A HUGE Thank You to Perrie!
Our Perrie has really done something wonderful for all of us-- she has developed this fabulous new site that addresses the concerns that many of us had about the old site, AND is on a stable platform. She has paid for this out of her own pocket, and done her best to please us!
I, for one, want to thank her for taking the enormous amount of time and effort to do this for us. Anyone doubt that she loves us? I don't!
We all know that there are some minor glitches to be worked out-- and as the site functions, there will be more changes to come. All this takes time, and, to her credit, Perrie has not given up on any of us!
Thank you, Perrie!
Thanks for coming by!
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Good job Perrie.
Thank you so much everyone! I would love to thank you all one by one, but I have a long list of things that still needs attention to.
I am hoping that by next week, we will have most of the basic things figured out, and then I will post an article to deal with ideas about the site. I have a very interesting screenshot to show you all....
Thanks Marsha for this very kind article. It really wasn't necessary, but it is nice to read after some of the other email I have had, LOL!
I can only imagine!!!
I love you, Perrie! Thank you for all of your hard work!
Thank you, Perrie, and everyone who worked hard to get this up and running!!!
Bravo! Bravo!
Thank you very much Perrie for changing from the old site to this one. I don't think most of us even begin to realize what has gone into accomplishing this even though may we think so. There are still many things to be addressed, but after getting this far they are minimal compared to where we are now.
Now the most important thing is to take care of yourself!!!
Absolutely Marsha. You've done a great job Perrie and we all appreciate it very much. Of course there are problems (some of them pretty major) to be worked out, but that is only to be expected. No amount of beta testing can find them all. The only sure way to identify flaws and fix them is to put the site live. It's coming around, and all because of your hard work. Thank you very much.
Perrie, thanks a bunch. There was so much crap on the front page that I no longer have to look at and that's wonderful. This place is a huge improvement over the Ning platform. I'm not too concerned about all the little strange things happening with the program - that will get all ironed out in the coming days.
Again, thank you, muchas gracias, merci and ありがとう
Perrie, thanks a bunch. There was so much crap on the front page that I no longer have to look at and that's wonderful.
This always was nonsensical mythology. Here is a screen shot of what the "front page" of the old Newstalkers looks like right now, sort of frozen in time as of the moment everyone stopped posting there last week.
The old "front page " showed the title of the thread , and who made the last comment, and that is all it showed. In order to see the so-called "crap", one had to click on one of the links to a listed article or seed. No click, no see crap.
On the "new" Newstalkers front page, there is still a list of active threads, via the two feeds on the front page. In other words, if they contain "crap" it can be accessed by clicking on the links on the front page.
The new setup doesn't remove crap from the front page, it removes the "forum" from the front page.
There never was "crap" on the front page , any more or less than there is now. I never did understand why people were allowed to spew such utter and total nonsense.
John, leave it to you, to say thank you in a way that is demeaning and semi-nasty. If you care about Perrie, as you profess, why not a simple "Thank you for your hard work"?
Everyone knows what Nigel is talking about. Please be nice. Your screen shot shows one moment, frozen in time. I have a bunch of screen shots that illustrate his point. That is NOT the purpose of this article. End of story.
I say a lot of nice things to and about Perrie, Dowser. Why don't you ask Nigel why he threw gratuitous comments into his thanks to her ?
The idea that the "front page" itself was an issue on the old site, and that people were somehow forced to read offensive things they didn't want to see is nonsense.
I was offended, then, when Nigel posted seeds on the old NT front page like the one that consisted an aerial photo of a church supposedly shaped like a penis when seen from above. That was a real hoot.
Nigel was not pointing his finger at you. <---------------- Please read again.
I find your articles interesting, and always have. That is NOT what I mean. Please, let's drop this discussion, from this article. This is OFF TOPIC.
This is a hug:
Thanks bunches Perrie....... and thank you to all of those that helped Perrie....Thank You!!!
A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.
Colin Powell
Perrie , your hard work is apparent in the results . We appreciate your toils ...
Thank you, Perrie. You have taken upon yourself a very challenging endeavor and you are doing a great job.
This new site is a vast improvement. Thank you, again.
Buzz, I gave you a thumbs up on your comment. I hope you said something nice.
Ha ha! Perrie is one of my favourite people, and I've been loyal to her since back in the Newsvine days. I would NEVER say anything bad about her.
It means "Thank you for all your efforts and the sacrifices you've made".
So sorry I haven't been around-- we had a band competition yesterday...
Thanks to all of you who took the time to express your thanks to Perrie!
Say what you will - but, as far as I'm concerned, Perrie is the Mistress of the world to have gone through and accomplished all that she has - jeeezzzzzz.
AND, she did it while living in Lang Esland - what an accomplishment.
Thanks Perrie - Thanks so much.
I think the least we could do is start paying monthly fees. I'd gladly send $25 a month!
Let's pay dues!
Totally agree! I have offered to send Perrie a check any number of times … and she has declined to accept. But I will continue to offer, hope others will do the same, and, I commend BF for broaching this in a discussion!
Good man -- good gesture!
I would be happy to pay something!
Thank you Perrie for your very hard work, this is a beautiful Site...
Thank you Perrie!
I suggest when you get settled and have gotten to a spot where you have caught up on enough glitches and sleep, that an evening of chocolate martinis is in order.
Boy, do I agree!!!