Hopping the wall into Trump's US, in under 2 minutes
With the help of three other men -- two to give him a boost and one to stand as a lookout -- the young man jumped
the rusty metal barrier that separates Ciudad Juarez from Sunland Park, New Mexico (AFP Photo/HERIKA MARTINEZ)
With the help of three other men -- two to give him a boost and one to stand as a lookout -- the young man jumped the rusty metal barrier that separates Ciudad Juarez from Sunland Park, New Mexico.
The whole operation took less than two minutes.
"He couldn't get over! He was taking forever," said one of the men who helped him, telling AFP he has seen people scale the six-meter (20-foot) wall in one minute flat.
He then ran off to avoid being spotted by US Customs and Border Protection.
Was anyone shooting at them?
NO !
They don't monitor the Old Stuff much.
But anything "Trump looks Bad" makes for great soap opera moments on TV.
Besides, the guys are too white in the photo op..
Who would be shooting at them for scaling the wall?
You tell us ?
Any Border Patrol agent or soldier ordered to protect our border. That means protect it with deadly force if needed. It's not the hardware that secures a perimeter, it's the people stationed there.
Perhaps you should review the CBP and the NG ROE...
Glad that you agree that a wall would be useless.
A wall by itself is certainly useless. That would be the same as saying that a gun locked in a safe can't stop someone from committing a murder. Of course neither of them are useful without human action. The wall simply slows the perpetrator down so he can be dealt with by the guards. See my post 2.1.5 below for what I think would work better than a wall.
Let's see now, who decides those? OH YEAH, the President decides what they will be.
Actually, they've already been written and anyone with a curious mind can look them up.
Here's a little hint for you: Even MPs on the front line have a ROE that precludes them from shooting on sight. In fact, some of our ex-military members decry existing 'in country' ROEs.
I am well aware of the ROE's. The ones we have now were set by President Obama to change the ones set by President Bush, so here's a little hint for you, THE PRESIDENT DECIDES, and can change them at will.
Actually, in this case, the President can't have the National Guard actually patrolling the border and acting as Border agents. He can have them take up administrative duties to free up actual Border Patrol agents. The law that ties their hands is the Posse Comitatus Act. It makes it illegal to use the military as a police force. However, Congress can make a new law to change that in regards to protecting the border and allowing the use of at least the National Guard to do so. Immigration and use of the militia is part of the Article I Section 8 powers granted to Congress.
Illegal immigration isn't justification for murder. Maybe in the old west, but we do actually have laws that prohibit people from shooting and killing other human beings.
Nobody said anything about acting as Border agents. They would not be there to make any arrests at all. Their function would be to see to it that invaders don't get across the border and to "protect American lives and property", in much the same way that the US Marine Guard protects US Embassies. In such a role, the Posse Comitatus Act doesn't apply, since it applies to stopping insurrection and law enforcement, not invasion. It didn't apply during the 1912-1917 period when the Army guarded the border against Villa's insurrectionists and wouldn't apply now.
Well he better put down his Double Quarter Pounder with cheese and write them up right quick since the first deployment happened on FRIDAY!
Which means to anyone with a freaking brain, that the EXISTING ROEs stand until troopers are OFFICIALLY informed of any change that Trump comes up with between rounds of golf...
The young border jumper, who hailed from southern Mexico, meanwhile disappeared into the desert, running toward a group of houses just visible on the horizon.
Yep, them high walls is a goin' to do a whole lotta good.
So, I wonder if Trump gets his wall, how long will it be before we see gun turrets on the wall and, a moat with alligators in it.
Gun turrets and most not so much but I wouldn't be too opposed to putting Clay more mines on it facing south
Works for me. Maintaining the Sovereignty of the nation is the first priority of Government. Most of the countries I’ve been to have military and/or police with automatic weapons at airports and border crossings
Yep, and they don't hesitate to shoot.
Frankly, I think the wall itself is too expensive and not really very efficient. Two chain link fences intertwined with razor wire about 50 yards apart. Between them place about 20 million mines (cheap to manufacture and place). Just inside the US part of the fence have machine gun posts every 1,000 yards with orders to shoot anyone who gets through the fence. On the Mexican side place signs in English and Spanish saying, "If you try to cross this fence, you will die".
If you can't even spell it why would any sane individual let you use them?
Including America! We already have armed law enforcement at all major airports and border crossings.
And when you start getting on about spelling it means you got nothing.
Do you enjoy being a member of NT because it gives you an opportunity to hide behind anonymity and throw insults at other members? I've seen some of your comments of that nature. Is that why you're here?
Only Israel gets criticized for trying to protect its borders from infiltrating terrorists.
Exactly how many terrorists have been documented, entering the country from Mexico?
Okay, change "terrorists" to illegal immigrants. Are America's doors open to absolutely everyone who can walk in? Israel's doors, as are the doors to EVERY nation, open only to those who qualify to enter.
Can you tell us which police department carries automatic weapons. None that I know. Neither does border patrol or immigration carry automatic weapons
Okay, then you have to change "illegal immigrants" to foreign families, and yes the borders should be open to anyone willing to be a law obeying, working member, who contributes to this society.
Sounds a bit like the border "wall" India built:
Ah, but you don't know that at least until they are processed. What you are saying is a different situation than what I indicated.
And there's the problem right there. They are not citizens of the United States and have no entry rights to this country. Likewise, we are not citizens of the world government (if there even was such a thing) and we have no responsibilities at all for the welfare of those people, including the responsibility for keeping them alive if they try to invade our borders. This is our country, not theirs. They can stay the hell out or die on the spot.
The problem is that you refuse to understand that the Constitution applies to EVERYONE that is in this country. Once they set foot in this country, legally or not, Constitutional protections are automatically applied to them.
I took that into consideration in the method I proposed. Until they actually cross the border, they are not in this country and have no rights. The fences and minefields are there to keep them from getting in far enough to obtain rights.
Fences are too close together. Separate them and install land mines between the two coils of razor wire.
Anyone that thinks a fence (or wall) will keep anyone out, needs to graduate from 2nd grade before posting here.
Anyone that thinks a minefield should be on the border, should immediately resign from the human race, since, by all measurements, they are not human.
Maybe they can teach our military how it's done.
Boogles my mind that people think spending billions on a wall is going to deter anyone who is desperate enough that they will find a way by either going over said white elephant wall or under it.
Of course the wall (if it ever actually gets built) won't deter people from finding ways to defeat it.
But as to the cost, don't worry-- Mexico is going to pay for it.
I know that's true because Trump said so.
And would Trump ever lie-- of course not!
Have thought of various ways to defeat every version of the wall I've seen. Will meet way.
Have you thought of a way to get through what I described in 2.1.5 without an army? Hell, the NVA couldn't get through that. They tried and they died. Try to climb it and cut yourself to ribbons, cover the razor wire and you have a 50 yard minefield until the next batch of wire. Get through that and the machine guns get you.
Well, TTGA, even Israel doesn't go to that extreme and the installation of the separation barrier there effectively reduced to almost nil the bus, pizza parlour and market bombings by the Palestinians. Of course the Israel critics don't give a shit about its effectiveness in saving lives of Israelis, only that it inconveniences the Palestinians.
Even the most extremist fanatics haven't suggested anything that extreme.
The Bangalore has many modern relatives. What you are describing is old school.
That's not extreme, it's basically a description of the border fence between East and West Germany. People got through that one, of course, but that's because they were running away from the gunfire rather than toward it. It also worked quite well (without even having the chain link fence to support the razor wire) for base defense in Vietnam. Sure, it's old school; so are bangalores, but those are the weapons used by an army, not by illegal immigrants. An illegal immigrant will very quickly come to believe that, whatever his problems back in Honduras or Guatemala, they are nothing compared to what awaits him if he tries to go through that fence.
It boggles my mind that keep saying that building the wall it useless because someone may find a way around it are the same people that think putting some words on a paper will stop people who should not have weapons from getting them.
It boogles my mind when people put words in other people's mouth.
Soooo high you can't get over it, soooo low you can't get under it, we'll just go around it.
The leftists here seem proud of their anti-American open borders ideology
Your rhetoric knows no bounds. I have yet to see anyone on the left say they are for open borders regarding illegal immigration. I personally am very opposed to illegal immigration as are most people. Maybe you are thinking of Ronnie Raygun who pardoned 5 million illegals. Damn sure wasn't Obama. There were fewer illegals in the USA in 2015 than there were in 2009. Oops.
Looks to me that the wall cut illegal immigration by 2/3's already.
What folks seem to forget is, Trump was offered 25 billion for his wall if he sign off on DACA, he refused that offer and, had to settle for 1.6 billion for said wall.
We often hear of Israel's measures to keep out terrorists from Gaza (Gazans often attempt to disguise themselves as "peace demonstrators", approach the border in large numbers, then in the ensuing confusion some manage to cross the border fence into Israel and attempt to murder Jews).
But since its not "politically correct", we rarely hear about these same Gaza terrorists crossing into Egypt to torture, main, and kill innocent Egyptians.
A while back Egypt had a steel wall on its Gaza border-- but the Gazans actually managed to topple it! Here's an interesting article about that incident:
And this was interesting:
Ahlan Ashour, 38, came with his wife to visit the Egyptian family, the Barhoums, who had put them up for 24 days during an earlier period when the Rafah crossing was shut. Mr. Ashour’s wife, Mohsin Elloulu, said she was struck by how much poorer the Egyptians of Rafah are. “At least our streets are paved,” she said of Gaza.
I remember that time. When the wall came down, Egyptian women living nearby headed into Gaza. Why? To try to find a husband! (Because despite all the "politically correct" propaganda, the men in Gaza had much more money than those living across the border in Egypt).
Republicans whined and cried about illegal immigration the entire time Obama was in office. Obama asked for 2 billion to fix the problem, the republicans said, "no, we won't help you, (but we will keep right on whining and crying about it!!!)". John Boehner said himself, "We aren't going to help Obama solve the illegal immigration problem, he can write an EO if he wants to." Which is exactly what Obama did, and the republicans cried about that too. Oh, it gets better. Boehner had an immigration reform bill sitting on his desk for TWO YEARS that Obama said he would gladly sign, but Boehner never submitted it... Why not? Because it would have solved the problem and republicans would have lost their political talking point that Obama wanted open borders. It really is that simple. It was all about playing politics and trying to score political points with the republican base. It was never about illegal immigration. To put this web of political grandstanding in perspective?
It's like a firefighter setting your house on fire and not only refusing to help you put it out, but blaming you for the fire in the first place.