Ex-CBP head: 'Literally should take' about 30 minutes to ID who brought cocaine into White House | Just The News
By: Nicholas Ballasy (Just The News)
Mark Morgan, a former FBI agent and acting commissioner of the Customs and Border Protection Agency, told Just the News that it should take the U.S. Secret Service about 30 minutes to figure out how cocaine came into the White House and who brought it there.
"I was there countless times, I put my cell phone in that exact box that they're talking about. I know it well. Oftentimes, there is a marine that's standing there. This literally should take them about 30 minutes to solve," Morgan said on Wednesday.
"Everybody that comes in, not just the White House grounds, but also everybody that comes into that space, right, where you have to check that cell phone, they're accounted for. There's a manifest. There are cameras. I could go on. This literally should take them about 30 minutes to figure out whose cocaine it was," he added.
He noted that it's still an federal offense to bring an illegal drug like cocaine onto federal property. Morgan said he wouldn't be surprised if the public never finds out whose cocaine was at the White House, given that the individual who leaked the Supreme Court's June 2022 Roe v. Wade decision in advance was not publicly identified.
A U.S. Secret Service test has confirmed that the substance found on Sunday night at the White House was cocaine. The source of the cocaine is still is under investigation. It was reportedly found in the West Wing.
It's not surprising that cocaine was discovered at the White House, given the level of drug trafficking happening at the U.S.-Mexico border under the Biden administration, according to Bobby Charles, assistant secretary of state at the U.S. State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush administration.
Charles said the Biden administration isn't paying enough attention to the illicit activity happening at the border, which leads to illegal drugs ending up in U.S. communities.
"Whether it was a series of staffers, who apparently might be deeply involved, or one staffer or Hunter Biden himself, it doesn't really matter. The reality is that you have a president and a White House that have a disregard for the law, they really don't care," Charles said during an interview with Just the News.
"And so everything rolls downhill when the president of the United States can get away, literally, with almost, you know, with federal bribery and RICO violations, and the Attorney General doesn't give a damn and doesn't prosecute, doesn't pick up the pen and doesn't even talk about it," he added.
Charles said Americans are dealing with the effects of illegal drugs coming over the border in their communities, particularly fentanyl.
"Just like you see illegal aliens pop up on the local corner, far more prolific is the distribution of all of these drugs, cocaine, heroin, other synthetics, fentanyl, and, of course, runaway high potency marijuana. All of this is everywhere now. And why?" he said. "Because this administration has basically looked the other way on an issue that is affecting human lives as much as shutting down the energy sector. I mean, it's no surprise that we're losing confidence in government."
Charles compared the amount of deaths from illegal drugs to 1989 to support his statements.
"When George Herbert Walker Bush gave an address to the American people in September of 1989 about the drug issue, he was horrified because we had 5,000 American kids who had died. We had 105,000-108,000 last year and law enforcement tells me it'll be 130,000 next year," he said.
Retired FBI agent Scott Nelson argued the "border is wide open" and the cocaine found at the White House is the latest example of it.
"So that cocaine issue in the White House has an awful lot to do with the American developing mentality that says drugs are okay, being induced to crime by drugs is okay because those who do it are in fact the underprivileged and the border is secure, which is an absolute falsehood," he said. "The border is wide open, if you talk to any law enforcement or FBI agents down there, they will tell you that the minimum amount of effort has been put in the border, folks on the terrorist watch list are coming through, hundreds of folks aged 16 to 24."
Nelson argued that it's "hypocritical" for cocaine to be found at the White House while the public is being told the drug war is over during a border crisis.
"What's ironic about this cocaine in the West Wing is the fact that it's there at the same time, while the president and many other politicians are saying the drug war is over, they're saying that in the same way that they said the war in Afghanistan is over," he said. "And they pulled the plug on the so-called drug war at a particular time in our country, when it's even more important to fight a so-called war."
According to the U.S. Justice Department, "most illicit drugs available in the United States and thousands of illegal immigrants are smuggled into the United States across the nearly 2,000-mile Southwest Border."
Nelson warned that a lack of attention to security issues at the border could lead to another 9/11.
"It's also young men in the ages 16 to 26 who are on the terrorist watch list and what is happening is we are facilitating the cartels. We are facilitating the terrorists and we are pointing them towards another 9/11. I hope it doesn't happen. I saw the last one happen," he said.
Under questioning on Wednesday about the cocaine incident, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre mostly deferred to the U.S. Secret Service.
"When it comes to visitors to the West Wing, they come for many reasons, and obviously we do have West Wing tours that occur here on campus," Jean-Pierre said. "They happen, and this particular past couple of days, they happened on Friday, they happened on Saturday, and on Sunday."
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They know who it was but don't want to admit that for it will make them look bad. Not that finding cocaine in the WH isn't bad enough.
What would happen to hunter’s sweetheart plea deal if he committed yet another crime?
Mandatory rehab (for who knows how many times); an apology from the DOJ for putting Hunter under so much stress that he was forced to start using again; a settlement offer of a couple of million dollars if Hunter will still be their friend; and a promise to go after those mean nasty Republicans investigating Hunter/Brandon in the House.
They will release whose cocaine it was (good luck on getting charges); right after they release/charge who leaked the Dobbs decision; and they file charges against those that committed arson/vandalism/intimidation on religious institutions that offered pregnancy counseling and aid (who had the temerity to spray paint their names on the walls- just to prove there was no chance of Garland/DOJ/FBI prosecuting them.)
Just another example of the politization of the DOJ.
This is what Joe meant when he said "nobody fucks with the Bidens."
The White House changed the story again. It now claims the Cocaine was found in amore secure place near the Situation Room and near where the VP parks her car.
Maybe it’s all a plot to get rid of Kamala Harris. That would be pretty funny,
I thought the initial reporting was from the fire department radio that said it was found in the East Wing. Then the Secret Service gave a statement about the West Wing. Wonder if we will ever hear a final report? What's sad is the quiet from the left on this. You know they would be raising all sorts of hell if this had happened during the Trump administration.
Its changing on a daily basis. Incredible they can't make a definitive statement on something that should be so simple.
With the number of cameras in that place, and the number of SS agents, Capital Police and Marine guards one has to wonder why it is taking so long...
Brandon's advisors and strategists are going to try and spin this and place blame on anyone else.
Think on this - not trying to change topic, but - seems like there are continuous showings of photos of Trump having "Classified" materials "all over his house" - and no one can come up with any photos of a drug misplacement in the heaviest protected building in the U.S.???
'Kinda fishy to me, eh?
Someone dropped a small bag of cocaine in the West Wing...
Lab tests confirmed that a white substance found inside the building on Sunday was indeed cocaine, the Secret Service told reporters. The discovery, on the floor near an entrance to the West Wing that’s commonly used by tour groups, led to a security alert and a brief evacuation of the executive mansion. Authorities are working to figure out who brought the drug into the building. (At the time, Joe Biden and his family were at Camp David in Maryland.)
Hunter must have used his teleportation capabilities. Such a capricious use of these powers will be punished.
So it sat there, unnoticed since some time Friday (because there are no tours on the weekends) with Secret Service making routine checks and cameras throughout the building.
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit.
So are most thinking Americans.
From the White House website. "Public tours are typically available from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday".
Apparently, Saturday is no longer "on the weekends".
The bag was found in an area not accessible to the public.
Point out where I said anything about where the bag was found. I replied to the lie that there are no tours on weekends.
The WH public tours don't include the West Wing so the days and hours of public tours isn't relevant.
I think that you used the term "public tours" in 7.1 , West Wing Tours as you eleberated, aren't public tours. But yes, someone that visited with staffer could have left the bag behind. One would think that the number that had an invitation that weekend wasa rather small.
Here you go
Large hunks of this thread were removed for a slap fight. It better stop or next time I will be handing out tickets.
Yes because there is no way he could have dropped it prior to leaving the WH s/
Oh you know they are only defending a known crackhead and his geriatric father. The fact they haven't identified who dropped it based on all the security measures indicates there is a very good possibility it's either the crackhead kid or another tweeker in the administration.
It's not surprising that cocaine was discovered at the White House, given the level of drug trafficking happening at the U.S.-Mexico border under the Biden administration
How can anyone take seriously an article with such a moronic assertion?
This is a conservative strategy we’ve been seeing forever. Something happens and a huge set of narratives are fabricated around it to support a position.
E.g. WRT 9/11, Falwell said "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America, I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.’” … To which Robertson said: "I totally concur”. It couldn’t have possibly been our actions in the middle-east, it must be their God reacting to the people they disagree with.
A small bag of cocaine is found near a tourist entrance while the Biden family is elsewhere, and you get this BS seed and lots of other nonsense. This actually works on conservatives, as you can see from the posts here and on the wider Net. We’ve been hearing about all the high crimes of the Bidens for many years, but Comer actually has nothing but innuendo. When you’re in a cult, you eat what you are fed and post of its deliciosity.
Good point. Anyone who lived through 9/11 knows conservatives blamed gays and pagans for 9/11 and not Islamic Terrorism. Who doesn't recall progressives begging conservatives to focus on Islamic Terrorists and not advocating bombing San Francisco.
omething happens and a huge set of narratives are fabricated around it to support a position.
You see the irony here, I hope.
You see the irony here, I hope.
You are here supporting an article with the claim that the President’s actions have flooded the country with so much drugs that it has leaked into the WH. I guess there’s so much coke that they ran out of places to store it, huh?
Pat Robertson had the ears of 60 million people who believed his shit.
What we got from conservatives after 9/11 was one long term war that could have accomplished its mission in 3 months. We got another long term war through administration lies. This 2nd war took out Saddam Hussein who had been busy slaughtering Islamists. The remnants of Saddam’s military provided a deep well of talented leaders and seasoned fighters from which ISIS was built. Those useless wars cost us 7,500 lives, 40,000 wounded, and $4.25T. Conservatives got everything wrong there. I remember a billboard near my office with a picture of a backpack with the caption “Is it a bomb?” You guys produce endless shit.
He had 16 millions viewers a month, which means people are being counted multiple times.
Tell me, do you think Barack Obama believed everything his crazy racist preacher told him? Is that the silly game you want to play? Where we cherry pick one statement from someone who votes democratic and claim all Democrats believe that? Hope you are on board the Farrakhan train.
So you are aware conservatives in the US pushed for war against the Taliban following 9//11 and not gays. Wasn't sure you aware of that based on your hysterical first post.
In the US, the 700 Club alone was watched by 90 million people each year, I picked a conservative number.
My choice of statement was an example of a pervasive message by Robertson (and Falwell) that others groups "true Christians" are not supposed to like, or even tolerate. Many of these groups are also othered by conservatives not affiliated with evangelicals. This othering process has real, dangerous, negative effects, and yes I believe that lots of conservatives believed Robertson's message.
Can you provide examples of racist behavior by Obama? I read foxnews.com regularly, does it look to you like I believe everything they tell me?
What I'm aware of is that the war in Afghanistan should've lasted a few months, and the war in Iraq should not have happened at all. What I am aware of is that conservatives love their wars which transfer vast amounts of money to their donor class. What I'm aware of is that Democrats had to pay the political price for terminating both of these fiascos.
Lol. No, its not.
Can you provide examples of racist behavior by Obama?
So your point is Obama attended a racist church with a minister who said disgusting racist things but Obama did not, in fact, believe all those things?
Thank you for making my point for me.
What I am aware of is that conservatives love their wars which transfer vast amounts of money to their donor class.
First, it's great that you've completely pivoted from your initial claim to now argue that Conservatives, in fact, did not blame gays for 9/11 but rather the Taliban, whose country they invaded.
Second, Are you aware of what's happening in Ukraine? You imagine its conservatives driving that?
My point was and is that conservatives say and *believe* crazy shit in large numbers. Lots of conservatives believed Robertson’s BS. Perhaps the wholesale denial of Biden's win in 2020 is a better example. Everything conservatives tried to deny that fact went down in flames, yet most Republican politicians will not say that Biden won because doing so likely loses their jobs because the base (a huge number of people) believes nonsense. Another example is 2000 people beating police, breaking into the capitol, vandalizing the interior, stealing from offices, and threatening our representatives in an attempt to stop the constitutional transfer of power because they believe Biden lost in 2020. It's not just the insurrectionists that believe[d] this, look to conservative politicians and conservative media for continued wholesale support of this nonsense.
I would expect conservatives to support that, and many do. Russia is committing all manner of atrocities in Ukraine. Ukraine supplies about a third of the world’s exported grain. Putin has used natural gas and oil as weapons, he will use food as well if we allow him access to it. Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal as part of becoming a free nation, then a nuclear power attacked them. If allowed Putin to succeed, the rest of the world will know that nuclear weapons are the only guaranty of sovereignty, and China will know that it can ultimately prevail should it take Taiwan. Both Russia & China are empire builders, tolerating this nonsense brought us two world wars. The free world needs to unequivocally say no to empire builders. The Ukrainians are showing that they value freedom, and that freedom is really a better way. We just spent 7,500 lives and $4.25T on two moronic wars — here’s a chance using no American blood and a relatively small amount of money to reaffirm that Democracy is the better way and make the world safer from war in the process. There are many other reasons to support the Ukraininans, let’s do that.
They manage somehow.
- There was no cocaine
- There was cocaine but it could've been put there by a tourist -
Okay the cocaine was actually in a secure area but it wasn't Hunter <---- You're here -
Of course it was Hunter but he's struggling and relatable and look how much his dad loves him
The cocaine has been disowned quicker than a Biden grandchild.
And the latest deflection, we can't discuss Hunters cocaine for fear we will violate the Hatch act......?