Trump Cabinet Bible Teacher Blames Coronavirus Pandemic on God’s Wrath — Somehow It Involves China, Gay People, and Environmentalists
By: Lee Fang
Seems he's anti-Catholic, too.
Ralph Drollinger, a minister who leads a weekly Bible study group for President Donald Trump’s cabinet, released a new interpretation of the coronavirus pandemic this week, arguing that the crisis represents an act of God’s judgment.
The coronavirus, Drollinger argues in two blog posts and a rambling Bible study guide published in the past few days, is a form of God’s wrath upon nations, but not one as severe as the floods described in the Old Testament or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
“Relative to the coronavirus pandemic crisis, this is not God’s abandonment wrath nor His cataclysmic wrath, rather it is sowing and reaping wrath,” wrote Drollinger. “A biblically astute evaluation of the situation strongly suggests that America and other countries of the world are reaping what China has sown due to their leaders’ recklessness and lack of candor and transparency.”
Neither does he miss a chance to condemn those who worship the “religion of environmentalism” and express a “proclivity toward lesbianism and homosexuality.” These individuals, Drollinger argues in “Is God Judging America Today?”, one of the minister’s posts about coronavirus pandemic, have infiltrated “high positions in our government, our educational system, our media and our entertainment industry” and “are largely responsible for God’s consequential wrath on our nation.”
In the Bible study, Drollinger meanders through scripture, explaining the ways in which God may have caused the coronavirus. In a footnote, he hedges on his previous argument that the virus represents a mild form of God’s wrath, noting that, “We’ll soon see a human cure for the coronavirus.”
Drollinger’s evangelical lessons are carefully catered to conservative ideology, with a focus on interpreting current events through a partisan lens.
Drollinger, reached by phone, referred questions to his foundation’s press line. Capitol Ministries, the nonprofit founded by Drollinger that hosts his Bible study, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The Drollinger-led Bible study meets every Wednesday morning with members of Trump’s cabinet, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and Health Secretary Alex Azar. Carson and Azar, notably, are members of the coronavirus task force guiding the federal government response to the pandemic.
Vice President Mike Pence, a member of the task force and a listed host of Capitol Ministries, is also tied to the Bible study. Emails obtained by Gizmodo show administration officials coordinating with Drollinger’s group to schedule a session of the Bible study, including the possibility of hosting the weekly event in Pence’s West Wing office.
At least 52 GOP lawmakers also participate in a Capitol Hill version of Drollinger’s Bible study, which meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sponsors of the event include House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., the second-ranking GOP lawmaker in the Senate.
The evangelical lessons are carefully catered to conservative ideology, with a focus on interpreting current events through a partisan lens. Drollinger’s study guides have provided biblical justification for the Trump administration’s undocumented immigrant child separation policies and arguments in favor of lower taxes on the wealthy.
Bible study guides from Capitol Ministries distributed to politicians also claim that “Islam and its Koran are nothing more than a plagiarism of OT truths,” a reference to the Old Testament and, in all caps, declare : “NOT EVERY MUSLIM IS A TERRORIST BUT EVERY INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST IN RECENT HISTORY HAS BEEN A MUSLIM.”
A former college basketball player, Drollinger has spent much of the last 24 years involved in fusing politics with religion. Danielle Drollinger, the minister’s spouse, once ran a political action committee designed to elect conservative Christians to office in California. Drollinger eventually formed a Christian ministry focused on cultivating political leaders in Sacramento.
For many years, Drollinger operated on the fringes. In 2004, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that many California Republicans resented the presence of Drollinger’s group, which preached that the Bible opposed women working outside the home. “It’s the world’s largest false religion,” said Drollinger, describing his view of Catholicism, in an interview with the paper.
I detect a note of Christian Dominionism with this one
The force is strong with him
GOD is good.
Satan is the one that is EVIL.
When one has to talk to their GOD "In-Tongues", they are possibly talking to Satan.
Not according to the bible.
What's he done that is so "evil?" Especially compared to the evil god has done.
How do you know this?
Satan gave us knowledge...that's why he's so evil.
I know, right? Because knowledge is such a bad thing. >sarc <
There does seem to be those who have a certain disdain for knowledge. Especially if actual knowledge and facts contradict their beliefs. Maybe that's why some prefer to remain willfully ignorant.
I've been skimming a front page seed that's been getting a lot of traffic and I'm seeing comments that alarm knowledge is less important than feelings
That's not alarming. That's just horrifying. And sad
i don't know how i feel about this,
my feelings won't let my knowledge know for some time, so i'm not worried about it...
i think, or, i mean, i feel i think,
i think, i feel ...i finken theel
damnet, stop confusing me Trout, just shut your small mouth bass drumb fkish stix, and stop pickin on me, you hurt my knowledge damnet! i feel i'm smarter than your feelings as i know more than everbodys feelings damnet
Agnus! Agnus ! where the hell are my pants again?
Gladyss ! what am i doin outside without trousers again ?
who the hell R U lady ?????????
I have had the opportunity to attend several of these, so-called, "Talking-In-Tongues" religious sessions in Evangelical Churches.
They are extremely primitive, reminiscent of Satanic Rituals, induced by wailing, jabbering in gibberish, hysterics, shaking, and, lots of backwoods "Holy Rolling."
"God only does good" is what HE spoke to me when I fell thru a Dimensional Portal and tumbled head over feet stopping in the Center of the Universe.
The episode was induced by a Peyote button from a Peyote Cactus plant given to me by a Navaho Indian for my Spiritual Journey thru another dimension of Time & Space, in the Spring of 1971.
Once I heard the voice, the message, I saw myself flipping backwards, head over feet, returning to from whence I had came.
I gracefully entered another dimension threw a metal door. As I passed thru the door, my head and shoulders were in this dimension, I watched, in awe, as my arms, still in the mental door, slide into our dimension, much like that famous painting of a monk who, on his knees with the bulk of his body in this plane, while his shoulders and head where in another revealing the COSMOS. It was sold in "head shops" throughout the sixties, and, I am certain, influenced my images.
What seemed to me like a long time, ended up with no time passing, as I looked at the clock. Not one second. It was as if time stood still, as my mind and body traveled thru space and time rapidly. I did so without fear.
For decades, I misinterpreted this life changing experience.
Immediately upon returning to this dimension, from the other one, I erroneously concluded that "GOD HAD LIMITATIONS!"
That analysis was short-sighted; it left me feeling that God was not as powerful, as say, a Zeus, the Greek Deity from Ancient Literature! Rather, I superficially concluded that our GOD (Deity) is one with limitations. I was, at that time, young, a seeker, and an agnostic.
There was too much ugliness, too, much unnecessary hurt to believe in an All Mighty God, or, a Spiteful one.
That was the "snap" collusion of my conscious mind immediately upon returning, that hapless decision that "God had limitations."
Over time I deciphered its true essence gradually, as I matured. At 78.4 years, I am rapidly approaching my EXPERATION DATE, not with a "Whimper, but, a Bang," reversing e.e. cummings's poem.
"GOD ONLY DOES GOOD," that is what, I now understand, that rare revelation to mean.
Now, I understand HIS messages to mean, HE doesn't have LIMITATIONS. HE, GOD, ONLY does GOOD! We are the ones with limitations if we restrict ourselves, refuse to expand our consciousness.
For me, GOD is a lovely, peaceful, plausible concept that I now live with on a daily basis.
Nature, Man, and, Evil, (yes, there is an Evil Force) accounts for the ills, misfortunes that, too, often wreak havoc on mankind, as this current PANDEMIC is doing.
It took years for me to understand that simple statement: "I can only do good!" (Spoken to me, I believe, by the voice of God.)
That is how I know that "GOD ONLY DOES GOOD!"
I do not ask others to believe me. It is what I believe, and, has led to many wonderful revelations.
Few of my most intimate friends believe me, most say, "It was the drug talking to you, not God!" Was it?
By lifelong friend, flat out called me, a "Damn Liar," when I share this extraordinary, personal experience with him, thereupon, my BFF broke off all communications with me, severing our relationship.
I am not seeking converts, or, selling my beliefs for profit, nor, do I attend any church.
I have, as we all do, understand that we have a link to GOD, (or, a Higher Power) that I, now, and have for 44 years, allowed myself to embrace.
It has led to other remarkable psychic experiences, which overtime, has confirmed for me that GOD, indeed, exists, and, that there is more to reality than we know.
I am no longer an agnostic, nor, do I embrace any man made religion. I have my own connection. You have yours.
So to sum it up, your "experience" was brought on by a drug induced hallucination? You'll understand if I cannot take the validity or reliability of such things seriously?
There are many avenues to "enlightenment", but one must be searching instead of assuming.
You are funny iggy! Thanks for the levity!
I prefer evidence. Mere claims neither convincing or persuasive.
More like the farce.
I detect a note of sheer delusion. Perhaps that is synonymous with dominionism?
Thanks, Gordy, and, I sense, an unwillingness to accept a reality that you may not understand. Sort of like, when germs were discovered there were many that refused to considered the concept and dismissed it.
To each their own.
There is more, my friend, but, I also, sense that you do not want to know more.
Germ theory was initially scoffed at. But then empirical evidence was presented to support it. Nowadays, no one can rationally deny or refute the Germ Theory of Disease. I can accept what can be objectively evidenced and demonstrated. Individual "experiences" or the perception of them is highly subjective and may not reflect actual reality. If someone underwent a similar experience as you and came to a completely different conclusion, what makes whose experience more valid than the other, especially when compared to actual reality?
What is "actual reality?"
When my mother passed away I was two states away, and, at the exact moment of her death, a small amber light, like that of a candle caught my eye and as I look up, I heard her voice say, "I just came by to say goodbye."
Her voice was warm, happy, and loving.
If someone had asked me a nanosecond before If I believe it possible, I would not have hesitated, "absolutely NOT."
Because we cannot see does something does not mean they do not exist. There is more in "Heaven & Earth" that meets the eye.
Psychic experiences are real.
Something that actually is, and not what we want or other idealistic notion. What we can demonstrably experience without other influencing agents.
That's nice. Prove it!
That's why I go by evidence. Just because one claims something exists doesn't men it actually does.
There is more to the world than what we are capable of observing.
UFOs, some psychics, spirits, telepathic communication, vibes, a spiritual connection, and love which cannot be scientifically defined, or measured.
As Carl Sagan advised his students, "Keep an open mind, but, not so open that your brains fall out."
We all need proofs, reasons, scientific confirmation, but there is more to life than the cold facts of Science to build our life upon.
Our emotions, instincts, and feelings should be factored into our understanding of this marvelous experience we call "LIFE."
I, too, was a Born-Again Skeptic, until my mother spoke to me at the moment of her passing.
If someone had asked me if that is possible, a nanosecond, before it did, I would have emphatically said, "Absolutely not! Show me the proof!"
Since, then, I have had many experiences that have allowed me to trust my instincts, feeling, and psychic experiences.
For me, these incidents confirm that GOD is real, though I cannot define him, or, it.
That Life does not end with Death, that ghosts are real, psychic communication is all around us, and God can only do good.
Why, from a 'biblical' perspective , would America reap what China has sown? This is stupid, even when you consider the source.
It's all about their position within their Christian society, and money, to these despicable people. we have tons of candor and transparency in our leaders
According to Drollinger's logic then, who are we mere humans, to oppose God's corrective measures?
Could he possibly explain why Italy, including Vatican City, is one of the hardest hit areas of the virus?
Obviously they are not worshipping correctly
My "Sauce," Steve Bunions, has it on "pretty shaky authority" (that's the way we like it) that he has proof (100%, the only kind he drinks) that they are the Sons & Daughters of Lot, and his three sex starved daughters that Lot "knocked up," when the daughter got Lot drunk.
Thereby, they knew him in the biblical sense.
Thousands of times, I assume, when they thought the World was blowing up and they had never enjoyed the "fruit of their loins."
It's in the Bible, somewhere, I swear!
What makes your or any version of Christianity more "legitimate" than another?
skin color?
That depends. If it was black Christians no left wing atheist would have the balls to criticize it.
Why do you say that? What difference does ethnicity make regarding religious beliefs? For that matter, what difference does political ideology make regarding religious beliefs? Left or right wing, white/black/brown/yellow/red/ ... should not be relevant when speaking of religious beliefs.
Is that what he said???
That is fucked up. I know he doesn't care that he insulted Catholics and former Catholics with that bullshit
Yep, that is what he said. But then, some go even further and declare other religions or beliefs Satanic. Go figure.
Yea, why take care of the place we live.
That's why he probably hates Catholics. Catholics are taught to be stewards of the earth
There is a sect of Evangelicals that believe Catholics to be idol worshipers for praying to the Madonna and the Saints. My ex-wife is one of these people.
I truly cannot understand how some can "love" their god and turn around and condone the destruction of the earth "he" supposedly created for us. Just don't get it.
I have heard some call Mary the "whore of Babylon". I do not understand that either considering she is supposed to be the mother of their god.
I believe that the "whore of Babylon" was Bathsheba (sp).
In modern Evangelical eschatology, the Whore of Babylon is a character that will serve the Antichrist, and ultimately be hunted down and killed by him. Some have referred to the Catholic Church as such, because rather than being a person, some believe that the Whore (Idolatress) of Babylon is actually representative of a false religion.
In the next episode, the 7 Ringwraiths (Nazgul) will go to Disneyworld and meet Mary Poppins.
Not in the conversation I was having with a group of people. In reality it is first mentioned Revelation, a totally different entity than the group was referencing.
In the discussion I was having it was stated that Catholics worshiped the "whore of Babylon". Since Catholics do not show any reverence to Bathsheba I doubt it was her.
It was also mentioned in the docudrama "Queens" - again not a reference to Bathsheba.
I always thought the whore of Babylon was Vatican City?
As with so much of religious doctrine people tend to interpret it the way they want to & use it to bolster their arguments.
Yep. It really depends on who you're talking to.
Applying logic to illogic never works.
No, I am pretty certain that the Whores of Babylon is another one of those Las Vegas Brothel Ranches, just down from the "Chicken Ranch."
But, my "sauce," a former adviser to "the Donald" is drunk most of the time, that is why we use him as our Washington, D.C. correspondent.
He get the dirt on politicians before it is "dirt."
That is precisely what we are famous for, Veronica, that and making SHAT UP, like Fox TV Fake News, our idol.
Especially when there are those opposed to logic.
Good to know as my bible knowledge is lacking. But Lady B was called that also.
Yeah, sure... God didn't create this mess; we did. We are experiencing the consequences of our bad choices. God doesn't need to send wrath upon us since we are quite capable of punishing ourselves.
Our modern culture has established the need to find scapegoats as the most important response to any crisis. And God is such an easy scapegoat for our greedy finger pointing. But the facts are, we did this to ourselves.
The thread that is holding together our American way of life in this crisis, of our own making, are low payed, unskilled, uneducated workers stocking shelves. The future of our American way of life depends upon people putting packages of food on shelves. The forgotten among us have become the most important among us. The lowest have become the highest.
Seems rather Biblical, doesn't it?
Indeed, it do!
The logical conclusion is that God hates Trump...
I have it on "pretty shaky" authority, Steve Bunions, the discredited Chief Adviser to Trump (Steve shakes alot from the D.T.) that GOD called the WH, Trump was golfing, so, Bunions took the call, in which he told Steve that HE hates Trump.
That is the real reason Trump canned Bunions, not because of his "stinky feet," as Washington, D.C. insiders claim.
Glad I could clear that up for you. That is my MISSION - "To Ed-u-ma-cate!"
2 Chronicles 7:11-16
When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain(Australia), or command locusts to devour the land (Africa)or send a plague among my people(Coronavirus)
Just saying......
Do you have a cat that needs to be adopted when you get raptured?
My cats will be coming with me. They have been baptized of their sins and only kill mice as a sacrifice to our Holy Father. They have lived good Christian lives. They often go on missionary trips to my neighbor's yard and spread the word to their heathen animals and break bread with them. Soon they will be gutting mice in heaven.
Did they get a full immersion baptism or did you just spray them with a bottle?
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide atomized into the nostrils.
sign the title and leave it and the keys above the visor...
What are you "saying," JungKonServativ111? Are you a Korean Conservative on Junk? Is the 111, code for the number of lines that you have done?
Asking for a friend, the DEA!
What shall we sacrifice and where?
the offspring of the emperor on the steps of his castle is traditional I believe...
How are you able to comment without a name?
Another "faux christian" life SHIT happens.
True, "Lady in Black Lace!"
That is why I start every day with my "Morning Trump." Got to get that "shat" out right away. It's toxic.
There's always somebody trying to take advantage of a crisis. Maybe they get rich hording and reselling hand sanitizer. Maybe it's political. I'm surprised it took this long to see somebody claim God's wrath on this. I would have thought the Westboro Baptists would have been on this on Day 1.
I would have thought the Westboro Baptists would have been on this on Day 1.
Then they could have taught the Bible to rump's cabinet; missed opportunity.
Oh, they are, indeed. They meet with Trump's cabinet every Wednesday at 9:00 AM to hear Dollinger, Flounder of Capitol Ministry, "preach the Lord's will to them."
Thanks for bring that up.
Source: Trout Giggles seeded article on Dollinger!
Jerry Falwell, Jr., jumped on it right away. It got him on Fox TV Fake News with that religious zealot, Sean Humanity.
Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's alcoholic son, got on board late. He, of course, Horse was drunk. Or, he would have got on board first.
Now, every Evan-jerk-off Preacher Man, who came to da Jesus, face-up on a barroom floor, after an all night drunk, and, had a VISION that he/she could make a "Hell of a Lot MORE Money, Honey," than driving that old, rattling, 10 wheeler cross-country, is ON BOARD THE BAND WAGON to the End of Times!
Hallelujah! Pass the collection plate one more time, Brothers & Sistas of the Corn Hole DeGeneration.
Can I get an AMEN?
"Wrath." The christian code for "I hate you even more than myself." Nah. Not really. As in all things foul, MAGA gave it life and MAGA will give it death.
As far as faux over paid minister Drollinger, he is what he is and assuredly has great remiss that christianity failed it's opportunity to relegate 'the women' to burqas.
I, too, hear that Dillinger, er, (I mean) Dollinger, "laments."
But, rest assured, bbl-1, that, that Southern Hilly-Billy, from KY, Mitch ("The Bitch") McConnell, will bring it up in the Senate and force it into law with Republican supports, just as soon as he cleans out the Public Coffers, which have gotten filthy during these idle times.
Praise the Lord for Republicans in Congress!
God's wrath. If we are to believe the stories in the collection of novellas called the Bible then it wouldn't be the first time "God" slaughtered humans. Kind of wipes out that whole "all loving and all forgiving god" fable.
God never did seem to care about whomever got caught in his retributive blast radius.
Now, that is the GOD, that EVIL-GENTALIAS vehemently believe in, the God of Retribution.
Of, course, Jesus, say that he had come to change that. No longer would he preach and "eye for an eye."
Nor, we Jesus require that HIS enemies to smited so many times until they were dead. But, HE, would not require, as the God of the Old Testament did, the necessity to kill every man, woman and Child.
Oh, yes, and the women should all be raped.
I believe that that is the GOD that Evangelicals have mixed up with JESUS.
Wait, you worship a man instead of god? Doesn't that break one of the demands in the bible? Doesn't that guarantee you a trip to your fabled Hell?
Technically, they were the same being. Jesus was just God after God had a makeover in between the Testaments.
Well I read some of the article but I missed where this nut job was a President Trump cabinet member.
But hey if it offends the TDS sufferers it must be news.
try reading the article headline to yourself out loud a few times...
This Right Wing, Conservative, Evangelical NUTJOB is not a "Cabinet Member!" The self-appointed Pastor is head of the White House Weekly "Bible Study" group that meets weekly in the West Wing of the WH.
He believes that GOD is punishing America because of the presence of "Gay Folks." Like Hitler, demagogues, need a scapegoat because they have no evidence other than their own twisted FAKE religion to galvanize people to a FALSE PROPHET.
golly, I wonder what this moronic preacher's explanation is for the tornadoes that blew thru the bible belt on easter.
He'll probably blame gay marriage and/or abortion.
OK - that's pretty close to it. And it can be argued that certain groups have
We are only in disagreement as to what groups should be blamed.
Notice it's always gay people and probably Presbyterians who get blamed for God's wrath being visited on the USA - never hundreds of years of slavery, the Trail of Tears, the Indian Wars and about 80,000 people in key districts voting for Donald Trump in 2016.
Religion seems to always need a scapegoat for what they claim is "God's wrath." Sometimes it's gays. Sometimes it's atheists. Sometimes it's anyone (especially liberals, democrats, or the left) that "condones sin." Or all of the above. Note how it's never themselves they blame. Always someone else.
Presbyterians are NOT the one today that spew religious HATRED. Evangelical, Born Up Side & Backwards have a monopoly on what is Absolute Righteousness.
Jerry Falwell, Pat Robinson, Jim Jones, every damn televangelist that preaches for MONEY is a Con Man, not a spokesperson for GOD.
God can only "do good" is the message he/it spoke to me on my Peyote trip to the Center of the Universe.
Yes, it was a psychedelic trip, induced by a peyote petal giving to me by a Navaho Indian.
I am not advocating it for anyone, but, it did introduce me to another realm of reality. The Reality of the Mind, Soul, Spirit, and the Universe, in addition to our observable one.
Con Artists, like Trump, and Evangelical preachers are not, in my, humbled by the years' view, conduits of anything, other than self-aggrandizement and greed.
That includes every two-bit deadbeat that came to the "Jesus," after an all-night drunk, face-up on the barroom floor, who realized that he could make a "Hell of a Lot More Money Telling Folks What To Do," than driving that 12 wheeler 10 hours per day.
Reality is more complex than we might imagine.
I didn't single out any one religion. Rather, mainstream religion in general. But yes, evangelicals are especially vocal about it.
That's what religious leaders and adherents would have one believe. Given how god is described, especially in the OT, "good" is not exactly the description I would use.
Ok, so you'll understand if I take everything after that with a grain of salt.
Drugs can alter one's perceptions.
On that, I tend to agree.
There is more to the world than what we are capable of observing.
UFOs, some psychics, spirits, telepathic communication, vibes, a spiritual connection, and love which cannot be scientifically defined, or measured.
As Carl Sagan advised his students, "Keep an open mind, but, not so open that your brains fall out."
We all need proofs, reasons, scientific confirmation, but there is more to life than the cold facts of Science to build our life upon.
Our emotions, instincts, and feelings should be factored into our understanding of this marvelous experience we call "LIFE."
I, too, was a Born-Again Skeptic, until my mother spoke to me at the moment of her passing.
If someone had asked me if that is possible, a nanosecond, before it did, I would have emphatically said, "Absolutely not! Show me the proof!"
Since, then, I have had many experiences that have allowed me to trust my instincts, feeling, and psychic experiences.
For me, these incidents confirm that GOD is real, though I cannot define him, or, it.
That Life does not end with Death, that ghosts are real, psychic communication is all around us, and God can only do good.
But until we actually can observe it or have evidence for it, one cannot definitively say there is "more." Not to mention "more" being vague in this context.
UFO's (as in extraterrestrials) is a mathematical probability. Everything else is essentially unsubstantiated or emotionally based.
Which is why one must question or challenge everything, examine the evidence, and not accept anything at face value.
That might affect how we perceive or react to things. But it is subjective and anecdotal.
As I said, subjective and anecdotal.
Then you understand why I am incapable of simply accepting a claim regarding god at face value.
And at this point, with that affirmative claim, I must say that's nice. Prove it!
I remember when Drollinger played for UCLA. That was the last time he did anything right, or at least, anything that wasn't far right...