Ohio Gov. John Kasich signs down syndrome abortion ban
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio is prohibiting doctors from performing abortions based on a diagnosis of Down syndrome, joining other states with similarly strict legislation.
Republican Gov. John Kasich signed the legislation into law on Friday. Lawmakers had sent the bill to him earlier this month, in one of their last acts of the year. The legislation, which cleared the GOP-led Legislature with some Republican opposition, makes it a crime for a doctor to terminate a pregnancy based on knowledge of Down syndrome, a genetic abnormality that causes developmental delays and medical conditions such as heart defects and respiratory and hearing problems. It makes performing an abortion in such cases a fourth-degree felony and requires the state medical board to revoke the physician's license if convicted. Pregnant women involved in such procedures won't be penalized.
Kasich's action was a victory for the anti-abortion group Ohio Right to Life, which argued it will prevent discrimination based on misinformation.
"Now that the Down Syndrome Non-Discrimination Act is law, unborn babies prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome are given a shot at life" the group's president, Mike Gonidakis, said in a statement Friday.
Abortion rights groups argued the law would be another blow to women's constitutional right to legal abortion. The executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, Kellie Copeland, said the law does nothing to support families taking care of loved ones with Down syndrome but instead "exploits them as part of a larger anti-choice strategy to systematically make all abortion care illegal."
"This law shames women and will have a chilling effect on the conversations between doctors and patients because of the criminal penalties that doctors will face," Copeland said.
A statement from the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio on Friday said Kasich signed a "blatantly unconstitutional bill." The civil rights group said it is coordinating with its legal staff and coalition partners to determine the next steps. North Dakota and Indiana were ahead of Ohio in passing similar restrictions. The Indiana law has been blocked by a federal judge, who said the state has no right to limit women's reasons for terminating pregnancies. The Indiana measure was enacted in 2016. North Dakota's went into effect in 2013 and has not been challenged. That state's sole abortion clinic, in Fargo, says the issue hasn't arisen under its policy of not performing abortions after 16 weeks into a pregnancy.
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It's not surprising Gov. Kasich signed a blatantly unconstitutional law into effect. It's only a matter of time before the legal challenges begin.
This religious nonsense will never survive judicial review. They don't care about the child once it is born and refuse to guarantee support services for the child and the family of Downs Syndrome babies for its life, but they want to force the mother to give birth to a child that they cannot possibly care for. What happened to the GOP opposition to unfunded mandates?
It is obvious to most people that Kasich and the GOP are pandering to religious right voters ahead of the 2018 midterms with this nonsense.
Must kill those downs babies. Must allow abortion to prevent the wrong gender or one with any imperfection at all from being born to a master race of those tolerated by their secular progressive parent(s).
It's nice that you care so much about Downs babies; too bad you don't care about having a president who mocks disabled people.
The GOP doesn't give a damn about these children once they are born because they refuse to provide necessary support services for them. These are two letters to the editor from today's Akron Beacon Journal opposing this law that does nothing but to pander to the religious right ahead of the 2018 midterm. The GOP merely tried to attack Roe v. Wade by nibbling away at it, but this law will likely be struck down by the federal courts because it attacks access to abortion.
If you don't like abortion then don't have one but don't you dare try to tell others what they can do with their own medical decisions because of your religious beliefs!
I'm pretty sure I've said in other posts that killing babies is illegal.
Such melodrama. Must allow abortion because abortion is a woman's right, regardless of why she might choose to abort. Her choice and reasons are her own and no one else's business.
you don't know from whence you came.
I didn't come from your god, that is for certain. I also know that morally we must care for others, especially the less fortunate and the sick.
The decision to terminate a pregnancy is never easy, but that decision must be made only by the mother and not some pandering politician or a minister who claims that he is a messenger of a god.
Not cost effective
A woman may choose to have an abortion for any reason, including medical diagnoses. Restricting that choice by law is unconstitutional.
Should be interesting once a genetic test for homosexuality is developed.
Indeed. We'll see if that is covered under the law.
If there is "constitutional right" to kill a baby with down's syndrome, then a "constitutional right" exists to kill a baby in the womb for carrying homosexual genes.
I assume all of the people who support killing Down's Syndrome babies will support the right to kill homosexual babies. That's the interesting part.
A constitutional right exists to have an abortion for any reason the woman chooses. No babies are killed.
If there is a "constitutional right" to kill a baby with down's syndrome, then a "constitutional right" exists to kill a baby in the womb for carrying homosexual genes.
I'm guessing that you were valedictorian in your Bucksnort, Teennessee high school graduating class.
Prove that a healthy child with a 140 IQ who happens to be gay is a disability then you might have a point. As it is, only those who hate gays actually have something wrong with their idiot brains.
Being gay is a mental illness, has been recognized as such since the beginning of time. For some reason the popular idea these days is to not treat the mental illness, and play along with it, encourage it even.. generally resulting in the victims suicide.
The APA, among other organizations, disagrees with you!
Oh, and when did they change their mind about that? During the Obama presidency? Well, how about that, lol!
I feel sorry for the real victims, the people with the mental problems that society has decided not to try and fix... So sad, most of them kill themselves, and the progressives laugh at them while they suffer, they encourage their suffering.
Wrong! Try 1973.
As do I. but then, homosexuality is not a mental illness. So there's nothing that needs to be fixed.
More likely due to ignorant bigots who think gays have a mental illness or otherwise harass, intimidate, and insult them, among other things. I'd say that can cause suffering.
Related to some of the reasons I mentioned.
related to their fucking brain not working right.
And generally the reason their brain is fucked up, is because they were raised in some fucked up family situation.
Not going to name names, Shepboy, but I have seen a few posts that sure seem to express hatred / disgust / etc. for homosexuals. Well beyond homosexuality is a sin and into the OT abomination style of thinking.
And we all know, in the general public, there is quite a bit of religious-justified hatred of homosexuals. There are good aspects to religion and there are bad. Bigotry is one of the bad aspects.
Well said.
You base that assumption on what, exactly? Or perhaps that effed up family situation is because the family is not accepting of a gay family member?
It's not a baby. It's an embryo/fetus. Look it up. And regardless, it's still a woman's personal and legal choice.
All the gay people I know.
You're obviously one of them since you want gays to be denied some of the civil rights and familial rights you enjoy, like the rights to marry and to adopt. You simply lie to yourself about whether your anti-gay animus constitutes hate.
I know a few, and of that bunch, I know some of their backgrounds.
All of them that I know their backgrounds came from seriously messed up homes.
I already explained the murder issue in my previous post above, so I won't bother repatina myself here. An embryo or fetus is a stage of gestation, not a baby. It's not a baby until birth. As I said before, look it up. As for legal choice, that belongs to the woman. You seem to be advocating removing someone's legal choice and rights. The court has never removed a right once granted in its entire history. So your wishful thinking is not likely to happen.
Then their problems is not a direct coorellation to to sexual orientation. Their problems lies with the circumstances they're in.
If you steal my car without consent, it's a felony. If I choose to give you my car then it's perfectly legal. It's my car and thus my choice. So yes, "choice" can put people in prison.
A woman has the legal choice to terminate a pregnancy up until viability. The fetus has no rights until that stage of development. It's the woman's choice. If you attack her and the fetus is killed prior to viability you took away her choice and thus it's a crime, just like you stealing my car without consent. If she makes the choice to terminate the pregnancy prior to viability then it's not a crime. It's her body to do with as she wishes up until the law says otherwise which is at viability.
Thankfully, 92% of all abortions occur prior to 12 weeks which is about 12 weeks prior to viability and when the zygote is the size and shape of a kidney bean.
no reputable medical practitioner agree's with you.
Actually, most reputable medical practitioner agree's with me. It's you that they laugh at.
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. But, I kinda expect that of you. People who are gay can, and always have been able to marry, the same as I, a straight man have been able to marry, and the same for adoption.
Where do you come up with your nonsense?
The racists in the south made the same sort of moronic claim, that everyone had an equal right to marry someone of the same race as themselves.
No wonder in both cases the dumb bigots who made those arguments in court lost.
There is no crime in an abortion. But inflicting willful harm against a woman is a crime.
Do you have a point? Because you seem confused. A woman can't "choose" to kill her baby because it's illegal. Well, she can but then she'll end up in prison, as killing babies is illegal. But there is no baby in an abortion and abortion is legal as well as a woman's choice. A woman can either choose to have an abortion or choose to continue a pregnancy.
A fetus is not legally considered a person.
Again, you are confused. Abortion is not legally defined or equated to murder. Until you understand that, the rest of your nonsense utterly falls apart.
They should only be charged with the murder of the woman.
I agree, which is why feticide laws are absurd. Such laws are emotionally driven knee-jerk reactions to violent crimes committed against pregnant women.
See previous statement.
See previous statement.
Not even a little. I've been quite clear in my explanations, which have legal basis.
You first! Because your whole argument and insinuations just fell flat.
Here is what you said, "Also an embryo / fetus is not an actual thing.. its just the stage of the cycle of a baby." And that statement is incorrect. I corrected you by stating an embryo\/fetus is a stage of gestation.
I can understand why you would run, especially when your arguments get blown out of the water.
Really, because it looks more like a piece of uncooked shrimp. I can show you an ultrasound of a fetal cat, dog, pig, and human at early stages of gestation, and I bet you won't be able to tell the difference. I can also look at clouds and see them resemble certain shapes too. So what's your point?
No, crazy because you think it's a baby.
That applies to those already born. You can't apply rights to the unborn (which have no rights) without removing rights from the already born woman.
Notice how I have been advocating for women's rights?
When you understand the unborn do not have rights, then you'll see what that statement of yours is nonsense.
Good luck with that. People have been trying to overturn women's rights for over 40 years now.
personal attack if I ever seen one... And you sound kinda paranoid to boot.
That's one of the most ignorant statements I've seen so far on NT. First, "most" do not kill themselves. It is true that the rates of suicide attempts are about 3 times that of the general population, but it's almost exactly the same increase as those who are victims of bullying. Most gay people are in fact victims of bullying, so it has nothing to do with their sexual orientation and everything to do with being victims of bigots and bullies who malign, judge, discriminate and hate them for no other reason than for how they were born. The true vile pieces of filth are the bullies who are so insecure in their own sexuality that they have to beat up others who are different to make themselves feel better.
Oh by all means, list these people? We'll wait.
Not a personal attack, just a piece of advice? You don't do passive aggressive very well.
Really? Whom? The APA and AMA, among other organizations, do not!
Shure glad I am not a girl. I will continue to fight for their rights.
Great. Then I'm sure you're all for women's rights, including their right to an abortion. Right?
How about we make abortion illegal for Republican women only?
Sanger would approve.
skirting the CoC [ph] Try harder next time.
Well said.
Margaret Sanger's eugenic views prohibit her from being held up as a hero to progressives. She did some good but she was also very flawed.
Her views have also been misrepresented by ignorant T-baggers and bible-babblers. This link has a good summary of the facts in their historical context, a time when eugenics was widely supported but contraceptive devices were generally prohibited:
Once again you've misrepresented Sanger's views since she opposed the forced sterilization advocated by the eugenics movement.
It's also curious that you're obsessed with "heroes" since Sanger's efforts to legalize contraception and to make family planning services available to all women were the things which were praised then and now. I think uncritical hero worship is exclusively a trait of T-baggers and other conservatives, like their irrational and undeserved worship of St Ronnie Raygun.
And have more republicans?
Then Kasich can pay to raise these kids or adopt them himself.
every one of them
Where is the highest incidence of teen pregnancy? The answer is shocking.... /yawn
In 2010, New Mexico had the highest teenage pregnancy rate (80 pregnancies per 1,000 women); the next highest rates were in Mississippi (76), Texas (73), Arkansas (73), Louisiana (69) and Oklahoma (69). The lowest rates were in New Hampshire(28), Vermont (32), Minnesota (36), Massachusetts (37) and Maine(37).
All red states...wonder why that is? Because the bible humpers don't want people using contraception and are too stupid to realize that abstinence DOES......NOT.....WORK.
Bible thumpers don't care about science or facts when they have their sincere beliefs.
Is religion the problem for creating stupid people, are or ignorant people just more predisposed to believe in religion?
You don't need to be religious to understand that people of color and minorities don't vote Republican when the party leadership are rich white men who still wear sheets.
Don't blame democrats because Blacks and Hispanics refuse to vote for racist republicans.
It's also pretty damn accurate.
Keep telling yourself that...
So you are saying the KKK voted for Obama? You sure about that? LOL
You knew damn well who the alt-right votes for in the 21st century.
I want to see a cite for this claim.
You're full of sheet that FDR was racist,
Try to post something that isn't a blatant lie or a half-truth for once!
The racial stances of Eleanor Roosevelt and Truman are well known. Truman desergregated the military, which split the progressive northern Democrats from the racist southern Dixiecrats.
This is a statement by Eleanor Roosevelt about race/minority relations.
What nonsense. You know full well that every one of those swastika and confederate flag waving Nazis and KKK members was a card carrying Republican and Trump supporter. Just because you don't want to admit it doesn't make it any less true.
You just repeated the BS claim that FDR supported racist policies because you refuse to differentiate northern progressive Democrats from southern racist Dixiecrats.
You are famous for these half-truths.
Does Hippo of Cos have any pics of those alt-right bigots carrying signs supporting Hillary or Bernie Sanders?
The Democratic party turned against the KKK's racism and that is why those southern bigots formed the Dixiecrat party.
Blacks voted for Democrats because of economic issues and supported the New Deal after the crash of 1929.
The Dixiecrats became the core of the states rights TEAparty and the GOP in the south. They now call themselves Republicans and the alt-right.
Where are these lefty voting alt-right supporters?
You're getting desperate and I am thoroughly enjoying watching you twist in the wind.
Look in the damn mirror. I can't believe you even said that.
Hello, they are all republicans now. Do you know about this topic? Do you know what a Dixiecrat is?
Strom Thurmond is the most obvious Dixiecrat who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and then became a Republican.
I never said that there weren't racists in the DNC in the 1930s and 1940s, but FDR wasn't one of them and their racist views were largely out of favor.
Well, I guess there are a lot of religious Blacks and Hispanics since blacks have twice the number of teen pregnancies as whites and Hispanics have more than twice the number of pregnancies as whites. In the states that have a higher percentage of these two demographics is where you find the highest teen pregnancies. And they vote Democrat at a rate of 90% or more. I guess 'Idocracy' was custom made for Democrats.
You're wasting your time. Better to move on. If there was a post near by she would argue with it.
The Klan hasn't voted Democratic in national elections since the early 1970s. It's certain that they alt-right didn't vote for Hillary or Bernie.
You know damn well that is private information. Not even the state can trace the votes to the name.
Choke on this,
Gosh, I wonder which one of these decisions will sound racist?
Until Harry Truman, a Democrat, did it, the U.S. was racially segregated.
He said that the KKK is a democrat organization.
How many "Vote Hillary" signs did you see at trump rallies? Why would someone carry a sign that promotes someone they don't like or don't intend to vote for?
Might as well move on, they are a partisan hack and have the, "everything democrats do is wrong, everything republicans do is right" attitude. They literally said that Obama had NOTHING to do with adding 15 million jobs in 8 years, but, it's all because of trump that jobs have been added since he took office.
LOL, I like the way you refer to the Democrat Party!
Umm, try history. You do know what history is, don't you?
The segregationists they put into office who became republicans after passage of the CRA in the mid-1960s--Helms, Thurmond, Lott, for examples.
Another in a series of declarations that come right back and bite the declarer's ass.
I guess I did forget to put one word in there to clarify what I meant, "Military". Truman, a Democrat DESEGREGATED THE U.S. MILITARY.
THose racist former Southern Democrats are now hardcore Christian Republicans. RE; Roy Moore and Jeff Sessions. Nixon welcomed them to the party with his Southern Strategy. Reagan pandered to the evangelical right and helped create the (im)moral majority.
You're kidding,.......aren't you?
The American Southeast is the heart of the Klan and the Neo-Nazis. These states are also the poorest, sickest and least well educated so voting GOP isn't helping them.
Your intellectual dishonesty isn't fooling anyone.
I am so sick of these people about the South!
Divorce us and pay us alimony. We will be glad to get out of your life, but then, who would they have to blame everything on?
Part of the agreement is.....no visitation rights and you may NOT plant your ass when you retire in the South!
But Mango, y'all put that freak show Trump in the White House!!
It is the last good thing that we will do for our Country. Thereafter, just pay your alimony.
They also elected Jeff Sessions to the Senate and supported Roy Moore's failed effort to be Torquemada.
Alabama is also a high user of SNAP and welfare.
Merry Christmas Epistte!! Keep on kicking ass next year!
Thanks. You too.
Alabama and most southern states would have to pay Washington before they leave because they take more than they give. Alabama couldn't afford to leave the US without becoming an impoverished country.
Odd how that's the only name your sort ever seems to able to come up with. BTW, after opposing the CRAs of '64 and '65, Byrd voted for the '68 VRA which is what republiscum are now trying to roll back in every state they control and nationally with Kobach's phony and corrupted crusade against non-existent voting fraud. Oh, yes. No question about it, the republiscum party is the new face of the KKK.
You should try to tell the truth for once, even if it just for Christmas.
How long will it take for the GOP to overcome racism?
The Democratic party was held together by economic ideas because the northern Democrats rejected slavery before the Civil War. You admitted yourself that you never saw Jim Crow and Whites only signs in the north. The southern Democrats were openly racist and refused to join the GOP after the Civil War reunification because of their hatred of Lincoln. The difference in race/social policies split the party in the 1950s with the racists becoming an independent Dixiecrat party and then joining the GOP when the Dixiecrats failed to have much political clout.
I am. When those organizations were formed, democrats, (republican's at the time), fled the South leaving behind the racism. In no way can anyone say that Lincoln would be a republican today, he would be considered a far left wing liberal, (like Jesus was).
Only THREE (that's the number between 2 and 4) "Dixicrats" went on to change parties to Republican :
93% of the "Dixicrat" Governors and Senators remained DEMOCRAT FOR LIFE.
Like I said, kick us out of your club. Pay our alimony and I want a new car every year. I want free education for my grand children, I want a supplement income, I want free medical care, so, doesn't that sound familiar?
Just keep on keeping on what you are doing now for the entire country, but we pay no taxes and you get no soft spots to put your fuzzy head when you want a place to rest.
You are off limits.
I had no idea that you were such a closet progressive. Tell politicians to keep their hands off of the social statement and stop giving handouts to the rich and corporations and instead pass single payer, free college, and a guaranteed basic income. Or stop electing politicians who want to privatize things and tear down the domestic programs that we like.
I would never want to move Alabama or anywhere else in the American south. My tastes run to Canada or northern Europe for retirement. I didn't mind paying taxes, as long as that money is used for the proper purposes, unlike the current situation in the US.
Maybe we could stop the bailouts, cut the DOD by 1/2 and instead spend the money on our people instead of bombing/invading everyone for profit and cheap access to raw materials.
Merry Christmas.
Have you looked at the demographics of our current congress? You should. "Racist Democrats"? Fuking laughable.
Sometimes you have to break it down Barney Style.
Those democrats are republicans today. The parties have changed their views many times over the years.
No, they aren't. They are primarily republicans. David Duke ring a bell?
Yes I did. You were inferring that the KKK was a democrat organization, I was pointing out that Obama is black and most likely, not voted for by the KKK.
This, "Democrats = KKK or Jim Crow" has got to be one of the most stupid canards that conservatives keep regurgitating.
The Trojan that stood on the wall and defended Troy is NOT the same Trojan you slipped on your partner last night and it's the height of stupidity to keep insisting that the same word can't describe two or more very different things.
The KKK were not voting for a "Democrat" they were voting for polices of bigotry and the leaders that espoused them. The D or R or Wig or Bull Moose name on the political party that pushed those ideals didn't mean diddly to the party members.
The only thing that mattered was the policy of hate being pushed, which is why those kind of voters had no problem going from D to R when the parties switched platforms.
Give it up, AH.
They know perfectly well that they're spouting BS. It's a tribal thing. Proof of membership in the clan of "I'll say anything to advance the Cause!"
In fact, they get extra points for the most ridiculous, over-the-top Comment of the day. There's an Honor Role over at Team Red headquarters...
Couldn't have put it better. It's all about the intent, not the label.
Funny how far right wing fascists tend to act like far right wing fascists. Lies are their stock in trade. Truth is their enemy.
It's all about the intent and morals, not the name. Stupidity at its best.
The "intent and morals" displayed here are some pretty shitty ones.
That's an understatement.
You should have voted for Bernie Sanders. Hillary is a center-right Democrat but she has never been a liberal or .........(gasp) a progressive.
LOL. So why did you conservatives vote for the King of the Birthers?
Conservatives did not vote for Hillary Clinton, the person who gave birth to the Birther movement.
How many presidents had their birth place questioned by the opposing party? How many had to provide their birth certificates AFTER the election twice and, then had to have the governor of their birth state confirm that they were born in that state and, still had the other party deny all evidence that they were born in the United States?
Heck, there are Dixiecrats like Kim Davis who only recently learned that the GOP is the current home for really dumb bigots and so they switched parties in just the past few years. Some parts of the country are slower and dumber than others.
But as far as your 93% claim there are many Dixiecrats who started life as Dems but first ran for office as Republicans, like Trent Lott. Others are like David Duke who learned they could only win election running as a Republican. But they all have remained the same really dumb bigots they always were, like when Lott eulogized Strom Thurmond by declaring ''You know, if we had elected this man 30 years ago we wouldn't be in the mess we are today.''
You apparently didn't look at the video.
It sill is in the GOP. That's why your party platform is racist, homophobic and misogynistic. And its why the GOP voted for the racist King of the Birthers.
I did....it was rather amusing since your party voted for the racist King of the Birthers for President.
In fact the only things that's changed about the racist southern conservatives in the past 150 years is their party affiliation.
It certainly was made for their amusement. It's a documentary about T-baggers and the rise of ignorance as a family value, and it foreshadowed the election of Trump.
Then it's your comprehension skills that need work. The rest of your comment is nothing more than deflection and I'll just leave it at that.
If it's a lie, it came out of Donald's own mouth. In his own words, "There are some very FINE people on both sides." So, he considers Neo-Nazi's and, Klansmen very fine people. As for the other links I put up there, they show that during the election the Klan supported him.
No, I think I got the message that there were many racist southern Dems who remained Dems.....despite the fact that the video (intentionally?) misstated a number of facts like the fact that Robert Byrd renounced racism (no racist Republican ever did that) and the fact that Jesse Helms was a registered Dem before he ran for Senate as a Republican. I'm not sure that you should be too proud of the fact that such a bigoted Republican moron represented your state anyway. However there's no doubt that Helms and other racist southern bible-babblers of that era represented what the modern GOP was to become today - Christofascist, Islamophobic, racist, homophobic and misogynistic.
One thing is for damn sure......even a really dumb bigot like Helms wouldn't tolerate how the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win an election, much less tolerated all the conservative apologists who try to justify or trivialize that behavior. While his irrational phobias against socialist countries were a real character flaw at least he understood that Russia was a threat to the US.
Republicans accepted the guy who lead the birther movement after the election into their party and, then elected him president and, most of you on NT still call Obama a Muslim and, a Kenyan. Please, don't piss down my back and, tell me it's raining.
Took long enough. And that is the only thing you got right. The rest is just more deflection, much like your last comment.
No, I don't think so. This is right out of the Republican Party Platform for 2016.
It is clear that the Republican Party intended in these words to undermine the Judiciary, especially the SCOTUS.
And, it is clear here that the intent is to make this a one religion country and, to deny the rights of others the choice of which religion they would worship.
It is clear when you look at the full platform it is nothing but, a document that is meant to set a precedent that will change the country and, destroy the Judiciary and, the Constitution. Written by bigots for bigots.
1) No, she didn't.
2) Who used it for the last 8 years? Republicans.
Thanks for playing!
Your claim that Birthers aren't racist revealed you for what you are.
You obviously haven't read the GOP platform or paid any attention to what they do on these social issues.
No, it's because Byrd spent the rest of his career fighting for civil rights, something which the modern GOP opposes. It's why the NAACP eulogized Byrd.....unlike the racist T-baggers who are unaware of his actual legislative record on civil rights issues.
I don't think the NAACP has ever eulogized a Republican, at least not since the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the GOP's racist southern strategy. And I doubt that the NAACP is unaware that conservatives voted for the racist King of the Birthers, a guy with a history of refusing to rent to blacks.
It started in his own party.
Really? Which parts of my comment are you whining about? The fact that southern conservatives are the same bigoted morons today that they were 150 years ago, the fact that southern conservatives today are Republicans rather than Dems, or the fact that the party of dumb bigots today is the GOP? There's a good reason the south is a solid block of red states today.
Or are you whining about the fact that Jesse Helms would have voted to convict Trump if he were impeached, despite the fact that he hated pretty much all the same minority groups as Trump does?
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
It tries to impress us with all the big words it knows...
You're free to do your own research but as the NAACP noted he had an exemplary voting record once he renounced his racist past and decided to support civil rights.
As I said you obviously haven't even read the GOP's vile platform or paid attention to their racist, homophobic and misogynistic agenda. The only civil rights they care about are gun rights and the rights of Christians to use religion as an excuse to violate secular laws.
We've got your claim that birthers aren't racist despite Obama showing his state-issued COLB in June 2008.......even today the vast majority of you Republicans are convinced that Obama wasn't born in the US despite that racist nonsense being debunked almost 10 years ago, showing that conservative Americans are literally the dumbest people on the planet as well as being profoundly racist.
In fact that was the biggest factor which indicates a Trump voter....whether a voter thought Obama was Muslim or foreign-born.
That's either a false or deluded claim given that the social aspects of the GOP platform were literally written by an anti-LGBT hate group. However it's not surprising since you seem to share many anti-LGBT views yourself despite your claims to be related to an LGBT activist.
Strange then that you're an apologist for the racist and xenophobic birthers whose motives for refusing to deem credible a state-issued certificate are rather obvious.
No surprise though that the vast majority of Republicans still hold those racist and moronic views. No wonder they voted for the King of the Birthers......no sane or ethical person would have done that.
It's not whining. I just dismissed it as a deflection. And I'm referring to about 90% of your comments since it bothers you that much.
Actually it seems they do. Racists, pedophiles, womanizers, they apologize and it's all good.
Your comment upthread speaks for itself. Everyone reading this can see that you're an apologist for racist birthers.
Give it up, already!
Same song, second verse, let's hum!
an intern forwarding an e-mail unknown to the candidate (Hillary), much less known to the campaign organizer does not put the blame of the birther movement onto the candidate,but places it upon an unsuspecting intern whom was fired. The blame or the movement goes to those that embraced it and kept it alive for years and years even after it had been debunked. I like to call them morons.
Yeah, it's a bit like asking whether Trump is an apologist for white supremacists after he made his notorious comments about what happened in Charlottesville..
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck......
Interesting that you take umbrage for something that didn't happen. Really does reveal something about you the you were hoping to conceal.
No, they just rig the voting districts. But they do get paid handsomely for doing that so their corruption is massive and systemic, root t0 stem to every rotten leaf and rancid fruit.
And then you people bawl and tantrum about being called racist.
Why is it always this?
We will always been divided in our country because of that attitude.
Overpopulation is the biggest problem politicians are afraid to face
Absolutely Charger, and it's never talked about. No one even suggests limiting our procreation. Having babies is still considered a wonderful thing, and people who chose not to have children, are treated like outcasts, weirdos who don't have kids like the rest of us. We should revere these people and hold them up as examples of responsibility and social consciousness.
Yep, and we have these "good Christians" like the duggars that pump out one kid after another, (then molest them....figures).
If women could control their bodies, they wouldn't need abortions. Just a thought.
Your statement is simply ignorant beyond any reasonable ideas. If women could control our bodies we also wouldn't get sick, old or die either.
Maybe men should learn to control their bodies so women didn't get pregnant or you could accept biological reality and keep your religious opinions off of our bodies and out of our lives.
If more women would swallow we wouldn’t have so many getting pregnant.
No comment.
The same could be said about men and they only need to control one tiny part.
Given how many comments this discussion has accrued, I have reposted the article as a continuation of this discussion. If anyone is interested, it has the same title with "Repost" added and is under the News & Politics section of topics. Here is a direct link to the reposted article :