What if our politicians weren’t the bitch of the NRA?
Parkland Shooting Survivor Calls Out Lawmakers In Chilling NRA-Style Ad
Florida school shooting survivor David Hogg uses propaganda tactics usually deployed by the National Rifle Association to call out lawmakers in a new ad.
“What if our politicians weren’t the bitch of the NRA?” the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student asks in the commercial, which is reminiscent of those produced by the gun rights lobbying association.
“What if we all voted and said this is not OK?” Hogg adds in the above clip, which he shared to Twitter on Friday.
Hogg, who earlier this month said President Donald Trump needed to “listen to the screams of the children” about gun control, ends the video by promoting the upcoming March For Our Lives in Washington, D.C., on March 24.
I'm rooting for these young voters. It would be great if they are able to get the NRA money out of the pockets of the politicians. We need to get rid of those politicians that are more concerned about their own careers then they are about the lives of their constituents and our country.
I'm confident that these young adults are far more superior in their handling of social media and in getting the message out.
It is funny when you think about it, most of the kids who will be marching this weekend will be old enough to vote in the upcoming election and, those that aren't will be old enough to vote in 2020.
Today's shooting in Maryland is just another incentive for these young voters.
I remember when I was a kid, younger than 18 that is and, the protests to lower the voting age to 18 started, I was excited and, hopeful, when it finally happened I had just turned 19 and, was able to register, my first election was during Nixon's time in the White House, never knew what was coming until Watergate became national, haven't voted Republican since.
What would be better is to remove all money from politics (if we're going to dream, then dream big).
My long term hope for the Country, is the young folks. I hope they are well rested because we are handing off a complete mess to them, I hope they do a better job than we did.
My long term hope for the Country, is the young folks. I hope they are well rested because we are handing off a complete mess to them, I hope they do a better job than we did.
Based upon the widespread actions of these kids-- the future is starting to look a bit brighter!
Yes, I agree. I'm wishing big too.
The NRA doesn't actually give that much money to politicians. They do give a lot of money to PACs. But in terms of straight up donations to candidates, the NRA isn't even in the Top 100 of political donors . They aren't even in the top 400 .
They give enough to own votes.
They only own the votes of people who are going to vote that way regardless.
Lost is liberal translation ......
I'm not a liberal. I'm an American. What are you?
Right on!!! I'm An American first and foremost. Nothing else matters.
I’m a Russian bot who grew up better dead than red ...... Oorah!
What does that even mean?
It means - they bought enough votes to ensure that the laws don't impede the gun industry profits.
I'm confident that these young adults are far more superior in their handling of social media and in getting the message out.
I think that's true.
Another reason they are doing what they are doing is that this generation seems to be, simply stated-- a lot less willing to put up with bullsh*t!
Something that the politicans should be thinking of instead of telling them they don't know what their talking about.
The politicians said the same thing in the sixties, look what happened then. They just don't learn, the politicians that is.
Apparently neither do we, we're the ones that keep electing these imbeciles.
I was part of that generation-- and I was a political activist in the 60s. We had two major successes-- ones that the older generation of activists was unable to do. We helped turn public opinion against Segregation (and succeeded in getting that legislation passed) and we helped turn opinion against the War in Viet-Nam.
I see many similarities between the people I was involved with back then (1960s) and these kids in the #neveragain and #marchforourlives movement today.
(Although I haven't been politically active for years, I have been considering going to Washington this weekend to join the protest...)
I'd love to do that as well but, finances prevent the travel. However, I don't see anything stopping me from cheering them on and, helping when and, as I can.
That kid has a hell of a future himself. I think the kids are going to make a huge difference in this year's election and in 2020. I support them completely.
The young people today are a hell of a lot smarter than the majority of the people running our country, state and local governments. I may not be around when they take control of our country as there are no guarantees about tomorrow, but, I would bet good money that our country will be 100 times better off when that time comes.
The young people today are just like we were.
Just like us in the day, they don’t know what they don’t know yet.
No they aren't. Back in the day we did not have to worry about being massacred while sitting in a classroom like today. We did not have computers or the Internet to use to find out facts for ourselves like they do today. We could only rely on whatever the teachers thought we should be taught. We didn't have Smart phones, banned books, violent video games, have access to how to make a bomb in our own room, worry about where the next terrorists would strike, being shot or blown up while sitting in a movie theater or church, or being creamed by someone texting while driving.
These are things that young people today are growing up with, and they are learning to empower themselves on how to deal with them and what needs to be done to make our world a safer place for their own children.
Those of us who are the elders should be doing all we can to leave them a better world, instead of worrying about who is loyal to which political party of religion. They are now learning the things WE should have been learning long ago and we would not be in the mess we are in now.
Mistakes should be learned from, and how not to make them again, not see how much we can blame others for them.
Yeah, we just had those cool "Duck and Cover" drills in case of a Nuclear bomb strike during the cold war ....... which was nice, since they doubled for Tornado and Earthquake drills as well. Hiding under our school desks, waiting to get nuc'd, was so comforting
So we had that going for us .....
Yes, we did have those kind of drills, and living in "tornado alley" at the time, I was more afraid of being torn apart by a tornado. So the sirens scared me more for that reason than being nuked.
Carswell AFB with the Strategic Air Command was located nearby, which would have made our area a primary target for being nuked should that ever happen. But, I never considered that the bigger threat. And I never worried about being killed when I went to the local theater to enjoy a good movie, or while shopping at our local department stores. We did not have open terrorists threats every day of the week, and not every family own a AR-15 or the like and fanatically coveted their guns and feared their fellow man.
No.....it was a much different world, one that today's children can't relate to, as their own world is filled with violence and hatred.
And that is sad. So very sad.
Easy to say now but if you didn’t others certainly did. We came damn close more than once. Regardless of how you rationalize it today it was an extremely dangerous situation for the entire country. It’s all perspective.
Okay, I worry more about getting creamed on the road by a distracted driver. Every time I drive. You should as well. Statistically speaking you are in much more danger then. Much more.
and not every family owns something like that now either. That said it’s been about 40 years since we had military armored personnel carriers with mounted 50 cal machine guns cruising down our streets protecting us from rioters
Yep, felt really, really safe then ..... again, it’s all perspective.
Never saw or heard of anything like that happening in the US when I was young. And with Carswell AFB and the National Guard stationed in our city, they were certainly there. But, no one ever saw them prowling our city streets.
Read your history, It happened, at least in a Detroit it did. More than a little unsettling seeing an APC rolling down your street. Kids today have seen nothing like that.
And I hope they never do. However, with the spastic nut job in the Oval office nothing is out of the question.
Yeah, i’m sure if anyone riots, whatever the reason, you’ll blame Trump.
Amazing how everything bad comes back to Trump with some of you folks. Worse yet if that lying, cheating sea hag Hillary was POTUS you’d probably be defending its every move. Regardless how bad it was.
Just amazing
Yeah....and I have to wonder what the reaction of the right wing would be if Trump suddenly decided to ditch the GOP and rejoin the Dems.
Good money is they would want to have him immediately impeached and then tarred and feathered. But, as long as he remains a Republican he can do no wrong. And that is what he is counting on.
Now take your snark and run along and play with those who think it's cute. No interest here.
If you don’t want snark don’t respond with snark.
snark is as snark does
Trump was the evil required to beat the real evil. Hillary “the sea hag” Clinton
David Hogg suddenly burst onto the international and national anti-gun/gun control political stage on Feb. 14, 2018.
Why haven't Vox, Time, the Miami Herald, and other media sources been able to find out what his real DOB is? Mr. Hogg has given a number of interviews, so this would be a softball question.
Deleted CoC {SP}
Too bad he uses crude language and a child like understanding of gun control. There seems to be as much understanding of the political system and the Constitution at one of these walkouts as there is at a Miley Cyrus concert.
Wonder if someone can explain where his sudden flood of money is coming from to be able to pay for these "interviews" and "paid ads"?????
Apparently a lot of it comes from many, many small contributions from around the country-- from people who have decided that they care more about our children than they care about making it easy for anyone to possess weapons of war such as AR-15s.
I was wondering the same thing so I googled it-- and came acros websites such as this one:
March for Our Lives Action Fund
But the real question is-- will the Mueller investigation eventually result in his impeachment and removal from office?
You'll be lucky if Mueller finds so much as an unpaid parking ticket against Trump. I can't wait until a second special counsel is named to blow the lid off the biased and out of control Mueller team.
Well, so far its been found that Trump paid $130,000 "hush money" to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about the fact that he was cheating on his wife fucking her (or trying to?).
And let's see...
Michael Flynn (Trump's former National Security Advisor) is under indictment due to Mueller's efforts. And Mueleer got a guilty plea from Flynn!
Even as he was managing Donald J. Trump’s campaign for president, Paul Manafort lied to banks to secure millions of dollars in cash loans as part of a decade-long money laundering scheme, according to charges unsealed by the special counsel on Thursday
Then there is the indictment Mueller got against Trump's last campaign manager Paul Manafort.
And the indictment of Gates.
After Mr. Gates and Mr. Manafort were indicted, a former national security adviser and a foreign policy aide to Mr. Trump have pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. about their Russian connections. And 13 Russian operatives were charged with trying to sow chaos in the presidential election and tip the vote toward Mr. Trump.
I don't know about minor charges such as parking tickets-- but Mueller has gotten indictments-- and guilty please! on much more serious charges against quite a few individuals.....
And how did any illegal things Manafort and Gates did years before they had anything to do with Trump help Trump win the election unfairly? Also any money Trump had paid out to any former lover could best be described as "Clinton like" behavior. Good luck getting a successful impeachment with that one.
As for Flynn and his process crime we are finding out more each day on the fishy relationship between Strzok and the judge who took the plea. That story is far from over.
Interesting that none of the #MeToo people object to his use of the misogynistic term "bitch."
oh, please.
Spare us your righteous indignation
Oh--- the horror!
(And rumour has it that one of them-- hold on to your hats!-- actually said..."Damn" at one point!)
I am shocked-- absolutely shocked I tell you!
That's almost as funny as liberals pretending to be so offended their virgin ears never heard the words "shithole" or "pussy" in their entire lives.
Reading comprehension tip: I wasn't expressing my own indignation. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of Leftists who love to condemn racist and sexist behavior except when it is expressed by one of their own.
I'm not offended by the word bitch
Yes. It's always "trivial" when a leftist uses misogynistic terms. How would you feel if he said politicians were the NRA's "house niggas?" Would that be racist or trivial?
Go out into the world and use it on a few women. Let us know how that goes for you.
I'm not in the least bit offended by hearing those words, what I'm offended and embarrassed by were the context this incompetent President used them. To say "sh!thole" is very different than calling our allies countries "sh!tholes". To say "pu$$y" is very different than admitting on an open mic that you "don't even wait" for women's consent and you just "grab 'em by the pu$$y". To claim the context is innocuous or irrelevant is to be either extremely stupid or debilitatingly obtuse.
I have.
Did I mention I'm female?
Not sure how that would matter. You probably have lots of female friends, too.
If that's an attempt to derail the conversation-- surely you can do better that that!
Go out into the world and use it on a few women. Let us know how that goes for you.
Generalize much?
Not really, but the ones I do have I call them whores
"House nigga" has a definite meaning (differenta than "Field nigga"-- which also has a definite meaning).
Calling someone a "house nigga" is similar in concept to calling someone an "Uncle Tom". I've heard the terms used a lot-- and have used them myself-- often in racially mixed settings. They are useful descriptors....so no, I'm not offended.
As previously mentioned, I was involved in the thick of the Civil Rights movement in the 60s (In North Carolina). One of the many things I've learned was the significant difference between mere words-- and actions. Interestingly, over the years much to my surprise, I've found I've become much less upset (if at all) by "nasty" words....and am more concerned by actual actions.
(Interpret that any way you want
That sounds very healthy. If only people actually lived out that policy with regard to the president.
Actually there's nothing crude about the word at all; it's the most accurate word to describe the relationship.
The reality is, until evangelical churches and their schools are getting shot up on a regular basis, gun laws are unlikely to change much.
Churches are getting shot up:
Fortunately most evangelicals believe in having a good guy with a gun instead of relying on Broward Country style Keystone Kops.
Fortunately most evangelicals believe in having a good guy with a gun
So are you sasying that kids with guns are "bad guys"? Consider this-- if there were more kids with funs in schools,many of these gun massacres in schools couild've been avoided!
(Provided, of course, that these kids, like their teachers, received training in the proper use of guns-- training is the key!)
US girl shoots gun instructor in the head
The gun culture in the US is back in the spotlight after a nine-year-old girl accidentally shot and killed her instructor at an Arizona shooting range. The child was being shown how to fire the weapon, but lost control when it was switched to automatic
Nobody is talking about arming kids.
I am aware of the fact that most people don't actually want to watch a video before commenting about it-- but if you are at all curious about what's happening in the video posted in comment #8.1.1-- you might want to actually watch it to see what the little girl is being trained to do!!!!
What is an "evangelical" church? Many mainstream Christian denominations, including Roman Catholic, have evangelical-leaning churches/congregations.
What is an "evangelical" church?
Google is your friend:
Definition of evangelical
Krishna, thank you for posting a snarky comment that was meant to demean my intelligence. You obviously didn't notice that I placed the word within quotes and was therefore being sarcastic.
Many people don't know that most evangelicals are peaceful members of a diverse number of mainstream Christian denominations. Ignorant people immediately associate evangelicals with Westboro Baptist Church and other radicals.
I have nothing further to discuss with you regarding this topic.
PS... I do not use Google, because it is rife with censorship and doesn't present all sides.
Obviously you don't use it-- because ifyou did you would know taht searches brinbg up articles from bothbsides (more than two sides actuially0.. After you get get results, you can immediately see what the spurce is (you can see the urls)-- and you can click opn the ones you want to look at.
(I do use google-- frequetly-- muybe 5 or 6 times/day or more).
That is your prerogative. I prefer using Bing and DuckDuckGo for security reasons.
Charleston church shooting in 2015 did not seem to make much of an impact. Christ having one of their own (Scalise) take a bullet last year did not seem to make a dent in their fealty to the NRA.
At this point, I have no idea as to what it will take to get through to them other than a whack across the head with Sister Mary Scolasticas ruler.
Considering we have had guns for a long time, why would a sudden murder spree imply a need for a new gun law? Do you ever hold people accountable for their behavior?
There's a reason high school kids don't vote. There is so little thought put into their analysis of the issues, I'm glad they don't shape public policy.
So, I guess the thesis here is that voters are actually anti-2nd Amendment, and politicians campaign claiming they, too, are anti-2nd Amendment, and then somehow that all changes when they're elected because the NRA gets to them?
You don't need to consider that for more than about a millionth of a second before you realize how stupid that is. Here's the reality: Voters (i.e. grownups who have been educated about our history as well as the modern state of crime) understand why we have a 2nd Amendment and also why people might feel very strongly about possessing a gun for their own protection. These voters want to preserve that right and so they vote for politicians who promise to protect that right.
The NRA doesn't have anything to do with it beyond helping to educate voters about where politicians stand on the issue. This is what the Sierra Club does and it's what PETA does, but they do it for trees and animals.
Politicians aren't the NRA's bitches. They're MY bitches. I vote and they represent me. Politicians running for office talk a lot about what they claim to believe, but the NRA will tell me how they actually vote when given the chance. That's a service, not a problem.
These kids need to stop watching the Clinton News Network and get educated about 1) Why we have a 2nd Amendment and 2) a little thing called personal responsibility. But in this context, that means blaming people - or even society - instead of an inanimate object for the decision to commit murder. In other words, there is a reason someone commits mass murder and if you really care about kids and these shootings, you'll ask the question, "why does a person think it's a good idea to shoot a school full of kids?" Then, you'll be taking a step toward actually solving a problem.
Welcome Cobaltblue-- nice to see you again
Ooops-- looks like I scared her away!
Would the NRA wear such big balls if the majority of Americans didn't want it to have the power it has?
I don't agree with the NRA on everything but the fact remains they gleen most of their power from the many Americans who DO agree with their base mission.
That is, protecting constitutionally mandated gun rights for Americans. If not them, then who?
David Hogg is nothing more than a wannabe journalist, that is more worried about getting the story, than actually trying to save someone.
" He told CNN that he hid in a closet during the shooting and pulled out his phone, interviewing people near him about what was happening.While he was filming, he said that all he could think was: “Tell the story. If I was going to die, I wanted to die doing what I love, and that’s storytelling.
What a fucking Self serving DINK !
How many people were in that little closet he was in anyway. How many folks did Hogg try to save, like the actual heroes that did save.