Trump Family Christmas Card Wishes Families ‘Merry Christmas’ Instead of ‘Happy Holidays’
President Trump is fulfilling his promise to bring back “Merry Christmas” to the White House by including the phrase in his 2017 White House Christmas card.
The Trump family is taking a different approach with their holiday greeting than the Obama family, who opted to use the more generic phrase “Happy Holidays” in their greetings, according to the Daily Mail.
The White House unveiled the card, which is signed by President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and their 11-year-old son Barron Trump, on Monday in the White House “Bookseller’s” area after revealing the Christmas decorations to the public.
A gold presidential seal adorns the front of the card while the inside of the card includes the phrase “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” with the first family’s signatures at the bottom.
Trump made a promise on the campaign trail to bring back the use of the phrase “Merry Christmas” around the holiday season. He began using the phrase around the holidays on his “Thank You” tour in Wisconsin in December 2016.
The president reiterated his promise at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, DC, in October when he told the crowd of activists at the conference that he would support the use of the word Christmas again.
“We’re saying Merry Christmas again,” he told the crowd.

Melania’s First WH Christmas to Michelle’s Last, Difference Is Night and Day
By Kim Smith
November 28, 2017 at 4:33pm
First lady Melania Trump revealed the White House Christmas decorations on Monday, and they are a far cry from what we saw during the Obamas’ last Christmas at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
One noticeable difference between the two types of decorating styles is the ambiance created.
Melania’s chosen decorations evoke a magical and peaceful tone, as demonstrated with white lights and traditional decorations.
Trump posted a video to Instagram of the decorations, and some of the scenes look as though the White House has been transformed into a winter wonderland.
The video also included a nativity scene, signaling the president’s promise to replace the homogenized “Happy Holidays” with “Merry Christmas.”
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One way to do that is to recognize how important Jesus is to the Christmas season.
In contrast, the Obama’s last Christmas at the White House was filled with Lego gingerbread houses. The U.K. Daily Mail reported that a team of Lego builders created 56 gingerbread houses from more than 200,000 Lego pieces.
Because Christmas is all about Legos.
The Obama Christmas decorations also included real gingerbread houses. The U.K. Daily Mail reported that the gingerbread replica of the White House weighed more than 300 pounds, and included 150 pounds of gingerbread covered with 100 pounds of bread dough.
Other decorations in the Obama White House looked more like giant toys than anything else.
In fact, from looking at the decorations, one could not tell that they were related the birth of Christ at all.
That isn’t surprising, as former President Barack Obama did his best to erase any trace of Christianity from the White House when he lived there.
RELATED: Children at White House Awed by Melania Trump: “She Looks Like an Angel”
Thankfully, we have a president that is not afraid to recognize where the spirit of Christmas comes from.
H/T GOP The Daily Dose
The Playboy Bunny has a little style so, the basement dwellers over at Breitbart eat it up.
Sorry, if I want to unwrap a plastic Playboy Bunny I'll get a Barbie doll.
Melania is nothing more than plastic any more, she has had so many surgery's to keep herself "young" she might not even have her belly button on her belly any more, it might be somewhere around her chin.
Let’s stay on topic which is Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 at the White House.
What's a "Porn Model" anyway.
Bet the Victoria Secret "Models" would take acceptation to that type of statement.
Plastic doesn't give any feed back huh !
Now where is that damn air pump !
Responding here as a placeholder. The author has requested you folks to stay on topic. Any further comments in this vein will be deleted as off topic.
You're right. No normal man is attracted to hot models.
/s *eyeroll*
Like Moooochelle and her disgusting daughters.
Don't forget the women that snipe at her because she is better looking and shows far more class than them.
And you know of all these surgeries how exactly? Because you don't like her or her husband. Got it.
and you don't consider that hateful?
Does anybody consider that comment hateful?
And before anybody starts in on me....everything I say about trump and company is hateful. All of it
They really don't know anything for certain. And, of course, she is going to look different......she is older.
it is nice to see christmas in our house again.
and those kids were right... melania does look like an angel.
I agree.
The war on Melania over Christmas
Did you know that those exquisite White House Christmas decorations First Lady Melania Trump proudly unveiled yesterday are "spooky," "spine-chilling," and "nightmarish" – like scenes from Mordor, Narnia, or The Shining?
It took most of the day yesterday, but by nightfall, the Trump-hating media was able to settle on an unfavorable narrative with which to belittle the newly unveiled decor.
Amazing! What is the point of getting so worked up over a White House that just dressed up for Christmas? Have we sunk to this level of silliness?
According to a Pew study from 2015, Americans celebrate Christmas in huge numbers:
About nine-in-ten Americans (92%) and nearly all Christians (96%) say they celebrate Christmas, according to a 2013 Pew Research Center survey.
This is no surprise, but what might be more unexpected is that a big majority (81%) of non-Christians in the U.S. also celebrate Christmas.
This includes 87% of people with no religion and even about three-quarters of Asian-American Buddhists (76%) and Hindus (73%).
Roughly a third of U.S. Jews (32%) – many of whom have non-Jewish spouses – said in a 2013 survey that they had a Christmas tree in their homes during the most recent holiday season.
Among Americans overall, about half (51%) say they celebrate Christmas as more of a religious holiday, while roughly a third (32%) say it is more of a cultural holiday to them personally.
Sounds about right. My own personal experience confirms that.
So are Americans worked up about the White House saying, "Merry Christmas"? Not at all, unless you were hoping that First Gentleman Bill Clinton would introduce the Christmas decorations and bake cookies in 2017.
Or maybe there is Melania Derangement Syndrome in the water at some newsrooms in the U.S.
The link to the Pew survey was in the article, if you missed it here it is again.
You are well within your rights to disagree with the American Thinkers opinions, but the Pew survey information seems to have been reported accurately. The only thing they've gotten wrong is the date of the survey, it was from 2013, not 2015. It's an easy mistake, the linked Pew article is from 2015.
Dismissing a source without checking the information is unwise.
You are of course quite right.
I'm tired of posters dismissing information purely based on the source.
It would seem that even information has become polarised.
Without checking?
There is a difference between questioning and dismissing, surely questioning would involved some form of fact checking.
It should be noted the survey information seems to have been reported accurately.
Back on NV I posted on the World news section, primarily on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The word Hasbara was thrown around quite a lot. In one argument I was informed that the linked factual information I provided was hasbara. When I challenged the poster to disprove the information, they responded along the lines of, it doesn't matter if it's true, it's still only hasbara. This is the direction I see American political discussion taking here. No need to check facts, simply dismiss as false that which is inconvenient.
It should be taken on a case by case basis.
Attacking the author, source, or seeder is the secular progressives way to avoid discussing the topic of the seed and to derail the conversation. It was a tactic they used on newsvine and here too.
It’s not up to you to decide for anyone else what is fake news. You not liking a source doesn’t make it fake. When we were on newsvine, I’d often seed a news article from Fox or Newsmax or Breitbart and then when someone just like you would scream fake news or it’s equivalent then, I’d produce an AP or Reuters article that was virtually identical. Then they’d get all bent out of shape and demand that I originally seed the AP. I said no, that conservative and alternative media are here to stay and we Conservatives will not communicate or dialog except through it. The days of all of us being collectively spoon fed by a Walter Cronkite his news narrative are past and never coming back.
How do you rate The American Thinker?
In this instance it was accurate, therefore a blanket fake position would be flawed, hence my case by case basis approach.
If it helps your understand, I mean article by article.
If the information is accurate what difference does it make, save for the posters that have dismissed without checking.
Wow, he can ignore every other religion in America, I am so impressed. I am creating my own new tradition and will only say Happy Holidays.
Uh, what is Christmas all about anyway??
Obama was raised as a Muslim so we can understand why he was biased against against Christmas.
I say Merry Christmas because that is my sentiment. People should say what their sentiment is and the receiver should accept it gracefully. Act like adults.
People who get offended either way need to remove the corn cobb from their butt and learn to live and let live.
WAY too much PC is this world now.
"Stay Thirsty, My Friends" is my greeting this year.
What a world shaking article. /s
Lego's and gingerbread houses...It must be Satanical.
Just to get you up to date. A major hotel in Branson MO. (that's in the middle of the Bible belt and fly over America) for Christmas every year have a yuge display of gingerbread houses. I'll go down there this year and get some photos for you.
I guess that you'll publish an article telling us what heathens they are in Branson../s
Geez imagine walking around that place in the middle of the night, on your way to take a pee. Be stepping on those damn things non-stop.
No Spike, the hotel as bathrooms in your room. We are very modern down here in the Ozarks. Really we are.
I was talking about the Lego gingerbread houses in the White House that you put in your comment.......lighten up, Homey.
Lighten up, homey.....LOL, I've been called a lot of things but never a homey.
If your going to address me that way, please use the term ''Shinob''...That's what us red homey's are you know...
I guess you missed the humor in my comment. Time for you to lighten up homey...
I live about 4 hours from Branson. I would love some really good ginger bread.
I shall leave a trail of ginger bread 4 hours out from Branson...What direction?
south east
OMG, your somewhere in Texas...Oh, wait, I had the map upside down.
You had me going there for a moment...I had to rethink and thought "did I get my directions wrong again?"
I hope everyone has a happy Santa Claus holiday. Santa is the reason for the season.
Something to think about.
Gimme, gimme, gimme..Santa.
I tire of the comparisons. Regardless of what is on the White House cards, Americans celebrate throughout the season.
As a Christian, my being sensitive to others and their traditions is far more important than the words "Merry Christmas"! I send Happy Hanukkah cards, Merry Christmas cards, funny snowman cards to our family and friends...all of whom know what I celebrate. I think it's called respect!
It's also a sign of respect and sensitivity if one's sending out masses of cards to people of all faiths or none to wish everyone a "Happy Holidays" which really is an affirmation of our founding principle that no religious faith or tradition has dominance in this country, no matter how badly some adherents want to dominate. Unless Trump's card is only going to Christians, he's basically telling those who aren't to shove it.
Since sensitivity or respect is currently not resident in our White House, the idea that the President of the entire nation would extend a greeting to all people regardless of religion, culture, or creed is not surprising.
Our President no longer disappoints, shocks or requires an explanation for his actions...after 11 months we know exactly what to expect.
Most SENSIBLE Christians say BOTH "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" and decorate their homes to reflect that. "Happy Holidays" did not start out as a way to demean Christmas. It was a phrase to recognize the "holiday" season which begins in the US on Thanksgiving and runs until New Years (some people consider the holidays to end on the Epiphany (Jan 6). The Jewish holidays of Hanukkah also takes place in the time period.
The song "Happy Holiday" was written in 1942, long before anyone knew what "political correctness" was or would become. The song has always been considered a Christmas season song.
The seeded article is pretty silly. It says Melania Trump has turned the white house into a "winter wonderland" ? What does that have to do with the birth of Jesus? It says the decorations are "magical" . I think they used to burn people at the stake for associating magic with Christianity.
The fact is that "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" co-exist, and always have.
Most sensible Americans. How would you know anything about sensible people in America? You are far too disconnected to have a feel for 'most of'.
Many of the commenters here on this article are the 'looking for something Trump did to hurt my butt today' crowd.
They will be hurting until Jan. 20, 2025.
If you already haven't please heed my advice this time.
Buy as much Pfizer stock as you can, as soon as you can. You see, they make Prep-H. It follows that "butt hurt" is their business and business had been good! So buy low now with demand high. Then you can sell off right after the next Democrat gets elected POTUS and demand goes down precipitously. Sell high, make a killing.
Pfizer's new motto"
"Making a killing on butt hurt since 2016"
Now that’s a good one. Or the ones with the big hurt could use some Vaseline. 😆
Looks like Deleted for skirting. D. Trump's only presidential talent.
Deleted for context. D.
That's really bad and uncalled for.
Have Mercy!
I was raised a Christian. I'm still a Christian and I call out the fake ones. How do you like that for religious freedom? I'll bet that's the same card the moron in chief sent Ivankahumpalot's in-laws.
I'll ask the first one on the right I find.
I look forward to watching random acts of patriotism committed against dominionists caught on surveillance cameras.
But hey, that’s what goes on on newsvine.
I wonder what Christians and which of the denominations are the “good” ones?
Good answer! 👍
They're his base! He has to keep them happy
Nothing new, considering Obama Deleted as Deleted for skirting D. Sorry Bruce.
Osama Bin Laden, suck on that.
skirting the CoC [ph]
I believe Dennis Hastert is the ranking rightwing authority on those subjects.
Same dude.
Exactly. That’s how it started and now is a good time to end it and get back on the topic which is the White House and Christmas.
didn't know you weren't a Christian
And nobody calls me Un-American and gets away with it. I served my country, too, dammit, so I'm as much as an American as you are. You may not be Christian, but I AM an American
Yay, the war on Xmas is over! Now's a really good time for an evangelical petition to get the creche placed on the lawn in front of the alt-white house.
You said Osama should have been covered in pig shit them shoved into the ocean or something to that effect. That's not a proper send-off
How about being more clear in what you are saying and stop contradicting your own posts, then maybe you'll get back what you send out
And don't call me Un-American ever again! I won't stand for it!
I guess I have more Christian values than you do. I'm pretty sure Father Bob wouldn't approve of someone being covered in pig blood and shit then buried.
Father Bob would approve of a burial at sea, which I also approve of.
p.s. Let's change Christian to Humanitarian. I believe other people of other faiths wouldn't approve of your burial method, either
Probably the same Muslim men with drone photos doing 🐐 goats.
Then have a seat 💺.
The people that get upset by things like this need to get over themselves.
Don't like "Merry Christmas" for one reason or another? Don't say it and don't pay attention to those that do. Getting pissed off when others use it accomplishes nothing but raising your blood pressure.
Live and let live .... words to live by.
I agree entirely, now, if we could only get those Christians at Fox News to understand.
Hey, i agree that some folks can get obnoxious with it. If i know it really bothers someone i don't use it if possible but it grates me to no end when someone tries to tell me i can't use it because of THEIR beliefs or lack thereof. If i EVER use it relentlessly that's why because some prick is trying to tell me i can't.
Live and let live is not a one way street. Many on both sides seem to think that it is.
That's why I use Happy Holidays, it includes all.
And you're a Christian, aren't you?
I think everyone (especially those who hate Happy Holidays) is forgetting that Holiday is actually two words making one word
Holy Day
Trump White House Patriotic Christmas Display Is MAGA
By V Saxena
November 28, 2017 at 8:54pm
On Monday first lady Melania Trump unveiled this year’s “Christmas at the White House” decorations, and besides being gorgeous, the chosen decorations are also immensely patriotic.
According to a statement by the White House, this year’s decorations include a Gold Star Family Tree that “has been decorated with gold stars and patriotic ribbon” and has tablets placed next to it that can be used by visitors to send messages to their loved ones overseas.
To be clear, former administrations, including that of former President Barack Obama, also featured a Gold Star Family Tree during Christmas — though some could reasonably argue that this year’s tree is a wee bit more beautiful, especially considering that, unlike Obama, our current president actually loves the military.
See the tree and other decorations in the following video published Monday by President Donald Trump:
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Also included in this year’s decorations is the official White House Christmas Tree, which the White House notes “is decorated with glass ornaments depicting the seal of each State and territory”; a room full of holiday treats that “has been decorated with peppermints, candy, and cookies”; and a room containing a replica of the White House in gingerbread form.
Sounds yummy.
The primary difference between this year’s “Christmas at the White House” decorations and those of previous administrations is the theme.
As noted by the White House Historical Association, “In 1961, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy began the tradition of selecting a theme for the official White House Christmas tree. She decorated a tree placed in the oval Blue Room with ornamental toys, birds and angels modeled after Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s ‘Nutcracker’ ballet.”
Interestingly, this year’s chosen theme is called “Time-Honored Traditions” and was designed by Melania herself.
Accordingly, the Grand Foyer and Cross Halls have been “transformed into a winter wonderland with dozens of full-size trees and fake snow placed throughout the open space” in honor of Kennedy’s 1961 “Nutcracker Suite,” according to the Washington Examiner.
Yes, this year’s decorations are both beautiful and patriotic — though fair-minded observers would note that previous White House decorations have been the same — but the key differentiating factor is this year’s ode to tradition.
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“As with many families across the country, holiday traditions are very important to us,” Melania said in the White House statement.
“I hope when visiting the People’s House this year, visitors will get a sense of being home for the holidays. On behalf of my husband and Barron, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season.”
And we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas as well!
Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about this year’s “Christmas at the White House” decorations.
And, it is all very beautiful. Mrs. Trump really enjoyed making it happen.
It is indeed very beautiful. Our First Lady did a great job and it’s clear that she very much enjoyed doing it.
Would seeding an article within another seeded article be considered off topic?
They in this case are all related.
Happy Festivus everyone.
I just say, Niibaa' anami'egiizhigad, aabita biboon, Ya'll.
Confuses some people, but that's ok, I love the look on their faces.
Ok, slowly now . . . it's a Christmas card. Therefore, it says "Merry Christmas." He may yet do something to acknowledge other holidays.
For example, on Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah, he sent out messages (including video) to Jews.
But if you need a political leader to validate you on your religious holiday, that says more about you and your faith than it does about the politician.
Ok, slowly now . . . it's a Christmas card. Therefore, it says "Merry Christmas." He may yet do something to acknowledge other holidays.
But not Islam of course:
Donald Trump ends decades-long White House tradition of celebrating Ramadan with iftar dinner
President George W Bush hosted the dinner every year for his two terms, including just after the 9/11 attacks. He said at the dinner that the fight was against terrorism, not Islam.
I lived in Turkey during two 'Ramadans'. Not a lot of fun. Pissed off, unhappy, hungry people, all the restaurants put paper up over their windows so those fasting wouldn't walk by and have to see people eating (which is thoughtful).
If that's the case, the republicans will be nominating him for a Senate seat.
Nonsense is certainly a subject you seem to be trying own. No one "gives" people jobs in Hollywood, they earn them or not. Unlike politics, where republicans repeatedly elect unqualified nominees. Not even a good try.
Well said.
People really need to just take a chill pill. Just take the seasonal greetings in the spirit in which it was intended.
This year, my retort to those that use saying Merry Xmas as act of religious intimidation, will be go fuck yourself thumper.
Didn’t you say above that you are a Christian? How’s what you said here in anyway compatible with that? How can you judge the motive of one saying Merry Christmas? 🎁🎄 Do you even read the Book you accuse fellow Christians of thumping?
Yup. No quarter given to born again trash.
50 years ago. Has it changed again recently?
No quarter? Who says anyone will be asking for it? Are you really a Christian? Jesus said that one can not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven unless they are born again.
Trump Puts “Christ” Back in Christmas, Invokes “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”
Kim Smith
When President Donald Trump presided over the 95th annual lighting of the National Christmas Tree on Thursday, he reminded everyone that Jesus is reason for the season by an invocation at the ceremony that was openly, unapologetically Christian.
“For Christians this is a holy season, the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” Trump said, according to CNS, standing before a Colorado blue spruce tree that was covered by thousands of lights.
“The Christmas story begins 2,000 years ago with a mother, a father, their baby son, and the most extraordinary gift of all — the gift of God’s love for all of humanity,” he continued.
“Whatever our beliefs, we know that the birth of Jesus Christ and the story of this incredible life forever changed the course of human history.
“There’s hardly an aspect of our lives today that his life has not touched — art, music, culture, law and our respect for the sacred dignity of every person, everywhere in the world.”
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Talk about amazing. We haven’t heard a president talk about Jesus like that in years — and it’s refreshing to hear it now.
Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke must have known what was coming when he introduced Trump, according to The Associated Press, as “a man who loves our parks, loves our military, and loves our country. The man who brought ‘Merry Christmas’ back to our nation’s capital — and you did, sir.”
The lighting ceremony was followed by an hourlong celebration hosted by NBC’s “Today” show co-host Kathy Lee Gifford and actor Dean Cane.
The Beach Boys, singer Wynnona Judd and the U.S. Navy Band also performed at the event, ABC News reported.
Take a look a portion of the speech Trump gave at the lighting:
Trump also wished his Twitter followers Merry Christmas:
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Trump has made several efforts to follow through on his vow to bring “Merry Christmas” back, and to hear him speak of Jesus this way is an amazing follow-up to that promise.
It’s also a wonderful way to get the season off on to a joyous start.
Of course, liberals will will turn into grinches when they hear what the president said, but they are rarely happy anyway.
For those who are interested, the Hallmark Channel will be airing an episode of the lighting of the National Christmas Tree on Dec. 4.
I've thought about this. This site is supposed to be adults but very few of us act like it. I'll admit, that at times I haven't. But to get your panties in a wad because somebody said "Merry Christmas" vs "Happy Holidays" is a flat out childish.
If hearing "Merry Christmas" offends you, I recommend you just get over yourself. You were not physically or mentally injured. You just perceive you have. Deal with it..
On the flip side, if hearing "Happy Holidays" offends you, I recommend you just get over yourself. You were not physically or mentally injured. You just perceive you have. Deal with it..
Either way, it's a greeting or a wish of well being. Degrading the person who says it not only shows how thin skinned you really are but it also increases the possibility of you being treated like a child. Grow the fuck up people. The vast majority of us do not go out of our way to piss you children off by saying "Merry Christmas".