Looking for Treasure

"To me, reading through old letters and journals is like treasure hunting. Somewhere in those faded, handwritten lines there is a story that has been packed away in a dusty old box for years." unknown
I came across this quote today and it reinforced to me the idea that "Our children as our future".
"Watching toddler TV gives you the impression you are going to run across a lot more treasure chests in life than you actually do."
Rachel Dratch
I recently spent a week entertaining (some might say I was supposed to be babysitting) my two-year-old granddaughter and never have I felt so alive and so on the brink of extinction at the same in my entire life.
We must get past the petty bickering of Right and Left politics and focus our efforts and resources on our real legacy - our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Wonderful message. Hope many people take that to heart.
We must get past the petty bickering of Right and Left politics and focus our efforts and resources on our real legacy - our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
To quote Native American tribes all decisions should be made with the Seven Generations in mind.
"We must get past the petty bickering of Right and Left politics..."
When I read that line, telling of needing to get past a direction that leads to disaster, for some reason it made me think of an old American folksong that speaks of courting, but leads to a similar fate:
IMO the "false-hearted lover" is the divisive political bickering taking place today. The "young maidens" are the people of America. The "green willow tree" is the acceptance of that divisive bickering, because accepting it will lead to the kind of disaster indicated by the song.
What a great analogy, love it!
I have Mrs. Gee, 3 children, their spouses, 7 grand kids, 2 brothers, their spouses, 2 nephews, their spouses, and 6 great nephews and nieces. We all live in about a 10 square block area in east Sacramento. We all get together as an extended family at least 3 times a year and are generally in close contact throughout the year. We are well known and respected in our community. I consider myself an extremely wealthy man.
You are blessed, I too have a large and wonderful extended family but it is spread all over the country and we haven't all been together in many years. I envy you and thanks for sharing.
I think the sentiments in the article and these comments are very good and valuable.
Hopefully though, people can live their lives like this, and also be responsible citizens concerned with the political future of the country.