
Ben Carson: Trump doesn't talk about his good deeds because he is uncomfortable with self-praise


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jwc2blue  •  8 years ago  •  74 comments

Ben Carson: Trump doesn't talk about his good deeds because he is uncomfortable with self-praise


Former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson continues to stump for Trump. He continues to be uniquely bad at it, but his latest attempt—an explanation to the Mourning Joe crowd of why you don't hear stories of Donald Trump helping people, or Donald Trump being kind, or any similar anecdotes— is transcendent .

"I'm–then hopeful that he will begin to put–to put out many of the stories that I am very familiar with, of things that he has done to help people who have been in very, very difficult situations.  You know, he–he feels that, you know, that's self-praising, he doesn't want to do it."

That's right. The reason Donald Trump has not been sharing stories of  things he has done to help people  is because Donald Trump feels uncomfortable with self-praise.

Oh, he could tell you stories of the kind and generous things he's done—but that would be bragging, and Donald Trump is uncomfortable with bragging.

And his surrogates? His convention speakers? His close personal friends, like Dr. Ben Carson, who have been told stories of Donald Trump's kindness and wish they could share them with us? Oh, how they long to, but Donald forbids. His modesty—it is too much.


jrDiscussion - desc
Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51    8 years ago

Daily Kos?  Lol!  no one cares what that left wing hate click bait site has to say.  A lot of people don't publicize their acts of charity for their own benefit or praise.  That's biblical.  You do realize that Rudy Guillianni said the same in his convention speech, don't you? But you had to go after the African American who said it. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

 A lot of people don't publicize their acts of charity for their own benefit or praise.  That's biblical.  

And a lot of people bear false witness …

… that's biblical too.

Again, burden of proof is on those who make assertions and allegations; I'm a skeptic by nature and by profession … I'd like a list of Trump good deeds and his tax returns.

BTW, when I go after a source, I never open with the whistling past the graveyard "LOL" … that's an immediate tipoff of not having the goods to make one's case.

And after repudiating the witness credibility, I give the facts that correct the false information given from the source I repudiate.

Try it … you'll look convincing.

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

You didn't call Rudy a liar when he said it on national TV, but when the black guy brain surgeon says it, you call him a liar?  

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

You didn't call Rudy a liar when he said it on national TV, but when the black guy brain surgeon says it, you call him a liar?  

Once a lie has been essentially debunked by virtue of information to the contrary, the liars, in essence, by running with the lie, incriminate/call out themselves.

Trumps long history of cheating and stiffing clients, contractors and employees, at best, neutralize any so-called "good deeds" nebulously and non-specifically attributed to him.

AL CAPONE opened soup kitchens during the Great Depression while murdering people.

Trump could conceivably WITHOUT OVERTLY COMPROMISING HIS "MODESTY," show his good deeds by way of charitable donations claimed on tax returns.

These oblique, non-specific glorifications only serve to highlight the myopic support that Trump has amassed by appealing to the worst in people who are angry, but who have been willingly the dupes of those who actually created the circumstances that generated their anger.

That same obstructionist House majority effectively blackmailed the president into continuing all the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, so that federal taxes as a share of G.D.P. fell to near-historic historic lows.

And fools predisposed to their bigoted scapegoating fail to grasp, nor, do they want to grasp the basis for much of their pandered-to anger.

There’s plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn’t fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn’t do. As  The Economist  magazine noted recently , the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility … with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here’s a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:
  • The Federal Reserve , which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
  • Home buyers , who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
  • Congress , which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
  • Real estate agents , most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
  • The Clinton administration , which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
  • Mortgage brokers , who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
  • Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan , who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
  • Wall Street firms , who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
  • The Bush administration , which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
  • An obscure accounting rule  called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
  • Collective delusion , or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.

The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult.


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

You do realize that Rudy Guillianni said the same in his convention speech, don't you? But you had to go after the African American who said it. 

The Jefferson County Commission for an Integrated Society suddenly gets religion by implying that Black Lives actually do matter.

I can dig it, Bro!

Carson was born in Kenya.

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

All lives matter...

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

All lives matter...


Professor Principal
link   Kavika     8 years ago

Donald Trump is uncomfortable with self praise...LMAO, is Carson and anyone else that believes that line is deft, dumb and blind.

This is just too funny. laughing dude

Almost as funny as Carson and the pyramids as grain silos.


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    8 years ago


And let's have Carson list those good deeds on Trump's behalf.

By the way, has anyone seen any of the videos  of Trump?

And who actually believes these posts?

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    8 years ago

Maybe Trump doesn't heap praise upon himself because he has little to say...

Just a thought.

Masters Quiet
link   PJ  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

Lady Dowser - I'm not really sure what in the world Ben Carson is talking about because I have yet to see Donald Trump humble or not want to talk about himself.  I think your explanation is probably more spot on.  

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  PJ   8 years ago

Except that Rudy in his speech at the convention mentioned that Trump stepped in on numerous occasions to help out people in need in his city when he was mayor and that Trump asked him to keep his charity non publicized.  Is Rudy lying about what he said of Trump helping others or are you targeting the African American who said the same thing?  We all know what Rudy said on national TV and that Carson repeated it.  So , what is the point of the article from the LW click bait site?  

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

'' Is Rudy lying about what he said of Trump helping others or are you targeting the African American who said the same thing?  We all know what Rudy said on national TV and that Carson repeated it.  So , what is the point of the article from the LW click bait site?''

I don't think that Rudy lied, he misspoke. That's what some politicians do, XX.

"Targeting African Americans, LMAO you really are missing the point, XX.

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  Kavika   8 years ago

I'm not missing the point.  Rudy talked of times when citizens had problems and Trump stepped in to help out.  This he observed in his role as mayor of NYC.  So , no he didn't misspeak and Carson didn't lie about it.  The racism of the American progressive left toward some African Americans is stunning.  


Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

LOL, you shouldn't be talking about racism XX....It's your fall back position when you have nothing of value to say, which is 99% of the time.

Thanks for showing us once again that logic is a foreign substance to you.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

I'm not missing the point.  Rudy talked of times when citizens had problems and Trump stepped in to help out.  This he observed in his role as mayor of NYC.  So , no he didn't misspeak and Carson didn't lie about it.  The racism of the American progressive left toward some African Americans is stunning.  

Oh how wrong, wrong, wrong!

This comes from REDSTATE …

Donald Trump Took $150,000 After 9/11 Because He Was A “Small Business” Owner

We've documented how Donald Trump's affinity for the tragedy of 9/11 and the victims of that terrorist attack is closely linked to whatever political benefit he can gain from that association. He didn't attend memorial services for police or fire fighters or for any of the "hundreds of friends" that died that day. He  gave a pittance to 9/11 charities , 100% of that donation went to the Church of Scientology. He lied relentlessly about watching "thousands" celebrated in Jersey City or watching people jump to their death from the windows of his residence. Not only has he traded on their deaths, he has had a  personal financial benefit from 9/11 .

You need to wake up to the realities rather than believe the crap.

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

None of that has anything at all to do with what Ben and Rudy said.  I'm defending them not Trump.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

None of that has anything at all to do with what Ben and Rudy said.  I'm defending them not Trump.

And they're defending Trump … you have a way of evading and it's annoying.

You imply and they say Trump's a doer of good deeds; I've provided specifics regarding his bad deeds and neither Carson, nor Giuliani nor you have definitively named one of his good deeds.

Don't play word games with me.

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

Don't even tell me what to do.  Who do you think you are?   I don't care whether you are frustrated or not.  I'll defend what Rudy and Ben said because I believe they have accounts of such.  Rudy said that trump asked that no publicity come his way for the people he helped.  I will defend all out to the max Ben and by extension Rudy since Ben paraphrased what Rudy said at the convention whether you like it or not, maybe more so since you don't.  I don't have to like Donald  to defend Ben and Rudy.  

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

Don't even tell me what to do.  Who do you think you are?   I don't care whether you are frustrated or not.  I'll defend what Rudy and Ben said because I believe they have accounts of such.

Dishonesty in the face of truth frustrates anyone trying to have honest dialogue.

I give you verified specifics that you spurn while accepting unverified contentions.

Do the right thing … acknowledge reality.


Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

That you point out things trump did that weren't right has nothing to do with the stuff Rudy and Ben said he did.  You act like because he did A that there's no way he could have done B as well. Typical progressive " thinking".  


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

That you point out things trump did that weren't right has nothing to do with the stuff Rudy and Ben said he did.  You act like because he did A that there's no way he could have done B as well. Typical progressive " thinking".  

That you FAIL TO POINT OUT THINGS THAT SUBSTANTIATE WHAT HE HAS ALLEGEDLY DONE has everything to do with questioning their objectivity or honesty or both.

I specifically gave you an example of "A" while neither you, Ben or Rudy provided any example of "B".

And taking a shot at progressive thinking is the equivalent in this case, OF TAKING A SHOT OF THINKING ITSELF.

Until there's a verifiable "B" -- Trump's a A (fighting the temptation to hyphenate that).

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

thumbs down  This ones for you AMAC!

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

thumbs down   This ones for you AMAC!

Great defense of a position.

And they say you can't debate.

'Course what they say is on target.

Animated THIMBS DOWN … a new level for you.

Masters Quiet
link   PJ  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

True - but it is progress because it was animated and NOT the actual "click" of the you know what.  ( I'm not allowed to talk about the you know what because I make too much of a fuss about it). chuckle

Masters Quiet
link   PJ  replied to  PJ   8 years ago

Oopsie - I spoke too soon.  NEVERMIND....... hehehehe  blushing

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  PJ   8 years ago

True - but it is progress because it was animated and NOT the actual "click" of the you know what.  ( I'm not allowed to talk about the you know what because I make too much of a fuss about it). chuckle

Yeah! It's the lazy man's copy and paste at the cartoon-lover's level.


Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

It's a great tool to use for you and PJ.  


Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

Trump's income tax returns will show how much he has given to charity, should we ever get to see them.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    8 years ago


“At least 60 lawsuits, along with hundreds of liens, judgments and other government filings reviewed by the USA Today Network, document people who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them for their work,” the newspaper wrote Friday. “Among them: a dishwasher in Florida. A glass company in New Jersey. A carpet company. A plumber. Painters. Forty-eight waiters. Dozens of bartenders and other hourly workers at his resorts and clubs, coast to coast. Real estate brokers who sold his properties. And, ironically, several law firms that once represented him in these suits and others.”

That summation is the tip of a later iceberg, and one that should make Trump’s white, working-class followers shudder—because he has a habit of stiffing blue-collar laborers.

“In addition to the lawsuits, the review found more than 200 mechanic’s liens—filed by contractors and employees against Trump, his companies or his properties claiming they were owed money for their work—since the 1980s,” USA Today wrote. “The liens range from a $75,000 claim by a Plainview, N.Y., air conditioning and heating company to a $1 million claim from the president of a New York City real estate banking firm. On just one project, Trump’s Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, records released by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission in 1990 show that at least 253 subcontractors weren’t paid in full or on time, including workers who installed walls, chandeliers and plumbing.”

Need more … got more.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    8 years ago

I'm confused - it's not even close to April 1st.

Masters Quiet
link   PJ  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   8 years ago

Hal!  Where have you been?  Anyhow, I just wanted to see how your new job is going and whether you're liking it.  

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah  replied to  PJ   8 years ago

I'm currently out of town struggling with horrible cell service. My oldest daughter is getting married tomorrow.  Been too busy at the new job to participate much.  There are good things and not so good things about the new job, but overall it's leaning towards the positive.  Thanks for asking.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   8 years ago

Wishing you the best.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   8 years ago

I'm so glad that the new job is working out!  Much love to you and yours, Hal!

Good luck at the wedding, too.  When the preacher asked my dad, who was giving me away, Who giveth this woman?  Daddy said, "Central Bank and I do".  My mother was annoyed, but it was funny!

Masters Quiet
link   PJ  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

Who giveth this woman?  Daddy said, "Central Bank and I do".

I LOVE it!  That is hysterical.  :0)

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  PJ   8 years ago

Daddy was a hoot!  He always had something funny going on...

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   8 years ago

Congratulations! Remember as the father of the bride you have to pay for everything but the booze. The father of the groom pays for that.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

Carson wants to be named Supreme Leader , Office Of Our National Religion,  under a Trump administration.

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Trump will create a position of Secretary of Religion in the official government cabinet. Carson wants the job.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  Randy   8 years ago

Trump will create a position of Secretary of Religion in the official government cabinet. Carson wants the job.

He is ineligible by virtue of his birthplace … 

LaLa Land … near Kenya.

And his parents were white Hawaiian exiled ex-patriots.

Shall I go on?

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

Obviously NOT a real American citizen then! Thanks for pointing that out to me. How about Kenneth Copeland? He as full of shit as Carson is any day.

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Carson believes in a degree of separation of church and state.  



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