Weddings, Funerals Banned in North Korea
At least until the next ruling party congress is over.
The heightened security "can be seen as a measure to prevent mishaps over the party congress," a South Korean official tells the Mirror . Not a big surprise, considering they haven't held a party congress since 1980, when Kim Jong-un's father, Kim Jong-il, was officially made leader. This time around, 33-year-old Kim Jong-un is expected to fortify his leadership, lay out plans for North Korea's military and economy, and declare the country a nuclear state. The congress is expected to run four or five days and "will be closely watched for any new policies," the Mirror says. (The UN Security Council hit North Korea with particularly hard sanctions in March, and the country responded by firing missiles toward the Sea of Japan .)
A spoiled brat con artist who was raised to believe he could do know wrong, has a massively "HUUUUGE ego, was always right on anything he believed, is no steps below god and can get away with running "his" country, "his" way, on whatever he pleases down to the tiniest details of the "common people's" lives. Hmmmm....
I'd say it's time for a coup.
Not until next year. I mean if Trump gets elected we ought to at least give him a chance.
Okay, but as long as you promise that if the coup is successful Kim will be stripped of his clothes and thrown into a pit of hungry pit bull terriers. I think that's his execution of choice for close family members.
I meant that if Trump is elected we ought to give HIM a year before the coup.
What a peach of a guy, and so beloved by all. And how lovely that he is throwing himself another huge party. How many affirmation events does a dictator need?
Heads-up to all the NK officials expected to attend the festivities: I suggest that they pack up their families and bare essentials only, and get the hell out of NK. Sugar-bush has executed no fewer than 70 government officials since he has been in office, and that includes scads of family members.
On an incredibly immature note, I defy anyone to describe the heft of this man without using the word 'rotund'.
It wouldn't be so bad if his people weren't starving. Scratch that. He'd be an embarrassing fat-ass in any circumstance.
No weddings? No joy? Does he WANT to make his poor people even more miserable than they already are?
Somebody assassinate this jerk!