
And These People Want To Rule The Country? Are We Ever In Trouble!

By:  thedoctorisinthehouse  •  Politics  •  4 years ago  •  49 comments

And These People Want To Rule The Country? Are We Ever In Trouble!
Granted, my list is my opinion. The statements, however, are facts.

Even for the current incarnation of Congress, this has been one crazy week. The news from the House of Representatives has revolved primarily over the censure and committee stripping of Paul Gosar for posting an obnoxious anime with an avatar 
Gosar killing fellow congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. %The vote to censure was almost along a party line vote {Reps. Cheney and Kinzinger siding with the Democrats}.

It got me thinking about some of the lunacy that has come from the right over the past decade +, I started thinking that Paul Gosar, who was censured, was the worst member of the current Republican Party. Then I remembered an article I started to research after the January 6 insurrection and put aside after other events caught my eye at the beginning of July. I dug the research out of my files  and completed the preliminary information.

Lo and behold, I had a list of the  worst Republican lawmakers {in my opinion & as of 7/1/21}. Gosar was 14th on my list. Thus this article.

Tonight I'm going to list some of the most egregious statements and actions from numbers 1,2, and 3 on my list. They are documented statements and actions. I'm not going to comment on them {unless I have to}. That is the job of the reader. 

Granted, my list is my opinion. The statements, however, are facts. I'm certain that some of my Republican friends will want to turn this list into Democratic "crazies". I have no doubt that a somewhat shorter list can be developed for those lawmakers on my side of the aisle. That is your right and I would look forward to responding to your article when you write it. This particular article is about the Republicans who have gone over the top and landed in the lunatic fringe.

So let's go. Numbers 1/2/3 on my list are Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Louis Goehmert, and Jim Jordan. They will be the subjects of today's article. I hope to write three more articles on the other 12 who made my list. 


A former gym and physical fitness center owner, Taylor-Greene has a significant history of Q-Anon conspiracy theory beliefs. She has been such a firebrand and purveyor of political lies that she was stripped of her Congressional committee assignments even before Congressman Gosar. Taylor-Greene has been known to celebrate potential political assassinations, white supremacy, false flag theories, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim beliefs, and, of course, blue space lasers.  Some of the best of Ms. Taylor-Greene include:

  • "How do you get avid gun owners and people that support the Second Amendment to give up their guns and go along with anti-gun legislation? You make them scared, you make them victims, you change their mindset. Is that what happened in Las Vegas?"....talking about the concert massacre in Las Vegas and setting a false flag theory in motion.
  • In relation to Georgia electrical grid problems: ".....the fires could have started by lasers of blue light shot down from space by allies of Brown."
  • In regard to Representatives Omar and Tlaib using a Koran to be sworn into their seats in Congress:  " I really want to talk to theses ladies and ask them what they are thinking, and why they are serving in an American government. They really should go back to the Middle East."
  • On Speaker Pelosi: "She's a traitor to our country, she's guilty of treason. It's a crime punishable by death. It's what treason is. Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason."
  • On 9/11:  "....the so called plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Its odd, there never any evidence shown for a plane in the Pentagon."
  • She violated Facebook rules for inciting violence when she posted a poster of her pointing an assault rifle next to the pictures of Representatives Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, and Tlaib with the comment "It's time to go on the offensive against these socialists."
  • She encouraged her supporters after her being stripped of committee assignments to "flood the capitol" and went on to support "political violence to defend freedom."
  • Believes that former President Trump is in a battle against a cabal of Satan worshipping, child abusing Democrats.
  • Became fully engaged in Frazzledrip which claims that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin were videotaped assaulting a child and then ripping off the child's face to wear as a mask in a Satanic blood sacrifice.
  • Called the Parkland School shooting a false flag and claimed that David Hogg {Parkland student and spokesperson} was a paid actor, not a student.
  • She was caught on video stalking Hogg {a teenager} and screamed at the young man that he was a coward, claimed he was working for George Soros. She demanded that Hogg speak to her about 2nd amendment rights.
  • There is a pattern of claiming false flags. Las Vegas, Parkland, and Kennesaw State shootings were all set up news events.
  • She was and remains one of the leaders in the "Stop the Steal" movement.
  • Claimed George Soros {who is Jewish} was bankrolling left wing movements worldwide who want to destroy Israel.
  • Compared members of Congress to people with Down Syndrome who she said were "retards" without common sense.


Louis Goehmert is a former dentist from Tyler, Texas. In some journalistic circles, he is referred to as crazy Louie. A staunch conservative, Goehmert frequently uses rhetoric that moves his positions from the conservative side of the spectrum into the lunatic fringe. His hyper-Christianity has led to remarks that have been considered anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim. He is virulently anti-immigrant.

  • "We've got the NSA getting logs of every call you make. The IRS is weaponized like Richard Nixon could only have dreamed of."
  • "Benefit your friends; make sure your enemies suffer from being your enemies."
  • In as confusing a rant one can think of......"It does not help when an administration, in response to American attacks on American soil and American individuals, the administration ends up asking Americans to give up their First Amendment rights for which our service members are fighting."  I know I said no commentary but HUH? What was he talking about with this jibberish?
  • When people say----" Well, do you miss being a judge since you're in Congress? I go--Only when I want people to sit down and shut up."
  • "If nothing else came out of all of this debacle over Obamacare, one thing that should is a class-action lawsuit against the University of Chicago Law School for people that had Obama as their Constitutional Law professor."
  • "The dirty little secret on Wall Street, eighty percent of the Wall Street executives and their spouses donations go to Democrats. It's like they've got some kind of little sweet deal where we'll call you fat cats and demean you, and stuff, but you will get richer than your wildest dreams."
  • "The attorney general will not cast aspersions on my asparagus."
  • During an interview, Goehmert swore to the interviewer that America is being infiltrated by terror babies.
  • Argued in January, 2014...." In order to restore fairness, the poorest Americans should pay more taxes."
  • "Only guns can save America from Shariah law."
  • Implied when asked about immigrants coming to the southern border that child migrants are lying invaders trying to overthrow our government.
  • "There is no clear place to draw the line once you eliminate traditional marriage and its the same once you start putting limits on what guns can be used, then it's just really easy to have laws that make them all illegal."  Again, a small commentary. Does anyone see the subtle connection Louie makes between his two favorite topics? 
  • "Gay soldiers will give each other massages all day if allowed to serve openly."
  • "Islam is evil---we must shout this out loud."
  • "LGBT activists are Fascists, possibly even Nazis."
  • "Saddam definitely had nukes, but he gave them to Syria."
  • "Ebola is part of the Democrat's war on women."
  • "Recent lapses by the Secret Service were caused by political correctness, which kills."
  • "So when caribou want to go on a date, they invite each other to head over to the pipeline." He worries that if the oil stops flowing we will have to do studies on why caribou love the warm oil. {Yes he really said that....it's in the Congressional record.}
  • After the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, Gohmert concluded that the cause of James Holmes's rampage wasn't mental health issues, or some form of social trigger, but rather, that he didn't have enough fear of a vengeful, unforgiving God.
  • "The Supreme Court thinks it's Jesus because it legalized same sex marriage."
  • " Now Christians are the only people that it is politically correct to persecute."
  • On the southern border....."...we know that people are now being trained to come in and act like Hispanic {sic} when they are really radical Islamists."


Jim Jordan is a former comedian and television personality whose first foray into infamy were credible allegations that when he was graduate assistant wrestling coach in Ohio, he failed to report sexual abuse allegations against Doc Strauss, the head coach. In Congress, Jordan has made a name for himself as a devoted follower of Donald Trump. He has been, at least peripherally, linked to the January 6 insurrection. Jordan's tenure has been littered with hyperbole which have been shown to be untruths. There is talk that he wants to run against McCarthy for the Speaker of the House position, if the Republican party gets a Congressional majority in 2022.

  • "Democrats won't let you go to work, but they'll let you riot." In response to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • "Democrats lock down the economy, pay people not to work, raise your taxes, and now want to give illegal immigrants $450.000.00 checks paid for by American taxpayers."
  • "Big tech is out to get conservatives."
  • "I will not answer questions that in any way get to the substance of these depositions."
  • "Democrats have been trying to impeach the President since the beginning of this Congress. Michael Cohen's testimony was a bust, John Dean's testimony was a waste of time, the Robert Mueller report did not live up to the hype."
  • "I am comfortable with the Commander-in-Chief having the sole authority to decide who has clearances and who doesn't."
  • "Conversations in a locker room are a lot different then people coming up and talking about abuse."
  • "It was as though he taught Larry Nasser what he did. Doc Strauss was even more prolific."
  • "I am the deputy attorney-general of the United States."
  • On 3/27/19 Jordan sent a letter to Trump's accountants, the Mazars, and instructs them to ignore any subpoenas they receive, including Congressional ones.
  • On 10/14/19 Jordan argues that testimony to a Congressional Committee doesn't count unless it is presented to the entire {435 members} Congress.
  • On 8/22/20 on the House floor, Jordan claimed that Democrats seek to create chaos in the 2020 elections using mail-in ballots.
  • On 9/17/20 on the House floor, Jordan says that Democrats are trying to jeopardize the security of the 2020 election.
  • on 9/23/20 on the House floor, Jordan implores the Senate to confirm a Supreme Court nominee quickly in case the Democrats rig the game and win the election.
  • On 10/19/20, Jordan tweets that Democrats are trying to steal the election and that Chief Justice John Roberts is assisting them in that effort.
  • On 12/21/20 Jordan joins a meeting with Trump at the White House to discuss a "last stand" attempt to overturn election results in Congress on January 6.
  • On 1/4/21 during a Fox Business Interview, Jordan calls for Republicans to "unite and fight" for President Trump on January 6.
  • On 1/12/21 Jordan claims he never said the election was stolen. There are at least four instances in the Congressional record where he said that.
  • On 5/30/21 Jordan appears to confirm that he spoke to Trump on 1/6, but doesn't remember how many times he spoke to him. He also indicated that he would object to testifying to the 1/6 Commission.

Okay, enough of the crazy for today. Even I can only deal with so much of this stuff. I look forward to responses, additional crazies by these three of the worst the Republicans have to offer, and defenses to some of these absurdities.

The next in this series will be a review of the sayings and actions of Mo Brooks, Josh Hawley, and Lauren Brobart. 


jrBlog - desc
Freshman Quiet
1  author  thedoctorisinthehouse    4 years ago

We all have the right to our opinions, and one man's crazy is another man's red meat......but in these cases I am at a loss at how anyone can keep from laughing at these so-called lawmakers.

Professor Principal
1.1  devangelical  replied to  thedoctorisinthehouse @1    4 years ago

mtg - documented serial adulteress, racist, and Q-nut

crazy louie - even religious morons are bigger in texas

jim jordan - pedophile facilitator

lauren boebert will be fun. she's spent more time on her back than her pro wrestling daddy. better hurry though, the FBI is closing in on her.

Professor Guide
1.2  Dulay  replied to  thedoctorisinthehouse @1    4 years ago

A very good question. 

What is the major malfunction of the people who voted those ass hats into office?

Seriously, how utterly fucked up do you have to be to think that MTG would represent your interests in Congress. 

The voters who have elected Goehmert, over and over again, obviously have NO standards whatsoever. Hell, not ever the utterly fucked up GOP take Goehmert seriously. 

Gym Jordon is accessory to a pedophilia, a coward and those that elected him AFTER knowing that fact are pigs.  

Freshman Quiet
1.2.1  author  thedoctorisinthehouse  replied to  Dulay @1.2    4 years ago

I couldn't agree more. The scary thing in all this is that if the Republicans take over the House in  2020, MTG will get her committee assignments back {and might even chair a committee} and Jordan will have a real shot at the speaker's job. Goehmert, of course, will still be a laughingstock. But the thought of Jordan as speaker is genuinely frightening.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.2.3  Trout Giggles  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @1.2.2    4 years ago

Jordan is sane?????

Professor Guide
1.2.4  Dulay  replied to  thedoctorisinthehouse @1.2.1    4 years ago
But the thought of Jordan as speaker is genuinely frightening.

There was a time when I believed that the GOP had a minimum standard for their elected officials. In the last decade or more, it seems that the only standard they have is RW ideology. 

Jordan is a lightweight even by GOP standards. He hasn't sponsored a bill his entire time in the Congress. The best that be said about him is that he's a gadfly. Putting him in any leadership role would merely bolster the posit that the GOP have no desire to govern. 

Freshman Quiet
1.2.5  author  thedoctorisinthehouse  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @1.2.2    4 years ago

No....it's frightening to have a lying pedophile in charge of the house. His waffling and idiotic series of lies concerning the 1/6 insurrection should land him in prison, not with a chance he can become speaker. Forget the difference in our politics, the man doesn't have an honest bone in his body and has shown absolutely no real capacity to lead. We shouldn't be surprised, however. Jordan has his head stuck so far up Trump's ass that his brain has been crapped on and has melted any logical thought patterns.

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     4 years ago

MTG - Jewish space lasers. 

Louie - dumb as a rock

Jim Jorden - spent millions on investigations that resulted in nothing. Wrestlers stay clear of him.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3  Buzz of the Orient    4 years ago

Obviously Democracy is quite a ways from being a Meritocracy.  But then the voters who put those maniacs where they are have to be as nuts as they are, or certainly at least as stupid.   It all proves what an old doctor friend told my father about 75 years ago, and that is that the only reason crazy people are locked up in insane asylums and we're out here is because we're the majority.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @3    4 years ago
But then the voters who put those maniacs where they are have to be as nuts as they are, or certainly at least as stupid.

Sadly we have millions of poorly educated, misinformed religious zealots who have been trained almost since birth that what they see isn't the real world, that the earth isn't 4.5 billion years old despite all the evidence, that their faith is far more important than any other religions or cultures on this planet, that their God will come and wipe out their enemies, that America was created by and built for white Christian patriarchs. Many of them believe we've been infiltrated by alien lizard creatures, that some fantasy cabal called the "deep state" is running things and doing the bidding of some imaginary devil, that humans are being mind controlled by airplane contrails, fluoride in the water or vaccinations.

They claim to be religious conservatives but in reality they are just ghosts of the past who haunt us and do everything in their power to keep humanity from actually working together, from overcoming our differences and being a united diverse planet because they envision themselves as this planets rulers and they will stop at nothing to eliminate any threat to their desired white Christian rule. They have been indoctrinated the same way Muslim extremists have and have been stockpiling their weapons and ammo, making alliances with white supremacist groups and are in lock step behind them, vote for their conservative Republican candidates and have the same goals.

Frankly we don't have enough rubber rooms to hold them all, and it's not that they're all insane, they're just woefully ignorant of reality which sadly is almost worse. They've been promised fantasy rewards from childhood and are dead set against giving them up, they are deeply invested and thus controlled by the lost cost fallacy, unwilling to give up dumping more and more into the hole they've dumped their entire lives and those of their ancestors in for centuries, all waiting for some divine reward without a lick of evidence it even exists.

Freshman Quiet
3.1.1  author  thedoctorisinthehouse  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.1    4 years ago

The believers in fantasy are part of the problem. Ignorance is only bliss if reality doesn't bite. Other than putting the truth out there, I am not sure what the solution is. One of the things we must support is that this nation is here for every citizen, not just the rich and powerful. We have to keep shouting to the world that no matter what your skin color, religion, or national origin, you have a shot at equality in our country. The most important benefit we can give everyone as citizens is their vote. They must participate in even greater numbers than those in the "modern" Republican party. The one thing that I know is that there are persuadables out there, who, when seeing the reality of the world will come aboard in the real battle in the 21st century....keeping this country out of the hands of the crazies, the criminals, and those whose only values are greed and only-for-me-too-ism..

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.1.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  thedoctorisinthehouse @3.1.1    4 years ago
keeping this country out of the hands of the crazies

This is my point, it's an almost impossible task when there are millions of crazies who not only vote but do everything in their fucking power to keep those who disagree with them from voting. Every one of those Republican psychos you mention above are supported by large numbers of right wing conservative Republicans, Nazi's, and every other stripe of white supremacist. It just makes it all the more apparent that sane Americans need to come together, help every eligible voter to cast a vote because we know that when more eligible voters cast their votes fewer insane right wing conservative Republicans are elected.

Freshman Quiet
3.1.5  author  thedoctorisinthehouse  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.4    4 years ago

With the country divided by such tight margins, it becomes all the more critical that the Democrats get every possible voter out during the midterms. I have thought about a national plus 2 project where we commit to registering two people who are currently unregistered, or identify 2 people who have been so turned off by the lunacy that has taken over politics....like an 8 and 1/2 hour stall speech by McCarthy last night. Make sure they are registered and then make sure that they show up at the polls to vote. With such tight margins, this approach could really make a difference if enough concerned Democrats and Independents commit. We need action over rhetoric. We have to make sure that the lunatic fringe stays a fringe and that "sane" Republicans are freed from the terrible orange monster that has brought them to the precipice of insurrection.

Professor Expert
4  CB    4 years ago

Crazy has spokespeople. Here's the thing. 'America' is showing itself to the world as a model of 'bullshit' freedoms and liberties. Foreign nations, "our little sister nations' are looking at us and revealing the last 30 years or so. . . were not really what some (majority) of us wanted at all. Many states in our union have so-called, "superiority complexes" and want other states to bow low to them!

How is that different from what the Taliban, Saddam Hussein (and his sons), and a world full of tyrannical figures?

'America' is flexing to revert back to its past. Lo! Behold! I can see it as plain as day now: Our nation NEVER lived up to its creed in the distant past. It was striving to do so recently through changes in attitudes in the 70's to now. But, now whole swathes of our society want to 'go backwards' and never, ever, achieve the Dream.

It makes me sad. To re-learn that some conservatives really have never AGREED to all citizens of this country being happy, prosperous, and free of their tawdry spirit of division!

Professor Expert
5  CB    4 years ago

To see these people mentioned for discussion 'today' is to see iconic racists of 'America's' yester-years reborn. Truth decay once AGAIN resides in the halls of power and influence in the United States.

Just imagine, the types and amounts of lies one or another group has to tell itself to hate a whole class of simply good people.

Freshman Quiet
5.1  author  thedoctorisinthehouse  replied to  CB @5    4 years ago

The real pity here is that we have failed to live up to what our founding fathers and mothers really wanted. That is a majoritarian democracy with the rights of the minority being respected. It was an idea that was well ahead of it's time. We have never been perfect but as MLK can be paraphrased.....the arc of justice always moves forward. For generations we were striving to build that elusive "perfect" society, but we have sadly found out that as soon as we leave a crack open in the door of fairness and progress, there is an ogre out there who wants to bring out the worst in our brethren. We weren't vigilant enough and became too engrossed in our own conceit to keep the worst out. 

First, the moral majority.....that wasn't moral at all, just a political ploy by the hard right to place a veneer of respectability on some anti-American memes {white superiority, Christian superiority}. Then came the Tea Party, a group of malcontents who wanted it all for themselves, and the less fortunate be damned. And finally Trumpism....the unfortunate end result of American greed. We are now rapidly losing our democratic ideals to the crazies like those I wrote about today. Unfortunately they have allied themselves with the haters, the greedy, the real conservatives and the criminals. I'm an old man with a limited time left on this planet, but I go to bed every night hoping that those who really care about this country's future will band together and fight as hard as they can {legally} to keep our elections fair and honest and get back to what our founders hoped we would become..

Professor Expert
5.1.1  CB  replied to  thedoctorisinthehouse @5.1    4 years ago

Oh my! You said it! I, too, feel old. . . literally 'wasted' when I reflect upon what is being foreshadowed. I actually catch myself thinking 'the great sleep' would be better than seeing this country 'blow into crap' from internal conflicts and war. Civil war is not an abstract thing.  How could we sink so low (as this again) as a nation? And not rise above instead? I can not abide living in a topsy-turvy world where truth is corrupted to its core. I do not know how people survived it in the beginning.

And yet, dark as the horizon is appearing right now, I must live on! I must live through it. I must get through and come out the other side of this dismal scheme for our nation.

Professor Principal
5.1.2  Kavika   replied to  thedoctorisinthehouse @5.1    4 years ago
we have sadly found out that as soon as we leave a crack open in the door of fairness and progress, there is an ogre out there who wants to bring out the worst in our brethren. We weren't vigilant enough and became too engrossed in our own conceit to keep the worst out. 

The crack is always there, this is a nation that was founded on genocide and oppression of minorities, it's been that way for over 500 years, it is with many the way that it should be. We are seeing today just another manifestation of that White/Right/Christians afraid of losing their power so it's pull out what is needed and go back to our roots. 

Sounds harsh, yes it is harsh but not without reason or proof. 

Freshman Quiet
5.1.3  author  thedoctorisinthehouse  replied to  Kavika @5.1.2    4 years ago

That is exactly the reason for the 1619 project. Our history has always been skewed toward the winners. At least, in this country, there is still debate over presenting an accurate history or totally whitewashing that history. This is just one more on-going battle in the fight to build a "more perfect union". We are nowhere near perfection, but we have to keep striving to get there.

Professor Principal
5.1.4  Kavika   replied to  thedoctorisinthehouse @5.1.3    4 years ago
That is exactly the reason for the 1619 project. Our history has always been skewed toward the winners.

1619, CRT anything that shows anything other than American is great and perfect will be attacked. I hear the ''little white kids'' will be made to feel bad by CRT, but I have to wonder where these people were when minority kids were treated like crap. segregated schools etc. But I guess that history that's they don't want to address because they're just dark-colored kids. 

Professor Principal
5.1.5  devangelical  replied to  Kavika @5.1.2    4 years ago

I agree. you deal with fascist vermin best, in a way that they understand most.

Professor Expert
5.1.6  CB  replied to  Kavika @5.1.4    4 years ago

And the thing about it is, "little white kids" do not shirk from the truth. No! These are some conservative adults trying to hide something that causes them shame-and pricks the 'traces' of their consciences which they desperate to 'cut' out!

We should, we must, we shall remind these some conservatives morning, noon, and night of their treacheries, their hatreds against innocents, and their greed.

What is even worse. . . some conservatives by taking such actions as they are currently engaged in are reacting from the same historical 'processes' (playbook) all over again! Stop. Think about it.

We've seen this all before. We've read about it before. (And now 'they' come for the books!) Don't let them do it! Tell 'them' to go back to Hell.

Professor Principal
6  Gsquared    4 years ago

This article is really great, but it only scratches the surface of the true horror show that the Republican Party has become.

The Republican plan now is to make our elections irrelevant.  With their racist and partisan gerrymandering, voter supression and efforts to impose their control over counting the votes, they may succeed.

I am not too optimistic about the country's future at this point.  Hopeful, but not all that optimistic. 

The more power the aberrant Republican Party manages to gain, and the more they might be able to consolidate that power, the worse off the country will be.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7  Trout Giggles    4 years ago

Large Marge...what a hoot she would be if she wasn't deadly serious. This bullet point really disturbs me:

In regard to Representatives Omar and Tlaib using a Koran to be sworn into their seats in Congress:  " I really want to talk to theses ladies and ask them what they are thinking, and why they are serving in an American government. They really should go back to the Middle East."

I guess she never heard of the Bill of Rights which guarantees freedom of religion. If someone wants to take their oath of office on the Koran or any other holy book that is none of her business. She needs to go back to 12th grade POD and learn what America is all about

Freshman Quiet
7.1  author  thedoctorisinthehouse  replied to  Trout Giggles @7    4 years ago

The Koran, the Christian Bible, the Jewish Bible, or even just plain affirmation. How a person swears into office is their own personal right. MTG is an idiot. But beyond her loose screws, lies an evil woman who is an out and out bigot. She would never get a passing grade on any high school government class or even on the citizenship test that our new Americans take and believe in the principles that are espoused. I guess MTG would feel much better living in Mussolini's Italy or Hitler's Germany.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8  Trout Giggles    4 years ago

Louie Gohmert..."Gay soldiers will spend all their time giving each other massages"???

Right...like in between PT, drill, classroom, and shining their boots. They will be busier than the other soldiers. I like people who never slow down and are always doing something.

Professor Principal
8.1  Ender  replied to  Trout Giggles @8    4 years ago

Sounds like he was having a fantasy more so than making a statement.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
8.2  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Trout Giggles @8    4 years ago

In BCT after a hard day of training which made a lot of us one big sore muscle, we used to give each other neck and shoulder messages and none of were gay.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
8.2.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @8.2    4 years ago

Make that massages not messages.

Professor Guide
9  Veronica    4 years ago

As a non-Christian the focus of so many of these people to make this a one religion country makes me nervous.  And the stupid thing is that so many "Christians" think their sect of Christianity will be the chosen religion.  

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
9.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Veronica @9    4 years ago

Don't be scared.  Those assholes don't stand a snowball's chance in Hell with this idiotic idea.  

Professor Principal
10  Ender    4 years ago

As we have seen with the election of the last president and the support he still receives, some people do not care at all about character. 

Professor Principal
12  JBB    4 years ago

Is it any wonder that the once Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln is now known merely as the gop?

Professor Principal
13  JBB    4 years ago

Is it any wonder that the once Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln is now known merely as the gop?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
14  Perrie Halpern R.A.    4 years ago

Article opened

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
15  Paula Bartholomew    4 years ago

Trump and his seditious ass kissers in Congress are the traitors, not Pelosi.