Tis the Season for Bashing Christian Celebration of Christmas
By: Nerm_L • Opinion • 909 comments • 4 years ago
Time for the holiday tradition of rehashing the history of the Christmas holiday. We'll hear how Christmas is really about pagan celebration of the winter solstice, Yule celebrations, Egyptian and Roman gods, and how modern celebration of the Christmas holiday has nothing to do with theology.
So, the underlying message is that secular society has appropriated the Christmas holiday. And the...
The Magical Thinking Underlying the Pro-Abortion Argument
By: Sean Treacy • Op-Ed • 175 comments • 4 years ago
The pro abortion argument fails on both logical and legal grounds. It’s a construct of smoke and mirrors designed to arrive at the desired result with platitudes and unexamined certainty while avoiding the unpleasant reality. Chanting slogans and avoiding the unpleasant reality is what the pro abortion movement is all about.
As Kevin Williamson wrote:
,"the pro-life position is easy to...
By: Veronica • Wiccan • 22 comments • 4 years ago
The shortest day of the year approaches. This year it is December 21st. It is the beginning of our Wheel of the Year. Yule is a time of joy and hope because the days will begin to grow longer and the sun returns stronger each day. It is a Sabbat full of eating, drinking and good times. The Yule log, wassail, and family. Who could ask for more?
We enjoy a table laid out with...
Games [board or video]
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Just for Fun • 22 comments • 4 years ago
In my household, we like to play board games and the only one that doesn't like to play any kind of video game is my husband. My understanding is, he used to play some first person shooters [FPS] some time ago, but found himself doing nothing except that while he was laid off... so, he quit playing video games. Every Christmas, I buy at least one board or card game for the family to play. We...
The Donald Trump Acolytes. These Are The People Who Are Leading This Country? We Are In One Hell Of A Mess!
By: thedoctorisinthehouse • Politics • 27 comments • 4 years ago
This is the second in a series of articles that are talking about the craziest Republicans representing this country at this time. The first article dealt with my three worst people in Congress, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Louis Goehmert, and Jim Jordan. Of course, the rankings that I am using are totally my opinion and are not based on any consensus opinion among journalists or political...
And These People Want To Rule The Country? Are We Ever In Trouble!
By: thedoctorisinthehouse • Politics • 49 comments • 4 years ago
Even for the current incarnation of Congress, this has been one crazy week. The news from the House of Representatives has revolved primarily over the censure and committee stripping of Paul Gosar for posting an obnoxious anime with an avatar Gosar killing fellow congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. %The vote to censure was almost along a party line vote {Reps. Cheney and Kinzinger siding...
Hey Jude
By: Ender • Video • 52 comments • 4 years ago
The song Strawberry fields came into my head and wouldn't leave. So I listened to it on YouTube. Ended up listening to song after song.
So many good songs.
Then I remembered there was someone else that liked the Beatles, so Perrie, this is for you.
Beatles day !
Knowledge Is Power
By: Ender • Video • 28 comments • 4 years ago
Sometimes when I am not feeling well I think of things from my past. I don't know why my mind runs back through old memories.
One of the better memories I have was watching Saturday morning cartoons. Mixed in was always the Schoolhouse Rock videos. I didn't mind learning a little something from them even though it was a Saturday.
They made learning fun. To this day every once in a while one...
The Die Is Cast: A Democratic Party Full of Wimps Can Be The Last Gasp of a Truly democratic Society
By: thedoctorisinthehouse • Politics • 207 comments • 4 years ago
Partisanship aside, we are our own worst enemies. Sometimes I believe that I am living in the shadows of the great Will Rogers who famously said when asked about his choice of political party, "I belong to no organized political party, I'm a Democrat." His voice rings as true today as they did back in the 1930s and 1940s. Being a Democrat continues to be an exercise in political futility. Not...
Expansion of the Universe
By: Sparty On • Science • 81 comments • 4 years ago
So, as pretty universally accepted by science, if the Universe is everything and is expanding. What is it expanding into?
Another Thought
By: Veronica • Wiccan • 8 comments • 4 years ago
I do my best to be a person that puts out positive vibes. I do know since beginning my path in Wicca that when I put out negative vibes I get negative back and I become stressed, sad, depressed, and even angry. Being positive is sometimes very difficult for me because my household growing up was extremely negative. It is an effort for me to put that smile on my face every morning when...
Just a Thought
By: Veronica • Generic • 21 comments • 4 years ago