Right-Wing Preacher Cooks Up The Most Bonkers Plea Yet For A Private Jet
By: YahooNews
Kenneth Copeland
Ed Mazza September 23, 2021, 5:07 AM·2 min read In this article:
- Kenneth Copeland American televangelist
Right-wing televangelist Kenneth Copeland is begging viewers to send him cash to support his private jet so he won't have to deal with coronavirus vaccine mandates to travel, which he called "the mark of the beast."
Copeland, who in the past has claimed that he needed a private jet to avoid "demons" on commercial flights, made the claim during his "VICTORYthon" fundraiser on Tuesday.
"You get into this situation, 'We're not gonna let you fly unless you're vaccinated,'" he said. "Well, to me, that's the mark of the beast."
Copeland added that it wasn't the vaccine itself that was the mark of the beast.
"Not the vaccination," he said. "I'm not taking the vaccination, but you can do what you wanna do."
He didn't elaborate, yet the implication was that it was the requirement to be vaccinated that was the mark of the beast.
The notion comes from the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, which states: "No one can buy or sell who does not have the mark" ― a name or number of the beast ― on the forehead or right hand.
"Let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person," the book states. "Its number is six hundred sixty-six."
Copeland, who owns a fleet of private jets and an airport, also griped that he needs to fly privately because too many people want to talk to him on commercial flights.
Kenneth Copeland argues that he needs a private jet because airlines are imposing vaccine requirements and "to me, that's the Mark of the Beast." https://t.co/pWZsRLY5PHpic.twitter.com/x0HaenznuY — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) September 22, 2021
Copeland's wife and fellow minister, Gloria Copeland, made headlines in 2018 with an anti-vaxxer rant of her own, telling her flock not to get the flu shot.
"Inoculate yourself with the word of God," she said, adding that the flu could be prevented by repeating: "I'll never have the flu. I'll never have the flu."
This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
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Then what IS the mark of the beast?
If it is a mark on the forehead, I already have that.
The watermark on the receipt for donating to Copeland's private jet fund?
Are you certain he will give you a receipt?
Him? No. But I'm sure his god will put a copy of your receipt on your next piece of burnt toast.
To me, Copeland is the beast. I have always detested greedy worthless megachurch televangelists as the lowest of the low as far as religion is concerned. He set the standards along with Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts, and others like Joel Osteen. As far as the mark of the beast, it is probably best exemplified by the $ sign superimposed on a cross...
What is it with idiots that just willingly give these con artists cash...
Fools and their money...
That's disgusting and despicable. Meanwhile he's prying the social security checks from old women's hands
Answer - just a bump
I will never get pregnant, I will never get pregnant ... hey, it works!
Didn't he say he can control the weather? Or maybe it was his wife. If so, why do hurricanes and tropical storms keep hitting Texas, his home state? You'd think they'd try to steer them elsewhere. Or get rid of them altogether.
I don't he's praying hard enough OR he doesn't want to be accused of witchcraft if he does manage to turn a hurricane away from TX
Good point. How does one differentiate between witchcraft and the "power of prayer", anyway?
Quite easy really.
For practitioners of the former, perhaps. But for the followers of Copeland's ilk?
Most practitioners of witchcraft have a totally different definition of "prayer".
Wiccans/Witches wouldn't go on TV praying for the weather to turn
I haven't seen any, but I have seen a lot of Christians doing it.
It was his wife Gloria, but I have never seen Copeland deny that and I would be shocked if he and his wife had not dreamed that up prior to her speech.
BTW, Gloria also claims the power over the weather:
How anyone can believe anything these slimy assholes say is beyond me.
How is it that nobody in that audience calls her out as the lying liar she is?
I would think that's blasphemy
I have no words Sandy. Copeland, et. al. were my primary examples of gullibility among millions of people. Those actively against vaccinations for coronavirus are my latest curiosity (being nice). That and those who believe Trump actually won the election because he sez so.
They are probably afraid they will get struck by lightning if they do...
another story with a happy ending about a good xtian leader...
Uncaring, greedy con-artists engaging in acts that harm society by controlling weak-minded individuals. They should be arrested and charged.
Praise the dollar and pass the hat.
He and other scammers like him are pure evil. I wonder how many dead hookers and mistress abortions he has in his closet
He is a strange looking man. Of satan ?
There's a lot of fluoride in the water in Texas
On a Dr. Strangelove roll?
Getting there. All I need now is a cowboy hat and a nuke falling towards the Soviet Union
That's probably insulting to Slim Pickens...
That's a tribute to Slim Pickens! I loved him that movie. He was so serious until he took that ride.
Besides...I bet I'm prettier than he is
It's been years since I've seen it. Now I have to watch it again.
You are correct, I was merely being fececious.
May I play spelling police? It's spelled facetious. Unless you intended to spell it that way...in which case....LOL!
Oh darn, now I'm really depressed. Ya got me...
Wasn't he in ''One Flew over the Cuckcoos Nest?''
This guy is an enormous steaming pile of several different kinds of shit.
I thought the Mark of the beast was Zuckerberg.