It Appears That Someone Urinated on Rush Limbaugh's Grave | Missouri News | St. Louis | St. Louis Riverfront Times
By: Jaime Lees (Riverfront Times)
How tragic
By Jaime Lees on Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 1:00 pm
Payed My Respects To Cousin Rush
by u/YesThatFinn in behindthebastards
Well, it was bound to happen. It appears that Rush Limbaugh's gravesite has become a gender-neutral bathroom.
The unrepentant bigot died on February 17, 2021 and was buried in St. Louis' famed Bellefontaine Cemetery (4947 West Florissant Avenue) . At the time, we found it interesting that an extreme homophobe like Rush Limbaugh would choose Bellefontaine, where he'd have his body laid next to a gay icon like William Burroughs for all eternity, but we guess he had his reasons.
While many people used the recent anniversary of Limbaugh's death as an opportunity to remember that he died (that's what we do every time we get Rush-related hate mail), others have taken a moment to send their congratulations to Limbaugh for being two years sober. Brutal.
A recent post on Reddit seems to indicate that fans and foes have found Limbaugh's resting place and are using it as a restroom place. Posted six months ago, a supposed "cousin" of Limbaugh's shared a photo of his headstone surrounded by tiny American flags and splashed with some sort of liquid.
The caption on the photo:
"One of my family shames is that we are related to Rush Limbaugh. According to my grandfather, Rush was always a real piece of shit, even as a kid. As a queer person, I knew I had to pay my cousin his proper respect. Enjoy!"
Is it urine? The cheeky poster doesn't say, but it's heavily implied, and the splash pattern would seem to indicate a strong stream.
Comments on the photo range from celebratory to disgusted, with others wondering what security is like at the grave site and if they, too, could get away with it.
Readers, if you're planning to piss on Rush Limbaugh's grave — don't! It is tacky and low class … and it makes the grass all wet. Some of us have plans to have a very gay summer picnic there.
Rush Limbaugh, Finally Quiet, Returns to St. Louis
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- Rush Limbaugh,
- Missouri,
- grave,
- St. Louis,
- Bellefontaine Cemetery
About The Author
Jaime Lees
Jaime Lees is a digital content editor for the Riverfront Times. Scroll to read more Missouri News articles (1)
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one step back, then punt...
I think Jesus did it.
Sorry, its not ok to compare Limbaugh to MLK.
his monument should have been a toilet with the drain pipe dumping onto his face.
Animal behavior from animals.
For what?
Desecration of a grave. How childish and wrong. Is this really the behavior we should expect from one another?
[✘]'s childish but it's fucking funny. I just don't want anyone peeing on the flags. I think they should remove the flags from his grave. He doesn't deserve to be treated like a patriot
It also opens up for anybody to desecrate anybody's grave because they think it's deserved. This sort of behavior should not be allowed
the trump presidential library should probably be just a public restroom then...
yeah, he was way too partisan but he was a patriot. He believed in and wanted the best for the USA, just too partisan to listen to. I chose the adult approach and didn't listen to him or read his stuff.
I don't think it is. If someone gets caught I think they get charged with vandalism
He was no fucking patriot! He skipped out of Vietnam because of a boil on his butt. Easily taken care of
he was a fucking liar, just like the majority of rwnj media pundits...
why is that gnat flying around my head again?
So did Biden. He was diagnosed with asthma as a child and used that to get a 1-Y classification. I was diagnosed with asthma as a child and I still served.
Limbaugh was also classified 1-Y and it wasn't a boil, it was a pilonidal cyst. I've had one of those, requires surgery to remove.
no worries. he's getting very close to the 100w lightbulb...
Public urination can, and often does, result in being added to the sexual predator list.
Yeah..I know it was a pilondial cyst. I said boil because I just wanted to be mean. My dad had one but it only got lanced and then drained for a few days. That's why I said it wasn't that hard to treat.
I did not know that. I knew there were consequences
It depends largely on where one does it (what city and where it takes place), but more than a few places will bring a charge of indecent exposure.
No it doesn't. It isn't allowed is it? It's against the law.
A patriot, Limpballs?
Field medical remedy for those was to sit somebody down hard on a flat rock. It actually worked most of the time.
Yeah, that will open it up but it won't get rid of it. I had mine lanced twice and it came back each time so finally they went to surgically remove it.
What you say is true. It was more of way to release the pressure till we got out of the field or could get to a decent LZ to medevac them.
Didn't you have lances and gauze in the field?
Had gauze but no lancets. Had a K-Bar knife but that was a little too big and unwieldly.
When my dad had his lanced, it drained so bad the gauze soaked thru in minutes. My mom suggested she tape a Kotex to his back. He was dubious at first but it soaked up the stuff a lot better
The solution is to pee into a container in private and then dump the container on his grave. In Rush’s case the most appropriate container would be a full 50 gallon drum.
that's a lot of pee
... suspended from a tree directly over the flat topped surface, with a 1 gallon release triggered by a game camera focused on the front of his monument. surprise ditto-heads!
rush was a backed up toilet on the radio.
I was thinking exactly the same thing. This is childish and pathetic. I won't try to speak for anybody else, but I can honestly say I would never ever do such a thing to somebody's grave just because I disagreed with their politics!
It should be pissed on daily, as far as this Missourian is concerned.
Missouri Republicans actually put a bust of this douchebag in the statehouse, in the same chamber with busts honoring other Missourians like Mark Twain, George Washington Carver, Dred Scott, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Sacajawea, Robert A. Heinlein, Walter Cronkite, Walt Disney, Harry S. Truman, John J. Pershing, and Edwin Hubble. If you can believe that shit.
Why? Does it make someone a better person, a better human being by desecrating his grave?
Should this then be allowed for anybody to desecrate a grave of a person they didn't like? Where do you think this ends?
Why can't people be adults.
As an honor befitting his contribution to the world – demagoguery and hate mongering for profit, one of the worst forms of media ever to grace our airwaves. Basically the same shit Fox "News" is about to be wrung through the wringer for. He pretty much paved the way for the golden calf disaster that passes for "conservative" media today, especially on the radio.
Hopefully when for-profit, mind-fucking propogandists and agents of division like Limbaugh are shunned and not celebrated.
Ok then. If and when someone comes along who decides that person "X" was the worst person at what they did and decides to desecrate their grave you really don't have any reason to call them for it.
So you dispute this views of the leftists? Why?
Just about everything he said about liberals was, and remains, true.
In that you would be correct. Fair is fair
feel free to piss on my grave. I'll be dead. I won't care. oh wait, on second thought I want my headstone stealth electrified, with a camera to capture the inspired dance solos...
I would never do that. I was brought up to respect the final resting spot of everybody. While I was in high school, I dug graves for my church. I would never desecrate a grave site. IMO that's a cowards approach which allows the small minded to feel they have done some great thing.
No it doesn't but you're making too big a deal about a person pissing on someone's grave.
I plan to be cremated. But the cat will get mad if some one pisses in my urn....pretty sure she'll turn it into a litter box
I wouldn't call them a coward. They probably couldn't get close to Rush when he was alive so they chose the next best thing.
Gonna do the same - but, since we have three nice golf courses here, Momma is gonna try to place 1/3 of the ashes on each course.
Yeah, then I can very loudly shout - "Stupid fricker - ball in the hole, not the bunker" to my present playing partners.
Desecrating a grave is wrong, pure and simple. It is amazing what some people can rationalize. I wonder if RBG could be next because she was more of an activist than a fair Supreme Court Justice so I am confident some people out there thought of her as a traitor. Can't help but wonder the reaction of some here if that were to happen.
Some folks have trouble differentiating between what is right and what is wrong. Desecrating a grave is definitely wrong!
Obviously takes a somewhat unbalanced person to begin with imo.
Contrary to what others may think, it is a matter of common decency that transcends political party affiliations or people.
Rush Limbaugh is easily one of the worst media figures in US history.
Although I dont really approve of pissing on someones grave, I'm not going to lose any sleep or shed a tear over it either. Karma came for him.
By this you also excuse anybody else who decides to desecrate a grave, all they have to do is state that person "X" was one of the worst in their field and everything is ok.
He didn't say that did he?
He didn't defend him.
Rush Limbaugh was a lying sack of shit and a terrible human being who hated and tried to destroy the American way of life.
Only to those that disagreed with his views.
He had some fucked up views. Did he call himself a Christian? Because he was so mean and hateful
I never said he was perfect. I simply meant that some did not hate him to the extent that others did. That does not mean that those that did not hate him were bad people.
Shame about El Rushbo's grave---but there are two possibilities here. Either Bo Snerdly or a passing dog. Maybe a coyote. When you gotta go you gotta go.
Good dog!
there's a nice flat top on his monument. think of the fun to be had with a used toilet and some construction adhesive...
They didnt disrespect rush, they disrespected his family and the people who love him. Seeing the complete lack of respect from people who have pretty obvious political biases only hardens my belief that they cant be civil and i could never vote that side of the aisle even if i agreed with them on a particular issue. Cant be a part of that depravity
Limpballs had somebody who loved him? I think his wife was there for the money.
I'm sure you have political biases also what with the republican in your user name. Want respect? Treat people with respect first. Respect is earned not handed out like participation trophies.
The irony in that statement is so strong I could attract the space station with it
Sure I have political biases, same as anyone. I only see one side taking time out of their day to desecrate a dead mans grave and getting a chuckle out of it due to political differences. Imagine being that petty..
Oh it's not that hard to see petty around here day in and day out
Good gawd! We were inundated with memes about Michelle Obama's penis and drunk Hillary Clinton. And there was this meme constantly posted of a woman (man) leading a Little Person with a dog collar. The person who constantly posted that thought it was fine to mock others disabilities. Would you say that was petty?
And then there's the petty insults day in and day out. Get real. If you last more than 1/2 a day I will be sure to point out the pettiness from your side of the aisle
... probably not his first golden shower, but maybe the first one he ever got for free, from a male...
How do you know it was
Sounds like we're conversing with one of the ones who posted those endless tiresome ignorant memes that you mention TG
I know the former 'president's' love of a golden shower is probably something he and Rush shared.
He didn't last long did he?
I don't speak ill of the dead. I didn't like Rush Limbaugh because he trafficked in "it" (damaged/destroyed lives of his fellow Americans) for money, fame, and influence. I would hope that I never strong enough to piss on anybody's grave-seriously or as a joke! But, well, no buts, I will leave it there.
76 comments as this is posted about urination.
Perhaps we should just all piss off and take a moment…just one single moment, to realize how fortunate we are if this is even a topic of discussion…given all the meaningful discussions we should be having. Seriously.
I was just trying to have a little fun at the expense of a dead blowhard.
I'm mean and it shows
No worries, trout…was having a moment where nothing struck me as funny.
Appreciate your continued efforts to lighten the load.
Carry on!
Rush Limbaugh, for good or bad, left a lasting mark on this nation. This urine has already dried up and will be thought of no more. I can't say that for the lives of many millions negatively affected by the commentary of this one man over his professional life. NOTE: This comment is about Rush's life work, not his death.
Nobody could piss on him while he was still alive because of his phalanx of bodyguards.
A great observation and consideration!
... except when he was "vacationing" in the dominican republic.
Outrageous, spending money in a white minority country.
Many folk were hoping the same for Rush.
He thrived on being the most divisive fascist in America.
Let's show Rush Limbaugh the respect he deserves.
Don't piss on his grave, visit his memorial:
wow, trump's gold plated shitter looks just like that!
... after he finishes his 2am tirades on untruth social.
UPDATE: According to a post on a Slovenian website, the headstone urinated on itself.
Rush deserves nothing less. He is one of the primary reasons our politics have become so divisive. He spent his entire career casting those with differing opinions as being an enemy that must be vanquished, not just someone who has a different idea.
Fuck Rush.
that might require an awful lot of lube for some unlucky dittohead...
San Quentin Blues.
the cemetery need to get in front of this and turn a profit. put his bust in a urinal and charge $5 a person...