
Denounce Evil, Speak Truth at Every Opportunity


Category:  Religion & Ethics

Via:  redding-shasta-jefferson-usa  •  8 years ago  •  43 comments

Denounce Evil, Speak Truth at Every Opportunity

Liberty McArtor
Evil never goes away. Not now, while the world yet awaits her King’s return. Which is why we must denounce it at every chance.

After recent events in Charlottesville, many Christians became more concerned with society’s reactions to what they said (or didn’t say) than what they said.

Yes, it was a bit maddening when anyone who didn’t immediately denounce racism, and specifically white supremacy, after Charlottesville was vilified. It’s ludicrous to assume that anyone who doesn’t say “Nazis are bad” within an approved time-limit actually thinks Nazis are good. Denouncing evil just because people expect us to is wrong.

But not denouncing evil just because you’ve denounced it before, or think it goes without saying, is also wrong. Forget about what’s politically correct, what causes are en vogue, and what the world wants to hear. Think about the deception and false prophets of these last days. Think about the spiritual forces at work and the eternal souls at stake. Then denounce evil and speak truth at every opportunity.

The Existence of Evil Should Be No Surprise
In order to do that, we must first stop being surprised by the presence of evil in our modern society. Even the presence of certain brands of evil we thought largely extinct. After the “Unite the Right” rally on August 12, social media posts like the following were common:

It’s 2017! I can’t believe we’re seeing members of the KKK march in public!

We defeated the Nazis in WWII. How can Americans now wave Swastikas?

The notion that we eradicated Nazi ideology with one world war is crazy. Yes, Allied victory in WWII changed the course of modern history. Thank God. But do we think the Germans invented anti-Semitism? Same with the Civil War and the Civil Rights movement. Do we think that America invented racism? That one war and one era of iconic protests would be enough to vanquish ugly prejudices from the hearts of fallen men?

It’s not that these battles didn’t matter. It’s just that they will have to be fought again, and again, and again.

It’s not that these battles didn’t matter. It’s just that they will have to be fought again, and again, and again, until Jesus Christ returns and the Enemy is forever destroyed.

Ephesians 6:12 tells us that our real battle is against that enemy. Against “spiritual forces of evil.” The Bible doesn’t say that such forces will be defeated by a world war or a march on Washington. Moreover, the Bible warns that evil will increase until Jesus returns.

This perspective doesn’t make ugliness of Charlottesville any easier to swallow. But it does make it a bit less surprising. It’s possible defeat fleeting human regimes that promote evil ideologies, like Nazism or white supremacy. But the evil that birthed those ideologies can only be eradicated from the universe once and for all by Christ himself.

Denounce Evil Every Chance You Get
It’s precisely because evil still exists that we must denounce it at every turn. It doesn’t matter if we’ve denounced it before. When Satan rears his ugly head, we must once more stomp it into the ground.

This isn’t about proving we are on the “right side” of human history. Satan does everything in his power, in the ticking time he has left, to deceive as many souls as possible. We can’t afford to be blase about rebuking him and his lies whenever we have the chance.

After Charlottesville, many churches, pastors and Christian leaders understood this. In addition to denouncing racist hate groups, Christians around the world shared what the Bible says about race and racism. It was a perfect opportunity to explain salvation, the gospel, and how true Christianity radically rejects the prejudices of the world. Vigilant Christians won’t let an chance like that pass by.

Today, it’s the popular thing to accuse everyone who doesn’t adhere to leftist ideology of being a Nazi or a racist. This is a frustrating and dangerous lie. Even more dangerous, however? Slacking off on calling out such evil where it truly does exist, just because of the whims of pop culture. Those whims are sure to change. But the true evil is not just a weapon of the fickle politically correct crowd. It’s real and it’s here, digging in its claws while it can. Any Christian who thinks otherwise is ignoring Christ’s warning in Matthew 24.

Christians must loudly, firmly, and consistently denounce evil whenever and wherever it appears. Souls depend on it. https://stream.org/denounce-evil-speak-truth-at-every-opportunity/
Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    8 years ago

Evil won't be eradicated until Christ returns. Which is why we much denounce it at every opportunity.

A woman is silhouetted in prayer as the members of Twelfth Baptist Church in Boston's Roxbury neighborhood pray over the violence following a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, VA on Aug. 13, 2017.

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!    8 years ago

From the article it says, and I quote:


Christians must loudly, firmly, and consistently denounce evil whenever and wherever it appears. Souls depend on it.


Denounce Evil Every Chance You Get

It’s precisely because evil still exists that we must denounce it at every turn.


Ephesians 6:12 tells us that our real battle is against that enemy. Against “spiritual forces of evil.” 


And The Bible it says, and I quote:


Exodus 20 (NIV)

And God spoke all these words:

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

“You shall have no other gods before[a] me.


(and so forth and so on, until Commandment Number 9)


16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.  (Don't lie!)



AND THAT is why EVERY CHRISTIAN should DENOUNCE the LIES of DONALD TRUMP every chance they get.




God said that in Exodus, with Commandment Number 9, but Trump still does it over and over and over again!  Trump lies and thus Trump is evil.


Denounce the EVIL LIES of Donald Trump because SOULS DEPEND ON IT!  Denounce it at every turn, or Tweet, or speech or off-script remark.  Denounce it!  That is the real battle against the "forces of evil."



Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

Please stay on topic.  This seed is about confronting evil.  Trump is not the topic here as whether he is evil beyond all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God thus needing grace that we all are is not for us to judge and is sheer opinion on your part.  True Christians have denounced neo nazis , white nationalists, the kkk, the violence of the Antifa and the intolerance of BLM.  There is no place for violence or bigotry from any of them or others that might promote it in our political and civil discourse.  

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

Well, I have to say I am confused by your comment.

I must ask:  Are you okay with people who break the 9th of the Ten Commandments?  

Are you saying that "Thou Shalt Not Lie." is one Commandment that's okay to break and it's NOT evil when breaking that Commandment?

Is that what you ar saying?

Sophomore Quiet
link   magnoliaave  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

What he is saying is.....stay on topic. 

Take pres. Trump to some other seed.

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  magnoliaave   8 years ago

Pardon me, but I was NOT asking you.  I believe HE can answer for himself.  Thank you very much.

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

What she said....

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

Well, if that be the case then ...

Lying is Evil.

I quoted direct quotes directly from the article and The Bible, so I am ON TOPIC.

The FACT is that Trump lies.

Trump is therefore EVIL because he is breaking the 9th Commandment.  So DENOUNCING EVIL is also DENOUNCING TRUMP.

So, I will ASK you this:  If you say it is a Christian's duty to DENOUNCE EVIL, and Trump lies and thus practices EVIL, is it not also the Christians duty to DENOUNCE Trump for his EVIL?

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

Squirrel was very much on topic actually. Trump failed to denounce evil and instead chose to qualify his statements.

So, very much on topic.

But since we're talking, 

"But the evil that birthed those ideologies can only be eradicated from the universe once and for all by Christ himself."

How long do we wait for Christ to get his ass in gear and get this shit done already?

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

We are all sinners.  We've all broken Gods law.  Every single one of us.  It is our responsibility to ask forgiveness when we do and accept the saving grace of Jesus who died on the cross.  We all know that Trump is a fallen sinner like the rest of us.  I will not sit in judgement of him as to whether he's repented or not in his life.  He's not the subject of this seed.  Confronting and denouncing recurring blatant evil described by me above and its satanic origins is.  

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

Confronting and denouncing recurring blatant evil described by me above and its satanic origins is.  

That's GOOD!

I can post many examples of Trump's "recurring blatant evil" lies from January 2017 through this month.  Would you like me to do that?  I will, because they are clearly RECURRING BLATANT EVIL LIES that Trump has quite obviously NEVER repented for.

Would you like me to post those lies?

Please say YES!


p.s.  In some Christian religions we are NOT 'fallen sinners' because we all commit or have personally committed sins.  Some of us may never ever have committed a single sin at in in our entire lives, but in some Christian religions all are sinners because of the Original Sin of Adam and Eve ONLY.  Maybe your particular religious sect doesn't believe in Original Sin.  Or maybe you just don't know about it.  Either way, your statement is wrong.  Comment removed skirting the CoC [ph]

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

Trump is definitely on topic for this seed. While your intent might be one thing, the actual topic you posted definitely pertains to Trump as well as others, as he is part of what the author both pardons and condemns. So, just as you interpret meaning one way, so too do other claim the right to do so.

There is no denying that he was part of the group that was vilified for not immediately condemning racism, and so mention of Trump as it pertains to Charlottesville is 100% is on topic. You should choose a less expansive topic if you really want to control rather than simply guide your thread.

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

How long do we wait for Christ to get his ass in gear and get this shit done already?

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  Pedro   8 years ago

How long do we wait for Christ to get his ass in gear and get this shit done already?

We don't know.  We just have to be patient.  If you believe he is coming he will come.  Just hang in there.

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

I don't accept that, in large part because it isn't Jesus who is going to stop racism. It's you and I. It's everybody alive and actually existing in this world. WE have to end racism. Just saying Jesus will do it is a remarkable cop out overall. Might as well say racism will always exist for all the efficacy of waiting for Jesus. 

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  Pedro   8 years ago

It's everybody alive and actually existing in this world. WE have to end racism. Just saying Jesus will do it is a remarkable cop out overall.

I have to agree with you.  Some, because I kind of doubt J.C. is coming back, and if he does it probably won't be in my lifetime, and also, if he does come back it's not for the purpose of fixing this petty crap.  (Petty crap to J.C. because he has much bigger things to deal with.)  

Putting it all on J.C. is a cop-out and a way for some people to just pass their responsibility onto him so they don't have to deal.  We all have to deal.  It's our problem.  We can fix it, if we try.  So, let's try already!  It's up to us!  We start by denouncing evil, and then we do something about replacing evil with good.

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago


"I will not sit in judgement of him as to whether he's repented or not in his life."

Is it just Trump you refuse to judge?

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

I will not sit in judgement of him as to whether he's repented or not in his life. 

I do like that comment, I really do.  Judge NOT, lest ye be judged.

It reminded me of this clip I also liked very much.  Please pay close attention to what Jesus says at the end about those who praise  themselves.

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Freshman Silent
link     replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

08/26/17 09:19:14PM @squirrel:


I will not sit in judgement of him as to whether he's repented or not in his life. 

I do like that comment, I really do.  Judge NOT, lest ye be judged.

Totally Out of Context, care to show us the Chapter that line was taken from, and what the WHOLE chapter was/is all about?



Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to    8 years ago

Not OUT OF CONTEXT if you've been reading the comments.


It's a quote from the guy who posted this article.


Here's the link:   33808

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Freshman Silent
link     replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

link 08/26/17 10:11:20PM @squirrel:

Not OUT OF CONTEXT if you've been reading the comments.


It's a quote from the guy who posted this article.


Here's the link:  33808

link 08/26/17 09:19:14PM @squirrel:

I will not sit in judgement of him as to whether he's repented or not in his life. 

I do like that comment, I really do.  Judge NOT, lest ye be judged.

E.A  Who said what is in Blue above?     ^^^


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago
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Freshman Silent
link     replied to  Buzz of the Orient   8 years ago

A Lie is a lie, even when Misquoting from a Test, and is shown to be a misquote. IE: Do Not Judge is a MIsquote of Matthew Chapter Seven: Verse 1

I have removed the beginning part of this comment as it was based on another comment that has been deleted and ultimately is under the purview of our mod team .

The core message however was this, and I would encourage everybody to adhere to this one basic standard. Calling out a statement is fine. You are always welcome to challenge any statement, fact, assertion, whatever. However, things have been getting unnecessarily personal, in no small part due to the influx of new members, who are used to a different manner of conduct and typically a lack of moderation.

We want you to be able to engage, whether in agreement or disagreement, but we would also like to see you challenging ideas rather than directly challenging other members. The distinction is important although the line is admittedly blurred at times.





Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

Are you saying that "Thou Shalt Not Lie." is one Commandment that's okay to break and it's NOT evil when breaking that Commandment?

Rules for Radicals - Alinsky

Rule #4:

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

Masters Quiet
link   PJ  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

X - I think Squirrel is on topic.  The article is about speaking the truth and denouncing evil.  He is using Trump's lies as an example.  

I appreciate you posting this article.  I'm glad you are thinking about this.  

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
link   Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

And The Bible it says

  • You are to kill a woman if she is not a virgin when she marries
  • You are to kill a child if they disrespect their parents
  • You are to kill anybody who does not convert.
  • You are not permitted to have rounded hair cuts
  • You are not to eat shell fish

You seem to cherry pick what you follow and what you don't follow.  

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC   8 years ago

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC   8 years ago

I loved watching The West Wing TV series - learned a lot about how American government administration works from it.  One of my favourite scenes from the series is this one, which hopefully you are able to open and watch:

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
link   Jeremy Retired in NC    8 years ago

Yes, it was a bit maddening when anyone who didn’t immediately denounce racism, and specifically white supremacy, after Charlottesville was vilified.

So, as long as it's not white supremacy that is pushed, it's all good.  

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    8 years ago

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    8 years ago

"But not denouncing evil just because you’ve denounced it before, or think it goes without saying, is also wrong. Forget about what’s politically correct, what causes are en vogue, and what the world wants to hear. Think about the deception and false prophets of these last days. Think about the spiritual forces at work and the eternal souls at stake. Then denounce evil and speak truth at every opportunity."


Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    8 years ago

This was a religious seed not a political one.  Some have chosen to derail it into the political realm rather than how a believer confronts evil.  I'll try another seedin this section another time. This one is finished.  

This was a religious seed right up to the point it said this:

Today, it’s the popular thing to accuse everyone who doesn’t adhere to leftist ideology of being a Nazi or a racist. This is a frustrating and dangerous lie.

Then it became politically and any comments connected to what happened in Charlottesville and the events thereafter were fair game.


Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

Nothing like having your viewpoint stifled is there.

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

The lesson from all this is that I should have seeded this very "political" article in the news and politics section.  

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Freshman Silent
link     replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

08/27/17 03:24:02AM @redding-shasta-jefferson-usa:

The lesson from all this is that I should have seeded this very "political" article in the news and politics section.  

E.A I wonder?

I think that no mater where you " posted/seeded " it some that want to be polemic, will find a way to be so.


Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to    8 years ago

And ironically none of what I as seeder said was off topic and asked others to stop and was ruled not so had anything to do with Charlottesville and that situation,  which the article was right on about.  

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

Indeed. There is a place for every kind of article here. 

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Freshman Silent
link     replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   8 years ago

link 08/27/17 03:33:53AM @eagle-averro:

08/27/17 03:24:02AM @redding-shasta-jefferson-usa:

The lesson from all this is that I should have seeded this very "political" article in the news and politics section.

E.A  Are you willing to accommodate me to a little " test "?


E.A  Perrie, may I ask you  to participate in this " test"?


user image
Freshman Silent
link     replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

08/27/17 03:24:02AM @redding-shasta-jefferson-usa:

The lesson from all this is that I should have seeded this very "political" article in the news and politics section.

E.A  Are you willing to accommodate me to a little " test "?


Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

I didn't notice the comment Perrie put on here...

Today, it’s the popular thing to accuse everyone who doesn’t adhere to leftist ideology of being a Nazi or a racist. This is a frustrating and dangerous lie.

Jefferson, if you put an article up that is suppose to be religious, then leave out anything that doesn't have to do with religion.  It's that simple.  You opened the door when the comment above was part of the article.  It made it a "News and Politics" article even though it contained mostly religious attributes.

Then you will have a winning hand to play.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

Nothing like having your viewpoint stifled is there.

Who is being stifled? You can't say you only want to discuss a topic and then introduce an article with a political bomb at the end of it and not expect people to respond. If he only wanted the religious aspects of this article discussed, he could have truncated the article to reflect that desire. He chose not to do that, and so to not be able to discuss the political aspects of the article would be truly stifling. 

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Freshman Silent
link       8 years ago

will wait and see



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