
Mike Hunt's Taco Stand

Mike Hunt's Taco Stand

Product reviews, anti-trump articles and tire repair center/random funny crap. 

Apologies for the "join via comment" thing but I am not here often enough to approve new members in an expedient manner. 

Above all else, have fun.


Discussion Forum

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Let's talk about....

Let's talk about....

By: MrFrost  •  24 Comments  •  4 weeks ago
MrFrost last wrote: Slipknot is in it's 25th year. 
Trump Campaign Speaker Warns of Civil War if Dems Win Election

Trump Campaign Speaker Warns of Civil War if Dems Win Election

Via: devangelical  •  41 Comments  •  3 months ago
Drinker of the Wry last wrote: [✘]
Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally that left at least 1 dead

Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally that left at least 1 dead

Via: MrFrost  •  138 Comments  •  3 months ago
Devangelical last wrote: yup...
Republican Civil War Turns Violent

Republican Civil War Turns Violent

Via: devangelical  •  66 Comments  •  3 months ago
cjcold last wrote: Ironically it is the illegality and immorality of Trump that is the issue.


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@MrFrost @Ozzwald @lady in black @Sunshine @charger 383 @sixpick @al Jizzerror @Drakkonis @Tessylo @bbl-1 @Kavika @Split Personality @Enoch @Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @lib50 @Perrie Halpern @r.t..b... @Gordy327 @sandy-2021492 @Greg Jones @pat wilson @Dismayed Patriot @XXJefferson51 @JBB @cjcold @Trout Giggles @igknorantzrulz @Freefaller @Ronin2 @GregTx @Buzz of the Orient @Ed-NavDoc @Sparty On @katrix @Devangelical @squiggy @Steve Ott @Ender @PJ @Tacos! @John Russell @Dean Moriarty @lasterus @Sean @Eat The Press Do Not Read It @Gsquared @MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) @Hal A. Lujah @Krishna @Bob Nelson @Larry Hampton @arkpdx @CB @Just Jim NC TttH @Dig @Thrawn 31 @SteevieGee @Thomas @Dragon @expatingb @TᵢG @1stwarrior @zuksam @Snuffy @Hallux @Veronica @Raven Wing @Freewill @Nerm_L @Jack_TX @Duck Hawk @evilone @bugsy @shona1 @Jeremy in NC @afrayedknot @gooseisback @Revillug @freepress @Dulay @Vic Eldred @Right Down the Center @Drinker of the Wry @mocowgirl @TOM PA @RU4Real @Outis @Texan1211 @Robert in Ohio @bccrane @fineline @George @Igknorantzruls

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