Chat About Trump Convention This Evening On Newstalkers
There is a chatroom set up on Newstalkers for a live chat about the Republican convention which begins the evening program at 5:45 eastern tonight.
(Donald Trump will be nominated and voted in as the candidate in the late afternoon)
Come and engage in real time analysis of the speakers and the commentary !
enable chat if you don't have it already enabled, and click the word "chatrooms" on the bottom left of your screen. Then click on the tab that reads "Republican National Convention"
Sounds like fun. Count me in.
We need someone to sing the national anthem. I nominate Perrie.
Is there a dress code. Do I have to bring a dish? Is cussing allowed. Are minorities invited?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I'll bring the brewskies and nachos!
Larry I don't drink, would you please bring Ice Tea (unsweetened) and fry bread.
I can do that for sure, though my fry bread cookin' probably doesn't come close to your own!
I'll settle for Indian Taco's, Larry.
I'd love a Navajo taco right now. Can I get one in Cali ?
Yes you can, Pat.
I heard Donald Trump will be nominated and voted on at 6 p.m. eastern , so they are starting earlier than last night
Ted Cruz will be leading the Canadian contingent.
The noise you hear at about 7 est tonight will be Eisenhower and Reagan rolling over in their graves as Trump gets nominated.
If you have trouble hearing it through all the gunshots let me know and I'll try to send you a cassette recording.
If you have trouble hearing it through all the gunshots let me know and I'll try to send you a cassette recording.
That was unexpectedly clever.
Republican convention beginning any minute now.
I might watch just to hear Trump say "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what Trump can do for you — ask what you can do for Trump."
Good one Randy.
Sounds like something JFK said at his convention.
"Give me your help and your hand and your voice." JFK
Did Melania say to Michelle: "Give me your words..."?
Great comment, Randy.
A funereal pall is settling over the great nation of America as the roll call is read in Cleveland.
At 7:19 pm, Donald Trump goes officially over the top and into the abyss.
Donald J Trump Jr, speaking about his dad just now
"He will be a great father of our country, he will be a great father of this nation".
These people are crazy.
Collective delusionism has reached critical mass.......face-palm.
We are past that point people are waking up and realizing they will not be getting refund checks for their healthcare and will be stuck paying far more now that they have to subsidize the deadbeats.
they will not be getting refund checks for their healthcare
Who was getting refund checks for healthcare ?
My plan is subsidized and I'm far from a "deadbeat", thanks.
Pretty much nobody it was one of Obamas selling points for his horrible Obamacare law.
How embarrassing it must be, to be a Republican.
Trump, ''The Great White Father''....LOL
they are nuts Kavika. nuts. I think Don Jr. gets his rocks off when he thinks about his dad.
I hope he doesn't go soft on us. He got there by thinking outside the box and shooting from the hip. He's at his best when he's unscripted. He needs to keep the establishment at arms length.
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Alaska isn't happy with the way their votes were counted. Disputing that all votes where for Trump.
GOP convention planners come down with stomach flu
Anyone surprised ? I'd feel sick too.
come to chatroom everyone !