each year and very well known..
Unfortunately not my photos..
Wow!!! And I was only kidding! I didn't realize Herman Melville was right.
Or the salties...
Arvo... everything here is your friend...they all love people..
Yep, especially for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! I thought this was Brutus, but Brutus is missing his front leg.
And it only costs you $300 to become a snack take away in a tank..
No Brutus lives out in the wild..not sure which one it is..they have a couple of them up there..
Hungry springs to mind as a good name..
Happy to be of service Sir.
He looks well fed either way.
I'll bet. He likes people the will eat two or three a day if available.
Arvo...oh yes...tasty tourists are snapped up in no time..
Happy Thanksgiving, Buzz. Gobble, gobble!
Thanks, CB.
There are people here on NT that are not your friends? I got one consider everyone here my friend, even those I disagree with.
We may be more like a family IMO. But sometimes....
Amen Arky...
Yes, arkpdx, most of NT's members are my friends, some of whom I disagree with some of the time, but those who deliberately insult or taunt me or do what they can to try to harm me are not. I can love my neighbour, but not my enemy.
I have awoken from my food and beer induced nap. We had deep fried turkey, ham, stuffing balls with gravy, green beans, last of the tomatoes from greenhouse, cold beer and plenty of it and a very large tray of deviled eggs. Good time and short visits from people I don't see enough of. And enough leftovers for a few days.
Hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving
Arvo...geez that sounds terrible..
Might have to free load next year...
Happy Thanksgiving, Charger. Gobble, gobble!
Thanks CB hope yours was good
Quiet. It was nice and quiet. I was pleased with it!
Thank you!
Being a retired vet and living on an installation we do whatever we can for the active duty members.
Every year we, basically cook 2 meals. 1 for the family the other is taken to the ACPs for the Soldiers who are working. Once that is done start the fire and invite the neighbors over for cigars and drinks.
I am glad you had a great thanksgiving (and here's hope for a "thankful" retirement too)! Sounds like you 'gobbled-gobbled' enough!
Hope you did too.
Thanks for all that you do.
You as well.
Happy belated Thanksgiving, Mr. Frost.
I had surf and turf and the kids paid ... yeah!
Morning...what happened to the turkey?
Couldn't you catch it..🦃
I don't eat what were once flying lizards ...
Speaking of lizards I have to get a move on..I am flat out like a lizard drinking..(busy)..
See the specialist at 11am and fingers crossed the myeloma is still non existent..
Have alot to be grateful for and as always will just take it as it comes...
positive vibes on the way and the sun is coming up tomorrow whether we're here or not ...
Arvo..well it signs of any myeloma and over two years without any medications now..
All other test results are excellent so celebrating tonight..a glass of Moscato and a home made Hamburger with the lot and not a pickle in sight..😊
None of that Macca's crap here .
Will be my photo when I make it..
All of us here are happy to hear that...
Pickles are the work of the devil... LOL
I am going to speak for all of us here on NT, your good health is a plus for us all. *HUGS*
Arvo Frosty..thank you for that and big hugs to you too..
And I hope you have a better thanksgiving next year, I will be checking to make sure you do. 🦃
Just drifting off to, "asleepies", we all love you here.... Night my friend....
Sleep well Frosty..good night..
Shona from Australia: Are you (still) okay? Fingers crossed.
Arvo CB... excellent thank you..still no sign of myeloma and all other results are excellent..
And it's sun, sand and surf.. can't get much better that that..
Well now - Hey! Stellar sun and sequined nights are in your future!
Thanks, and Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you and Mr. Giggles!