Sarah Palin's son Track arrested on burglary, assault charge in Alaskan town where his mom was mayor
Track Palin, the Army veteran son of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, was busted on burglary and assault charges Saturday, court records show.
The 28-year-old was arraigned Sunday morning after his arrest in Wasilla, where his mother served as mayor before running alongside Sen. John McCain during the 2008 presidential election.
Palin also faces a misdemeanor criminal mischief charge for causing nearly $1,000 in property damage following an unspecified domestic violence incident, according to records.
Wasilla police did not immediately respond to a request for more information and the victim in Palin’s latest arrest was not identified.
Palin — the oldest of the former governor’s five children — remains in custody at the Mat-Su Pre-Trial Facility in Palmer.
Palin was arrested after a domestic violence dispute with his ex-girlfriend, Jordan Loewe, in January 2016. He drunkenly punched and kicked her before threatening to take his own life, according to a police report.
A police officer found Loewe hiding under the bed after she called 911, documents show.
Charges of assault and interfering with a police report were dismissed but Palin pleaded guilty to brandishing a weapon.
Palin’s firebrand mom said the arrest stemmed from post-traumatic stress disorder due to his military service.
Sarah Palin flips out on ‘Today’ after questions about comments on son’s PTSD; says she's free of the GOP's 'shackles'
This is a new one, he was arrested yesterday. Bad Track record there.
Those are some nice kids, those Palin kids
I hate when I'm dumb...but what is YNW?
I am assuming that it means "you know what"
Happened yesterday, 12/17/2017
Down below I have a link from the NY Post that discusses what happened this past weekend. But since I'm feeling generous here it is since you don't have to go hunting for it.
What the hell are you talking about?
The American rightwing's ideal of the model family.
Didn't he have a child out of wedlock?
Given the choice the kid would probably prefer that to being sucked to death by a vacuum hose. Hopefully Grandma will be able to supply moral guidance and financial support to him.
but is he taking care of it? That's the important thing. Gramma shouldn't have to take care of his messes.
What is this personal responsibility thingy yinz keep chanting again?
It sounds like he has mental illness problems and that's when it is necessary for other family members to step up to the plate and help him carry the weight.
Are you excusing his bad behavior?
What a stupid reply. I haven't seen anyone here excusing his actions. Does he have some kind of mental illness that accounts for his actions is a question.
Your hatred is dribbling out the corners of your mouth.
do we have a dribble emoji?
Why can't I hate the Palins and everything they stand for?
To me it sounds like he's a criminal that hopefully the justice system will deal with by sentencing him to a stint in jail.
Sounds more like Track is a product of his familial environment.
not the dumbest comment today....but the day just started
Nah, just the ones who aren't Clinton voting sonsabitches but especially Palins family. They have a much higher gear of hate for her and hers.
Ask Capt Cave Man. He stated that he hated 2 people that we all posted with on News Vine. Those guys are a lot closer in real life than the Palins are to the rest of us, wouldn't you say?
very unhealthy. should be getting checked for something....rabies maybe.
She made it easy.
A Palin family values tradition.
Why I detest Palin.....when she spoke about people from small towns being "real americans" and dismissing the rest of us that live in bigger cities implying we are not real americans. Her holier than thou attitude and "family values" she claims her family has, yet her family is clearly dysfunctional. Her word salad speeches, her incorrect use of history.......should I go on.
I said I hated them, and that was it, I didn't go off into an imaginary sexcapade with them like some are doing here. I hated them, and I moved on, simple as that. At least I admit it, sheesh. And no, I didn't routinely converse with either of them, they both stayed in their echo chambers from which I was blocked from since day 1 of the nations scam.
Yep few hold hate in their hearts as well as some on the left, from the party of "inclusion." No need to look any further than this thread and NT today for proof of that.
You asked a question, I gave you my reasons for why I detest this family. They should just go away, their 15 minutes are up.
Maybe they should stop doing stupid things that make the news and make them look more trashy and dysfunctional.
Ok....I get the word hypocrisy thrown at me every other day, but as long as Capt Cave Man admits his hatred for people that many of us conversed with, it's ok.
I guess only Capt Cave Man can get away with it. You aren't going to concern yourself with him, only us lefties. Got it.
They have gone away, folks like you and the media keep bringing them back.
How many people today did what Track did or worse? Are you bagging on all of them?
You're still getting a pass from your buddies. It's ok for you to hate real people that almost any of us could have actually met. People you may have passed on the street for all you know. But it's ok for you to hate them.
We can't hate people. Got it.
really?...drama much?
She was using her own experience to talk about abstinence. She was not preaching about it.
Good grief, ya all hate on a child.
You just described Hillary Clinton. Thanks!
She stopped being a child the day she willingly opened her legs without being smart about it.
And then she compounded the injury when she started trying to tell girls like my daughter what she should do with her body. Thank god, K didn't listen to her. She's soon to be 25, and is married with a career ahead of her and no plans to have children anytime soon.
She only had to listen to her mother. She didn't need no little Wasilla twat to give her advice
Trump was right about that "nasty woman". A lot of nasty women followed her too.
Yeah I don't think so.....Clinton Family...attorneys, president, secretary of state, Chelsea married, no kids out of wedlock, no getting arrested....see the difference.
You can hate on the Clintons all you want but at least they made something of themselves and are not trailer trash and hypocritical about being a "family values" family.
"why I never had an affair with that woman Gennifer Flowers and lie to Congress about Monica...why I never did that either. You American people are so funny."
Billy Boy Clinton
Hey Trout, I don't know about these "buddies" you speak of, I guess they are fellow right wingers, but hell, who cares, right? I think the difference here is, I'm hating on people that I had direct interaction with, you guys are hating on a person that you have never even had a discussion with.
Be that as it may. As far as I'm concerned, hate whoever you want, just don't do anything illegal.
"Family values" are you forgetting good ole Pops? He is really into family values!!!
Your buddies are the ones who slap you on the back when you make what they think is a pithy comment.
Well, I'm glad we straightened that out, because I got a few people here that I hate.
The "nation scam" hallelujah!
Let's keep going in circles, stop deflecting. Yes, the Clintons are not without transgression, never implied they were but the subject is the Palin family yet you keep deflecting with the Kennedys and now the Clintons.
You have been harping on "trailer trash". Madam, you can be trailer trash living in a mansion. A lot of people who live in trailers aren't trash, Economics is all it is, I guarantee you they would rather be living in a mansion than a trailer and their kids going to a proper school.
My cousin lived in a 20' x 80' for years, his family is nice as can be!
I feel ya!
Well, if the silly left wing loser crybabies hadn't brought up this completely irrelevant and non news trash article, we wouldn't be reminding y'all of the sins and corruption of the Kennedy's and the Clinton's. It sure ain't any kind of deflection, it's just reminding the liberals of their sordid history and track record.
Trailer trash goes along with red neck. Red neck trailer trash! A Southern thing.
I am a diehard Southerner and I love red neck trailer trash! I tell you what you can pass a plenty of time with them and go through happiness ten times!
watch where you're putting your hands
He'll be released as soon as Sarah is done blowing everyone in the facility.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
It's no different than some of the shit said about other female politicians
Uh . . . what?
in reference to the idiot comment about oral sex above.
Why do you post such junk?
Prove it isn't true. Isn't that how it works on articles from the other side?
Not quite as special as that thumped up teabag Sarah Palin.
I have no idea what Ms. Palin does and neither do you, so, why post that junk?
You do this most of the time. I don't see others doing this, except, for one other. And, when I do I call it out.
Her family demonstrates the distance between her followers perception and the reality of her teavangelical family values.
that's a corker
You shovel your shit and I'll shovel mine.
because it's fun?
no weirder than you talking about Hillary, The Obamas, or Elizabeth Warren
My mistake. I guess I was imagining the glee inherent in your comments when discussing those folks
feeling left out?
Not really. Thumper chicks at the local country bar go horizontal in the parking lot after 2 beers.
what a bunch of light weights
don't catch anything
No worries. I don't attend church services.
you little devil, you
we know
Track was deployed to Iraq for a year and suffers from PTSD. This kind of incident is really common for such people.
How do you know he does? Are you his doctor?
It has been previously reported that he has PTSD. They had a similar incident in January 2016.
Even if he didn't, as a combat veteran he is at much greater risk for domestic violence simply because he has been trained to respond to problems with violence.
Thank you for speaking common sense.
I remember that.
Okay who are you and what did you do with the real Tacos? Just kidding. Your statement was spot on.
Veterans and active military, with and without PTSD, have incidents of DV at a rate two or three times what the general population experience.
Do you have a link?
I don't suppose that he was pre-disposed to violence before he went to Iraq?
He was if you were the brakelines of a parked school bus.
That's right!!!
He did that before he joined the army!
let me help you dig that hole
Slow down, Rex and Trout! You might interfere with the foundation of my apartment building.
Oh sure. I once wrote a rather lengthy article on this. I won't burden you with reading that, but this study - Michelle D. Sherman, et al, Domestic Violence in Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Who Seek Couples Therapy, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, October 2006, Vol. 32, No. 4, 479-490 - revealed that 81% of vets in the study with PTSD had committed a violent act in the previous year - a rate 6 times that of the general population. They also commit violent acts in general (i.e., not just Domestic Violence) at a rate 14 times that of the general population.
It's a serious mental health crisis that we are only beginning to address.
I haven't seen evidence of that, no.
I meant a link that proves Track has PTSD
He was a bad apple prior to joining the military, he had the choice jail or join the military, what he did prior can not be blamed on PTSD. Since he was in the military PTSD has become a convenient excuse by Failin Palin for his bad behavior.
No such animal, you'll be awaiting forever.
I suspected as much
Well, there's this: Sarah Palin cites son's PTSD at Trump rally
Take that for what you will, but I haven't seen anyone with knowledge dispute it. Sorry, but I can't link you to his medical records.
Palin will cite anything to excuse her children's bad behavior. What was her excuse when Track got in trouble which led to him joining the military to avoid going to jail?
And we all know Mrs Palin knows what she's talking about and never lies
Sorry...I'm not buying that Track has PTSD. He's just a spoiled brat who needs some sense knocked into him
Go read Trump Tweets, that should pick you up.
link? That kind of thing is pretty rare these days (especially when your mom is the governor). He was in the Army and they have a reg - naturally - about that kind of thing.
And, since when have mothers needed permission to support their children and run interference?
I know that you grieve for your son and for that, I am truly sorry.
So, my question to you is gently said and hope you can respond to it in like.
That's your choice, but is it based on politics or specific knowledge? I don't automatically believe everyone who claims PTSD, but like allegations of sexual harassment in the news lately, I do take them all seriously. Ignoring or off-handedly dismissing claims of PTSD will lead to even worse problems. The claims need to be addressed, not mocked.
I like most mothers would do anything for my son, but I and my husband instilled in our son that if he screwed up he had to take personal responsibility for his actions and not put the blame on anyone else.
My son was a wise ass in many respects, I once told never ever raise your hand to me or any other woman....and what did my wise ass son do....he raised his hand like he was raising his hand in a school class room.
Last time he was home prior to his death.....I had to break down and get glasses (getting old sucks)......he comes home and I said to him do I look different with my new glasses...he look mom with glasses.
He sounds like he was a great kid. My boy is a wise-ass, too.
I have two sons.....didn't always do everything they should, but they knew I was standing behind them no matter what and nothing they could do would change my love for them. The same with you and your son.
I loved the raising his hand! Hysterical!
You see, I just can't find any fault with parents who, sometimes, shield their children. I think that some are coming down so hard on Track Palin because of the dislike they have for his mother.
This last altercation was with his dad. IMO, that was strictly a family affair and none of our business.
I refuse to judge what went must have been horrific for the Palins.
Peeling potatoes in the rear for a year to get out of a felony conviction can do that.
No. Don't even fucking try that bullshit. Don't fucking assume that those of us with PTSD from combat are prone to shit like that.
I blame all my burglaries on PTSD.
ok...most blame it on drugs
Maybe Sarah should have read your links before blaming her son's crimes on PTSD.
HA! I do believe that PTSD can be responsible for violent outbursts, but Track has shown that he was prone to bad behavior before he joined the army. For most people, that straigthens them out. Apparently it didn't for him
I have one question, did he see comrades blown up by IEDs, shot, or in harmed in any way? I understand he was in a combat zone and subject to death at any time, but so was my son, he's as normal as he ever was. The Air Force made him a man.
You didn't answer my questions
You're the only claiming he saw combat and that's why he suffers PTSD. I'm just curious if you have sources to back that up
We all know that there are cases of PTSD which are not disputed, but there is an epidemic of diagnosis for people that never experienced anything more traumatic than a hangnail. Palin has been given a free pass thanks to moose mama. Is his mental issue real, I don't know and neither does anyone on here. The probability that it is an excuse for bad behavior is profound.
You are absolutely correct and I apologize. It was Tacos who made the claim.
Most likely it's congenital.
Hey, if it hasn't been a problem for you, then I'm glad for you, but don't you go assuming that you understand what the experience is like for every other person in the world.
I didn't make the claim either. I'm just reporting the news. His mom says he has PTSD.
keep up with the thread
Track did not see combat. He drove people around, so much for PTSD.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
first of all, everyone in a combat zone is in combat
secondly he was not a driver. According to his commanding officer Palin provided security protection for a combat unit vehicle
“Track Palin was an Army reservist who performed a tour of duty in Iraq in 2008. A U.S. News report about his time on the frontline detailed that he was to provide “air guard,” providing protection for a Stryker vehicle. His commanding officer, Col. Burt Thompson, told U.S. News, “He’s a good kid and a good soldier and he’d like to remain anonymous.” Thompson was the commander of the Alaska-based 25th Infantry Division’s 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, known as the “Arctic Wolves.”
Excuse me, who the hell are you. You don't know me Skirting the CoC [ph]
I am a gold star mom, my son was a Marine that died in 2009.
So peddle your BS elsewhere, you think you are so smart with all your degrees...Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
I am terribly sorry for your loss. We, as veterans and families of veterans take care of each other. I can't imagine the pain of your loss. My brother lost his son (not in combat) and I know how hard that has been on him and his wife.
Peace be with you.
Thank you.
Hey, how's Solomon doing? I hear he has a real problem with those demon's he hired to build the temple.
Dude, I have PTSD, I am not a wife beater, in fact I haven't attacked anyone and, EVER blamed it on my PTSD.
Good! That's true for many people. For others, it's different. Your experience does not define the full spectrum of how people are affected by PTSD.
And, Palin's isn't even close, he is nothing but, a POS who likes abusing women.
Do you know him personally? Are you a psychologist who has examined him?
Do you? We all know Mrs Palin will lie about something if it helps her in anyway, such as telling people Track has PTSD so she can make excuses for her poor mothering skills
Is she about the dumbest person alive or what? Did she forget that Bush got us into Iraq and she applauded it the whole entire time he was president?
The burns!!!!!!
Like I have said before, I'm only reporting what she has said and discussing, in general, how PTSD can affect people. I have made no claims about Track Palin specifically. Others are claiming - as if it were a fact - that he doesn't have or can't possibly have PTSD, or that his PTSD cannot possibly have contributed to his incidents of violence. But they cannot actually support these claims. The truth is they are based only in partisan politics.
Finally somebody who knew Track and Sarah has spoken out and disclosed that not only did Track not engage in combat, but it was Sarah Palin who insured he’d receive special treatment.
The source,a soldier, said:
“ For the years following Sarah Palin has been constantly in our faces because for some reason the media can’t just let her fade into obscurity. I have heard her say thousands of times how proud she was of her combat veteran son and how amazing he was as a person. This weekend though she went too far when she used PTSD as a justification of her son’s battery of his spouse. PTSD is a horrible condition that many veterans face and have to struggle with every day. Out of the thousands of veterans I know managing the condition, I have never heard of a single one using their PTSD as an excuse for their behavior. To me, this is entirely unacceptable and it just reminds me of how disgusting of a person Sarah Palin is and was. It seems like she will use her offspring to do whatever she can as pawns to further her influence in the media or politics. Simply put: it’s disgusting.
that's gonna leave a mark
I really do know someone that suffers from PTSD. He was in a convoy that was ambushed after one of the vehicles hit an IED. He killed one of the attackers with his bare hands. My friend is now severely mess up. His wife divorced him and we think the accident that he was in that nearly took his life was deliberate since he was really drunk and he hit a tree
Well that is not true - from your source:
Also, this so called soldier is a jerk- I say so called because nothing is verified.
The Palin family is the left's favorite chew toy...
They even mocked her little Down Syndrome boy.....what assholes.
I have little use for the Palins but you are so right about the attacks on that special needs child. Could I have, I would have stood with them against everyone who used a child like that.
And the abstinence only motivational speaker tour as well as the half term governor and the incredible visual prowess of seeing Russian from her house.
Generalize much? I never mocked them for that boy. I've known children and adults with Downs and they were a joy to be around. I don't have any use for Palin or her adult children at all; but I draw the line at making fun of children and most especially, children that are disabled.
Trak, according to my "sauces", here, at Eat The Press-Don't Wipe With It, is being ballyhooed about for an upcoming Republican Senator seat.
His sponsors adamantly claim that, " he now has all of the requites completed: Assault, Battery, Rape allegations, public intoxication and objectively rudeness".
He would make a winning candidate.
Who is 'they'? The last person I remember mocking a disabled person was Trump.
Who knows? More made up bullshit.
It's time to stop spreading a fake news story that was debunked over a year ago. Trump didn't mock the reporter, because the reporter doesn't have arm spasms. By the way, he used the same arm motions when talking about Ted Cruz and a general, neither of whom are physically disabled.
Everything is explained in this article. Make sure you also watch the videos:
Oh, no you don't. I watched it, we all watched it. We know what he meant because we have so many references to his intent and behavior! You and he don't get to try to re-explain it! Fake news is exactly what you and Trump and pushing with that 'explanation' that makes no sense whatsoever. Do all of you really think if you keep repeating bullshit it makes it true? Not for anyone with a functioning brain.
Uranium One "scandal" was debunked several years ago, doesn't seem to stop the right wing from screaming about it on damn near every article.
Track had the choice jail or the military...he chose the military, did not see combat, so ptsd how.
More Failin Palin family values.
White trash.
Bristol the poster child for abstinence only but gets knocked up twice out of wedlock.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
first of all, everyone in a combat zone is in combat
secondly he was not a driver. According to his commanding officer Palin provided security protection for a combat unit vehicle
“Track Palin was an Army reservist who performed a tour of duty in Iraq in 2008. A U.S. News report about his time on the frontline detailed that he was to provide “air guard,” providing protection for a Stryker vehicle. His commanding officer, Col. Burt Thompson, told U.S. News, “He’s a good kid and a good soldier and he’d like to remain anonymous.” Thompson was the commander of the Alaska-based 25th Infantry Division’s 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, known as the “Arctic Wolves.”
Please note, you now have a 2 day suspension ending Dec 21 at 12:10 am est. [ph]
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in theory at least, reality is somewhat different
All of Larry Robinson's "degrees" only exist in his imagination.
And my condolences on your son. The Trump era is rough on gold star families.
sorry for your loss Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
I'm a disabled Veteran and I defend my fellow veterans from the kind of vicious attack by people like yourself. Palin served in Combat so that makes you a liar. You even called his commanding officer a liar
no it's not. Everyone in the combat zone is only a moment away from death.
Go piss up a drain pipe. I don't need your sympathy.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
By your logic just because I don't like the Palin family and Track had to join the military or go to jail means I hate veterans. Yet my son who was a Marine died for this country.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]it has nothing to do with your son’s death. You spread lies about people you do not know. Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
You don't know me yet you think you know my thoughts.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
You need Jesus more than you know.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
Many vets in my dad, my father in law, brother in laws, cousins, sister in law, uncles and my get bent with your you hate veterans bullshit.
You have been hating toward liberals, leftists and others since you got here, all the while invoking Jesus name. Give us a break.
He's just Comment removed for CoC violation [ph] that thinks he is superior to the rest of us.
I have never hated a single person in my life. I hate destructive behaviors and destructive ideologies, but not people.
Unbelievers like yourself react because you are deaf and blind
To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. That is why I use these parables, For they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand. This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says, ‘When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend. For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes— so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’
Matthew 13:12-15
More lies. I don’t think I’m superior. Only Jesus is superior
I believe, but I don't believe in Bible prophecy, nor in pushing religion at people.
skirting the CoC [ph]
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
Everyone is only a moment away from death.
Many are in denial of this because it's hard to process or goes against one's grain. And yes, persons in a combat zone have a much higher risk factor.
This comment is not directed to Pat.
This thread is a horror. If someone throws a bomb out at you, please don't throw one back. Flag the comment and be patient and it will be handled appropriately.
Seems like more than suspensions are in order besides the one doled out.
I am so sorry for your loss.
that just sounds
Really so in your experience a rear echelon keyboard jockey who never leaves the nice safe walls of their HQ is in combat and subject to the same amount of danger as a front line soldier who on a daily basis trudges for miles through enemy territory exposed to attack, IEDs and actually has to fire their weapon for more than just practice?
Like I said your statement has some validity in theory but reality is different.
PS in all the time I spent over in Afghanistan I only ever heard of one HQ person dying and he was run over by one of his own trucks on his way home to his barracks
I, on the other hand, have hated many people in my life.
The first person I ever recall hating was the Ayatollah Khomeini, I used to lie awake in my bed and pray for his death.
More recently I've hated people such as noT4me, and that one homo lib who claimed to be a retired professor...
Just sayin...
Thank you.
Well, then, if you can hate, then so can I.
I hope everyone remembers your comment here today
Yep, spot on. The golden BB has a much greater chance of finding you in a front line unit than a REMF unit. No bout-a-doubt it.
Listening to him teach would be equivalent to having jerry falwell teaching a science class. The hate that flows like cheap wine from the orifice all the while self righteous. How sad.
All these people holding all that hate in their hearts simply because they disagree with each other on relatively inconsequential issues ..... a sad state of affairs to be sure.
I even gave him a vote up for having the courage to say and for making it ok to be a hater.
I hate trump and brussels sprouts not necessarily in that order
Gary and Just Jim,
If you are implying that "lady in black" deserved one too, not even close. She has no previous record. Not a single violation. On the other hand, our friend who got suspended was double over his limit (this article helped him do that). He was the instigator of the fight also.
Also people while flagging, it would be nice if you looked up the thread to see who started the altercation. Not surprisingly, I find that often, the flagging is partisan. I wish that would stop and people could be fair.
So you really have no idea about the combat environment of Afghanistan or Iraq do you?
Sorry but when I see the multitude of these........
within the content of a few posts, seems to me the flames were being fanned quite well by both "sides". Really doesn't matter who was right or "wronged"
LMAO, I'm usually something of a fan of your generally common sense posts so I'm going to assume that this was some sort of joke I'm not getting.
Note: I was never in Iraq so my comments have nothing to do with there, Afghanistan however is a different story.
And yet you don't see the absurdity of your comment.
The person in question has more than double the limit from violations committed before this discussion. If Lady in Black continues like this, she will have the same outcome. I don't want this discussion to go meta.. so please inquire with me by PN.
Quite obviously not, so whenever you want to stop playing games (lol, I am terrible at them anyway) I would appreciate knowing what is causing you concern.
The idea that you think that a 42A or 92G that supports the unit on a FOB isn't in a combat zone. It makes me question your claim about being in Afghanistan.
I thought it just sounded preachy. I loathe sermonizing and thumping. It's so unnecessary.
I was a 68j for a bunch of years.
loved it!
I was a 13D for 13 years then reclassed to 88M for the remaining 13 years of my career.. Had a blast.
Ahhh I see where you got confused, you apparently took my comment that someone who isn't in combat to mean wasn't in a combat zone. They're in fact two different things, glad we got that sorted.
I am sorry you feel that way but ultimately it's your choice to make and not really a matter of importance to me.
Lets see, your comment was:
What jobs make up the rear echelon keyboard jockey? 42A (Army MOS for the Admin personnel)? For all my deployments they were right there with the rest of the Battalion. Infantry, Field Artillery, Transportation, they were right there in the same installations. They were present for the incoming IDF and many have more rounds fired through their assigned weapons than Infantry.
Or are you referring to those who don't deploy for certain reasons like pregnancy, medical condition, pending reassignment, retirement?
I was a keyboard jockey!!!
except as a 68j I did go up a few times in a AH-1J Cobra...
Technically I was a keyboard jockey as a 13D. Then I guess again once as an 88M I was a Truckmaster in a Trans Company then First Sergeant.
I don't see that the jobs is relevant, it's anyone who remains in the rear echelon
Not mine but then all my Afghan deployments were at small FOLs (the largest was under 100 people) and not larger bases. So no clerks, cooks, truckers, docs, padre's etc for us.
Nope, to be clear I was specifically referring to the in-theatre rear echelon folks not the folks who remained at home for whatever reason.
The right lost this one, it's clear none of you know or understand the teachings.
Just want to express my sympathy on the loss of your son. I was a lucky blue star mom, but my son was in 15 months of solid action and 3 purple hearts. He did experience PTSD and will be handling it for the rest of his life. He gets pissed when people like Track use this as an excuse for bad behavior, and when people who had cushy jobs lie about the action didn't see. I lost my daughter a different way, but the loss of a child is like no other. You say whatever you want, you've earned it.
Thank you. Sorry for the loss of your daughter.
From a Marine veteran, thank you, and your son, for service to this great nation.
Let's get serious here. If the Palin family can see Russia from their front porch there could be a mind-interfering thing happening in this case. After all, if Russia can cause Hillary (who was a done deal winner) to lose the election, anything is possible.
Track beat up his dad and tried to get his truck back. This is what went down last Saturday night:
Also, Mommy Dearest was screaming while she called 9-1-1 that her boy was on something. Read the whole thing
Good thing the neighbors didn't come over or it would have been a full blown rumble.
Or as they say in Wasilla, a cul-de-sack party.
Fine upstanding family values....more like hillbilly trash. Thank the heavens this trashy family never came close to the White House. They would have trashed it.
Even families with "high upstanding values" have problems. Is there anyone in your family or your set of friends who have gone through problems with their children? I have.
Palins don't hold a candle to the Kennedy clan.
But of course any Kennedy gets a pass for womanizing, drugs, violence, and murder. No one bitches when their money gets them preferential treatment. Chit, they don't even have to join the military....just one phone call is all they need.
The Kennedys did not tote themselves as "family values", abstinence only, holier than though perfect small town family. When in fact they are a trashy family. And don't forget the last time this happened failin palin blamed Obama for her son's PTSD. Who is she going to blame this time?
And Track was headed for jail and was given the choice of jail time or join the military.
The Kennedys have more class in one little finger than the entire Palin family has in their entire bodies
haha seriously? They claimed to be Catholics, saviors to the poor, whose women where angels and devoted to their religion and family, and the men where upstanding politicians. Image was everything to the old man and it was all fake.
well I hope her son and gets him any help needed.
Do not think I am excusing the Kennedy's bad behavior. What has come out about that family is just as bad but do not excuse the Palins for their trashy life either.
Nobody has excused the Palins. But you have to admit the Palin's problems are childs play compared to the Kennedy's, yet the Kennedys still have been elected to a political office many times. Palins have no power, but still is the family that the left loves to hate.
Most of the Kennedys you are referring to are all dead, and their transgressions are ancient history.
Can't understand why this is considered news at this point.
The Palin's do have a family problem, just like you do. But the whole Kennedy clan was a real nasty, corrupt, and depraved bunch. Starting with Big Daddy Joe. But the truth still remains that Sarah Palin had more executive experience than Obama when he came in. You do have to admit he was only elected because he was a smooth talking black hustler. No qualifications whatever.
I find it interesting that Democrats can love the Kennedy's for many years and re-elect them to political offices but as soon as a Palin makes the news the hatred within them seems uncontrollable.
Truly sad.
Hey Donnie boy, you "pussy grabber" you, is that you?
who is Donnie boy? the same as Billy boy?
There a bunch of haters who keep losing the voters. All they can do is vent their rage and frustration on message boards and cable TV.
Got anything from this century?
You know, it's the good ole Trump "pussy grabber" in the White House.
No, I don't know. I do know Slick Willey though, don't you? After years of serious sexual abuse towards women, Democrats thought he would be a fine President.
I've heard it all about "Big Daddy Joe", Irish Mob, slum lord, he went "legit" and, was planning on running his eldest son for president until he got killed then, it was John who got the nod, of course he was a "war hero" in WWII for saving his men from a dumb move on his part when his PT boat got run over by a Japanese war ship. Bobby was the darling of the Democratic Party after the assassination of John, then he got killed, then Ted blew it all with Chappaquiddick, of course I don't think he really wanted it at all.
Still going to pretend racism doesn't drive your bus? Haven't you heard that we now have a verifiable grifter in charge and he has zero class.
Roy Moore, oops better not go there!
Obama was a male prostitute in Chicago, and his he/she wife is a tranny.
But more recently there is Al Franken, Conyers, Hastings, and of course the lesbian slut Clinton.
Weiner, Spitzer, Ed Murray, and Menendez.
sure the list will keep growing
Yeah....that's some executive experience she had there. Alaska may be huge in land, but it is the smallest populated state in the country. I don't see how her half term as governor gave her a leg up on experience
when was the "pussy grabbing" tape? 1942?
Certainly didn't happen while President, Senator, or Governor like ole Billy Boy and John, Bob, and Ted.
George H.W. Bush, Roy Moore, Rep. Blake Farenthold, Rep. Trent Franks and, Donald J. Trump.
What's your point?
Obama had to pay for all his blow
Oh, please you present two story's that are discrediting your claims as proof? GIVE ME A BREAK. Did you even read the links you provided????
I was only 1 when JFK was killed, so that tells you I did not vote for any of them.
And as I said in an earlier post, the Kennedys you are talking about are all dead whereas the Palin trashy clan isn't so please come into this century.
I was just a baby when JFK was killed, too
Don't need to.
One proves Obama was a male prostitute, and the other proves "Michelle" is a transsexual. I can also provide you with proof that their children were adopted.
Palins are irrelevant to any real power in this why the hatred and fuss over them? Must just be getting your hate on.
Because it's so easy to rile you people up!
You still hold the Palins to be this family of righteous values even tho their behavior has been splashed all over the place. Bristol goes out on an abstinence only tour and gets pregnant again!
You still defend them to this day.
Oh,'re welcome
Look, facts are facts, it does not matter who reports them. Hillary Clinton is a lesbian btw..
Pretty sure that was your bat girl sightings, just sayin...
Don't hate them, just detest them and it does not matter that she has no power, she is a shit stain in politics and I blame McCain for bringing this shrew into the spot light.
And now it all devolves into seeing who can come up with the smelliest shit.
The only reason CCM and his ilk post shit like this is to get the lefties to come down to his level.
Don't fall for it.
They have to keep that hate level up.....they don't want to lose any of that steaming pile of hatred, so they have to keep running out people they hate in between the 'I hate Trump' stories.
Wow, askov... that's some kind of intel you must have access to. Last I heard, Obama was just happy and gay.
Jen, is that you?
Nice to see you again!
Nevermind all these nonsense comments! At least I haven't accused Obama of fucking his daughters, like Tessy has of Trump.
Thank you for proving my point.
Does the name Roy Moore ring any bells?
Meh, those stories were made up by some jarhead from florida that fantasized about licking the jizz up off the floor.
Please provide documented evidence that Roy Moore did anything of which he was accused.
PS -- Allegations and hearsay are not evidence.
get over yourself. I apologized to you early for mistaking your comments, but I ain't apologizing for being wrong on this. At one time, Alaska had the least amount of people. Big fucking deal. I was wrong. It's not the first time today and it probably won't be the last.
I think I'll have respect for you people when you can acknowledge an apology and admit mistakes. Until then...nada
He got booted off the Alabama supreme court twice and he and his wife haven't gone to court over the financial improprities of their scam foundation yet.
Yes. my friend, it is I. Yeah, I get that the hyperbole should be ignored, but the reality is, Trump has stated he'd be dating his daughter, so he's clearly attracted to her. Just let that settle in for a moment. The other thing is, he is a serial predator, so he's not likely to stop himself even for incest. Think about the predators you know. Would that stop them? Difference is, this man is now president and that's pretty revolting.
All that aside... how are ya?
Can't complain!
Merry Christmas!
Right back atcha. Thought I'd drop by and see if you were keeping the place in order. Or chaos. I see I was not disappointed.
The Kennedys? You are holding them as a family to be admired with true family vales?
That is a joke!
Hmmmmm one thing Hillary and i have in common. We are both Lesbians .....
Um, no I am not. I was 1 when JFK was killed, too young to know many of the things they did. Do not hold them to high standards. Only thing is they are all dead. So their transgressions are moot, do I find them despicable, yes I do especially what Joe Kennedy did to his daughter Rosemary and again heard about this when I was older.
please....take the last word
You remind me of my husband. He doesn't know when to shut up, either. He just keeps nagging, and nagging, and nagging....sometimes I think he's the wife of the family
I have read every book I can on the Kennedys.
John, Jr. was the saving grace. Eunice Shriver Kennedy was wonderful. Caroline is alone now.
They were a family with untold tragedy. Joseph Kennedy's deceit and corruption was their downfall.
IMO, they were not a nice family.
I agree. For all their wealth, yes they were a tragic family. And yes in regards to John, Caroline and Eunice I totally agree.
And again, I am not holding them up as an example of a "good" family.
Robert thought he should have been touted as president. As you know what? He was, probably, correct. He had integrity. Cuba, Mafia.....I can hear him saying it....why, John?
Oh, well.
What about whataboutism?
You gotta love the Palins... they know how to put the FUN in dysFUNctional. In fact, Track and Bristol are both breakout performers in the ranks of Palin parochial over achievers. Once they found their true calling, they went after it with great vigor. That's awe inspiring.
Now ya got 'em running for their dickshinarys
I'm not even tryin' ta be verbose today, Trout. If I was really workin' the room, I'd have purchased the Bigly Ginormous Book Of Spelling Werds. Then I could baffle the twaffles.
Ah, the Palins. Every time they make the news, it's a reminder what shitbirds so many on the left are.
10 years of fantasizing about their rape and murder, cheering and laughing when Palin women getting assaulted (CNN thinks domestic violence is funny when it's a Palin!), violating their privacy, engaging in bizarre conspiracies about their personal lives, class bigotry etc...etc..
You do nice work on straw men
Well if this had happened to the Obama girls, they'd have all kinds of shit bird stuff to tweet about.
There would be one big national pity party for them. Obamas would probably get a spread and a cover on Time magazine on how hard is to raise black children. MSNBC would be spreading some lies they conjured up. CNN would definitely blame it on Trump.
oh bullshit
Oh yeah... there it is. Gotta throw some disenfranchised white dude politics into it. Well done.
oh your right....Liberal shitbags wouldn't even cover it.
Are you calling me a shit bag?
who calls the Palins white trash?....yep there it is.
I'm white trash. They don't even come up to the level of white trash
Please do point out where I said they were white trash here. Yes, I did say they were hypocrites, but I can safely state that that's never been in doubt. You can't preach abstinence and all that other Christian shit and have a herd of kids out of wedlock and not be a hypocrite can ya?
The Palins can but you and I can't
Okay... there is that point.
I was speaking of the media:
It is perfectly fine to point out that the Palins are white but not that the Obamas are black?
Please show me where Bristol did any preaching on abstinence. Advising and sharing your own experience is hardly preaching. I would like to see what you consider is preaching.
This is what we call a "tag team". Watch it in play to learn something!
You must of missed Bristol getting a paycheck for her abstinence work. While I'd be happy to provide you with links, I think you'd be better served by looking this shit up for yourself.
what is wrong with getting a paycheck?
You are so right. So tuff to be a black girl these days.....lets find a safe space!
And, you have only just begun!
I know I'm not the least bit interested in seeing any Palin assaulted; but I am also most certainly not eager to see them injured by their own son who appears to have a huge problem with drinking and opioids. It appears that Track is his own worst enemy. Of course, just as with their daughter Bristol, these kids seem determined to do as they please regardless of the consequences or their religious upbringing. Most of us would just call that willful hypocrisy.
I don't know where these righties get their ideas
AMAZING that ...
These left-wingers clearly do not exhibit that which their political party wants everyone to believe they espouse: inclusiveness, tolerance, compassion, caring. Shame on them.
I've got a PTSD suffering vet of my own and I don't take that shit lightly. What I haven't seen my kid do is use drugs and PTSD to assault and injure anyone. It may have something to do with being raised to accept responsibility for actions and living with whatever shit storm comes your way, not blaming others.
We're not mocking Track for having PTSD and behaving badly. We're mocking him, because some of us believe that his claims of PTSD are bogus. There are real, breathing people out there living a fucking nightmare inside their heads. Those are the people I sympathize with. I told the story earlier of my friend who killed someone in hand to hand combat. He's mess up bad. He uses alcohol to kill the pain and almost killed himself in a car accident. He pulled thru, but his AF career is shot to hell and so is his marriage
Yes, there is a difference for any soldier, sailor, airman or marine, but I don't think Track actually saw any action. Didn't he get some kind of safe assignment to appease his mother since he was basically going in to avoid going to jail? Yeah... there is a difference in light duty and launching missiles onto civilians or shooting at targets that are non-combat related. It's a horror and I have much sympathy, but it would appear that Track's problems had their genesis is life with his parents before he went in. He's just perpetuating the Tundra Twit's parental shortcomings.
Or civilian for that matter. My wife was raped at a young age and she has now been diagnosed with PTSD.
I got SCUD'd while in Bahrain, I don't have PTSD, it's just weird how it all works.
They talk to hear their heads roar! Nothing between the ears of any substance!
That's rich coming from you, Mags.
You just made the list, Jen!
I'm flattered.
Magnolia does that "..." thingy to show that she's ignoring you. LOL!
I knew she couldn't wait to address me. So funny!
I enjoy poking a bear now and again. Especially one so pokable.
SO........................... ?