Exposing the Deep State - Part One
Part 1: The morally challenged FBI
The term "deep state" was most likely first used by a congressional aide named Mike Lofgren to describe elements of the US government with the aid of allies in the media & elsewhere in order to achieve a political objective. Recent revelations indicate that many agencies of the federal government have been heavily politicized and invested in discrediting and or removing a President from office. The methods included conducting a false investigation to exonerate one candidate while spying and creating, out of a false document, an investigation of another candidate and his campaign, the violation of another's civil rights and the unfair entrapment of another.
The players:
James Comey - The 7th Director of the FBI, beginning with his appointment on September 4, 2013 by President Obama. During his tenure he assembled new leadership at the FBI, conducted the highly controversial Hillary Clinton investigation and began an investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election. The Clinton investigation was highly irregular, with no grand jury, immunity given out without reason or benefit, the Clinton staff all sharing the same lawyer, the AG Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton and finally with Director Comey making the final decision on whether to prosecute the case. On October 26, 2016 Comey informed Congress that he needed to re-open the case due to Clinton State Department e-mails being found on Anthony Weiner's computer. Later after assuring the newly elected President Trump that Trump was not under investigation, he refused to make that fact known to the general public. He was then fired. Seeking revenge, he then leaked personal notes (FBI property) to the New York Times. Like clockwork, the deputy AG, Rob Rosenstein appointed a special Counsel with a broad mandate to investigate "Russian interference" in the 2016 election. Eventually he was called to testify before Congress, where he lied (as is now known) about making his decision in the Clinton investigation after Clinton was interviewed.
Fired on May 9, 2017
Andrew McCabe - Comey's Deputy Director, Trump hater and possible cabal ring leader. Has been under investigation by the Inspector General of the DOJ. There was always a question of a conflict of interest when it came to investigations of Clinton & Trump since McCabe's wife Jill had received a political donation of $675,000 from the All powerful Clinton Machine. Recently it was discovered that McCabe was instrumental in using the fake "Steele Dossier" in order to get a FISA warrant as well as conspiring with Peter Strzok and his lover Lisa Page. On December 19, 2017 McCabe was also called to testify before congress. During a seven-hour interrogation of McCabe there were numerous conflicts with the testimony of previous witnesses, prompting the Republican majority staff of the House Intelligence Committee to decide to issue fresh subpoenas on Justice Department and FBI personnel.
Of note McCabe testified "that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA without the Steele Dossier".
The new FBI director viewed the testimony on January 28, 2018 - the following day McCabe was gone.
Removed/retired January 29, 2018
The Justice Department’s inspector general has submitted a criminal referral for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, according to CNN’s Pamela Brown . Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who submitted a harsh report asserting that McCabe misled Justice Department investigators last week, has referred the matter to the US attorney’s office in Washington, DC, for potential prosecution.
Peter Strzok - Counter Intelligence agent who was at the center of both the Clinton & Russia investigations and conducted interviews of Hillary Clinton and Michael Flynn. We have learned from his texts to his lover & fellow agent Lisa Page just how biased and corrupted both of them were:
"During the campaign, Strzok led the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private server while she was secretary of state. The texts sent between Page and Strzok are dated between August 2015 and December 2016, the duration of the campaign. They raise concerns about Strzok's impartiality and will likely prompt more questions about the investigation into Clinton's server."
Here is a sampling of the damning texts on government phones, no less! :
On Sept. 28, 2016, Strzok wrote to Page, "Got called up to Andy's [McCabe] earlier.. hundreds of thousands of emails turned over by Weiner's atty to sdny [Southern District of New York], includes a ton of material from spouse [Huma Abedin]. Sending team up tomorrow to review... this will never end."
The question becomes why Comey was only informed by his investigative team on Oct. 27, if the Clinton emails on Weiner’s laptop were discovered by Sept. 28, at the latest. The logical answer - McCabe sat on them, so as not to hurt Hillary, which inadvertently forced Comey's hand
"Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because " potus wants to know everything we're doing." This text obviously raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.
On Nov. 14, 2016, Page wrote, “God, being here makes me angry. Lots of high fallutin’ national security talk. Meanwhile we have OUR task ahead of us." Their task??? hum.
Strzok, as mentioned initially led the FBI counter intelligence investigation of the Trump campaign, which the FBI claims began on July 31, 2016. Strzok went to London immediately after the investigation was launched, based on what we have learned recently, it seems quite likely that Stefan Halper was on his agenda and that generating a plan to ensnare unwitting dupes into incriminating-looking behavior was part of what became a counter intelligence operation against a political campaign.
Strzok was dismissed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team in August, he now works in the FBI's human resources department.
Lisa Page - S erved as legal counsel to ousted Deputy Director Andrew McCabe before thousands of her text messages with Strzok revealed widespread animus to Trump within the agency . She was of the same mindset as her lover Strzok, but may have been one of the few to realize they had been discovered. The last text is from Page to Strzok, and comes on June 23, 2017, when she wrote, "Please don't ever text me again."
After being reassigned Page resigned on Friday May 4, 2018
James Baker - FBI chief lawyer. He’d been under scrutiny for a leak of classified information relating to the Steele dossier, a report filled with racy yet unsubstantiated charges that was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Resigned on Friday May 4, 2018
James Rybicki - James Comey's Chief-of-Staff. Among other things, Rybicki was the communication hub surrounding the Clinton-Lynch ‘Tarmac Meeting’ discussion points that led to public statements therein by the FBI and ultimately Loretta Lynch’s public statements distancing herself from the investigation. Eventually, Rybicki would be listed as one of the key witnesses requested by Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes.
Resigned on January 23, 2018
Bill Priestap - The assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division. Scheduled to appear before the Judiciary and the Oversight and Government Reform committees in June 2018
Michael Steinbach - The former head of the FBI’s national security division. Scheduled to appear before the Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees in June 2018
John Giacalone - Preceded Steinbach as the bureau's top national security official and oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe. Scheduled to appear before the Judiciary and the Oversight and Government Reform committees in June 2018
Daniel Richman - Law Professor at Columbia University and close friend of James Comey. He leaked the Comey memo's (FBI government property) at Comey's request to the New York Times. He then revealed that he is now Comey's attorney. It was also later revealed that Richman had officially worked for Comey at the FBI.
Richman refused to say when his legal representation of Comey began or whether he was personally representing Comey when the former FBI director testified before Congress in June 2017 about his deliberate leaking of the FBI records. The specific timing of the attorney-client relationship is important, because it may shield conversations between Comey and Richman regarding the coordinated leak of FBI records to the media from law enforcement scrutiny.
Richman's current law license in the state of New York is valid through October 2018.
Stefan Halper - Informer/spy/tool of both the FBI and CIA. He had “extensive ties” to the CIA and MI6, the United Kingdom’s foreign intelligence service. His occupation was as a University of Cambridge professor. He was in contact with both Page and Papadopoulos according to the reporter (The Daily Caller’s own) Chuck Ross, who was one of the first to allude to his identity.
" Halper enticed Papadopoulos to visit London in September 2016 with an offer to pay for a policy paper about energy issues. Papadopoulos made the trip and wrote the paper. He was paid $3,000.Sources familiar with Papadopoulos’s version of his encounters with Halper have told TheDCNF that Halper brought up the question of Russian hacking of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails. Papadopoulos was suspicious of the question, sources say" .......Chuck Ross
This story is still breaking
Christopher Steele - The author of the infamous Steele Dossier, who was hired by Clinton campaign intermediaries to collect & disseminate opposition research on Donald Trump. He was once a British intelligence officer with the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 from 1987 until his retirement in 2009. For a long time (maybe even while serving MI6) he has been linked to the FBI. In July 2016, Steele, supplied a report he had written to an FBI agent in Rome. Despite the fact that neither Intel agencies nor news organizations have ever been able to verify the claims made in the "Dossier", it has now been revealed that it was used by the FBI/DOJ to gain FISA warrants. It was also used by Clinton campaign operatives in the State Department & elsewhere to further the "collusion" narrative.
"On 15 March 2017, former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell (not of the Deep State) raised questions about the dossier. He was concerned about the accuracy of the information, due to the approach taken by Steele to gather it. Steele gave money to intermediaries and the intermediaries paid the sources. Morell said, "Unless you know the sources, and unless you know how a particular source acquired a particular piece of information, you can't judge the information – you just can't"
In August 2017, lawyers for Russian internet entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev, who was mentioned in Steele's dossier, demanded Steele give a deposition regarding the dossier, as part of a libel lawsuit against Buzz Feed News (first to release the Dossier allegations). Steele objected to testifying but his objections were rejected by U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Mancusi Ungaro , who allowed the deposition to proceed.
In January (2018) the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman issued a criminal referral to the DOJ regarding Steele's lying to the FBI about talking to the media
This past April (2018), the ownership of Alpha Bank (mentioned as a collusion enabler in the "Dossier") also filed a libel suit against Steele.
This story is ongoing

We await the report from the office of the Inspector General of the DOJ, which should answer some questions about the obvious politicization of the senior ranks of the FBI & DOJ
"The Constitution is an instrument, above all, for limiting the functions of government… Throughout history, government has proved to be the chief instrument for thwarting man’s liberty. Government represents power in the hands of some men to control and regulate the lives of other men."
— Barry Goldwater
The 'deep state' are the entities that float the GOP and its under pining's located in multiple basements in Moscow.
Yep, the deep state are all Trump supporters.
There is no Deep State, nor will there be one when Part II, III or IV are rolled out.
Even if there was they would screw up whatever their trying to accomplish because that's what governments do
They sure did - their girl lost!
You are correct. Well, at least half correct. Right leaning governments do not do as well unless they can 'secure' the population.
"Man, oh man, oh man!" Somebody in the back of the room cried. "Please stop, this tortured thing that is happening to us."
More conspiracy theory nonsense, sorry I don't buy it.
Of course you don't. Why, it's just incomprehensible that anyone would think about taking over our government from the inside. Heck, everybody knows that the Communist Manifesto was just a work of fiction.
But, but that would mean that the accusations of Russia colluding with Trump to take over our country from the inside is nothing but a silly conspiracy also.
Please don't assume you know what I believe or don't believe.
No assumptions made. Oh wait a minute. Could it be that you do believe there is a Deep State scenario in Washington? It's only a conspiracy theory if fingers point at Democrats but the real deal if it involves Republicans? Got news for you. It's members of both Parties. Being members of one of the two Parties just makes it easier for the players to get jobs within the government in the first place.
It must be really heartbreaking to learn that there are just as many disingenuous people on one side as there is on the other.
It's not just the Parties any more. There are two reasons the ranks of independents are growing. One is that many are truly disgusted with the shenanigans of both Parties. Two is because many of the players don't want to bear the quickly developing stigma of belonging to either Party.
The year is 2018, partisanship to a Party is the equivalent of having shit for brains.
No assumptions at all. You already stated, right here
what you believe and don't believe. You were told that it's not just a theory, there is actual evidence, and there will be a lot more. The digging is going to continue. Then, rather than backing up your belief that it's all just a conspiracy theory by giving a few facts, you derailed by assuming that owlsview wasn't aware of what your clearly stated beliefs were.
Retired. I was also a cop, so I know evidence when I see it. Also used to play poker a bit when I was in the Navy, so I can tell when somebody's trying to slip one off the bottom of the deck, especially when they're not very good at it.
Never actually tried to slip one off of the bottom in a real game but was taught how by a few of the best mechanics.
That IG report can't come soon enough. I just admire the art of deflection that the fake news uses to cover up major stories like this.
Trump is sweating blood. He knows he is going down.
You'd have to ask Trump and so many right wingers like Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck. All caught lying. Trump is proven to lie over 5 times a day about the very things you are spouting.
So, you prefer to be a known liar? And I don't see any Democrats running for cover as fast as the Nunes crew and their followers did when the briefing happened and blew their "Spy in the campaign" lie.
Nope, the collusion is fuckall, Trump's sweating over the conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and money laundering charges coming his way.
Oh, OK.
It will be the money laundering that will likely take Trump down.
Time to start updating
The "Spygate" revelations is a huge piece of the FBI puzzle
Which got blown out of the water at the briefing, while the most gullible still believe Trump's bullshit out of fear of being exposed as rubes....reminds me of the Tea Party movement that fleeced the stupid for their money by whipping up a fake frenzy...and before you bother with the Obama midterm bs, most of those elected are already out or have announced their "retirement" because they failed miserably, or got caught literally with their pants down around their ankles.
Who say's so, Adam Schiff?
As they say in New Jersey "Ya, right!"
Be real!
If the Republicans didn't get handed their ass in that briefing you bet they would have been crowing everywhere including Fox.....but, not a peep! Instead, Nunes went 404 as did all the other Republicans.
Damn I miss Obama!
That was supposed to be the deal when the democrats begged to be a part of it. Trey Gowdy told Nancy Pelosi "you are now invited, keep an open mind and closed lips". So what did Pelosi do? - she told Schiff that he could go in her place - and what did he do? He came running out of the meeting to the nearest TV camera (as he always does), to say "there was nothing there"
Unfortunately for both of them and the Justice Department, which hasn't cooperated with oversight committees, there is now an IG investigation.
Thus far, Gowdy and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes of California are the only members of Congress set to join FBI Director Chris Wray, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and Justice Department official Edward O’Callaghan.
Top Democratic leaders Sen. Charles Schumer of New York and Nancy Pelosi of California wrote a letter to Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, asking them to include more members of Congress, including their fellow Democrats.
“I don’t care who comes,” Gowdy said. “The only thing I’d ask [is] if you show up, show up with an open mind and closed lips.”
“In other words, don’t leak like a sieve when we get through the meeting,” he said.
As for Democrats’ state of mind, Gowdy noted that as many as 60 House members have already supported the impeachment of Trump “before a single finding” of fact has been announced by special counsel Robert Mueller, whose investigation goes on and on and on…
Thanks for confirming that this:
was bullshit.
Parsing words again. Your point being that if he personally didn't do the inviting, then it's bullshit. You can pull that at UC Berkeley but not here.
You get an F for failing to counter my post
YOU are the one who posted the ACTUAL quote. Why blame me?
No, my point is that you made a FALSE statement and you misquoted Gowdy for your own purposes. Thanks for proving my point.
Actually, I successfully called out y'all's BS all the time, as you well know. BTFW, thanks for the compliment of assuming that I attended such a prestigious university.
You get an F for failing to recognize that YOUR OWN LINK did it for me...as I knew it would, since I looked up the actual quote BEFORE I invited you to step in it. Knew you'd jump at the invite.
"The new OIG report, expected to be released within days, could unleash serious consequences for senior-level Justice Department and FBI officials who served during the Obama presidency."
Or, like the briefing that Nunes and the other conspiracy nuts were screaming about "spygate" ended up with the Right wingers and Nunes running away like puppies with their tail between their legs.
"Deep State" originally was coined in Turkey as it didn't matter who was president, the military ran the country.
The right stole the term and used it to have a villain they could not identify except to try and call whoever opposes their boy members of the deep state, and to use as a distraction from their own incompetence....
Yet again the right is being played and so much more frequently these days.....such rubes.
What are you going to do is the IG report doesn't agree with your visions, proclaim the IG is part of Obama's "Deep State"?
It's interesting how Trump is repeating so many of the mistakes Nixon made during the Watergate investigation.
A man on CNN asked a rep congressman to name any one that was deep state. He could not produce one single name. Finally he blurted out Rod Rosenstein. Hilarious.
You should have directed him here
I'll be right here and I'll expect to find you if the report say's what I expect it will say. You do know that the report on the FBI handling of the Clinton investigation is finished and is about to be released to the public. Prepare yourself.
Ok, so your deep state list is mostly people that no longer work for or don't work for the government.
I think you should run your information right up to the people in congress that cannot identify the deep state.
You know from experience with me that I'll stand and give you your due if the report comes out as you say.
Will you be around to admit it if it doesn't or will you say the Deep State infiltrated?
So 9 far right wing investigations of Hillary that found nothing wasn't good enough for you? Einstein said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Well, since he never studied history he is doomed to repeat it.
Those who no longer work for government are only gone because Hillary didn't win, thus they were exposed
I'll do the same
Nope. All were in the hands of the Obama Justice Department and we know how dishonest they were
Gowdy and Pyro Boy worked for Obama? Who knew?
Gowdy and Pyro Boy worked for Obama? Who knew?
Please tell us all about the prosecutorial powers of a congressional committee vs the powers of the DOJ conducting the investigation.
Is this an original piece?
Oh and where is part 2?
Is this an original piece?
Yes it is.
Oh and where is part 2?
Right here:
Brace yourself for more
No need, I love reading good fiction. Alas, the seed fails to meet the 'good' standard, but hey, I always read a story to the end, no matter the quality of the writing or the improbability of the story line.
Then let me recommend "The Power"
I have a stack of books in line on my nightstand as it is. I buy most of my books second hand so I'll look for it at Goodwill.
Does the book get locked when the bullshit is being uncovered?
I promised myself decades ago that I'd read a story all the way though. There is still one book on my nightstand that I haven't finished "Mexico' by Michener. I got bogged down in it and moved on. I'll go back to it after I read a barn burner to bolster me.
I read part 1 & 2 of this fiction story. If I didn't know the author's intent, I'd review it as a Comic spoof because is made me laugh out loud.
Interesting how that locking thingy works isn't it? I wonder if it's on a thermostat.
badfish, The above article only lists the deep state players within the FBI. It is a profile of each one, naturally based on things iv'e read. It's not an article containing my explanation of the deep state.
I think your'e serving the interests of a few of our liberal bad actors from Newsvine. Suppose I hold everyone to the same standard? If I see something that sounds like Rachel Maddow said it, I proceed to claim plagiarism?
I am closing the article until proper citations can be made, Please take your time and correct.
You can do what you want. Your'e the moderator
Like I have said....no one had an issue with the FBI until trump found out he was under investigation and he started his "discredit the FBI" campaign, then all the sudden the FBI is a biased corrupt organization.....because trump says so... My god, some of you people really need to lay off the weed and kool-aid.
The "deep state" is just another pathetic attempt to throw shit at the wall and see what will stick... pathetic.
To have a fake boogeyman that none of them can identify but you can bet they aren't conservatives. Just another way to deflect from this dumpster fire of a regime.
Not because he says so, but because he became the Republican candidate.
Please tell us then why Strzok was taken off Muellers investigation?
Why Andy McCabe was fired and is still in trouble for leaking?
Do you think Muellers investigation is just a couple of people? It's probably several dozen people working on this investigation. Just because someone has a political opinion doesnt mean they cannot do thier job. Mueller removed these two because they DID show bias which proves that Mueller wants as non partisan investigation as he can get.
Remember, Mueller is a republican who was appointed by a republican who was appointed by a republican. Just because someone said something about someone at a previous time doesn't equal a massive conspiracy. Good grief, you really need to lay off the far right wing conspiracy sites...
Funny, he removed them, yet never told us why? In the end we had to extract it, like a dentist would.
Remember, Mueller is a republican who was appointed by a republican who was appointed by a republican. Just because someone said something about someone at a previous time doesn't equal a massive conspiracy. Good grief, you really need to lay off the far right wing conspiracy sites...
His party affiliation means nothing when it comes to Trump. Jeff Flake is a Republican as is Mitt Romney. Have you heard what they had to say about the President?
Jim Comey said "he is no longer a Republican"....I wonder when that change happened?
That is simply not true. What about the progressives who claimed Comey favored Trump and/or hurt Hillary Clinton?
COMEY, not the entire FBI. And he did favor trump. He told the world Clinton was under investigation but said nothing about trump being under investigation at the same time. That being said, do i think comey is a partisan hack? No i don't. I think he just made a poor decision.
Unlike Trump and his minions, progressives were critical of the action of ONE person [Comey] without condemning the entire organization [FBI].
See the difference?
To add to the other people who've debunked your comment, pretty much all sane people were concerned about Comey's unethical and unprofessional comments about Clinton at his July 5th press conference and his statements to Congress just before the election. Those were valid concerns based on specific actions Comey took, and those concerns were shared across the political spectrum by anyone who wasn't a far right-wing loon - in fact some of the formal complaints against Comey were made by Dubya's former legal ethics adviser in the OLC. And I don't remember any "progressives" trying to deflect or discredit the investigation while it was in progress.
In contrast all the complaints which Trump and you folks have about Mueller and the FBI seem to be based on moronic and baseless conspiracy theories - "wire taps on Trump's phone", "spies in the campaign", etc. All of your complaints appear intended to deflect or discredit the investigation, and not one thing to date relates to any substantive action taken by the FBI.
That's like saying that those who were opposed to George W's invasion of Iraq were condemning the entire military. It was & is a false argument
No they haven't "debunked" anything. All they could manage was to repeat the progressive lie that the entire FBI was attacked and that the FBI cannot be biased and that nothing inappropriate took place. Thing about where progressives are right now.
Those were valid concerns based on specific actions Comey took, and those concerns were shared across the political spectrum
And the way the Clinton investigation was conducted was not a valid concern?
All of your complaints appear intended to deflect or discredit the investigation
Nope, the Mueller investigation will speak for itself. The public will decide.
and not one thing to date relates to any substantive action taken by the FBI.
Really? Tell us again how the original FBI counter-intelligence investigation began and when it began?
That's become the liberal narrative - that we are attacking the entire FBI. Take a look at the names Iv'e listed above. Does that look like the "entire FBI"?
Nope. My comment was in reply to your SPECIFIC 'whataboutism'.
No, it's NOT like saying that at all. Your comment is a deflection.
Vic, this morning Trump attacked 'the entire FBI' AGAIN. It isn't a 'progressive lie', it's a documented FACT!
Bull! You know that everyone can read what was ACTUALLY posted right? Lying about the content of other member's comments is bad form.
Think about where YOU are right now...
So you want to pretend that this seed debunks the fact that there are a ton of 'we' who ARE attacking the entire FBI?
You no more represent 'we' than I do. There is documented proof that Trump and the GOP lead House Intelligence Committee has attacked 'the entire FBI'. You can choose to ignore all of the written demands for every text by every agent or the day in, day out Trump tweets but the rest of us see it for what it is.
With Donald Trump as president, we now have a 'shallow state' as well!
Wish I could give your comment both thumps up!
You forgot to make it clear that piece was from Oped news.com
YOU forgot to make it clear that parts of your 'original piece' are copied and pasted verbatim from copywritten articles.
And you wouldn't have known that without clicking the hyperlink installed to make the whole source clear.....and funny how you would reply to me down here instead of at the comment. Made you feel better though huh?
Yet just another lesson on someone's credibility for all of us.
Opposed to this trash you posted claiming it as your own. If it really was your own you wouldn't have cut n pasted the part about the non-existent website.