
More companies sever ties with NRA, now include United, Delta, Hertz and MetLife


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  6 years ago  •  101 comments

More companies sever ties with NRA, now include United, Delta, Hertz and MetLife

A growing number of companies are announcing plans to sever ties with the National Rifle Association following the shooting massacre Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida that killed 17 students and staff, sparking renewed calls for gun control.

One of the first companies that said it would cut ties with the gun-rights lobbying group was First National Bank of Omaha, which announced Thursday that it would not renew a co-branded Visa credit card with the NRA.

A slew of other companies -- including United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, MetLife Insurance Co.,   Hertz   and Best Western -- have followed suit, announcing plans to terminate special discounts and benefits for NRA members.

( Read it all )


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago

And as petitions circulate online urging companies to #BoycottNRA, the pressure to disassociate from the NRA is growing. #BoycottNRA has already trended on Twitter.

If anyone is interested in following the latest up-to-the-minute tweets there, you can use this link:  #boycottnra

Professor Expert
1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1    6 years ago

If you like to avoid the coverage on the mainstream media and the "alternative facts" from politicians who weren't even there, here's a really excellent site for seeing what those who were actually there are saying about what they experienced:

Parkland students

Sophomore Participates
1.1.1  Skrekk  replied to  Krishna @1.1    6 years ago

Here's a good article from that link:

Sophomore Participates
1.2  Skrekk  replied to  Krishna @1    6 years ago

It seems the boycott is having an impact since the NRA is already publicly whining about it.

Sophomore Silent
3  Rmando    6 years ago

Can't wait for these boycotts to boomerang back on the companies that caved in. It'll be just like when Media Matters tries to start a boycott on Fox News personalities or Duck Dynasty.

Professor Silent
3.1  Cerenkov  replied to  Rmando @3    6 years ago

Or Chick fil a.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
3.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  Cerenkov @3.1    6 years ago

Or Hobby Lobby ......

Professor Expert
3.2  Dulay  replied to  Rmando @3    6 years ago
Can't wait for these boycotts to boomerang back on the companies that caved in.

They aren't boycotts. They are severing business affiliation. Thanks for playing. 

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
3.2.1  Uncle Bruce  replied to  Dulay @3.2    6 years ago

They severed ties under threat of boycott from the uninformed masses.  Now they face boycotting from the informed masses.  But thanks for playing, and trying to score.

Professor Expert
3.2.2  Dulay  replied to  Uncle Bruce @3.2.1    6 years ago
They severed ties under threat of boycott from the uninformed masses.

They did? I know that you've got a link to inform us all about it right Uncle Bruce? 

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
3.2.3  Uncle Bruce  replied to  Dulay @3.2.2    6 years ago

I guess you didn't click on the link to read the whole article did you?

And as petitions circulate online urging companies to #BoycottNRA, the pressure to disassociate from the NRA is growing. #BoycottNRA has already trended on Twitter.

But you can read the actual call for boycott here:

Note this statement:

Please boycott these companies' products and tell them you are doing so using the contact information below.Things are changing, and it's no longer socially acceptable for corporations to be associated with the NRA. We consumers will not put up with it.
Professor Expert
3.2.4  Dulay  replied to  Uncle Bruce @3.2.3    6 years ago

But Uncle Bruce, it isn't a boycott of the NRA. 

You said it was a boycott 'from the uninformed masses' yet you link a list of targets that contains quite a plethora of INFORMATION and a twitter feed that contains even MORE INFORMATION. So you've refuted your own claimed that this is 'uninformed' vs 'informed'.

In FACT, it seems that those you are labelling as uninformed are actually using the NRA's own data. The NRA has dangled these 'perks' in front of their membership for decades and these companies have benefited  from their affiliation. Now the worm has turned and karma has caught up with all of them. 

The 'informed' have used this affiliation as an economic motivation tool and that tool is now being used against them. Turn about is fair play and the free market is reacting to the reality of changing times. 

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
3.2.5  Uncle Bruce  replied to  Dulay @3.2.4    6 years ago

Comment removed for CoC violation [ph] The stupidity of my action was thinking you wanted a serious answer.  How utterly stupid of me to think that you would somehow learn something from what I posted. 

IN fact, what just happened was I handed you your ass in a hand basket.  And now you want to play word games.  Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]

Anyone who thinks the NRA is somehow remotely responsible for this or any mass shooting is fucking idiot.  They are UNINFORMED MASSES WHO FOLLOW THE LATEST LIBERAL DOGSHIT DOGMA.

Let me repeat:

Anyone who thinks the NRA is somehow remotely responsible for this or any mass shooting is fucking idiot. 

Yeah.  They're uninformed.  And the sad part is, we have dumbass stupid fucks on NT who follow this dogshit dogma of blaming the NRA.

Which camp do you fall in Dulay?

Professor Expert
3.2.6  Dulay  replied to  Uncle Bruce @3.2.5    6 years ago
Much like I like a screaming case of the Philippine Clap

I thought that you were above gratuitous personal attacks, especially based on ancestral nationality. I see that I was wrong. 

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
3.2.7  Uncle Bruce  replied to  Dulay @3.2.6    6 years ago

You should read the comment a little closer.  I was poking fun at myself.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.2.8  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Uncle Bruce @3.2.5    6 years ago

Anyone who thinks the NRA is somehow remotely responsible for this or any mass shooting is fucking idiot.

The NRA fights tooth and nail to not only maintain the status quo that provides weapons to the mentally ill and potential terrorists, but also seeks to promote a twisted solution that will coincidentally increase gun sales and gun industry profits.  Anyone who denies that is just in denial of the reality around them.

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
3.2.9  Uncle Bruce  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3.2.8    6 years ago

You didn't need to comment for me to know what camp you fall in Hal.  But thanks for playing.

Professor Quiet
3.2.10  cjcold  replied to  Uncle Bruce @3.2.5    6 years ago
Which camp do you fall in Dulay?

As with most aspects of life there are many more than just two binary points of view when it comes to firearms. I resist thinking of this topic as 'either/or'.

This independent, centrist, liberal, environmental scientist, outdoorsman, hunts, target shoots and owns several shotguns, handguns and rifles (including an AR-15).

Used to be a paramedic and have seen/treated my share of gunshot victims. As such, I easily understand the points of view of all commenters to this seed.

Let's all blame the Chinese for inventing gunpowder! (Surprised Trump didn't think of that).

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
3.2.11  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Uncle Bruce @3.2.5    6 years ago

 Kinda fun at first


Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
3.3  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Rmando @3    6 years ago

DD got cancelled so it must have worked.

Masters Quiet
4  PJ    6 years ago

It looks like your article got hijacked.   :0(

I'm not sure much will change unless generation Z votes out the politicians that the NRA has bought and paid for.  The US is slowly being turned into a third world country where killing each other is a part of life and the NRA is cashing in.  I am hoping that these young people will stay focused on what they need to do to stop this madness.    

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4.1  Uncle Bruce  replied to  PJ @4    6 years ago

Are you kidding?  These young people are confused about what's in their shorts, and are eating Tide pods.

Masters Quiet
4.1.1  PJ  replied to  Uncle Bruce @4.1    6 years ago

No, I'm not kidding.   Voting out the NRA politicians is a start.  Then maybe Americans can have an honest conversation.  One that isn't polluted with money.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
4.1.2  pat wilson  replied to  Uncle Bruce @4.1    6 years ago

Certainly not the ones I've seen interviewed. These students are very thoughtful and well spoken, much more so than many of our "lawmakers".

Masters Quiet
4.1.3  PJ  replied to  pat wilson @4.1.2    6 years ago

Yes, I agree Pat.  

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4.1.4  Uncle Bruce  replied to  PJ @4.1.1    6 years ago
Then maybe Americans can have an honest conversation.

There will never be an honest conversation when dumbasses blame the NRA or the gun, rather than the real problem.

Masters Quiet
4.1.5  PJ  replied to  Uncle Bruce @4.1.4    6 years ago

smh - some people are just too narrow minded to see the big picture. 

I just hope you get some type of kick back from the NRA like the docs do when they over-prescribe opioids to their patients. 

You know, it's actually a good comparison.  The country has an opioids epidemic and we also have a gun epidemic.  Both are controlled by big money and both have their addicts who can't look beyond their own needs to see how it's destroying those around them.  Every once in a while the addict has some clarity and will "briefly" feel bad about how their actions have impacted others but in the end they'd kill their own mother to get that fix.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
4.1.6  Dean Moriarty  replied to  PJ @4.1.5    6 years ago

Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]

Sophomore Silent
4.1.7  Rmando  replied to  pat wilson @4.1.2    6 years ago

Telling Marco Rubio that he looks like a mass shooter is not thoughtful or well spoken. Even youthfulness doesn't excuse that level of idiocy.

Masters Quiet
4.1.8  PJ  replied to  Dean Moriarty @4.1.6    6 years ago
Comment removed for context [ph]

What's wrong with you?  What an incredibly horrible thing to say.  My niece overdosed in October and we buried her after 2 years of her being clean.  I'm now waiting for that same call.  I just can't believe you would say this to me on an open forum......  I'm just baffled.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
4.1.9  Dean Moriarty  replied to  PJ @4.1.8    6 years ago

Sorry it was a serious question as I was concerned. Stay safe. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
4.1.10  Greg Jones  replied to  PJ @4.1.1    6 years ago
Voting out the NRA politicians is a start.

You must realize that the NRA has nothing to do with any of this and it will not be going away. This silly media sideshow will have dissipated by next week. In the meantime, the NRA membership will continue to grow and the organization will live long and prosper.

Masters Quiet
4.1.12  PJ  replied to  Greg Jones @4.1.10    6 years ago

I don't doubt it but I'm an optimist at heart.  Big companies own the country because they own the politicians.   But you're probably right, the NRA and it's members will probably win and more people will be murdered.

Masters Quiet
4.1.13  PJ  replied to    6 years ago
"My niece overdosed in October and we buried her after 2 years of her being clean.  I'm now waiting for that same call."

No, that was an exchange between me and another member who knows some history about my son and he was using the open forum to attack me personally.  You're right though, it was something that should have been said off line.  I apologize for my part.

Professor Principal
4.1.14  JBB  replied to  Greg Jones @4.1.10    6 years ago
You must realize that the NRA has nothing to do with any of this and it will not be going away. This silly media sideshow will have dissipated by next week.

If the makeup of the electorate stays the same that is true. If, on the other hand, Millennials and Generation Xers get out and vote their stated beliefs then real meaningful change is entirely possible. We are, after all, a representative democracy and so there is hope...

Professor Expert
4.1.17  seeder  Krishna  replied to  PJ @4.1.8    6 years ago
I just can't believe you would say this to me on an open forum......  I'm just baffled.

I'm not surprised. Nope-- I'm not surprised in the least....

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4.1.18  Uncle Bruce  replied to  PJ @4.1.5    6 years ago
I just hope you get some type of kick back from the NRA like the docs do when they over-prescribe opioids to their patients.

Not a member of the NRA.  Haven't been for many many years.  But I'll repeat, for those too thick skulled to understand:

There will never be an honest conversation when dumbasses blame the NRA or the gun, rather than the real problem.

Professor Expert
4.1.19  seeder  Krishna  replied to  PJ @4.1.12    6 years ago
Big companies own the country because they own the politicians.

Well, we are talking about the NRA here, but to derail the discussion a bit with a blatantly off-topic remark, I should mention that big pharma also owns the politicians....

Masters Quiet
4.1.20  PJ  replied to  Krishna @4.1.17    6 years ago

To be honest, I'm very surprised.  I always thought he and I had a good rapport.  (shrug)  

Masters Quiet
4.1.21  PJ  replied to  Krishna @4.1.19    6 years ago


Masters Quiet
4.1.22  PJ  replied to  Uncle Bruce @4.1.18    6 years ago

Well, I guess we will have to agree to disagree.  Oh wow - look over there......titties! 

That should keep him occupied for a bit.

Professor Expert
4.1.23  seeder  Krishna  replied to  PJ @4.1.12    6 years ago
you're probably right, the NRA and it's members will probably win

While typically on sites like NT most people are sure that there's only one factor responsible for something, the fact is that there are several influencing the same event. (This is true on both sides of the issues, BTW)

Some things are starting to change-- albeit slowly.

But I think its important to realize that there is more than one factor that will have an important impact on the upcoming mid-term elections. 

Professor Expert
4.1.24  seeder  Krishna  replied to    6 years ago
This same lazy voting constituency that allowed Trump in the " election of our lifetime" will hardly change their lazy behavior. This pervasive laziness is what defines a democrat above all else.

Do you think that these "new type" of student activists (the young students who personally witnessed what happened during this recent event) are "lazy"?  Maybe they are, maybe not. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that currently they are pretty fired up, and it may be that in fact they are really taking a lot of action....?

pat wilson
Professor Participates
4.1.25  pat wilson  replied to  Rmando @4.1.7    6 years ago

Where did they say Marco Rubio looked like a mass shooter ? Some people were saying the AR 15 should be renamed "Marco Rubios" because they are easily bought.

Professor Expert
4.1.26  seeder  Krishna  replied to  pat wilson @4.1.25    6 years ago
Marco Rubio

I was curious, so I googled too see which senators were the top recipients of NRA money. (Rubio is one of the top 10):


Professor Expert
4.1.27  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @4.1.26    6 years ago

I was curious, so I googled too see which senators were the top recipients of NRA money. (Rubio is one of   the top 10):

Here's a link to several very detailed lists -- lots of information about that plus some other related items. (You can also find both your Senator as well as Congress-person there).

Masters Quiet
4.1.28  PJ  replied to  Krishna @4.1.27    6 years ago

This is one of the great pluses of the internet and google.  The students leading this movement also have this information at their fingertips.  As we all know "knowledge is power".

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
4.1.29  Dean Moriarty  replied to  PJ @4.1.13    6 years ago

There was no personal attack it was a question directly related to you comments about your desire to buy a gun and your comment I was responding to. The fact that the moderators misinterpreted my comment to be a personal attack is out of my control. As I stated I was concerned for your safety. 

Sophomore Silent
4.1.30  Rmando  replied to  Krishna @4.1.26    6 years ago

Blaming the NRA for mass shootings is about as ridiculous as blaming Planned Parenthood for spreading STDs or the ACLU for neo Nazis.

Professor Principal
4.1.33  JBB  replied to    6 years ago
Fortunately, the millenials are also Tide swallowing imbeciles that don't vote.

Please do continue poking those sleeping bears of a voting block. We need them all awoken by November 6th...

Junior Quiet
4.1.35  Spikegary  replied to  PJ @4.1.1    6 years ago

Well, until you vote out all politicians that accept money from ANY special interest group-they will be beholding to those groups, based on your comment.

So, is it about special interest groups holding sway or just the ones you disagree with?

Masters Quiet
4.1.36  PJ  replied to  Spikegary @4.1.35    6 years ago

Waiting for the perfect scenario in which every business is on board is the equivalency and dare I say advocacy for doing nothing.

The smart thing to do is to start small and build on reaching the goal not ignoring it because it doesn't have 100% inclusivity.  

Masters Quiet
4.1.39  PJ  replied to  Release The Kraken @4.1.38    6 years ago

Well maybe they can re-brand and call themselves the National Carpet Association.  We all have to work together and some will have to sacrifice more than others for the good of the country.  

Professor Expert
4.1.40  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Release The Kraken @4.1.38    6 years ago
The National Rug Association has lost all of it's supporters.

The new rallying cry!:

Rugs don't kill people-- people kill people!

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4.2  Uncle Bruce  replied to  PJ @4    6 years ago


Masters Quiet
4.2.1  PJ  replied to  Uncle Bruce @4.2    6 years ago

What the hell is he eating?!!  hahahahahahaha

Freshman Silent
4.2.2  DRHunk  replied to  PJ @4.2.1    6 years ago

Tide Pods

Masters Quiet
4.2.3  PJ  replied to  DRHunk @4.2.2    6 years ago

Very witty......hahahahahaha

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago

Buzz's Oriental Travel and Tour Emporium.  (Leave your guns at home.)

Professor Expert
5.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5    6 years ago
(Leave your guns at home.)

The probable consequences of teachers taking their guns to school reminds me of a Johnny Cash song:

Johnny Cash - Don't Take Your Guns to Town

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
6  Greg Jones    6 years ago

The net result of all this hysteria is that thousands of people are joining the NRA and seriously looking at buying a gun.

Freshman Silent
6.1  DRHunk  replied to  Greg Jones @6    6 years ago

Sheep will be sheep.

Professor Expert
6.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Greg Jones @6    6 years ago
The net result of all this hysteria is that thousands of people are joining the NRA and seriously looking at buying a gun.


Sophomore Participates
6.2.1  Randy  replied to  Krishna @6.2    6 years ago

I'd be very interested in seeing some proof of that too.


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