Change in Site Policy
By: perrie-halpern
Meta for use by Perrie RA and moderators. Member meta goes into the group Metafied found on top tab
2 years ago
This is just a note to inform the membership that the term "F--K off" and derivative terms like "P--S off" are no longer accepted and will be ticketed as a taunt. If you really dislike someone,...
Managing Who Contacts You On NT
By: perrie-halpern
Meta for use by Perrie RA and moderators. Member meta goes into the group Metafied found on top tab
2 years ago
Recently, it has come to my attention that members are receiving unwanted messages either through "Chat" or "Private Notes". You can manage who contacts you on both of these. Private Notes If you...
Something New and Something Old/ Group Meta
By: perrie-halpern
Meta for use by Perrie RA and moderators. Member meta goes into the group Metafied found on top tab
3 years ago
The reason for this NT Meta is to address some issues that lately keep coming up. Item 1 The F-bomb Our CoC allows for cursing but... this cursing can't be part of a personal attack. To rehash,...
NT Rule Clarification
By: perrie-halpern
Meta for use by Perrie RA and moderators. Member meta goes into the group Metafied found on top tab
3 years ago
Recently, it has come to my attention that NT members are citing either part or entire articles without citation from where it is coming from. Let me clarify this. If it is a quote and it is a...
Group Meta on Impasse and Agree to Disagree
By: perrie-halpern
Meta for use by Perrie RA and moderators. Member meta goes into the group Metafied found on top tab
3 years ago
Foreword Here is a proposal to gracefully end bad exchanges without empowering ordinary members to infringe on the rights of others. This proposal redefines Impasse so that it works very similar...
How Do You Usually Access NT?
By: perrie-halpern
Meta for use by Perrie RA and moderators. Member meta goes into the group Metafied found on top tab
5 years ago
We are running a poll about how the members access NT. This will better guide us on your experience. You can leave us notes about this topic. You can find the poll here:...
Meta: Discussion Photos
By: perrie-halpern
Meta for use by Perrie RA and moderators. Member meta goes into the group Metafied found on top tab
6 years ago
Dear Members, When posting photos for your seeds, you must post the photo that came with the article. Otherwise, it can be construed as a copyright issue, since you are misrepresenting the article...
A Shout Out For NT From Jack Hicks Podcast "The Ten Minute Morning Show"
Via: perrie-halpern
Meta for use by Perrie RA and moderators. Member meta goes into the group Metafied found on top tab
7 years ago
Two days ago, Jack Hicks, who has a long in radio/voice over career, (see bio here: https://www.jackhicks-voice.com), gave The NewsTalkers a shout out for our coverage of "Least Biased Media", on...
Housekeeping: Let Civility Reign Once More
Via: bob-nelson
7 years ago
Alright, people, listen up. I know the world seems more divided than ever these days (although as someone who minored in history, I can assure you this is nothing new). I know that as much as...
Policy Change Regarding Meta.
By: perrie-halpern
7 years ago
NT is a news/politics group but lately we have been drowning in meta that clogs up the front page. In order to prevent this from happening, I have started a new group, "Metafied". All meta will go...
Moderation 101: When can mods, moderate
By: perrie-halpern
7 years ago
The question came up about the rules for best practices for site moderation. When all mods are on site, it is always best that a mod who is not involved in a discussion, moderate. When there is...
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