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Trump Gives Biden an 'F': 'A Failed Administration, 'a Disaster'
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 48 Comments • 2 Likes • 4 years ago
“I would be an F. It's a failed administration, it's a disaster. I've never seen anything like it." "And by the way, I wish he'd do well,. I love...”
As usual Trump is right. Let’s go Brandon is a real screw up. The worst President in American history by far. He makes Jimmy Carter seem competent by comparison. Anyway, on issue after issue Biden has made things worse for America than it was before he took office. There has not been one...
Atheism Is 'Incompatible' with Science
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 79 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“atheism is "incompatible" with science, based on his research. "This idea that data and science are at odds – the biggest news is that not only is...”
Atheism is dead. It was a faith system and now it’s being shattered. It is atheism that is not compatible with science. God is the author of science and the intelligent designer, Creator of all things and science even in our earthly limited understanding of it is pointing to these facts of life.
Recommitting to a global religious freedom strategy
Via: XXJefferson51 • Americana • 65 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“Governments cited the COVID-19 pandemic and enforced restrictions on religious freedom, and even democratic governments shut down houses of...”
The pursuit of religious liberty around the world is an important mission of the United States of America. It is a human right that all of humanity should have access to.
Democrats May Regret Messing With America's Moms
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 30 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“These are clearly wacky ideas. It's hard to imagine the thought process that caused leading Democrats to promote them. Regardless, Democratic...”
Democrats are clinically insane. They keep trying socialism over and over and are shocked to be rejected by we the people every time. Now they compound with the covid spreading border crisis, using their looting rioting mobs to defund the police, lockdowns and mandates, and try to cram 1619...
Walker, Prager to Newsmax: Important to Fight Back Against the Left
Via: XXJefferson51 • Americana • 35 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“ there has not been a single instance where there have not been protests when he was to speak, but when he leaves, students who haven't been...”
It is great to see conservatives finally fighting back in the culture wars and against cancel culture. It is great that we are finally taking the effort to college students and the youth. Parents are fighting back in the k-12 schools and there are now conservative voices for the high school and...
Don’t Give Up on the Young—Prager University Hasn’t
Via: XXJefferson51 • Americana • 68 Comments • 2 Likes • 4 years ago
“As you might expect, such success has made the non-profit media company a big target for those unhappy with their perspectives. Prager U proudly...”
Thank God for AMAC! The Association of Mature American Citizens and their news and opinion publication. Since the battle over Senior RX, catastrophic health insurance and Health Savings Accounts, and Medicare Advantage along with the struggle over Obamacare they have been a Godsend for seniors...
Our Degenerate Elites Are Losing Control And Lashing Out In Desperation
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 9 Comments • 2 Likes • 4 years ago
“But when all’s said and done, when all the open letters have been signed by all the top credentialed people, when all the wrongthink songs have...”
The Federalist got this exactly right! Well done and well said. Thanks go out to Real Clear Politics as well for carrying this fine truth. The bi coastal secular progressive elites who want to control what we can say and who we can see and listen to and what sites pass their collective gate...
Stunning New Data: Covid Case Rates Among the ‘Fully Vaccinated’ are Now Higher Than the ‘Not Vaccinated’
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 64 Comments • 2 Likes • 4 years ago
“The best model for this approach in the United States remains Florida, which now has the lowest case rates per 100,000 in the United States. There...”
This is indeed an interesting study. End all mandates now. Restore liberty, freedom, and individual rights!
Tom Cotton to AG Garland: 'Thank God you are not on the Supreme Court'
Via: XXJefferson51 • Americana • 9 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“"That letter and those reports were the basis for your directive. This is shameful. Judge, this is shameful. This testimony, your directive, your...”
Cotton was right on about the AG today. He’s a coward targeting parents for daring to protect their own children.
Is atheism the enemy of freedom? Here's how retreating from faith makes US less free
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 72 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“But if the people in a free nation abandon faith – and virtuous behavior – or even let it erode away slowly, the government will inevitably step...”
Atheism is the arch enemy of human freedom. It denies the very foundation of America’s founding and the beliefs of most of the founding fathers. Religious liberty is the foundation of all liberty. Atheism and people who are atheists are the greatest domestic threat to freedom, individual...