I've gone from never Trump to probably Trump

Including both national elections and Republican primaries, I've had four chances to vote for former President Donald Trump. I've never done it. I've never even been tempted to. I could rattle off the names of 100 people I'd prefer for the job.
The reason isn't complicated: I simply don't believe that a man who lacks even a modicum of prudence, temperance, or humility should ever be in charge of anything. Not a gas station or a classroom, and certainly not a nation. I've published dozens of columns in the past two years alone that elaborate on this point.
And yet, following the Soviet show trial in Manhattan that resulted in the first felony conviction of a former president in history, I find myself in the unthinkable position of supporting Trump's reelection bid. It isn't because I've suddenly forgotten about Trump's abominable character or his magnificently grotesque personality, nor because I've suddenly been swept up in the MAGA craze. I've simply come to believe that a Biden reelection is too dangerous for the fate of our nation. I believe that the forces that animate the modern Democratic Party are far darker than the sum of Trump's numerous deficiencies. Biden must be defeated — even if that means supporting an unfit and unqualified man.
The sham verdict is what finally knocked me over the edge, but far more troubling is how it fits into the larger effort by the establishment in Washington, D.C., to maintain its grip on power in the Trump era. From the very beginning, a malevolent monolith of government lifers, legacy media millionaires, and liberal elites in academia and business conspired to destroy him, setting fire to core American institutions and values along the way.
It will doubtless astound and horrify future historians that a multi-year investigation into Trump's supposed ties to Moscow was heavily influenced by a piece of opposition research, the Steele Dossier, which was paid for by his opponent for the White House, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Again, Trump was prosecuted for a crime so irrelevant to the well-being of America that hardly anyone could explain what the crime was.
Of course, I am not saying that Trump has never committed a felony in his colorful life — I'd wager that he has. The classified document charges leveled against Trump are serious. But context matters. Former President Bill Clinton lied under oath about having an affair with Monica Lewinsky in the late 90s. President George W. Bush is said by some to have committed war crimes for his invasion of Iraq and his policies at Guantanamo Bay. Former President Barack Obama targeted and killed three U.S. citizens in drone strikes in Yemen — the ACLU even filed a lawsuit against him to this effect. Hillary Clinton narrowly escaped felony charges for criminal negligence in handling classified documents despite mountains of damning evidence. Biden only evaded felony charges for the same crime because the prosecutor didn't think he could secure a conviction against an elderly man with a poor memory.
The notion that Trump's payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels, made in order to keep their affair out of the papers, was the crime finally worth turning a former president into a felon is so preposterous, so completely insulting to the intelligence of the public, that it beggars belief.
I retain deep doubts about Trump's capacity to lead — his leadership on COVID-19, from lockdowns to handing over the country to Anthony Fauci to hurrying the production of an experimental vaccine, was abysmal. Unlike other new converts in the media, I will not be donning a red baseball cap the next time I'm in front of a camera. But I do believe that he must win — or rather, that Biden must lose — in order for democracy to survive.

Myself, I was never Hillary and then never Biden.
Correct in both choices …
I've seen quite a number of similar statements this week from people who had been very anti-Trump conservatives since 2015.
The New York case was rotten
"Again, Trump was prosecuted for a crime so irrelevant to the well-being of America that hardly anyone could explain what the crime was."
Soviet style show trial indeed. Once again the radical left has shot itself in the ass. Maybe November 6 might wake them up. They seem to think the majority of American citizens are too stupid to see what is going on and how bad Biden is for our democracy.
Apparently you have no shame.
So you will vote for a disagreeable old PT Barnum like charlatan who keeps crying that his sky is falling while raking in millions a week from the gullible. A guy who convinced hundreds of people to participate in voter nullification plots in 7 states.
You seem to think the majority of Americans are too stupid to see how bad Trump is for our democracy.
It's sad that trump is the best the GOP has to offer.
Same could be said of the hapless and hopeless Dems
Yea, figured the, "I know you are but what am I" argument wasn't far behind. Sad.
The only sad thing is Democrats continued support for Brandon; and their abuse of government to go after their political opponents.
Do you disagree with the sentiment of the comment?
Like Hunter Biden?
Give it a break already.
Is Hunter running for office?..
Yes please...
You think the government is going after Hunter Biden?
Name any conservative that would have the government allow the most serious of crimes they commit have the statute of limitations run out on them; and then offer them a sweetheart plea deal that would give them probation; and freedom from any future charges?
The only reason their plan failed is a Trump appointed judge took the time to read the plea deal; and called Weiss' ass out on it.
Don't worry; the trial is taking place in Biden home state of Delaware- a Democrat controlled bastion of stupidity. Everyone knows the Bidens there. The chances that Hunter is going to be convicted by a jury from that pool are slim- despite overwhelming evidence.
The only break that is needed is from Democrats and their supporters pretending our justice system if fair.
Violations of the ATF form are rarely prosecuted and the 200 or so annual instances are when the charges are added on to a violent crime like serial killers or high school massacrers.
Few Prosecutions For Lying On ATF Gun-Purchase Form (ncja.org)
You admitted that a Trump appointed judge stopped the plea deal.
That at least looks politically motivated.
Biden could have had Garland stop this in any number of ways but he left the Trump appointed Special Prosecutor in place. That appears to have been stupid but not taking advantage of his Presidency.
A plea deal was appropriate. The chances are that you could very well be correct about Delaware, word is that the prosecution lost the jury already and he might get off all together.
The only break I need is from your piss poor partisan pessimism about the state of the nation and hatred expressed for your fellow Americans, even veterans.
I suspect what is multiple times sadder is this: MAGAs are playing with us. They are here stalling. While subterfuge is the real world game they are playing. If Donald succeeds in getting the Presidency again; if MAGAs get the Senate; if MAGAs keep the House. . . these people who are not listening to us now are going to try to legislate as though there are no liberals in the room worth hearing. Moreover, any "purple" state they win over this time they will work to change those state laws to LOCK liberals out "for a generation" of elections.
What you are seeing is the GOP executing its plan to not be locked out of government leadership control. And, of course, as it is here, they don't give a fat sh-t how liberals feel about it.
The game is already underway. . . . Do not get caught just watching liberal doom arrive.
Not quite ready to move on?
Your harassment is inappropriate.
Harassment, huh?
I am not certain that (D) Senator Mendez feels the same...
I am not certain that she knows who Sen Mendez is…
I suspect what is multiple times sadder is this: Some Magas are playing with us. They are here stalling. While subterfuge is the real world game they are playing. If Donald succeeds in getting the Presidency again; if Some Magas get the Senate; if Some Magas keep the House. . . these people who are not listening to us now are going to try to legislate as though there are no liberals in the room worth hearing. Moreover, any "purple" state they win over this time they will work to change those state laws to LOCK liberals out "for a generation" of elections.
What you are seeing is the GOP executing its plan to not be locked out of government leadership control. And, of course, as it is here, they don't give a fat sh-t how liberals feel about it.
The game is already underway. . . . Do not get caught just watching liberal doom arrive.
That's just the thing. Don't come here with their little picks and shovels looking to undermine liberals who are supplying them substantive discourse in reply. If they have nothing better to do. . . spend time at home in MAGALAND! I am not here just to bullshit my way through everyday. I come to assist NTers in making sense of all that is happening. Not to read disinformation, lies, or repeat what in the end is a dumb talking point. Also, a lot of their responses are so 'absent' new input that for all intents and purposes that it could come from a bot.
Thank you for your service.
You could do better yourself in aiding proper discourse, in my opinion.
I tend to reply to thoughtful, open dialogue with the same, but there is little of that around here.
Easy enough. Instead of crashing the place on a daily places. . . find happy trails.
I found Happy Trails around 55 years ago and never left, but San Francisco left me.
Good for you! Back to the topic with something from your perspective worth reading, please.
Piles of unmitigated horseshit, like this article, are nonetheless instructive.
The writer mentions a bunch of this and that regarding Trump, good and bad (in his eyes), but he NEVER mentions that Trump tried to overthrow our government.
Such a glaring omission renders the rest of his argument meaningless.
He challanged an election with a cockamanie scheme and lost. That's not trying to "overthrow the government"
Trump approved a plan to take away the votes of millions of people, in order to keep himself in office.
He is a disgrace to the human race.
That's not an attempt to overthrow the government any more than any other election challenge is.
An attempt to overthrow the government would consist of using physical force and other methods outside the law.
An attempt to overthrow the government would consist of using physical force and other methods outside the law.
Like summoning thousands of savages to the Capitol to break in and try and kidnap and terrorize Representatives and Senators, stashing weapons, assaulting police officers, looting and defecating on the floors, erecting gallows, etc. Just because they failed miserably doesn't mean they aren’t guilty of doing it. Your opinions get more pathetic by the day.
They are losing their minds Hal, and trying to drag the rest of us down with them.
Most of the people who broke into the Capitol had a goal, to "stop the steal" by whatever means they could. Many of them admitted as such to the media.
Such an effort is what directly led to Ashley Babbitts death. She and her fellow "patriots" were trying to bash in a locked and barricaded entrance to the floor of the House of Representatives. What were they going to do once they got there if the Reps were still inside ? Hold hands and sing peace songs? They were going to try, at the least, to physically intimidate the congresspeople into "stopping the steal".
A premeditated riot that breaks down the doors and invades congress?
Fake electors and personally calling states to manufacture votes?
Your definition of "cockamanie" (sp) is much different than mine.
Just spitballing here, but perhaps that's because he doesn't see it that way....
I dont know, he sees a lot of other things, why wouldnt he see Jan 6th ?
Because unlike the TDS driven most people can see Jan 6th was a riot.
Even the FBI said so.
One where the participants got bored and left for happy hour.
It wasn't even one full damn day!
They didn't take and hold any territory and declare their own little oasis of control. Unlike Chaz.
But it seems grabbing several blocks and holding them by armed force for several days doesn't qualify as an insurrection in leftist land.
renders the rest of his argument meaningless.
There was no argument. He was going through his thought process as to why he may very well vote for Trump. It seems he was not trying to convince anyone to follow along. You might even learn something from what he said instead of taking everything as an argument. Or maybe not
My impression is that this article was written by a Trump supporter pretending to be a converted never-Trumper. A ploy.
People need to stop being so easily influenced by others. Trump's behavior has show he should never be given a position of power, much less the presidency. It is blind partisanship and/or cultish sycophancy that overrides good judgment to actually consider Trump for the presidency.
I agree totally with the first sentence. The rest of the post is the type of thing that should never influence people away from thinking for themselves. It is nothing more than one persons opinion. Trying to make people believe they must not have good judgement or be a blind partisan if they consider Trump is nothing less than gaslighting.
You not agreeing with an argument does not make it gaslighting.
If you cannot deal with people putting forth arguments and opinions then you should steer clear of forums.
That's what I I think of the articles you put out.
Another one of your satire articles. The funniest one yet!
Yet another post that suggests there are alot of members that don't understand what satire is. Thanks for your post...
Your post proves without a doubt that some members don't recognize satire even when it is right in front of their face.
Yep, that's what it said. Thanks for your confirmation, wasn't really needed though...
Nope, my comment doesn't confirm your comment at all. Your comment certainly confirms my comment, though.
As soon as you say shit like this, I know you're full of shit.
Pending any appeal, he got a fair trial. He was indicted based on the probable cause determination of a grand jury, following a lengthy investigation. He had competent, enthusiastic defense counsel. He was allowed to make all sorts of pre-trial motions. He was allowed to present evidence. He was allowed to cross examine witnesses. He had the opportunity to refute evidence presented against him. He was judged by a jury of his peers, who were screened by his own council after being selected at random from the general population. He got all of this due process in spite of publicly attacking and disparaging the judge, court staff, and jurors. He will still get a separate hearing for sentencing and will be allowed to make arguments in his defense.
In short, he got the same due process that any of us would get. Calling it a Soviet show trial is the most dishonest of claims.
And what was the underlying crime that turned them into felonies in that determination?
FFS read a newspaper. It’s not that complicated.
Those things still exist? Thanks for the advice though...
No, it's not....
I think Greg was asking how misdemeanors get turned into a felony based on crimes he was never even charged with, let alone convicted of. I'm sort of wondering that myself. I find it pretty freaking disturbing that I could be in court and the prosecution can turn my misdemeanor into a felony just because he wants to, without first proving I committed some other felony offense that would justify it. Don't you? Seems to me that this is a case of assuming guilt in order to justify it. That's even scarier to any thinking person. Verdict by assumption.
Yes, a law that is rarely implemented …. Unless your name is Trump
Yeah, but we have dozens of seeds on this story. That exact issue has been discussed ad nauseum and is a thing a person could easily Google if they genuinely wondered about it. I, myself, have explained it here multiple times.
People like Greg keep asking the same questions repeatedly, even though they have been adjudicated in court and explained repeatedly here and in news media.
And it’s not because they don’t know the answer. They just don’t like the answer and have learned that it feels better if you imagine an impossible conspiracy in the courts. Wonder who taught them that.
How rarely? Is there data? Should that matter?
Or Weisselberg.
17-152 has never been charged against anyone before Trump, and no prosecutor anywhere in the country has ever used an alleged federal election law violation as a possible predicate to a state law crime.
You’d probably still have to establish that it likely resulted in a wrongful conviction. Not every impropriety results in a mistrial.
He still broke the law, that's the way it goes.
Horseshit! Rarely is a far cry from never. It's just that the courts don't often see a criminal quite as blatant as Trump.
Citations please...
Again,.. ironic
Well there is another twist now in that trial. Seems that one of the jurors talked with friends & family before the trial ended.
They still have to investigate but if true this could have a big impact on the trial. Jury misconduct is nothing to laugh at.
They should check into whether this "misconduct" was preplanned.
No need to jump to conspiracies, it was apparently just a troll.
Right John.
It was done on purpose by a pro Trump juror so that the verdict would be thrown out.
Wouldn't it have been far easier for the juror just to have refused to go along with any charges so it would have been a hung jury?
Nah, that would make too much common damn sense!
Break out the tin foil hats people the leftists are at it again!
Upon investigation, It was found to be a complete fabrication.
Just yet another case of far-right wing propaganda.
Democrat judge that gave money to the Biden campaign; and money to an anti Republican PAC. Who wouldn't uphold defense objections; and bent over backwards for the prosecution. Wouldn't allow full testimony from defense witnesses that could refute the charges. Allowed salacious testimony from both Stormy Daniels and Cohen. Whose daughter's company works for Democrats and made money off of the trial.
DA that campaigned on getting Trump. Along with the third in command of Biden's DOJ- who resigned just so he could join the prosecution.
Jury pool from a Democrat controlled bastion of stupidity that voted overwhelmingly for Biden. Who the judge refused to sequester so they could go home and be coerced by the family, friends, and Democrat sycophants in the media.
This is a kangaroo court by any definition of the word.
It is statements like "he got a fair trial" that will allow Democrats to continue this type of bullshit. They got away with it once; guaranteed they will pull this shit again.
Yes, I’m aware. A whole $15. Therefore what, you say?
This may come as news to you, but many lawyers and judges care about politics and political issues, and they donate to candidates. They’re just like any other American in that regard. But we don’t go around disqualifying them all because of it. Nevertheless, this judge sought guidance from the ethics council and was advised that he need not refuse himself.
Incredibly, the same people who object to this judge donating lunch money to the Biden campaign have no problem with the lavish gifts received by people like Clarence Thomas.
The rest of your objections are similarly overblown and exaggerated in their importance. Also, since I have addressed them in other places here, I’m not going to break them all down again. Trump is free to appeal on any of those grounds, and I’m sure he will, but I wouldn’t put a lot of hope in a reversal, if I were you.
Of course, I see these objections all over the place, but the one thing I don’t see is anyone claiming that he didn’t fuck a porn star while he was married, didn’t pay her off to silence her, didn’t pay off a newspaper to bury stories like this, and didn’t falsify business records to hide the payments and all for the purpose of hiding who he really was so he could win an election. Furthermore, no one who supports him seems to have a problem with any of it. That is far more shameful than whatever you think happened with prosecuting this case.
Perfectly legal in NY as long as they don't participate in actual campaigning for a candidate.
Well that isn't the stupidest theory you've pushed... I'm sure you have evidence of some illegal activities and not just repeating the hateful brain dead comment of one of the Presidential GOP candidates on Truth Social?
Trump campaigned on getting Hillary, Lock Her Up. Trump normalized such BS, get over it.
Not an illegal act
Again not necessarily illegal.
Disputable and misdemeanor at worst and not the made up felony charges he was tried for.
Sort of like was done with the reports of Hunter's laptop?
Show us something Justice Thomas done aft. Before or after those gift were received
So what? When did I say it was? Why is that your standard? He's a piece of shit human being and you want to vote for him anyway. Republicans used to care if their president was a philanderer. Now they don't. That's the point.
Nope. Not anymore.
No. Sorry. That's just not the law.
But even if it were the law, you again do not care if he is convicted of misdemeanor fraud. That is the much larger problem. Who cares if it's a misdemeanor or felony? You and millions of others clearly don't insofar as it will affect your vote. Your real worry is that he might have to go to prison for it - not that he's a crook.
I don't know. The Hunter thing hasn't been resolved yet, and I don't follow it that closely anyway. Why not? Because he's not a public servant and he's not trying to be one. He's just related to one.
We have a convicted felon - not to mention a guy who regularly cheats on his wife, molests women, and brags about it - running for president. Any one of those things used to be disqualifying for virtually every voter.
If you like Trump's policies, pick a different person who shares them, and isn't a piece of shit human being. There are many to choose from.
And there was a time that democrats didn't care.
Tell me someone like that who is currently running and has a chance of beating Biden. I will do anything to keep that delusional incompetent dementia ridden fool out of the oval office.
There’s that moral compass! If they do it, it’s ok for me, too. That’s the moral code of a Kindergartner.
Nikki Haley. You also had other choices. DeSantis and Christie, for example. Any one of them could beat Biden just by walking from the car to the front door without assistance. Instead, the party is going with the worst possible option.
Oh now that’s interesting. You think the mere appearance of a potential conflict of interest is not enough. There must also be a demonstrable cause and effect, yes? And that patient reserve goes even for the highest court and gifts worth many thousands of dollars.
Ok. Why isn’t that same courtesy afforded to a local judge who only gave 15 bucks to the campaign of a man who isn’t even involved in the case before him?
All of those that you named dropped out of the race and Trump secured the nomination much like Biden had before my states primary. (I was planning on voting for Nikki Haley) Unfortunately none of them have a chance as a write in candidate. I would much rather have Trump and his policies than Dementia Joe.
You phrase the situation that way and it has the effect of avoiding the proper assignment of responsibility. The way you phrase it, these events simply happened. Like the turning of seasons. But that’s an incomplete telling of the story.
The other candidates didn’t just drop out like they grew tired of the idea of being president. No, Republicans had a chance to vote for them, and they voted for Trump instead. They had multiple people who largely share the same policy goals and they opted for the biggest asshole on the ballot.
You still could have voted for her. If millions of people chose to vote for Nikki Haley, she could have made some actual noise at the convention. I still live in hope, though.
Of course, we all know that you are voting for Trump. And you do not care what he has done.
That is a ridiculous conclusion. It is quite possible to be disgusted by what Trump did yet still think Biden is a worse choice to run the country based on what he has done in the past three and a half years and his ever quickening mental decline.
Please do expand on those thoughts
as evidenced by what, a stellar DDay speech? Trump & Biden are about equal in gaffes, why is it that Biden is perceived "ever quickening" while Trump gets a pass for the same things?
Statistically, that's not possible....
Trump still think's Obama is president and that his AZ. rally was in Texas.
“Trump still think's…”
…like any other animal, he only reacts. No thought, no thanks, nothing but a totally self serving reflex response in order to survive in his manufactured reality.
Kinda like issuing an EO about the Southern border that doesn't do a fucking thing in order to gain some political points?....
“Kinda like…”
…trump is like nothing we have ever experienced on the national political stage. A purely puerile child who throws tantrums, throws paper towels, and throws the most insincere insults, insinuations, and invective displaying a total lack of empathy, and understanding…nothing but revenge and retribution and ultimately hatred.
He is a fake, fatuous and failed excuse for a leader, much less any definition you could conjure for a decent man.
Statistically, anything is possible.
Like going on national TV to defend taking horse dewormers and throwing in Enquirer like mentions of "they say" they can put light into your arteries to kill the virus or bleach, everyday bleach.
While Deborah Birx sat on the side hiding her face in her hands seeing her lifetime of credibility circling the drain.
You really think so?..
“While Deborah Birx…”
Not just her in that horrific situation…any reasonable person with any level of mental acuity or any sense of self worth either confirmed, or in a moment of clarity, changed a decision on whether or not they should have any form of fealty to such a fragile, fraudulent, fragmented fool.
Do you actually believe he is not?
Might as well be coming from the, "party of family values".
One would have to be blindly partisan to not recognize that Trump is a narcissistic con-man who will abuse the power of the presidency if it suits him personally.
On top of that, what sort of irrational, irresponsible, unpatriotic thinking gives the presidency to a traitor who is the only PotUS in our history to try to steal a presidential election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement?
The border bill was killed by republicans because trump said he wants to campaign on the border issues. That's what it boils down to, Greg.
Republicans don't care about the border issues unless it benefits them politically. PERIOD.
When and where has he been indicted,tried, and convicted of treason.
Biden thinks his uncle was eaten by cannibals
Thanks for the rehashing. It really doesn't address my comment though.
That is a ridiculous conclusion. It is quite possible to be disgusted by what Trump did yet still think Biden is a worse choice to run the country based on what he has done in the past three and a half years and his ever quickening mental decline.
I can understand that. There isn't a whole lot of difference between the two except for Obama was not suffering from dementia which is even scarier.
Not within miles of each other
"Two Corinthians walk into a bar...."
He shared top secret info obtained from Israel with russian diplomats. He admitted to it.
“…ever quickening mental decline.”
Thus describing every person who even considers voting for the aberration that is trump and all he represents.
Uh huh,
Enough said, if that is all you have, need or want.
It is all a ridiculous comment deserves.
Enough said
Right, it's obviously the Republicans fault that since Biden was elected, we've had record breaking illegal immigration.....
Trump & Biden are about equal in gaffe
and the phillies and white Sox are about equal in wins.
There really is no limit to the ridiculous things people will say in the name of partisanship
The bill was killed because it was a disaster and made things much worse by limiting the powers the president was already granted by congress
Absolutely, Biden has a much longer history of "gaffes"..
Couldn't have put it better.
You could have just said "I agree"....
The border bill was defeated because it was worse than what is going on now without it.
Again that is not treason as it is defined in the Constitution.
I wouldn't vote for Biden if he were the only person on the ballot. I would rather vote for a politically charged and convicted felin than a pedofile who likes to fondle little girls breasts and sniff their hair or one who in the pocket of the CCP.
I’m surprised that the left hasn’t applauded that.
How many times must this be explained?
One need not be convicted of treason to qualify as a traitor.
The word ‘traitor’ is a normal English word with colloquial meaning.
One would have to be blindly partisan to not recognize that Trump is a narcissistic con-man who will abuse the power of the presidency if it suits him personally.
On top of that, what sort of irrational, irresponsible, unpatriotic thinking gives the presidency to a traitor who is the only PotUS in our history to try to steal a presidential election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement?
Trump is a convicted felon. Biden, however, has not even been charged with your absurd fantasy of pedophilia or fondling little girl's breasts. Sniffing hair is hardly a crime. And no formal allegations have been made about Biden in the "pocket of the CCP".
You have no problem making up charges for Biden yet will not even recognize that Trump is a traitor. And of course, as we all know, you will vote for Trump no matter what ... no matter how many felonies he committed ... regardless of the fact that he is the only PotUS in our history to attempt to steal a presidential election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement.
Some MAGAs must stay on negativism about liberals and democrats or maybe, POW! MAGAs are not permitted to break with the party negative messaging .
It appears to me some MAGAs are now spamming this site with stale copy and paste comments. Piggybacking the same on what liberals write.
Just like you and the rest here that keep pounding on Trump don't give a rat's ass what Brandon and the Democrats have done to this country.
You will make any excuse for the rules in the house they have ignored, laws they have violated, and their twisting of the Constitution over the last 8 years and counting.
You don't care that Brandon threatened use of military force against US citizens not once; but twice. You don't care that he held classified documents both from his time as a Senator and VP; and shared those documents with his ghost writer (an who knows who else). A ghost writer that knew he was receiving classified information; and then destroyed evidence "because he was scared". Nor do you care that Brandon's homes weren't raided by the FBI; who refused to even going into search until the public demand forced them to- and then found even more classified documents- that Brandon's search team (who didn't have clearance to handle them) missed. Did they get them all? Who knows, there is a very large trove of them at the University of Delaware that weren't gone through from his time as Senator. Before you claim Hur wouldn't press charges- he testified before Congress Brandon violated the law repeatedly. Hur didn't want to get Durhamed in a Democrat controlled bastion of stupidity state- with a Democrat judge and jury. Garland is still free to press charges against Brandon; but we all know he won't. Nor will he release Brandon's interview with Hur's team; which the DOJ highly edited the written transcript of.
You also don't care that Brandon's family has taken money from foreign countries in return for political favors/access; and that Brandon has benefited directly from it. Funneling money from abroad through shell company LLC's.
You lot will still be voting for Brandon and Democrats to continue running this country into the ground.
Bullshit. I have recognized Biden's mistakes and shortcomings. You, however, incessantly rail on Biden while defending Trump.
It continues to amaze me that anyone would even consider a scoundrel and traitor like Trump to be PotUS, much less defend him. It is cultish.
You want to give the presidency to a traitor (and now convicted felon) who is the only PotUS in our history to try to steal a presidential election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement.
Technically he is not a convicted felon until the judge enters the judgement of guilt, this normally happens at sentencing.
It continues to amaze me that anyone would prop up a person in obvious decline. who took inappropriate showers with his teenage daughter, raised a drug abusing son, has dogs that can't be controlled and constantly bite people. has lied constantly about his entire life and has done such a piss poor job as president.
Endless splitting of hairs rather than accepting reality.
Did the judge accept the verdict and set a sentencing date? If so, that technically means Trump is a convicted felon. If not, show us the JNOV.
But at least you did not pull the 'rigged trial' bullshit.
Of course, the Pee Wee Herman response. Deflect to Biden.
I personally do not prop up Biden. My position is that in spite of Biden's faults, there is no comparing him (or most anyone) with Trump.
No PotUS in our history has tried to steal a presidential election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement. One would think that a rational, responsible, patriotic mind would eliminate Trump from consideration for that alone. It remains amazing and sickening to see just how far blind partisanship will take some people.
Where are the days where a presidential candidate was held to some standard of character and morality? Gary Hart went from superstar to shit instantly upon the public learning of his affair. But now the GOP is perfectly willing to vote for a traitor and convicted felon for the presidency.
It's funny you can ask this question while supporting a pedophile, or supporting a man who denied his own granddaughter for political purposes.
You just tried to split hairs on Trump's conviction yet you leap to deeming Biden a pedophile??
Such a blatant lack of objectivity. It is astounding.
Well, just because there was a trial held, evidence presented to a jury of his peers, and he was found guilty , certainly doesn’t mean Biden rumors aren’t more convincing and should be held in higher regard…
Please elaborate. Because it is one thing for "George" to be loosely floating the word, "pedophile" about Biden, and potentially another thing on the true facts of the matter of a man and his daughter's relationship. There are no charges pending.
Still deflecting I see
It is quite possible to be disgusted by what Trump did yet still think Biden is a worse choice to run the country based on what he has done in the past three and a half years and his ever quickening mental decline.
It is ridiculous to come to the conclusion anyone that would vote for Trump would do so because of irrational, irresponsible, unpatriotic thinking. It seems accusing them of such would only be done to make them feel bad about their decision or others feeling good about their decision to support BDB.
Yes, how many times does it have to be explained that the term traitor being used in the colloquial sense is an opinion, not fact. A traitor in the legal sense is a fact.
Is that all you have ... a completely false claim that I am deflecting?
Well of course it is possible. We see people doing so every day. You clearly do so.
The fact that it is possible does not make it rational, responsible or patriotic.
And one that thought that would be wrong. A rational, responsible and patriotic mind may come to the conclusion that even with all the Trump baggage he would still be better than Joe for the country they love. Agree, or disagree I don't know why that seems so hard to understand.
And supporting a piece of shit like Biden does not make you rational, responsible or patriotic.
Don't you tire of making the same feeble arguments?
Yes, RDtC, deeming someone a traitor is an opinion. I have stated this countless times.
Trump is a traitor. That is my (and others) opinion and I (and others) can make very strong arguments backing our opinions.
You, however, spend your time trying to downplay any criticism of Trump.
Up until now you have been
It may. It sure doesn't make them irrational, irresponsible or unpatriotic.
It is called a fact and sometimes it bears repeating.
Again, all you do is deflect from Trump to Biden. Pathetic.
And all you do is deflect from Biden to Trump, where Biden is the actual president, even more pathetic.
It would be a much stronger argument if he was tried and convicted for treason.
You are repeating a fact pretending that you are rebutting an argument.
I have never stated that the colloquial deeming of Trump as a traitor makes it a fact.
Do better than a lame strawman argument.
“It is called a fact and sometimes it bears repeating.”
It is less a matter of hanging one’s hat on some manufactured ‘fact’ and more a question of whether one has the wherewithal to make a cogent claim.
The incessant repeating does not an argument make.
Actually I am not rebutting an argument at all, just reminding people that it is an opinion. You yourself asked how many times you had to explain it. You are welcome for my helping out.
Try again. That was sad, whatever it was.
That is a lie. I acknowledge Biden's failures and have clearly stated that Biden should not be running. What you fail to acknowledge (and in fact try to argue against) is that Trump is an order of magnitude worse.
Stating that an acknowledged opinion is indeed an opinion offers nothing of value.
You have nothing.
Since he's passed on, probably should leave Eisenhower out of this..........
It may be of no value for you, of course you can't speak for everyone.
And that is a pathetic opinion of a Biden supporter, nothing more. I have said i will not vote for trump, Period! You have said you WILL vote for a man who showered with his daughter, denied a grandchild for political purposes and has been an all around failure who also could be described as a traitor.
“…you can't speak for everyone.”
Words we should all remember.
Ike didn't have any daughters.
You are the only one I see doing it and commentary like that is childish. I don't like Biden being referred to as Brandon either .
How silly.
How many is a lot?
Don't worry, I will remind them.
The two presidential campaigners are not the same in demeanor, tenor, qualifications, or character. Here's your example:
Disinformation propaganda proliferated (and allowed to stand here- to accomplish what I don't know) by MAGAs seeking to establish that our two campaigners are equal in comparison won't work on the informed.
Y'all just got dissed! No matter how you look at it. Nobody jokes in this way at a critical time in the race unless he is stupid to the hilt. But, spin on. Look for Donald upcoming swerves on your path to victory! Donald is doing everything he can to indicate why he is nobody's political friend. MAGAs come and go and transact with him.
Yet you will vote for him anyway.
Why didn't you show the whole thing or have the full context? Great example of partisan disinformation.
Let's be clear, your version which adds nominally few but 13 additional words, 'See now, the Press will take that—and He said a horrible thing.' Thereabouts.
Not to suggest that you pay any notable attention to any liberals, but this liberal has for his time on NT always made Youtube presentations when one could be grabbed. And in this case, that video which is (even for me) narrowed seems to get the SUBSTANCE of what was stated.
Your version on added 13 other words which did nothing for the alleged JOKE but did manage to insult the Press. The Press and camera people were standing in the back I presume pointing the cameras that caught his remark. . . only to be dragged into Donald's narrative "kickin and screamin.'
I conclude that those 13 additional words not edited from the Youtube version (by its poster, and there was nothing else there to offer viewers on it). changes nothing about the now alleged joke. You will have find a lengthier video. . . but apparently, even you can't.
I don't have to play partisan short-shift games with you RDtC. I don't have a damn thing to hide or even prove to you. The comment was what it was: Ignorant to tell a crowd, because I damn sure bet some of them did not get it either (unless you have a lengthier video where he clears up the comment).
I could not find that when I 'pulled' Youtube video.
I am not like some MAGAs, not even as a liberal.
It's comedy. The same people who confidently got this completely wrong for weeks (even days after the verdict) now claim it is easy to understand and they've explained it many times. (they' haven't).
It took a long time, but I'm glad I was able to finally get through to them.
“…but I'm glad I was able to finally get through to them.”
Um, thanks? Your self-aggrandizing public service is duly noted.
you are welcome. There was so much rampant misinformation on the left.
So you ignore Trump being the most documented liar on the planet?
Have always prided myself on never lying. Never had to.
Always telling the truth means never having to remember a lie.
If true, you must have little respect for the feelings of others.
Please, it's dripping now..
I've gone from "never Trump" to "HELL NO, never Trump!".