(not to be taken seriously - this is a joke in an attempt to pull you off the Front Page and make you see that there are also special interest groups on NT)
Click this link to go to an article that will fascinate you:
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Fooled you
Lol good one Buzz
You made me do this
We need a peeing the pants emoji
The emojis match the commentary. There's too much shit being flung around on the front page, so you're right, we need more positive emojis.
Nice try Buzz.
I will go to extremes to get people to leave the Front Page for a break and check out the groups.
Lock it up! Lock it up!
(The goat that is).
Yeah, how dare that goat seduce those men!!
You wouldn't think a goat to be such a smooth talker, would you. Must have a hell of a pick-up line.
Goats are off topic here, but it's okay, I'm only KIDding.
Okay, so that Syrian guy was attracted to this:
I wonder what he would do if he had to look at THIS every time he went to the NT Front Page:
I would LOVE to see more images like the shapely lady, the the crappy junk that occupies the right side of the screen, from strange creatures to Botox boy or the three eyed monster. Can't get much more disgusting than that.
It's gone now, but that girls picture musta been on the right side of my screen for two or three weeks
Unfortunately, I think that's what pays some of the cost of this site. Find some sponsors (like Proctor and Gamble that used Marilyn Chambers for its Ivory Snow box).
A butt is a butt is a butt. Wish that gal's photo was not on here!
Pretty much so!
Hahahahahahaha !
That was GREAT !
You do National Enquirer proud.
The only love child that Hillary had was Chelsea....notice how much she resembles Webb Hubbell!
The premise of this, just a whole lot of ugly goin-on.
Yes, it might have been a good try, but although this article was posted 19 hours ago, and although it was posted to draw NT members to the Classic Cinema group, NOT ONE MEMBER HAS POSTED A COMMENT ON THE CLASSIC CINEMA GROUP ARTICLES OR COMMENT WALL.
i GIVE UP. Why do we have groups anyway? They get members, and the members themselves don't post anything. Why is the vitriol and negativity on the Front Page so damned attractive? I have done articles in the past about favourite movies, but now I realize that what I should be doing is posting articles about what movies they HATE the most, because that's the direction here, isn't it?
Speaking only for myself that wouldn't work either, I'm simply not a movie person (more of a bookworm). I do however wish you luck in your endeavours.
Up until a few days ago there was a "Books" group to which I had contirbuted articles and comments (I majored in English Literature for my B.A.) but the administrator just resigned and the pissy thing is that it was the group he created and administered but when you delete your membership, what you have contirbuted to the site disappears with you.
If not movies, how about photography, Freefaller? Do you take photos? That's another group I contibute a lot to.
I've been told that the loss of the "Books" group is temporary, and it should be back in a few days. Check it out.
Thanks I'll go have a look at the Books one later, sorry photography is not one of my interests (lol, I'm pretty sure my flip phone has a camera, but I've never used it).
I have been on Internet sites a long time, and have been in many groups. And have started many. My observation is that most of them, most of the time, are fairly inactive. here's what I think happens: Someone starts a group on something they are very interested in. They assume that there will be at least a few people on the site with the same interests, and that many of those people will join the group and participate actively. And they also write an article on the front page announcing the formation of the group and invite people to join. But more often than not, the groups remains fairly inactive.
But its not the subject. There are a good number of people here who are interested in, for example, Classic Cinema. In fact, you posted some interesting things on the topic.
But which ones get the participation? Similar articles on the same subject get a lot of participation-- when they're posted to a "Forum" (and therefore are seen on the front page)-- but when they are posted to a group they do not!
I think the reason is that when most people logon, the first thing they see is the front page-- and look to see what interests them. For some, if they see a cinema article-- they'll look at it and probably comment. And after they finish that-- they might even see a political article or two that they might just want to make one comment on. All of this is timer consuming, so they don't have time to take a look at groups. (Probably hardly anyone has their favourite group bookmarked-- so that the first thing they see when they logon is the a group!)
I know that if I seed an article (even non-political) and want a lot of people to see it-- I post it on the front page. I also know that if I posted it in a group, either no one will reply-- or maybe if I'm luck I can have a conversation -- with 1 person!
E.A It be better IF Perrie awakens to the need to have a " Chat LOUNGE " as the " Front Page " and there people can chat on ALL and ANY topic, as they seem to be so eager to do, and allow the Forums to be what they were intended to be!!!
Perrie has been running NT for many years. And before she decided to create NT she checked out many other sites, including NV, which she was also a part of for many years herself.
Over the years changes have been made to NT to continue to make it a place where members can enjoy discussions and debates in a environment of respect and civility. She has added new features along the way and has continued to do so since switching from Ning to the Jamroom format. Perrie has not been making knee jerk changes or additions simply because a few Members want to make NT something that it does not need to be.
NT is for the Members, so when there are changes to the CoC or system they are put to a vote of the Members. It is a chance for all Members to voice their opinions of what changes they feel are needed/wanted and why. The ones with the most votes will be put into place if at all possible by what the software will allow.
However, any changes must remain within the ToS and what is allowed by the regulatory agencies, so some may not be able to be put into effect. Those are the rules that Perrie must play by as well.
But, most current Members don't wish to see NT become a clone of other sites, and are happy with the what NT has to offer in its own. NT is designed for interactive discussions. debates and conversations between adults who are able to conduct themselves as such with respect and civility toward other members. Those that can't may have a problem with how NT works, but, that does not mean that NT should change just to accommodate their personal preferences.
Simply my own opinion on the subject.
There is a method for contacting group members if their personal page settings are adjusted correctly. I have sent group messages out when there are a few new articles for members to look at, but I think they don't get the messages because they don't have their settings set up to get them as emails. I wish Perrie could find the time to do a META article on adjusting the settings on everyone's personal pages, then maybe there would be a way to communicate that new articles are posted on groups that they have joined because they had the interest to do so.
Why don't you do the article, Buzz? I would like to make sure I have my settings right so I can get notification of group activity. I think I do, but it would be nice to know that I do have it right
Remember this?
If Trump is actually having a love affair with Hillary-- let's hope it doesn't make Putin jealous!