An Open Letter To My Fellow Americans: Part II---Where's the Rage?
By: thedoctorisinthehouse • Politics • 129 comments • 4 years ago
Although I think that most of the responses I will get to this letter will come from those who consider themselves to be on the political right, The target audience for this is actually the moderate and liberal members of society who are allowing themselves to be edged toward totalitarianism and social regression. I will not use the terminology Republican, Independent, or Democrat when...
By: Veronica • Wiccan • 11 comments • 4 years ago
In less than two weeks the veil will thin. The End of Year Feast will begin. This is also the third Harvest Feast. Our Wheel is Turning. A closing of the year Smudge spell is below:
Into this smoke, I release all energies that did not serve me, all negativity that surrounded me, all tears that limited me from last year.
I walk into the new year with light in my heart and hope for better...
An Open Letter To My Fellow Americans: Subject--- Voting Rights
By: thedoctorisinthehouse • Politics • 112 comments • 4 years ago
We are a nation in crisis. It doesn't matter whether you identify as a Democrat, Republican or Independent. It doesn't matter if you believe in conservative, middle of the road, or liberal policies. It doesn't make a whit of difference if you are White, Black, Brown, or any other shade of skin color. It matters not what your religious identification is or isn't. It doesn't even matter what...
By: Wheel • music videos • 70 comments • 4 years ago
A couple weeks ago I watched an old movie, The War Between Men and Women. The male lead, played by Jack Lemmon, was loosely based on the artist, James Thurber. It was a good movie, bit dated, but one thing really struck me about it. All the smoking!! People were smoking everywhere, trains, cars, in public, in buildings, while others were eating, as they were eating, around children. I was...
The past couple months...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 32 comments • 4 years ago
So, the past couple months have been sort of interesting. This is just a brief rundown of occurrences.
Firstly, I just wanted to say that my time at NT will remain very limited. I don't particularly need the additional and unnecessary stress that often accompanies conversations here. Therefore, if it's another two months before I return, you know at least know why I haven't responded.
Garden 2021 - Part 3
By: Dig • Gardening • 42 comments • 4 years ago
The weather has been a mix of good and bad this month. Some days have been hot and humid, and downright nasty. Others have been pleasant and almost cool. I'm going into another hot spell at the moment. Today is forecasted to be something like 95, and because of recent rain it'll probably be as humid as a swamp. Another cold front is supposed to blow through in a few days, though.
Some peoples children
By: Sparty On • People • 14 comments • 4 years ago
I see this sort of behavior all the time but saw something last night that really takes the cake. A little background first.
A major four lane thoroughfare on the outskirts of town, almost a small town beltline if you will, underwent a significant change recently. You see local residents suddenly wanted to make it more friendly for pedestrians and bikers. Okay, fair enough, it's going to...
Texas requests five mortuary trailers during Covid-19 surge
By: Krishna • U.S. News • 25 comments • 4 years ago
Texas had the most pediatric hospitalizations in the nation, at 239, according to the latest data released Monday by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Five mortuary trailers have been requested by the health services department in Texas, which is seeing a surge in Covid-19 cases and, along with Florida, leads the nation in pediatric hospitalizations.
The Texas...
Witch Hunt: Blame the Unvaccinated
By: Nerm_L • Opinion • 75 comments • 4 years ago
The political witch hunt is an American tradition. Sometimes the witch hunt really does blame the appropriate people for the appropriate thing. Most often the political witch hunt is used to hide the sins of those engaged in the witch hunt.
Is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. a scion of the right wing? Robert Kennedy has led opposition to vaccines, most notably measles vaccines, as a cause for...
The Trip to the Isle of the Fainting Goat
By: Veronica • Generic • 23 comments • 4 years ago
On the shores of the Susquehanna Rivers, in the VERY small town of Nichols sits The Fainting Goat Island Inn. It is a nice spot to relax and we did.
And this little fellow joined us for breakfast every morning. His name is Larry.
By: Ender • Comedy • 46 comments • 4 years ago
What can I say, they speak for themselves.
Garden 2021 - Part 2
By: Dig • Gardening • 24 comments • 4 years ago
After a couple weeks of nasty July heat and humidity, this past week has been absolutely gorgeous. Another cool start to August, with highs only in the low to mid 80s. I could seriously get used to this. Unfortunately, it's supposed to be back in the 90s by next week.
August 5, 2021
Overcast skies and a cool breeze. The high was only 84 today, and that wasn't until late afternoon.