By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 48 comments • 5 years ago
If you could and would time travel, what era would you travel to and why?
My answer to that would be I’d like to check out the early 1700s through the early 1900s in Southeast Michigan to meet my mom’s side of the family and then the same era but the UP of MI to meet my dad’s side of the family... mainly my dad’s great grandma, Alphonsine LeBeau. I suppose it would be kind of neat to meet my...
Tracing Ancestry and Surprising Finds
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 18 comments • 5 years ago
For several years, I had an account; well, I suppose I still have the account, but after spending a better part of a decade and paying $150-$200 per year for access to global documentation, I decided to halt my research. I can still contact people and I can still view family trees / make other family trees if I choose. I simply cannot view government documents anymore. I had my...
That's a lot of dead people
By: Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom • Public Interest • 74 comments • 5 years ago
Do you know which sports stadium is the largest in the United States? That would be Michigan Stadium, home of the Wolverines.
The stadium holds 107,000 people. Now imagine all of those people dead. Then put another Michigan Stadium next to it and picture all of those people dead. That would leave a little bit of room for the couple of thousand people who die from the...
Black Proud Boy Speaks Out!
By: Dean Moriarty • It's all pipes • 74 comments • 5 years ago
You won't find the truth on NBC, CNN or the NYT's.
The Hateful Self-Righteous Hypocrite Trump Voter Guide And Drinking Game - By JBB...
By: JBB • Opinions • 14 comments • 5 years ago
The Hateful Self-Righteous Hypocrite Drinking Game And Voter Guide. Take one drink for each time one of the following atrocities happens...
1. A young black or native girl is gang raped.2. A gay man is bashed to death.3. A woman dies from a back-alley abortion.4. A poor child is denied healthcare.5. An unarmed person is shot by police.6. A lesbian loses custody of her child.7. A mosque or...
First 2020 Presidential Debate - Live on TNT
By: JBB • Opinions • 146 comments • 5 years ago
Share your thoughts live during The First 2020 Presidential Debate on The News Talkers. Everybody can join in but do keep it civil...
Strange skills, do you have any?
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 29 comments • 5 years ago
We all have some sort of skillset that we were pretty much born with and then there's skills that we've worked on to perfect, or at least get as close to perfection as possible. I think I was born with the skill of research. I also was born with the ability to swim and ice skate; no one taught me either of those, I just did those things as a toddler / small child. Maybe it was as simple as...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 66 comments • 5 years ago
What are your favorite Halloween traditions? For those with kids and grandkids, what were the costumes they wore that were your favorite? Do you like "scary" movies? I quote scary because I've never particularly found horror movies scary; not even as a little kid. I was 3 when I would watch Friday the 13th movies with my babysitter. I was 5 when I saw A Nightmare on Elm St. I've always loved...
Trees - They're about to get colorful.
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 22 comments • 5 years ago
Some of you here on NT are fellow Michiganders and know the beauty that Michigan has; especially as the weather begins to grow colder and the leaves begin to change. I've seen photos from various states; many from Pennsylvania, Maine, and other New England states, and Colorado. We're going to start seeing more fall colors soon. One of my favorite trees however, is not attractive in the fall,...
Pandemic Pastimes
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 16 comments • 5 years ago
During this global pandemic, what have you done to occupy your time?
I can honestly say that my life isn't far different than before people started catching [and many dying from] COVID-19 besides having to wear a mask in the store and not having to commute 60 miles round trip daily. However, the lack of drive time to and from work actually made me more productive in my role. Moreover, I get...
Living wills...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 23 comments • 5 years ago
This subject is a little dark, but something that I think people need to share with his / her loved ones even if it's just in case something happens. My mother and stepfather have a living will and I had to sign it as the executor. I have no idea if my father or stepmom has anything like this in place.
The company I work for has certain free services that employees can take advantage of...
The Garden Chronicles - Week 24
By: Dig • Gardening • 57 comments • 5 years ago
The weather has been fantastic. Dry, but cool and crisp for weeks now. Perfect early fall weather. I've started working on the garden fence again because of it, even though the rabbit threat is still a bit high to be taking wire down. I've been able to wrap it back around the corner I'm working on well enough at the end of the day without actually clipping it on, so no problems yet....