
MBTI Myers-Briggs Personality Test Part IV: Are you a lot like celebrities of your type?


Category:  Mental Health and Wellness

By:  krishna  •  8 years ago  •  53 comments

MBTI Myers-Briggs Personality Test Part IV: Are you a lot like celebrities of your type?

If you missed the previous three scintillating NT article on the MBTI they are here:

PART I:    What Personality Type Are You? The MBTI ("Myers Briggs Type Indicator")  

PART II:    NT Users' Results Revealed! (& Some Other Fascinating Stuff)

PART III:   The "Secret" Of Each Personality Type

Part V: Starts with the topic of MBTI types and money, but the discussion touches on several other topics as well.

  *                *               *

Many people erroneously assume that some types are "better" or "worse" than others. But that is not the case. In fact there are some wonderful people-- as well as some really nasty ones--amongst various MBTI types.

The difference between, say, law-breakers of each type pertains to the "style" in which they break the law. Similarly, those wonderful people of various types who have contributed a lot to others differ in the style in which they do what they do. 

Also, there are people with very differing political views in each type. Again, even amongst people with the same political views, there is a difference in  how they express their views-- depending on their MBTI type. 

There is a lot about this on the Internet-- some reliable, some just trolling by people who want to bash MBTI types they don't like. 

This one picks celebrities of each type that exhibit many traits typical of their type (stay tuned, there's a lot more to come):512


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  author  Krishna    8 years ago

I am actually pretty un informed when it comes to celebrities. I can identify all of those pictured above except for the ESTJ and the ESFP. (I'm sure they are very famous and I should recognized them-- but I don't!)  blushing

Professor Expert
2  author  Krishna    8 years ago

I will be posting a lot more famous people and their types-- as well as explanations as to why they exhibit the characteristics of their type-- stay tuned!

P.S: While many agree with the way certain celebrities are typed, occasionally people disagree as to which type someone actually is.

charger 383
Professor Silent
2.1  charger 383  replied to  Krishna @2    8 years ago

more famous people and their types will be interesting

Professor Expert
2.1.1  author  Krishna  replied to  charger 383 @2.1    8 years ago
more famous people and their types will be interesting Most of the best MBTI websites have a test, and then a description of each type. Many of them have examples of famous people of each type as well.  Before looking at the  types of famous people, its important to realize that no type is better or worse than any other. Many of the people listed are famous-- in a positive way. But there are usually a few people who are "bad" (or even terrible) people. The thing to realize is that its not about which type is bad or good, but rather that their MBTI type indicates the "style" in which they think and "style" in which they do things-- regardless of whether those things are good or bad. (So if you see a terrorist or a criminal or a horrible dictator listed for your type, realize that there are many really wonderful people listed for your type as well).  Cont'd in next comment or two...
Professor Expert
2.1.2  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.1.1    8 years ago

There's a lot about this on the Internet. So I will list what I think are the best sites for examples of famous people in each type.

For starters, the site "16 personalities.com" is one of the best sites overall. They also list only  a few famous people for each type,  so its a good place to start. 

For example, their page for the ISTP type is Here -- celebrity ISTPs are listed at the bottom of the page. (After the first, 4 click on the > to see more)

Professor Expert
2.1.3  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.1.2    8 years ago
For starters, the site "16 personalities.com" is one of the best sites overall. They also list only  a few famous people for each type,  so its a good place to start.

16 personalities.com only list the names of the people . But IDRlabs.com lists people in each type and then has some brief descriptions about them as well (especially those characteristics that they have that are typical of their type).

They are in two categories: Famous people of the type and then people of that type "in popular culture".

For example, their page with famous ISTPs is HERE.

Professor Expert
2.1.4  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.1.3    8 years ago
For example, their page with famous ISTPs is HERE. Wow-- here's a surprise. The Dalai Lama XIV, an important spiritual leader, is an ISTP type. But the real surprise are some quotes from him-- something I really didn't know (but so typical of ISTPs!): Dalai Lama: "As a child I liked to disassemble things; radios, clocks, and the like. I took them apart to see how they worked." And: Dalai Lama: "By learning from science ... I believe that Buddhism enriches its own worldview."
Raven Wing
Professor Participates
2.1.5  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @2.1.4    8 years ago

My young Son was very much like that. The first thing he did after playing for a while with new toys was to take it apart to see how it worked and then put it back together again. He had a very mechanical mind. So I made a point of getting him toys that he could take apart and would help him learn more about what interested him.  

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3  Raven Wing     8 years ago

Sounds very interesting, Krishna. I'm an ISFJ, but, not sure I am truly a Mother Teresa type. (smile)

Professor Expert
3.1  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @3    8 years ago
Sounds very interesting, Krishna. I'm an ISFJ, but, not sure I am truly a Mother Teresa type. (smile

Maybe not a Mother Teresa...but still ....

Professor Expert
3.1.1  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @3.1    8 years ago

More about ISFJ's:

ISFJs at a Glance

  • Quiet, cordial, and conscientious.
  • Nurturing, patient, and considerate.
  • Humble and understated cooperators, who prefer to let the facts speak for themselves.
  • Intent on kindness and cooperation, showing respect for other people's feelings and views.
  • Draw on an inner world of rich nonverbal impressions, frequently "just knowing" that something is right.
Professor Expert
3.1.2  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @3.1.1    8 years ago

ISFJs as They Typically Are

ISFJs are warm and reassuring individuals who facilitate cooperation between people and appeal to what is best in others. While their outer lives are usually focused on kindness, considerate action, and the welfare of others, the inner life of an ISFJ tends to revolve around a private repository of deeply-internalized personal experience and rich nonverbal impressions. It is through this combination of inner and outer processes that the ISFJ develops their unique and commendable strengths of civility, conscientiousness, and a practical respect for the facts.

ISFJs tend to place an emphasis on kindness in their everyday lives. They tend to be . . . (cont'd HERE )

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.3  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @3.1.2    8 years ago

Thank you very much for the additional information. A very interesting POV, a good deal of which I never really thought about. While I have lead many different lives during my lifetime, I do have a fairly large amount of various experiences that many might find hard to believe. It may seem that I am many different people to some, to me, I am still just me. (smile)

Professor Expert
3.1.4  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.3    8 years ago
A very interesting POV, a good deal of which I never really thought about.

I have studied a lot of psychology-- plus some other modalities about personality types. I was also in psychotherapy for a while. So I did have some self-knowledge.

So when I first discovered the MBTI I was skeptical about it telling me something useful. But I was surprised-- I did discover a few things about myself with the MBTI-- plus some interesting explanations about why I did some of the things I do. Interesting stuff! 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.5  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @3.1.4    8 years ago

One of the things that interested me the most was how others may perceive me, or the kind of person others my see in me. While I do get along with most people, some people seem to have the impression that I am reserved. I guess to some that is possible, as I sometimes am with people I feel uncomfortable with. Not fear, just a feeling of wanting to keep them at arms length. I am a very Spiritual person, and being that I follow much of teachings and the religion of my Cherokee ancestors, and I am sometimes sensitive to other's aura and vibes if you will. It is indeed hard to put into words.  

Professor Expert
3.1.6  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.5    8 years ago
I am sometimes sensitive to other's aura and vibes if you will. It is indeed hard to put into words.

I think that may be what the linked article was referring to in comment # 3.1.1  (?):

  • Draw on an inner world of rich nonverbal impressions, frequently "just knowing" that something is right.
Professor Expert
3.1.7  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.5    8 years ago
. I am a very Spiritual person, and being that I follow much of teachings and the religion of my Cherokee ancestors, and I am sometimes sensitive to other's aura and vibes if you will.

I don't know a lot about Indian culture, but I think what you said is because I believe Indians are much more in touch with nature-- and the planet. They realize that they are part of it I believe ..(?)

When the Europeans came, they came from a culture that was more "scientific"-- very analytical. So much of their energy was in their heads that they were not so much in touch with the earth and natural forces.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.8  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @3.1.6    8 years ago

Perhaps that is true. All I know is that, for me, the calmest aura of a person is blue. They are sensitive, sincere, caring and outgoing people. Yellow is for those who are insincere, untrustworthy, gossipers, liars, users and abusers. Red is for those who are truly despicable in every sense. Black is for those who have lost themselves and feel endless despair, a lost soul so to speak. The aura of a person says more about them than any words can describe. It is sort of an outward reflection of who they truly are. While they think they are being successfully deceptive in their words and actions, their aura speaks volumes of what kind of person they truly are. In that, they cannot hide their true self. 

However, that is just speaking for myself  I was not always that sensitive to the world around me until I became one with Mother Earth, Father Sky and the true value of all living things they support. Others may see things differently, we each have our own level of sensitivity in how we see others. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.9  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @3.1.7    8 years ago

Yes, the Europeans who first came to America were of a much different culture and mindset than the Native Americans they encountered. They did not understand how a people who depended so much on what the earth and nature provided could hold it in such esteem, as a living entity. To them, land was for using and controlling its use, not for being revered. They held a structured religion and did not understand the Spiritual nature of the Natives, thus, they say them as heathens and Godless people whose time on earth had past.  

Professor Expert
3.1.10  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.5    8 years ago
I am sometimes sensitive to other's aura and vibes if you will. It is indeed hard to put into words. Do you see auras?  (Actually I am familiar with that concept. I don't usually see them , but I've taken a course about that & other similar things. On rare occasions I can do it, but I don't usually...its not my "default" :^)
Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.11  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @3.1.10    8 years ago

I don't always see them as I am not really looking, but, if I really want to know what kind of person someone is, pay much more attention to them and I can see their aura. Some people have a fairly strong aura, others not so much if you are not really concentrating on them. 

Professor Expert
3.1.12  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.11    8 years ago

Most people cannot see auras. But I have known some who do.

In fact there is someone here on NT who sees them very strongly, & most of the time. IIRC when they were very young sometimes when they saw them they were scared because they didn't know what they were.

I will ask them if its OK to mention who they are, and if so I will invite them to participate in this discussion.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.13  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @3.1.12    8 years ago

I generally like to respect other's privacy, so if they would rather not that is fine with me. I am sure there are those here on NT that think I am a nut case, and that is fine, as they likely do not understand the things that I have discussed in this article. And I can understand how they may feel. It is not something that can easily be related to if they have not had similar experiences. However, it is interesting to see how the different types relate to the individuals, and I have always had an interest in the human nature, and the various abilities of individuals.   

Capt. Cave Man
Freshman Silent
4  Capt. Cave Man    8 years ago

Ok, is there a link that I can go to to find out my type?

Professor Expert
4.1  author  Krishna  replied to  Capt. Cave Man @4    8 years ago
Ok, is there a link that I can go to to find out my type?

There are several tests you can take. I like the MBTI system, but unfortunately most of the tests aren't always that accurate.

I like this MBTI test of personality type - it doesn't have the fancy graphics like some of the others do, but IMO its one of the best ones.

Unlike some of the other tests  which say you are one type, this one lists percentages of a few types that are you.

In the test results, I would consider yourself to be the type with the highest percentage,. Then read the description of that type. If it seems accurate, then that's your type.

If it doesn't seem accurate, you may be the type with the second highest percentage-- especially if the percentages for the top two types are close to each other.

Professor Expert
4.1.1  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @4.1    8 years ago
Then read the description of that type.

Here is one of the most popular sites and IMO one of the best. After you take the test & discover which type you are, , click on the picture, and read the description of your type:    16 Personalities - Personality Types

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @4.1    8 years ago

I just took that test and it has ISFJ 54%, so I guess I am still more that kind of personality than the others. Interesting test though.

Professor Expert
4.1.3  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.2    8 years ago
Interesting test though.

I could be wrong, but I think most of the tests are created by people who are primarily familiar with the MBTI-- and who learned a little programming. But the person who created that test seems to me to be a software engineer-- who is also familiar with the MBTI. Just the style of the test...how its constructed, make me think that.

Professor Expert
4.1.4  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.2    8 years ago
I just took that test and it has ISFJ 54%, so I guess I am still more that kind of personality than the others. Interesting test though.

Just curious-- if you are willing to say. what was your second highest type? (I am not an expert in the MBTI, but it may be that you have an N rather than an S in the second spot? _ N _ _.)

S is Sensing, N is intuition-- Sometimes they seem to produce similar results. (I am not as familiar with S -- it is the weakest mode in my type).

There is a whole deeper level to this system, but I haven't mentioned it here (the functions). Its a bit more complicated (I don't know it too well yet).

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.5  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @4.1.4    8 years ago

Here is the list of the rest of them in order of percentage:

Professor Expert
4.1.6  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.5    8 years ago
Here is the list of the rest of them in order of percentage:

I had thought you might be somewhat of an  N type ("intuitive") based on some of the phenomena you experience. But based of the other types you had in that test, it seems that may just be due your S (sensing) & not N. 

I think some of the unusual things S (sensing) types experience can often seem like they're due to high N (intuition), but they are actually due to S.

Professor Expert
4.1.7  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.5    8 years ago
Here is the list of the rest of them in order of percentage: ESFJ...ISTJ...ISFP...ENFJ Well since you're mainly an ISFJ and the next highest on that test was was an ESFJ, I would summarize that by saying that you're an _SFJ.(The first of the four letters must be either E or I. So when its not known whether a person is an ESFJ or an ISFJ, {or if they are both to some a degree| then they would be described as an "__SFJ". Some people would call that an XSFJ, X for "unknown" or it could be it could be someone who is E sometimes and I other times). You can look up descriptions of the ESFJ and see if that seems to describe you. (cont'd in next comment)
Professor Expert
4.1.8  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @4.1.7    8 years ago
I have something similar. I'm pretty sure about my last 3 letters, but the first one can be E sometimes and I sometimes. I think I'm mostly an ENTP, but sometimes an INTP. (Very high in Intuition (I) and Thinking (T), lower in Feeling (F) and  lowest in Sensing (S). ENTP and INFP are somewhat similar types, but one is extroverted ("E"), the other introverted ("I"). So I could be described with a "blank" for the first letter or an "X": __NTP or else  XNTP) P.S: IIRC, supposedly one of the types most likely to see auras and pick up peoples' vibes in that way is INFJ. (Although I suppose they don't do it via S since they're not high in S. Rather, its their N. People sometimes describe INFJs as very intuitive or even"psychic").
Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.9  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @4.1.6    8 years ago

It is strange, even to me. Even as a child, I would meet people for the first time in my life, yet, I knew what they would say before they ever spoke a word to me. I can go to place and know before I enter that I know everything in the house, the color of the walls, the type of bedspread on the bed, the color of the dress of the bed doll on it, and even where the bathroom is. And yet, I had never been there before in my life.

It was most notable when I moved to No Virginia in 2004, I had never been on the East coast in my life, yet, I stood on the corner of the street on Main street in the Town of Warrenton, and I knew what the inside of every shop on the block looked like inside, where everything was placed and its color.

It used to make me think I was reliving a part of my previous life, but, later in life I just chalked it up to being some kind of gift I had. I don't feel it as much now that I am older, but, every now and then it will still happen. In a way I'm glad, it really made me feel funny about what was happening. 

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.10  lennylynx  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.9    8 years ago

Hmm, I might have a gift too, Raven, every time a right winger is about to say something, I always know it will be something stupid, and I'm always right! Happy

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.11  Raven Wing   replied to  lennylynx @4.1.10    8 years ago

LOL!  Could be. I think that would be Intuitive. (grin)

Professor Expert
4.1.12  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.9    8 years ago
It is strange, even to me. Even as a child, I would meet people for the first time in my life, yet, I knew what they would say before they ever spoke a word to me

I believe that knowing what will happen before it actually happens is called "precognition".

The type of "knowing" you have is often called "psychic"-- but technically "psychic" is actually just really intuition-- just very highly developed intuition.

When I heard of those sorts of abilities, I always thought of it as "N", intuition. But I'm coming to realize that apparently its sometimes due to a strong S,  like you have (sensing). 

Professor Expert
4.1.13  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @4.1.12    8 years ago
BTW, if you're familiar with the concept of Chakras, someone told me that psychics (N types, intuitive) read people via their third eye Chakra or in some cases via their heart Chakra. But (S types, Sensing)  types do it through I believe the Sacral Chakra (the second chakra). 
Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.14  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @4.1.12    8 years ago

Could be as you say...precognition. I've never really thought that much about it as it just seemed something that is natural for me. However, perhaps being that I am in tune with Mother Earth and Father Sky, and all the things that they support, and the Spiritual connection I have with them, my mind is free of things that tend to interfere with being able to feel a oneness with them. I really don't know. (smile)

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.15  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @4.1.13    8 years ago

No, I am not that familiar with Chakra. I have heard of it, but, have never really delved into it. Sounds interesting though.  

Professor Expert
4.1.16  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.15    8 years ago
No, I am not that familiar with Chakra. I have heard of it, but, have never really delved into it. Sounds interesting though. Chakras and Auras are related. I googled, and came up with this article about Auras-- I just looked at it briefly but looks interesting-- what do you think about what it says? The Meaning of Aura Colors There's Lots more about auras on that site ("chakra-anatomy.com"). And here's some of what they say about chakras: Chakra AnatomyChakra-anatomy.com is a comprehensive guide to the subtle body, the chakras and the aura. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned student, healer, or spiritual seeker, you will find much information on this website. With hundreds of free articles, tutorials, resources and content features, even brand new students can become experts using this website alone. Learn the basics or delve deeper into topics of healing, self discovery and transformation.
Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.17  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @4.1.16    8 years ago

Thank you for the information. I will take a look at it and digest it. I will get back to you on this after I have gone through it.

As for the Aura link, some of the colors are similar to the feels that I get from the auras that I see. I go by the brightest color that I see, even if there are other colors as well. What I sense or feel when I see the auras, even if they might vary from what others may see. I think that it depends on ones own vision and how their mind sees the colors. I knew that different people can have different vibes from the same person, so perhaps that is similar to how one sees auras. Not sure.  

Professor Expert
4.1.18  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @4.1.16    8 years ago
I am having problems with formatting tonight. So I'll try this again and add the links: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No, I am not that familiar with Chakra. I have heard of it, but, have never really delved into it. Sounds interesting though. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chakras and Auras are related. I googled, and came up with the following article about Auras-- I just looked at it briefly but looks interesting-- what do you think about what it says? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Meaning of Aura Colors There's Lots more about auras on that site ("chakra-anatomy.com"). ____________________________________________________________________________ And here's some of what they say about chakras: Chakra Anatomy  ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Chakra-anatomy.com is a comprehensive guide to the subtle body, the chakras and the aura. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned student, healer, or spiritual seeker, you will find much information on this website. With hundreds of free articles, tutorials, resources and content features, even brand new students can become experts using this website alone. Learn the basics or delve deeper into topics of healing, self discovery and transformation. (LINK) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My guess is that you will find the information about chakras very interesting (& probably also the information about auras might contain some information that is new to you).
Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.19  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @4.1.18    8 years ago

Thank you again for the information. I am indeed interested on learning more about the Chakra. (smile)

Professor Expert
4.1.20  author  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.19    8 years ago
Big problems with formatting tonight. I couldn't put in links in two prior comments. (Mercury is retrograde). So here are two links I tried to put into previous comments: 1. The Meaning of Aura Colours:    (Sometimes different people feel different things about any given colour). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Chakra Anatomy: 
Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.21  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @4.1.20    8 years ago

Thank you. I'll copy them to make sure I don't lose them. 

Professor Expert
4.1.22  author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @4.1.20    7 years ago
(Mercury is retrograde).

And-- its just about to start again:

Well, its about that time again-- Mercury will be going Rx (Retrograde) on March 22nd, 2018, goes Direct on April 15th this year.

Mercury is associated with transportation and communication. So during this time there is a higher probability of problems with  . . .  .

(The seeded article continues here):   Important upcoming astrology influence (Effects mainly communication, internet, & transportation)

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5  It Is ME    8 years ago

Took the tests again for the hell of it.

Hint.....I do still Love Judge Judy types, and I STILL act the same way. Party

Professor Expert
5.1  author  Krishna  replied to  It Is ME @5    8 years ago

OMG-- I can't believe I didn't know who she was (In the ESTJ picture, above)!

In fact I have actually seen her on TV a few times...

Professor Expert
5.2  author  Krishna  replied to  It Is ME @5    8 years ago
I do still Love Judge Judy types, and I STILL act the same way.

Well... then how do you feel about Judge Jeanine Pirro types? 


It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.2.1  It Is ME  replied to  Krishna @5.2    8 years ago
Well... then how do you feel about Judge Jeanine Pirro types?

laughing dude

She doesn't have the Judge Judy "IT" factor.

Professor Expert
5.2.2  author  Krishna  replied to  It Is ME @5.2.1    8 years ago
Its hard to tell, but I think Judge Jeanine is also an ESTJ  . . .  or an ENTJ? Here's another description of ESTJ: I like for things to be organized, and when they are not, I'm great at getting them organized. I am very strong on work ethic and expect that from others. I cannot just sit around and do nothing for very long, especially if I have a lot to do and I don't have a plan. I am extremely organized when I work and I can work on four or five things through the course of the day. I think about what I have to do on the way to work or the way home or the night before. It's very gratifying to work extremely hard and sacrifice in order to take care of people, and I like when people appreciate that I have given of myself for them. I feel a lot of responsibility for what goes on when I have put time and effort into something and want to see that continue. (scroll down on that page to this part): Things have to make sense to me. They have to be reasonable, logical, and simple and when they are not, that's frustrating. I think a lot of my life is tied up in responsibility and structure and organization. (cont'd: )  
It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.2.3  It Is ME  replied to  Krishna @5.2.2    8 years ago
I am very strong on work ethic and expect that from others.

Nothing more annoying than getting something done for someone who says they need it right away, only to have them make excuses for not coming by on a day THEY CHOSE to pick it up. Sometimes weeks later. Must be their way of putting off paying me I suppose.

The next project they want me to do has a bump in price after things like that. thumbs up

It also bugs me immensely when an employee complains that they may have to work a few more hours in a day so we can get the project done and get the money owed to us faster, so I can pay them faster with extra, extra in their check too. close call


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