Criminals Are Now Allowed to Probe Their Own Crimes, even in Iraq
By: Paymaneh Miri • default • 2 comments • 12 years ago
The Middle East is riddled with strange and rather unpredictable episodes. But this one sure is one of the top ones. On September 1, Iraqi special operations forces, at the behest of the Iranian regime, entered Camp Asharf, home of Iranian dissidents in Iraq and shot dead 52 unarmed and defenseless refugees who were all Protected Persons under the 4th Geneva Convention. Most victims were...
Defense/Agression spending
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
We do not have a huge Military budget to fund Defenses we have a huge budget to fund Aggression military weapons to allow invasion in any country we decide to invade often for made up reason ( lies ).We spent 22 or 23 Billion on the last contract I heard of to fund the civilian military forces of US owned Corporations fighting in Iraq still and Afghanistan where next and what lie do we use next...
Well, Here I Am
By: JoTigerlily • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
I have been dabbling around on The NewsTalkers site just a little. Life has gotten busy, and I felt I could still navigate NV a little, and still have friends there I want to keep in touch with, and so on.But I am finding more and more of my friends are also over here, and now that I have a column of my own over on MSNBC, whether I want one there or not ... I'm thinking I may just have to get a...
2 million bikers go to Washington
By: AmericanDreamsShattered • default • 2 comments • 12 years ago
and they are denied a permit while Muslims are allowed to march.What is wrong with this country when 2 million bikers ride across it to honor those killed on 9/11 and in the wars that followed, only to be denied a permit to parade? Yet there is no news that covered it, the onesided media in America must have felt that anything that has to do with American patroitism is not newsworthy! Way to go...
GOP with Obama
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 0 comments • 12 years ago
There are 100 reasons the Republicans are with President Obama on Syria.Position is controlled by these owners of the House and Senate and coming year is an election year.
Gays in America and Gays in Russia
By: Perrie Halpern R.A. • default • 4 comments • 12 years ago
A while back I had a debate with an old friend of mine about a discussion on the percentage of gays that make up our population. I had told him that I had seen an article by the AMA that said that 9-10% of the population was gay. He said it was more like 3-4% During this debate, we went back and forth on the numbers, but my main point was that we would never get a clear number, since being...
From foster care into the sex trade
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
~Link to Article~ Foster children abused and used as child prostitutes then saved by police then given a record of prostitution. What kind of a legal system would do this to a child who is forced into prostitution. The legal system is broken and terribly distorted. Long read but enlightening.
Philistines, Jews, Herodotus and the "Palestine" Question ..."toafos of a re'em" ?
By: kpr37 • islam • 11 comments • 12 years ago
(From 1200 BC)
The bulk of the inscription deals with Merneptah's victory over the Libyans, but the last few lines shift to Canaan:[4] 1.The princes are prostrate, saying, "Peace!"
2.Not one is raising his head among the Nine Bows.
3.Now that Tehenu (Libya) has come to ruin, Hatti is pacified; The Canaan has been plundered into every sort of woe: Ashkalon has been overcome; Gezer has...
Facts Wanted
By: Robert in Ohio • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
A lot of folks here and o other sites regularly state that they want to talk about facts, rather than spin, opinions and distortion.But when given an article of containing facts about the current economic situation in the U.S. and asked to share what they conclude from the facts (extracted from the government web site) no one has anything to say.There is no one to bash, no one to blame, no one...
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
By: Robert in Ohio • default • 3 comments • 12 years ago
Robert Frost's "Mending Wall" is one of my favorite poems.I have come to think of one line in particular "Good fences make good neighbors" when getting along with individuals proved especially challenging, whether literally neighbors or simply people that I interact with either professionally, socially or simply by chance.NewsTalkers is no different from any other neighborhood and sometimes it...
The Blame Game
By: Robert in Ohio • default • 5 comments • 12 years ago
I find it tiresome and annoying that many people do not want to discuss issues or postulate possible solutions and pathways to change regardless of the subject offered in an original article or a seeded article from the media. Instead most threads degenerate to blaming someone for what happened rather than talking about what needs to be done (other than getting the bums (right or left) out of...
The Sound of Wet Grass
By: Diddley Squat • default • 3 comments • 12 years ago
By Rupert Rupert, son of Diddley and Cree Squat, is a young rodent intellectual who is best known for his claim that he hasn't just an opinion on everything, he has opinions. Plural. Many of them. "When I want to measure public reaction to something of importance," said Rupert famously, "I just poll myself." So don't be surprised if I have a whole bunch of them on this...