MBTI Myers-Briggs Personality Test - Part III: The "Secret" of each personality type
This is the third in a series of articles about the MBTI system of personality tyoes. If you missed the first two parts and are interested in them, click on these links (In addition to the actual articles, there is a lot of information in the comments)::
Part IV has just been posted: Part IV - Are You A Lot Like Celebrities Of Your Type?
Part V: Starts with the topic of MBTI types and money, but the discussion touches on several other topics as well.
Part III consists mainly of some informative videos about various types especially some really useful videos from the personalityhacker.com site. While some of these "secrets" are more secret than others, IMO these videos do give additional useful information about each type. (Plus a few other videos describing some types).You can take a look at the video for your type-- do you think it accurately describes you?
The videos for three of the types have already been embeded in Part II. They are at these locations: INTJ, INTP, & ISTP . The videos for the other 13 types are in the comments, below.
-If you wish to comment on any video, please hit "reply" and comment as a reply to the comment that has the video.
-Note: Part II has a listing of some members of NT and their types. (You can also look at it to find your type if you've forgotten what type you are).
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I am an ISFJ type, and having watched the video of that type I see much of my own personality and thinking described there.
ENFP description (from 16 personalities.com site):
The ENFP personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike Explorers, they are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others.
Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd. (Cont'd)
I am late to the party (per usual)...
I took both tests provided in the first article ... one labeled me as ENFP .. the other test as INTP (I did not see the second - I will have to look for it.)
Sooo, all that said ... I watch the ENFP video - that is me ... now I need to find the INTP video.
I will be back!
I have to do more research. I see myself in both personality types. I just went back and retested - the results remained the same.
In grade school and High School, my grades were good - but over and over again I was told that I did not apply myself .. that I could do so much better. I was told I had attention deficient in college .. attention deficient is a part in me that will never be fixed ..
and I am okay with it. Because it always keeps me exploring new things...
My youngest son is attention deficient (I refused to medicate) .. I worked with his grade school teachers, always met with them before school started, to give them a heads up. As well as to share what I have found that works to keep him focused (I am still doing it in High School through his counselor) --------------------------- I now at 51 understand what my teachers always told me, as my youngest is just like me .. grades came naturally .. what my teachers did not realize is I was miles away from them in my head, I did not know how to apply myself .. with my (not so) lil man I have done my best to teach him about applying himself. He plays three different Saxophones, is involved in speech and debate - as well as drama tech, proficient at running lighting as well as sound for school production (going to NYC on spring break with the drama department)- has a shadow job at the University in the drama tech department....
Thank you for taking your time to bring this information here... I have learned a great deal! My questioning everything to obtain others opinions/reactions turns out to be a good thing : )
Sooo, all that said ... I watch the ENFP video - that is me ... now I need to find the INTP video.
Sorry--I posted the links in the body of the article, above. (Maybe I should mbed those three videos as well in the comments here:
Part III consists mainly of some informative videos about various types especially some really useful videos from the personalityhacker.com site. While some of these "secrets" are more secret than others, IMO these videos do give additional useful information about each type. (Plus a few other videos describing some types).You can take a look at the video for your type-- do you think it accurately describes you?
The videos for three of the types have already been embeded in Part II. They are at these locations: INTJ, INTP, & ISTP . The videos for the other 13 types are in the comments, below.
-If you wish to comment on any video, please hit "reply" and comment as a reply to the comment that has the video.
-Note: Part II has a listing of some members of NT and their types. (You can also look at it to find your type if you've forgotten what type you are).
Thank you ... I found the embeds in Part lll ... my first time throw it did not register that they were there.
One of the main differences is that one is predominantly an F type ("feeling", i.e. emotions) while the other is predominantly a "T" type (thinking, very mental).
In addition, one is an E type (extroversion) who loves being with people. The other is an I type (introversion) who actually prefers being alone much of the time.
A lot of the information re: ENFP vs INTP is about realtionships-- which pairings are best. For example, while this came from an article about compatibility, there is a lot of information comparing the two types. Here's a brief excerpt, there's lots more in the article:
The ENFP is caring, creative, quick and impulsive, energised by the possibilities life can bring. They love devising new ways of doing things, and bring a totally unique and fresh perspective to people and situations. People-centred, fresh and spontaneous, they will embrace things with energy and enthusiasm but may not follow through or get into detail as their focus is on ‘what’s next?’
The INTP is deep, private, difficult to know and extremely independent. They focus on things that interest them most putting off completing tasks until the last minute as the routine bores them. INTPs love logic and an indicator of being an INTP is obsession with logical correctness. An INTP will struggle with emotion, great at reading situations but less good at reading people.
(Read it all)
You're welcome
When I did part II I embedded 3 of the "secrets of the types" videos there. But then I decided to do a part III, and put the "secrets" videos here-- except for the three I jhad embedded in the previous part.
So to avoid possible future confusion, I will now embed the three videos from the previous article in this one:
That is me .. I have a public me, and a private me - very few people know there are 2 sides to me ...
When my grandmother past away at the funeral in late July I stood on the edge .. people came to me, the reception was the same ... I chose to sit in a corner against the wall away from everyone, once again people came to me to talk (had quite a group sitting in the corner with me lol) - my sons were a bit shocked, guess they did not know the public me (?) - it has been ten years since my stroke .. which I believe strengthened the INTP personality within me...
Posting was a life saver for me after my stroke (verbal communication made NO sense to me) .. it gave me the interaction that I needed/wanted while I was regrouping and relearning... thank you for helping with my research and providing the additional information above....
I think many people like ENFPs-- I know I do. They are really fun people, and interesting as well. I find them fun to be with-- if people are sitting around with low energy, when an ENFP enters the room everyone "lights up"!
You're welcome
Some people look at the MBTI system as merely amusing-- But I think it can be useful to learn more about onesself as well as learning more about other people.
I am an ENTP-- and I can really relate to what they say about ENTP's in this video.
Here are two videos of the ISTP type:
Another video about ISTP:
I see a lot of me in those 2 videos
I see a lot of me in those 2 videos
When I first came across the MBTI system I was skeptical. But over time I've come to see that it can be useful. Its helped me understand myself a little better, as well as helping to understand other people.
My main criticism of it are the type tests-- its not uncommon for someone to take a MBTI type test on two different occasions-- and come up with different results!
Being ENFJ.....I see myself in a lot of their assessment. What really stood out is putting others ahead of myself. Really interesting!
I'm still not an "expert"on the MBTI & am still learning it.. As I may have mentioned, I was skeptical at first. But I have found it has been useful-- it gave me some insights into myself that I had not known previously.
I was lucky in that I met a MBTI discussion group that meets once/month. Some are new but some know the system very well. So have had the opportunity to ask people a lot of questions. (At the meeting we wear nametags with our name and MBTI type--- so we can experience what people of each type are like).
I will be posting more links to descriptions of the types soon.
Keep them coming, very interesting and helpful. Also discussion on this topic has been civil and polite
I also noticed that recently. So far three articles on the same topic, with a lot of comments.
Sometimes I've seeded articles that I thought were non-controversial-- but interesting. For two reasons:
1. Well-- because I thought they were interesting..
2. But also in an attempt to lure people away from the usual articles and seeds here (politics and the childish personal attacks that come with that).
Most of these non-controversial ones have gotten little or no attention. maybe a few actually did get some interest-- most haven't. Sometimes its hard to know what people will interesting enough to actually...respond to.
Here's one of my favourites-- I think people responded because it was something they could relate to (Not only comments, but a lot of people also posted some really interesting content in their comments):
Old Tyme Arcade Games!
P.S: As shouild be obvious by now, I am not totally opposed to "derails"-- at least if they are interesting!