
Berkeley students barricade bridge, force whites to cross creek


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  sixpick  •  8 years ago  •  84 comments

Berkeley students barricade bridge, force whites to cross creek

  • Students at the University of California, Berkeley held a violent protest on campus Friday to demand additional segregated “spaces of color” for non-white students.


  • The demonstration began at a key bridge on campus, where the protesters made a human chain to prevent white people from crossing, instead directing them to "go around" by trudging across the stream.


  • Later, the activists turned their ire against an on-campus store leased to a private company, posting a fake "eviction notice" on the building threatening that "community action will continue to escalate" if the space is not vacated immediately

Students at the University of California, Berkeley held a violent protest on campus Friday to demand additional segregated “spaces of color” for non-white students.

A video of the protest shows demonstrators repeatedly heckling white passersby, barring them entry to a key bridge on campus by forming a human chain while simultaneously allowing students of color to pass unmolested.

“I'm talking to you, UCPD. I don't give a fuck about you.”   

At one point, the video even shows a protester refusing to allow an older white man to cross the bridge, eventually directing him to cross by way of a creek that flows underneath the bridge.

[RELATED: Illinois college defends ‘blacks only’ course offerings]

Just a few moments later, another white man attempted to cross the bridge by forcing his way through the crowd, only to be surrounded by a mob of students who began shouting expletives at him as they pushed him back in the direction he had come from.

Time and again, white students and professors were denied entry to the bridge as they were surrounded by aggressive protesters shouting “go around!”

Apparently, protesters were angered because one of their “safe spaces” was relocated to the basement of a building where it had previously occupied the fifth floor. When protesters were asked about the motive for their demonstration, though, they refused to be recorded, leaving little to no explanation for the rationale behind such an aggressive protest.

One protester did offer her take on the issue, however, when she was given the chance to speak to the crowd, shouting “Berkeley, why the fuck do you let UCPD do what they want with our bodies?”

[RELATED: Segregated dorms for males ‘who identify as black’ coming to UConn]

“I'm talking to you, UCPD,” she then asserts before declaring, “I don't give a fuck about you.”

The protest eventually made its way to an on-campus building that was apparently rented out to a private corporation, leading students to post an eviction notice on its doors alleging a “misallocation of space.”

“You are hereby notified by the students of the University of California, Berkeley to vacate the premises immediately,” it read, according to video footage of the demonstration. “University administration wrongly allocated this two-story facility to a third-party corporation, keeping in line with its intensifying legacy of prioritizing financial profit over student needs.”

The mock eviction notice went on to demand that the building be converted into a “queer alliance resource center,” threatening that “community action will continue to escalate” if they “fail to vacate immediately.”

The protest then made its way through Berkeley’s student center, where the activists disrupted students from their studies with chants of “students over profit” before finally making their way to an off-campus intersection, where, naturally, they blocked the flow of traffic.



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    8 years ago

These people aren't protesting for equal rights for everyone.  These people aren't protesting a war they are against.

What do you think should be done about these people.

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

They should be arrested.  It's ironic that all these years after the civil rights movement that these people are demanding resegregation.  

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

What do you think should be done about these people.

They should be arrested.

I agree.

Junior Quiet
link   Spikegary  replied to  Randy   8 years ago

"They should be arrested.  It's ironic that all these years after the civil rights movement that these people are demanding resegregation.  "

That about covers it.  Sounds like time for reality to slap these people in the face.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

They should be thrown out of the school . Start with the "leaders" & work your way down ...

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

Racist progressive trash. They should be jailed and expelled. This is the "change" Obama promised. Disgusting. 

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

How many people here give a crap about Berkeley? 


The obsession with political correctness, pro and con, is bizarre. 

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

The People's Republic Of Berzerkely is the leading far left progressive place in the country.  

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

I do not care, at all, about what is going on at Berkeley, and if people here were honest we would hear that just about no one else does either. 

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

We understand that you wish that the actions of the violent protestors in Berkeley not be seen in the rest of America.  Your shame is understandable.  

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

I am not ashamed of Berkeley because it means nothing to me. I am more ashamed that my comments appear next to yours on this forum. 

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

There are echo chamber forums you could go to and preach to your choir where the expression of my point of view would be against their rules.  Daily Kos comes to mind as I've been banned from there in 08.  There you could have no shame.  stunnedlaughing dudeI bow to youwaving


Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

The obsession with political correctness, pro and con, is bizarre.

What's bizarre is how casual you are about racism.

This isn't political correctness. It's textbook racism. 

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

These are your poltical bedfellows.  Racists and bigots. You must be proud.

Junior Quiet
link   96WS6    8 years ago

Why the hell aren't the cops throwing them in jail?   Blocking the bridge this way has to be breaking numerous laws.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  96WS6   8 years ago

Pepper spray and tasers would be welcome. Fucking progressive bigots...

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    8 years ago

So these people are actually attacking other students physically.  I think we should realize this is spreading around the country.

As I told someone I was talking to last night when they asked me "Why should I worry about the emails,  how have they affected my life?"  I said "Don't step in front of the bus" and when they said "Why?" I told them that says a lot more about them than I think they are aware. 

If this was a one time incidence, then I agree it would not be significant,  but it is not and I doubt they are coming up with these ideas totally on their own, as the videos have shown the violence at the Trump campaign rallies did not originate from the people instigating it.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    8 years ago

I recall hearing of a similar incident many years ago. These simple travelers might have better luck if they offer them a shrubbery in return for passage. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    8 years ago

So, let me make sure I understand, ok?  Students of color are blocking white people from crossing a bridge, making the white students, go down an embankment and wade across a creek?  Is that right?

You know, these are college kids.  And college kids get all upset over things that sometimes you wonder about.  I miss the good old days, when all we had was one streaker, running down the road.  That was exciting!

To me, no one-- black, white, or purple-- should be blocking the traffic across the bridge.  At least it doesn't appear, from the pictures, to be a raging torrent.  I would think that the campus police could handle this without it being a national issue.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

Dowser, if you looked at the video you would have seen two footall size students, I assume, in the entrance throwing a white guy over to the side.  You would also see the police were not doing anything about it.  

Like I said, if this was the only instance of this kind of behavior, I could take it with a grain of salt,  but it is not.  This type of bullying is getting all too common.

It may not seem to be worthy of national attention like hauling people around the country to vote illegally or paying people to incite violence against your opponent and then coming out the next day and criticizing that opponent for inciting violence when it was you who was the guilty party, but this bullying and rioting are being supported by the same group of people.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

Did you even read what I said?  I said that no one, of any color or white, should be blocking the bridge.  No one.  But, I expect that the campus police should be dealing with this.  At usual, you've managed to twist my words and get in an Anti-Hilary dig.  

I'm sick of this Six.  I don't bother you, try NOT to bother you.  Not everything should be on national news.  They're college kids, let the campus police deal with them.  I don't think ANYONE should be blocking a bridge, for any reason.  Back off, please.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

Dowser,  you'really a nice person.  Sorry it wasn't my attention to attack you, but this is much more national than you obviously are aware.

It's always the same.  I agree it is not acceptable to be doing what these students are doing, bullying the white, or vice versa, but I can imagine what kind of reaction we would receive from these students,  MSM, the president and quite a few of the liberals on this site if they were white students and you would be one of the most upset as I would as well.  But it's insignificant as it is.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

Six, not everything is political.  At least, not to me.

I am voting for Mrs. Clinton.  I cannot stomach Mr. Trump.  N-O-T-H-I-N-G that you can say will change my mind.  I have a visceral reaction to Mr. Trump-- he is very familiar to me, and I absolutely detest him.  At this point, I'm so sick of the whole thing, I am counting down the hours for it to be all over with.

So please, You and Your Friends, for whom everything is political, leave me be.  I've made up my mind, and the more you all say and snark about, the more my mind is set into concrete.  You are not going to bully me into changing my mind, nor are you going to be able to snark me out of my opinion.  All you are doing is insuring I get out and cast my vote for Mrs. Clinton, if I have to crawl there.  Your snarkiness is NOT winning you any friends, or influencing anyone.  (Read the Dale Carnegie course-- How to win friends and influence people.  I have.)

Yes, if this were white kids doing this to black kids, I would be outraged-- possibly because I see enough of this kind of crap here in KY.  But, it's not right, either way.  Since this is ON CAMPUS, I would expect the campus police to deal with it.  My campus police certainly would have.  I mean, they managed to handle our one streaker without any trouble...

It may be interesting for you to look up the demographics of many of KY's counties.  Less than 5% African American in most of them.  Why?  They are afraid to live there, and have ZERO opportunities.  It's not something I'm proud of or pleased about, in any way.  I find it abhorrent, the way some of these counties react to African Americans.  They are nice to Hispanics, because the Hispanics work in their fields...  

There are many social inequities in our country.  That's a dam shame, to me.  One would think, by now, things would be better.  But it isn't, mainly because there is an undercurrent of racism/sexism going on in a LOT of places.  One would think that women wouldn't be subjected to the kind of abuse that Trump espouses, either.  I mean, I've worked 38 years in a traditionally male field, and I've pretty much seen it all.  If not experienced most of it.  One would think that a certain segment of the population would GROW UP.  But, that's not going to happen.

For you to fuss at/to me, about anything, just because you disagree politically, is inappropriate.  Trump has made it socially acceptable for people to say these things out loud, and we are all witnessing a back lash against that.  Yes, I support our police.  Right up to when they treat blacks, hispanics, women, jewish people, Indians, young people badly, etc. just because.  It isn't right.  Yes, I support minorities in our country-- right up to the point where they do the same thing to other people that have been done to them.  That isn't right, either.

I think of you and I as friends.  I think of most of the people on this site as my friends.  But, I'm finding it harder and harder to maintain friendly feelings toward many of the people on this site who are determined to "bludgeon" me into their way of thinking.  

Let me say this:  This election is going to be over in a about 12 days, and we're all going to have to get along together again.  Please don't burn your bridges with me.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

Dowser, There is nowhere in my comment where I attacked you or tried to convince you to vote for Trump.  I think you have a bad case of self-victimization.

Don't you have early voting?  If I were you I would go bright and early tomorrow morning. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

We do have early voting, if you qualify, which I don't.  I'm not having surgery, I don't live in a foreign country, I'm not serving in the military, etc.

And thanks, so very much, for telling me I'm a self-victimizer.  Typical of the responses I expect.  Ever think that your constant harassing is what makes me feel that way?  I didn't just dream it up.   I like you and you are my friend.  But, I'm beginning to wonder if that friendship is returned.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

We do have early voting, if you qualify, which I don't.  I'm not having surgery, I don't live in a foreign country, I'm not serving in the military, etc.

And thanks, so very much, for telling me I'm a self-victimizer.  Typical of the responses I expect.  Ever think that your constant harassing is what makes me feel that way?  I didn't just dream it up.   I like you and you are my friend.  But, I'm beginning to wonder if that friendship is returned.


Well, I'm sorry for calling you a self-victimizer, but I really don't see how this comment would indicate me harassing you at all.

Dowser, if you looked at the video you would have seen two footall size students, I assume, in the entrance throwing a white guy over to the side.  You would also see the police were not doing anything about it.  

Like I said, if this was the only instance of this kind of behavior, I could take it with a grain of salt,  but it is not.  This type of bullying is getting all too common.

It may not seem to be worthy of national attention like hauling people around the country to vote illegally or paying people to incite violence against your opponent and then coming out the next day and criticizing that opponent for inciting violence when it was you who was the guilty party, but this bullying and rioting are being supported by the same group of people.

The text that was underlined was not my intention.  I typed that comment out on my phone and that is the way it came out.  I comment on my phone about 2% of the time and I must have touched something that made it do it. 

I grant you the last paragraph was unnecessary, but it didn't attack you, it attacked those who are guilty. 

It didn't deserve this response in my opinion.

Did you even read what I said?  I said that no one, of any color or white, should be blocking the bridge.  No one.  But, I expect that the campus police should be dealing with this.  At usual, you've managed to twist my words and get in an Anti-Hilary dig.  

I'm sick of this Six.  I don't bother you, try NOT to bother you.  Not everything should be on national news.  They're college kids, let the campus police deal with them.  I don't think ANYONE should be blocking a bridge, for any reason.  Back off, please.

Look, I think you are a nice person which I've posted on several occasions and see nothing to justify that last comment above to me by you.  

I try to help everyone whenever I can.  I put some time into most of my comments.  We may not agree, but I only attack when attacked and then most of the time I just ignore.

Let's just say maybe both of us were having a bad day yesterday.  Believe me, I have no intentions of attacking or harassing you ever.  Actually I think you are probably one of the nicest, honest, and sincere people on this site.  I can't see any reason why I would want to harass you in any way.  Do you see me running around attacking people?  If you do, please give me some examples, because I don't and have no intentions of doing so.  Certainly being a moderator, you see a lot of it going on and do you see me doing it?

Anyway my long wind has just about blown out.  I'm sorry for calling you a self-victimizer.  I realized and debated with myself before I put that comment up, but in my heart I didn't see where I had attacked you personally or definitely hadn't been harassing you, so I did attack you in that comment, but understand from my point of view, I had done nothing wrong, certainly not what I had been accused of doing by you in your comment.  Believe me Dowser, I pay attention to people and I know you have some health problems and I would never try to stress you out.

By the way, I can't believe you have such restricted early voting.  We've had early voting since last week and will last up until next Saturday.  I think it is about 20 days and there are none of those restrictions you mentioned in your comment.  I haven't voted yet, but will.  I need to study the judges and city council members who I don't know anything about some of them now.  I have a friend who is working it and it have been the busiest early voting since he started years ago.  His wife also works it, but is only working on election day this time.

Hope you have a great day!  I stayed up so late and have so much to do before I can call it a day, I should kick myself in the butt.  Boy, that would be something to see.


Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

WEll, I think you are a nice person, too, which is why I don't understand all this...  Let's just drop it and still be friends, ok?  

On several occasions lately, I've felt that you were 'talking down to me' or insulting me.  Not that you meant to do so, and in the grand scheme of comments here on NT, it was pretty mild.  I don't want to feel this way about you, nor do I want to escalate any ill will or bad feelings.  I'm in pain, all the time, and I must admit that at times, it keeps me from feeling well enough to maintain my usual cheery demeanor.  I'm sorry that you feel you got the fallout from that, or from me.

Can we still be friends?  

Early voting here is a nightmare...  You have to have documents showing that you're not going to be there.  Yes, we have to show a picture ID, which of course I can do, so all these comments/articles fussing about picture IDs is something I can't relate to.  Using a picture ID is normal to me.  No one can stuff a ballot box here, because it is done electronically.  I guess those could be hacked, but the poll workers are very on top of things, and it almost makes you feel as if they are looking over your shoulder as you vote.  I miss the old time levers and curtain, to be honest.  

Hope you have a great day, and that you're not too tired from last night!  Me?  In 2 hours I get to take another pill, and hopefully, that will help...  winking

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

They should be tasered and aressted. Bigots. Their supporters here should be ashamed, but they are not capable of such introspection. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    8 years ago

Berkeley Students Barricade Bridge, Force Whites To Cross Creek

• Watch the video.



Then let me know if the article's headline is honest, or, AN EFFORT TO INCITE!


Anyone interested in the author's background? Let me know.

I find it fascinating that we live in a country with a political partisanship that calls itself THE TEA PARTY … and totally disregards its historical roots when A PROTEST ISN'T ABOUT ANY OF ITS AGENDA ITEMS.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

Nice deflection. The protesters you support ate racists. Makes you think?

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

I find it fascinating that we live in a country with a political partisanship that calls itself THE TEA PARTY … and totally disregards its historical roots when A PROTEST ISN'T ABOUT ANY OF ITS AGENDA ITEMS.

I watched the video several times.  The demonstration wasn't against whites.  It was because they had one of their safe places moved to the basement.  The protesters were almost all what looked like Mexican descent.

Now the headline was what the video showed, regardless of the reason for the protest.  They would not let whites pass through although I saw several others pass through.  The one fellow in the back got thrown up against the left side and tried again to get through and the camera went to something else. 

The fact is these people were not just protesting the new safe place, but were making whites suffer, who by the way are only about 25% of the student body.  That's about the same percentage who pay most all the taxes in this country and probably the same in California.  I bet most of those protesting aren't paying a dime while they march around and make it impossible for others to study whose parents are supporting these clowns college education.

We can't keep blaming those who are not to blame for all of their problems and who are financially carrying the load for everyone. 

I don't know how they arrived to where they are today, but it is definitely heading the wrong direction.  I think I have some ideas though how these people have take on this victim mentally.  Your chance of being taught by a Liberal professor is about five times greater than having a Conservative professor and it is difficult for a young mind to not get caught up in it. 

And the difference in a Liberal professor and a conservative is most Conservatives are more aligned to being an Independent or possibly center right, but most of these Liberal professors are determined they are going to change this new student to suit them.

Actually Obama did a pretty good job in this video:

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

Excellent video Six! Great find. Should be required viewing for every freshman at every university. AND required viewing for those obsessed with "Safe Spaces".

I have struggled with the definition of hate speech over the years that some seem to think they need these "safe spaces" to avoid. I support free speech and I do think every person has a right to say whatever they want to, within some obvious limits (talking obscenities to children, shouting fire in a crowed theater, etc.). However I do not believe that people don't have a right not to be offended. They do. There is hate speech and there is offense speech and people do have a right to be offended by it. Just as they have a right not to listen to it or if it's really hateful or racist speech to pity the ignorance of the speaker.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Randy   8 years ago

Thank you Randy.  I really didn't intend for it to get so out of wack, but I guess that is the way it happens when you least expect it to happen.  I know you will appreciate the video at this link as well of Obama speaking about this very thing.  Don't bother reading all that crap.  Get to the video and even I think it is really very good.  I guess after listening to Hillary and Trump, especially Trump, a little more mild voice sounds rather good, especially when I'm agreeing with him. LOL



A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    8 years ago

Anthony Gockowski Investigative Reporter

Campus Reform  is The Leadership Institute's (LI's) news website focused on  higher education . The online publication's news offerings often highlight supposed i ncidents of liberal bias on American college campuses. [8]


I love how conservatives endlessly bash the so calledMain Stream Media for its so-called "liberal bias," all the while posting its own endless, distorted, misrepresentations and declaring that "you'll never see this reported in the Main Stream Media!

No shit! If it's right-wing bullshit, you WON'T see it in the main stream media.

Can you say "self-fulfilling prophecy" boys and girls?


Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

thumbs down

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

No shit! If it's right-wing bullshit, you WON'T see it in the main stream media.

You won't see very much at all on MSM except left wing and they have the microphone.  If it wasn't for the resistance, we'd really be in worse trouble than we are now.  MSM is just outright corrupt.

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

You won't see very much at all on MSM except left wing and they have the microphone.

MSM is just outright corrupt.

Cop out myth. Utter lie and a pitiful excuse for the extreme right wing message not resonating with the average American. It's not the MSM that's at fault. It's the message itself they are rejecting and ignoring. The far right just can't deal with the truth that most Americans don't think like they do or agree with them when they are so convinced that they are right. So they blame the messengers. Sad.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

Don't like it, don't go there.  I don't.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

Protesters Made A Human Chain To Prevent White People From Crossing, Instead Directing Them To "Go Around" By Trudging Across The Stream.



Beleaguered students "trudge" across the dangerous waters. 


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

As I was saying …

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

I see more water than that flowing down the sidewalk past my house when we get a hard rain. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

No kidding, it's like are the seats at the back of the bus that bad? It's just a few extra feet. Why make a stink about that?  


Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy   8 years ago

Berkeley Students Barricade Bridge, Force Whites To Cross Creek


Reading the seeded headline I got the impression they were forced to wade through chest high waters and were in danger of drowning, then I watched the video. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

They are being forced to walk out of their way because of their race. The creek doesn't matter. 

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy   8 years ago

The world was better off when we didn't have people filming every little thing like this. 

Seriously, who gives a f---  about what they do at Berkeley?  It is a student protest. Big deal. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  Sean Treacy   8 years ago

They are being forced to walk out of their way because of their race. The creek doesn't matter. 

No truth to that; the protestors are white and black and did not selectively single out whites.

This is the kind of shit that drives me away from the FP regularly.



Where the hell is the integrity?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

did not selectively single out whites.

Are you suggesting they used some other criterion than race ? If so what is that criterion ?

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  Petey Coober   8 years ago

Are you suggesting they used some other criterion than race ? If so what is that criterion ?

Look at the racial makeup of the protestors.

Look at the Asian female crossing the creek.

Are you suggesting that the white students in the protest were singling out other white students?

I don't know if only white students were turned away from the entrance … nor do you; that's the point. But the headline makes a definitive statement that hasn't been substantiated.

BUT … if there was an intentional, orchestrated effort to stop ONLY white students … WITHOUT EQUIVOCATION, the offenders and organizers should be suspended for a period of time … 

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

You are cool with racism? Noted. 

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

if there was an intentional, orchestrated effort to stop ONLY white students

Stopping all of the white students & a few of the others is OK with you ?

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Petey Coober   8 years ago

Stopping all of the white students & a few of the others is OK with you ?

That's a very good question and that is what this is really all about.  I don't think it conscious, but it is certainly subconscious at the very least.

To be fair AMac has said any of these clowns who did this, if it was done because of race should suffer the consequences, but I say they should suffer the consequences whether it was race of not.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

Look at the Asian female crossing the creek.

Was she forced away from the bridge ? If not then she was not discriminated against .

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

Looking at the makeup of the protesters they have a couple of blacks, many Mexican or people that aren't white like you or me and a few whites.

Seeing the Asian girl walk across the creek doesn't surprise me at all.  Some of these clowns say it gives them too much pain to walk to class with Whites and Asians.

Yes I am suggesting whites turned other whites away.

And I do know that whites were turned away because it is right there in the video.

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions


I guess this shows that anyone can improve, especially the Asians.  But as in the above link, the field isn't level and that's a problem.  They were at the bottom and are now at the top.  For their effort they are being punished.  I guess they didn't make those grades, someone else did it for them and it's sure not paying off now.

Race/Ethnicity: Grade Point Average

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

Reason is reporting people of color were allowed to cross. 

Their headline reads similar. 

Video: UC-Berkeley Protesters Built a Human Wall to Violently Stop White Students from Crossing Bridge

In the video, the activists appeared to let several students of color pass unmolested, but white students were forced to find other routes. A few who tried to force their way through were violently rebuffed. Protesters shouted "Go around! Go around!" at a white man on a bicycle.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Dean Moriarty   8 years ago

I would imagine the white students have already accepted their white privilege and guilt.

But I guess no one saw what happened near the end of the video to the white guy coming from the back side of the line.

And I agree something should be done when physical bullying of anyone is involved and the guy coming from the back of the line experienced that.

Like I said all these people trying to come up with excuses or make lite of this would be all over it if all those people were white blocking the normal path these students travel to and from classes.


Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

No truth to that; the protestors are white and black and did not selectively single out whites.

It's that Liberal blind spot AMac.  You are wrong.  Maybe you should look at it several times.  I'm surprised at you since you have such a good eye how you didn't see the whites being turned around and never saw anyone else turned around.  There were whites in the group of protesters, which I assume were queers as they carried a sign around with that written on it.  I'm sure they were accepted in the group, but the others who weren't a part of that group who got turned around were white.

I figure about this time you're going to say Mexicans are white, so the whites were blocking the other whites or something to that extent.  I didn't see but a couple of blacks, which most of these "safe places" videos have been about, but not in this one, so we can agree it wasn't blacks blocking the whites, but the whites were being blocked by the group unless they were a part of the group.

But who cares?  It's only a bunch of college students and no one got hurt.  That's the best thing I can say.  Other than that I wonder how all these young people got to be such wussies and still can bully others the way they do?

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Sean Treacy   8 years ago

No kidding, it's like are the seats at the back of the bus that bad? It's just a few extra feet. Why make a stink about that? 

That's just about what it boils down to. 

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Sean Treacy   8 years ago

"No kidding, it's like are the seats at the back of the bus that bad? "

Well done.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

So racism is cool with you?

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Beleaguered students "trudge" across the dangerous waters.

It doesn't make any difference if it was a raging river or a dried up stream, when someone stands in front of you and forces you to take another route to where you are going then it is going to far as a protest.

And as far as that Asian girl there, the Asians have the highest scholastic grade averages in the world.  She probably had to go with the white students because these clowns despise them as well.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    8 years ago

Similar to shouting down speakers whose philosophy might differ from that of the bullies. Wish the world would return to the 1940s and 1950s.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   8 years ago

Similar to shouting down speakers whose philosophy might differ from that of the bullies. Wish the world would return to the 1940s and 1950s.

Actually Obama made a pretty good speech on this very thing Buzz.  I copied the audio for you, but I think he was talking about a space where people didn't baby you, but allowed you to express yourself and expect some others to disagree with you as well instead of a "safe space" where everyone of the people had the same opinions as it seems some are looking for today.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

Thanks, Six.  I agree with Obama on this, but the problem is that he made the points in a very gentle way, using himself as an example. I just don't think that kind of lesson will have much effect on the perpetrators he's trying to convince.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    8 years ago

The progressives defending racism on this seed are reprehensible.  But not surprising. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    8 years ago

The progressives defending racism on this seed are reprehensible.  But not surprising. 

Even less surprising are your one-line dismissive arguments for anything that doesn't represent your, uhhhmm … "thinking".

As in the Cosmos and the laws of Physics, in LIFE, often, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction!

Surprise, this liberal considers the so-called "safe spaces" on college campuses and other places, to indeed, be a form of "RE-segregation." 

But calling it that and walking on without considering the reasons certain races, ethnicities and other demographics feel the need for safe spaces, is ironically, one of the very reasons itself for the sense of need!

Are we so blind or naive to actually think, that with integration of our society and institutions, racism, bigotry and ethnocentrism no longer exists!?

Get real if you believe that.

Rather than denigrate the reality that some people are victims of hatred and of both subtle and overt forms of the same, how about denigrating the haters?

If we're talking about playing the victim card, then I'm with those who say "suck it up and do what everyone else is expected to do."

But when the victimization is real, reasonable people should understand that there are times when a "safe place" is a reasonable and real need.

When you have a shit-for-brains running for POTUS, one who calls Mexicans "rapists" and says "all blacks live in hell and have no education," who wants to ban and/or deport all Muslims from America, whose campaign manager is a documented hater of Jews, who brags and jokes about groping women and calls them “pigs,” who mocks the disabled, whose running mate is a homophobe and repudiates the presence of women in the American military … whose rabid followers threaten members of the press, who calls for voter intimidation and suppression (three forms of which he admits to -- in violation of a consent decree at that) …

How dense do you have to be to grasp the idea that some Americans aren't feeling particularly safe these days?

WTF up!

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

And let me be brutally clear to those who hypocritically decry RE-segregation, and, by logical extension, segregation itself!

• Do you belong to a church that intentionally segregates itself based on religious, religionist and/or dogmatic conceptualizations regarding reality? 

• Do you live in integrated communities?

• Do you associate with, socialize with, date, marry and/or enter serious relationships with races, ethnicities and/or ideologies other than your own?

• Do you guilt trip your children, or, were you, yourself guilt-tripped, shunned, mourned over or otherwise castigated for wanting to date, marry, etc., people of other races, etc. ?

• Do you post articles regarding crime/violence ONLY WHEN PERPETRATED OR ALLEGEDLY PERPETRATED BY MINORITIES, IMMIGRANTS and/or people OTHER than those like yourself?

Please don't spit in my face and tell me "it's raining"!

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

thumbs down

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

in LIFE, often, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction!

In life it may be opposite but it is rarely equal . Sounds like zeal without knowledge ...

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
link   Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    8 years ago

Sister's Tips For Staging a Successful protest:

1.  For crying out loud, show up with a legitimate farking complaint.  If you have a problem with out-of-state tuition costs, I'm sure there is a community college in your neck of the woods that would love to have you disrupt their learning environment.  You knew the costs before you filled out your application paperwork.  It was your choice to attend a university that charges an out of state average of $60,000 per calendar year.  If you want the prestige and respect that a Berkley degree can provide, that's fine with me, shorty.  But you have to pay for it just like anyone else.  Oh, and as far as your disappointment in the university's choice of building occupants, feel free to blow that one out your bazoo.  What an incredibly asinine way of thinking.    

2. Be selective in your choice of protest leadership.  Running around and yelling, "I don't give a fuck about you," to Berkley police officers was off-the-chain counter productive, and probably reduced the sympathy vote by 90%.  Also stupid, was prohibiting your own protesters from giving interviews and/or being filmed.  Multi-faceted media coverage is usually a desired side effect of protesting.  Why stifle the opportunity?   

3.  Most importantly, don't man-handle and harass people that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter at hand.  Those (mostly white) students had nothing to do with setting tuition fees or choosing building occupants.  What  does kicking them in the ass do for your nonsensical demands?  It reduces whatever sympathy vote you may have had remaining, down to zero, and made those supporting the protest resemble one big collective huckleberry.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom   8 years ago

Thanks for the well thought out and funny comment Sister Mary. 

Disrupting the lives of others doesn't do anything positive for these people.  And to be accused of being racist for pointing it out doesn't speak very highly of the accuser either.

I talked with a South African a couple of days ago who came to this country legally a few years ago.  He wanted to get his point across to me the people in this country don't appreciate what they have and he see us losing it from his experiences in life.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom   8 years ago

Not to be negative for its own sake but I need to ask Sister MAAB if the "protests from the 60's & 70's were any better than this recent one [wrt your criteria ] ?


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