
Sen. Chuck Schumer and Dems Will Oppose Any Law Stopping Child Separation At Border


Category:  News & Politics

By:  it-is-me  •  7 years ago  •  234 comments

Sen. Chuck Schumer and Dems Will Oppose Any Law Stopping Child Separation At Border

Crying Chucky, and ALL THE OTHER LIBERAL POLITICIANS are against anything "Immigration" at this time...….AGAIN !tough guy

Chucky says...…"PASS THE BUCK" ! thumbs up

It's too hard for congress to figure out, but Trump could solve everything with a simple Pen stroke ? stunned

I'm so glad Chuck is a Trump Fan and thinks he is smart, because Chucky just said congress is too stupid to handle a complicated issue on their own !Clapping

jrDiscussion - desc
It Is ME
Masters Guide
1  author  It Is ME    7 years ago

I think the Democrats in congress have lost their minds !

I truly believe that after seeing stuff like this !

Professor Guide
1.1  MrFrost  replied to  It Is ME @1    7 years ago

Republican president, republican congress, republican SCOTUS..... But it's the dems fault? I thought the GOP was the party of, "personal responsibility"? Guess not. 

The government is run by republicans, you got what you wanted, own it. You lost the right to blame dems when the GOP took over congress. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.1.1  author  It Is ME  replied to  MrFrost @1.1    7 years ago
Republican president, republican congress, republican SCOTUS..... But it's the dems fault?

Yep !

Dems had control First !




Do ?

I guess Democrats STILL have this need for someone else to dig them out of a hole. Ref. Crying Chuckie's Cry for TRUMP TO DO IT for them ! laughing dude

Professor Guide
1.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  It Is ME @1.1.1    7 years ago

So then you admit that blaming the dems is stupid... Got it, good talk.. Digging a whole laughing dude

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.1.3  author  It Is ME  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.2    7 years ago
So then you admit that blaming the dems is stupid..

That's Honestly what you got from my post ? Makes No Sense

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1.4  Greg Jones  replied to  MrFrost @1.1    7 years ago
The government is run by republicans, you got what you wanted, own it. You lost the right to blame dems when the GOP took over congress.

No Frosty, this spineless example of a clinched sphincter is the greatest hypocrite in the history of Mother Earth! This shows conclusively that the Democrats don't want a solution to the illegal immigration problem. They apparently want the border jumpers and their kiddos to keep coming unchecked, until the take over the country, making the USA the dumping ground of the undesirables. Not gonna happen on Trumps watch. Does the idiot Schumer have any idea how this will play in Peoria, Pittsburgh, or Petticoat Junction come November? Talk about being clueless and out of touch with the American people! Face Palm

Professor Silent
1.1.5  lib50  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1.4    7 years ago

Funny, it is Trump who has tanked the reform, and not for the first time.  Gop wants to blame dems for not supporting a hardline bill, no dem input whatsoever.  They refuse to bring up bills that could pass on a bipartisan basis.   Trumpublicans own this mess right now, no way to change that reality.

Professor Quiet
1.1.6  arkpdx  replied to  MrFrost @1.1    7 years ago

Let me see if I get this straight. According to you, the republicans are responsible for things because they control congress and the presidency and when it was the democrats that had control everything that did go your way was the fault of the republicans. Tell me do democrats ever take responsibility for anything? 

Junior Quiet
1.1.8  Spikegary  replied to  lib50 @1.1.5    7 years ago

How did he do that?  Did he veto something?  You do understand how laws are made and signed, right?

Why is Chucky saying that they will stand in the way?  How does that help these people?

(here's a clue, irt doesn't.  He's just posturing for the next election and doesn't give a good god damn abiout any of those people or us for that matter).

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.10  Vic Eldred  replied to  It Is ME @1.1.1    7 years ago
Dems had control First !

Real control!  They had a super majority in the Senate! 60 VOTES




Do ?

Exactly what the radical in chief told them to do - pass Obamacare!  They may have tackled immigration eventually, but after ramming Obamacare down our throats they got voted out!  Now it's all about stopping Trump and something even more sinister. They have now come to believe in open borders

Professor Silent
1.1.12  lib50  replied to  Spikegary @1.1.8    7 years ago
How did he do that?

You miss Trump's tweet?  And ask that coward Paul Ryan why HE isn't bringing up bipartisan bills to the floor.  Like I said republicans own this mess.

Professor Guide
1.1.13  MrFrost  replied to  NORMAN-D @1.1.11    7 years ago

The daily caller... LMAO!!! laughing dude


Freshman Silent
1.1.14  volfan  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.13    7 years ago

hahaha, love that graphic

Professor Guide
1.1.15  Tacos!  replied to  MrFrost @1.1.13    7 years ago

I know this is off-topic, but I recently found out that most places don't sell ipecac anymore. If you swallowed the wrong thing, they just want you to go the hospital.

Professor Guide
1.1.16  MrFrost  replied to  Tacos! @1.1.15    7 years ago

True.. Inducing vomiting creates more problems than it solves. 

Junior Silent
1.2  tomwcraig  replied to  It Is ME @1    7 years ago

I said the following about a video by Brittany M. Hughes regarding the immigration stories being perpetuated by the Democrats and the Mainstream Media.  I felt it was appropriate to repeat here:

"The lies are all about getting Trump at any and all costs and none of the Leftists care whether they burn the country down or not and the Democrats are encouraging this behavior. Those of you who vote Democrat are voting for Anarchy, loss of YOUR OWN Freedom, and the END of The United States of America as a country. Think about that."

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.1  author  It Is ME  replied to  tomwcraig @1.2    7 years ago

Liberals are the only ones I know of, that will march on Washington to have their own rights taken away.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.2.2  Greg Jones  replied to  tomwcraig @1.2    7 years ago

Liberals can't think logically. Can I say that??

Professor Quiet
1.3  cjcold  replied to  It Is ME @1    7 years ago

Can you say poison pill?

Senior Guide
1.4  XXJefferson51  replied to  It Is ME @1    7 years ago

On this issue Chuck and his democrat senate friends ARE stupid.  

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
2  A. Macarthur    7 years ago

There is no so-called "Crisis at the Border," it is a manufactured political ploy!

Illegal immigration has steadily declined for years … and illegal entry for the purpose of work has been essentially supplanted by entry by individuals seeking refuge or protected status!

Until such time that the Trump Administration can specifically account for locations, conditions, names and family connections, and, specific family unification logistics …

Jeff Sessions should be placed in COERCIVE INCARCERATION!

Courts have the discretion and power to impose contempt sanctions and order incarceration to compel compliance.

Professor Guide
2.1  MrFrost  replied to  A. Macarthur @2    7 years ago


It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.1  author  It Is ME  replied to  MrFrost @2.1    7 years ago

"WE"....know not a damn thing except what the media wants us to know !

You get your info from.....WHERE AGAIN !

Professor Guide
2.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  It Is ME @2.1.1    7 years ago

Can you dispute the numbers or not? You can't. Back up your insults with facts. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.3  author  It Is ME  replied to  MrFrost @2.1.2    7 years ago
Back up your insults with facts.

I insulted no-one.

Your relying on so-called "Facts" by others.....right ?

Are those so-called facts real ?

PEW research tried to explain why Trump won over Hillary.

Transyferous Rex
Freshman Silent
2.1.4  Transyferous Rex  replied to  MrFrost @2.1    7 years ago

If the premise of the article is asserted as a decline in illegal immigration, it fails. The article you linked focuses on unauthorized Mexican immigration, which is declining according to the article. However, illegal immigration from other countries is apparently increasing. 

If the numbers represented in the link above are right, the number of illegals, as a percentage of population, has been around 4% for quite a while. 

Professor Guide
2.1.5  MrFrost  replied to  It Is ME @2.1.3    7 years ago

So you can't dispute the numbers, got it. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.6  author  It Is ME  replied to  MrFrost @2.1.5    7 years ago
So you can't dispute the numbers, got it.

Good Job ? thumbs up BlahBlahBlah Face Palm

Professor Silent
2.1.7  mocowgirl  replied to  It Is ME @2.1.3    7 years ago
Are those so-called facts real ?

Here is an article from NPR that explains how the US has welcomed 11+ million illegal immigrants since 1986.

An estimated 11 million immigrants live and work in the United States illegally. Their fate is one of the big policy questions facing the country. The story of how that population grew so large is a long one that's mostly about Mexico, and full of unintended consequences.

Prior to the 1920s, the U.S. had few restrictions on immigration, save for a few notable exclusions.

"Basically, people could show up," says Jeffrey Passel, of the Pew Research Center.

and a small percentage of illegal immigrants are working in agriculture.  There is not that much ag work in the US. 

The majority of people in this country illegally reside in just 20 metropolitan areas, with the largest concentrations found in New York, Los Angeles and Houston, according to a  new study  published by the Pew Research Center

The report says that one-in-four foreign-born residents are people in this country illegally.

The estimates might not be news to anyone living and working in the metro areas, but they undercut a fading image of illegal immigration, says Passel. "There's a view of unauthorized immigrants as working in agriculture, meat processing and doing jobs in rural areas, but there's just not a lot of workers in agriculture," says Passel.

"The sectors where you find large numbers include construction, service and leisure hospitality," he says.

California ranks first in the number of metro areas with the largest populations of people living in this country illegally: Los Angeles, Riverside-San Bernardino, San Francisco, San Diego and San Jose. Texas has three: Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth and Austin.

Professor Silent
2.1.8  mocowgirl  replied to  mocowgirl @2.1.7    7 years ago
There is not that much ag work in the US.

Some stats on agriculture in the US.  

In 2012, there were 3.2 million farmers, [19]   ranchers and other agricultural managers and an estimated 757,900 agricultural workers were legally employed in the US. Animal breeders accounted for 11,500 of those workers with the rest categorized as miscellaneous agricultural workers. The median pay was $9.12 per hour or $18,970 per year. [20]   In 2009, about 519,000 people under age 20 worked on farms owned by their family. In addition to the youth who lived on family farms, an additional 230,000 youth were employed in agriculture. [21]   In 2004, women made up approximately 24% of farmers; that year, there were 580,000 women employed in agriculture, forestry, and fishing. [22]

From 1999–2009, roughly 50% of hired crop farmworkers in the US were noncitizens working without legal authorization. [23]   Large farms rely on new immigrants (such as Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Pakistani, and Mexican) that do not have many other options to work for extremely low wages. The legal status of the worker has been shown to impact the wage received for a job. An agricultural worker with no documentation earns an average of 15% less than one with amnesty or green card. [24]   Moreover, it has been found that undocumented workers have decreased mobility in the agricultural industry because they are less able to have high-skill and high-earning jobs (jobs that are similar to their documented counterparts). [25]   These first generation immigrants may remain as farm laborers seasonally for ten years. As they age, they grow poorer due to less skills, resources, and education. [26]   The United States passed a special provision in 1986 called the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) under which the Special Agricultural Worker (SAW) program granted amnesty to some agricultural laborers because of the importance of these workers to the industry. Though this slightly improved the lives of some workers, many more live in poverty and without benefits today. For example, though these workers face many occupational hazards, they are not insured nor protected by government provisions such as the Affordable Care Act. Instead, SAWs rely on Community and Migrant Health Centers that are built to serve this population (though these also suffer from lack of funding and healthcare workers). [27]

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.9  author  It Is ME  replied to  mocowgirl @2.1.7    7 years ago
California ranks first in the number of metro areas with the largest populations of people living in this country illegally

Wall off California. They'll luv it. chuckle

Junior Silent
2.1.10  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @2.1.5    7 years ago

As usual you are completely wrong

The numbers have been very high,” said one agent assigned to the Rio Grande Valley, the nation’s busiest corridor for illegal migration. “It’s to the point that we have had to bring in buses to come out and load these folks up, or send four of five vans at a time.”

Another agent said so many migrants were apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley in May that many were diverted to other sections of the border for processing. The Justice Department has reassigned additional prosecutors to the border region to increase the number of migrants it charges with federal crimes, but one veteran border agent said it was “too early to tell” if the tougher enforcement measures were giving pause to migrants thinking of making the journey from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

Washington (CNN) The number of migrants trying to illegally cross into the US at the Mexico border spiked dramatically in March, according to numbers released Wednesday as President Donald Trump announced he was  sending National Guard troops to the southern border .

It will take a few months to determine if the spike turns into a full-blown surge similar to a migrant crisis that occurred in 2014, but the increase marked a turn for the administration, which a year ago was touting historically low numbers as the "Trump effect" and is now using the statistics as the reason it needs aggressive new immigration enforcement authorities.

The number of people either caught trying to cross the southern border or rejected for admission increased 37% from February into March, a  sudden rise in figures  that had been holding relatively steady. The increase was driven especially by a jump in the number of people apprehended trying to cross illegally. The number of families and unaccompanied children trying to come into the US increased at a higher rate than the general population.

Last month's numbers were three times those of March 2017, when crossings were at their lowest in two decades of records.

Junior Silent
2.1.11  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @2.1.5    7 years ago

Southwest Border Migration FY2018

During the month of May, CBP saw a slight 1.9 percent increase overall when compared to April, but a 160 percent increase compared to May 2017.

The number of Family Units increased by 435 percent and the number of unaccompanied children (UAC) increased by 329 percent compared to May 2017.

Professor Guide
2.1.12  MrFrost  replied to  It Is ME @2.1.9    7 years ago
Wall off California. They'll luv it.

Without California, 10 red states would starve to death..... Wait......Yes, wall off California. 

Junior Silent
2.1.14  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @2.1.12    7 years ago

1/3 of all welfare and food stamp recipients are in CA.  largest number on Medicaid including the illegals. CA is the welfare state

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
2.1.15  Raven Wing   replied to  livefreeordie @2.1.14    7 years ago

Yeah....mean, nasty old California, all we do is take and take and take and never give back.

But, your facts are not quite right,

Highest welfare states
States with the most people on food stamps:
Louisiana . • Number of food stamp recipients: 868,192. ...
Tennessee . • Number of food stamp recipients: Just over 1.28 million. ...
Oregon . • Number of food stamp recipients: 791,222. ... 
West Virginia . • Number of food stamp recipients: 369,249. ...
New Mexico . • Number of food stamp recipients: 448,328. ...
Mississippi . ...
District of Columbia ...
Which states contribute the most to the economy?
California  (13.3%),  Texas  (9.5%), and  New York  (8.1%) have the largest economies in the country.  Maine Rhode Island North Dakota South Dakota , Montana Wyoming , and  Alaska  all represent about 0.3% of the US economy each, and, at 0.2%,  Vermont  has the smallest economy of all 50 states. Sep 3, 2015
You should do some research of your own sometime.
Senior Guide
2.1.16  XXJefferson51  replied to  It Is ME @2.1.3    7 years ago

Because Heartland America utterly rejected her.  

Senior Guide
2.1.17  XXJefferson51  replied to  MrFrost @2.1.12    7 years ago

We here in Jefferson want to be walled off from California as well.  

Senior Guide
2.1.18  XXJefferson51  replied to  livefreeordie @2.1.14    7 years ago

Yes we are.  As a Californian, I say we are guilty as charged. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.2  author  It Is ME  replied to  A. Macarthur @2    7 years ago
There is no so-called "Crisis at the Border," it is a manufactured political ploy!

Seems Chucky agrees, unless he doesn't, but it's "Complicated" after all ! Face Palm

Freshman Silent
2.2.1  owlsview677  replied to  It Is ME @2.2    7 years ago

Schumer is a Trump plant. Part of a 'Deep Leadership" that has infiltrated the Democratic Party with the intention of destroying it. Doing a darn good job of it too.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.2.2  author  It Is ME  replied to  owlsview677 @2.2.1    7 years ago
Schumer is a Trump plant.

The "Deep Leadership" has been there LONG before Trump.

Freshman Silent
2.2.3  volfan  replied to  owlsview677 @2.2.1    7 years ago

dems don't need help, they do a pretty fine job of it themselves.

Junior Quiet
2.2.4  Spikegary  replied to  owlsview677 @2.2.1    7 years ago

WTF?  Schumer has been living off the taxpayer for decades, now he suddenly is a Trump plant?  You've been watching way too many X-Files reruns.

Professor Quiet
2.2.5  Ronin2  replied to  Spikegary @2.2.4    7 years ago

I really think Owls comment was sarcasm.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.3  Greg Jones  replied to  A. Macarthur @2    7 years ago
it is a manufactured political ploy!

Glad you agree with us Mac....it's been made up by the left wing media and their brain dead supporters by using video and audio clips from the Obama era. So Trump signed the EO and now the disgusting Democrats say that's all that's required, and by doing nothing else the Democrats are wanting the illegal influx to continue unabated, by not wanting a legislative fix. Eye Roll

Freshman Silent
2.3.1  volfan  replied to  Greg Jones @2.3    7 years ago

this exposes the democrats for who they are.. they didn't have the cajones or will to do it themselves. Point is - the really don't want to solve the problem or they would have, they just need something to screech about.

Freshman Silent
2.5  volfan  replied to  A. Macarthur @2    7 years ago
There is no so-called "Crisis at the Border," it is a manufactured political ploy!

I agree with this...totally manufactured by the Democrats. Can't have people talking about NK denuking, the good jobs report, or the upward and historic trajectory of the GDP.Clapping

Junior Silent
2.6  tomwcraig  replied to  A. Macarthur @2    7 years ago

A. Mac,

Where are you getting your information, considering that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE knows how much illegal immigration is occurring along the southern border?  Every citation about any sort of statistics regarding illegal immigration is pure guesswork and probably lowball the actual amount of illegal immigration by a huge margin.

Professor Guide
3  MrFrost    7 years ago

It's too hard for congress to figure out, but Trump could solve everything with a simple Pen stroke ? stunned

Trump and his lying staff insisted for DAYS on end that the only way to solve the problem was for congress to change the law. That blond bitch Nielson, (?), stood in front of the nation and INSISTED it HAD to be congress that fixed the problem, she said it over and over again. Then trump signs an E.O. and that "solves" the problem? Wait....I thought only congress could solve the problem? And as usual, the right totally buys this BS. 

To recap: Trump created this separation problem, (Jeff Sessions is the one that made the actual announcement several weeks ago, that kids would be separated from their parents, because trump told him to), then complains when there is public backlash, blames the democrats....again, lies and says only congress can fix the problem, then flip flops and signs an E.O. to solve a problem he created in the first place and now wants praise for, "solving" the problem he created? 

Trump is a POS. 

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
3.1  Colour Me Free  replied to  MrFrost @3    7 years ago

Morning MrFrost

I am hopeful that most realize that an EO is not law in this nation, things only become law through congress .. thus making this action yet another temporary 'so called fix' like DACA - 

Why in the 'heck' do 'we' have a congress if all the president needs is a pen and piece of paper?  It is not "We the People's" fault that Congress is beyond dysfunctional and cannot act on things that are of importance to the future of 'our' nation as a whole ............ how many 'manufactured crisis's' does this nation have to have .. the Trump administration manufactured a crisis that the Dems then turned into a crisis? 

Professor Guide
3.1.1  MrFrost  replied to  Colour Me Free @3.1    7 years ago

Fair enough, but I am going by what trump said, and he said he solved the problem, a problem just the day before he insisted only congress could solve. And lets not forget that this situation was one of his own making. Add to that, he didn't need a damn E.O. in the first place, all he had to do was call Sessions and tell him to stop separating kids from their parents. Simple as that. This entire situation was nothing more than political theater.

Sophomore Silent
3.1.2  1ofmany  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.1    7 years ago
Add to that, he didn't need a damn E.O. in the first place, all he had to do was call Sessions and tell him to stop separating kids from their parents. Simple as that. This entire situation was nothing more than political theater.

Separating the kids is pursuant to a federal court order that prohibits the government from holding children in detention for more than 20 days, whether they’re with their parents or not. He can’t negate a court order through an executive order. If Trump doesn’t take the kids out of detention and the court order isn’t modified, he will get sued the same way Obama did.

Democrats howled when Trump abided by a court order to take kids out of detention and they’ll howl when he leaves the kids in detention to create a family prison. Sweeping Generalizations [ph]

Professor Guide
3.1.3  MrFrost  replied to  1ofmany @3.1.2    7 years ago
an idiotic open border

I know of no democrat, republican or anything else that is proposing open borders. Just because trump runs that hole in his face doesn't make it true. He lies over 80% of the time, try to remember that. Did you also buy his BS that MILLIONS of people would flood across the border without his stupid fucking wall? 

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
3.1.4  Colour Me Free  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.1    7 years ago

A court ruling says that children cannot be held in detention for more than 20 days - parents are being charged with a crime of entering the US illegally, which will take more than 20 days to process ... Honestly Trump cannot with a phone call or an executive order change this ruling ..........

Congress and the courts are the only way to solve immigration issues on a long term basis - all an executive order does is kick the can down the road... 

This is nothing more than a feel good moment - WHEW! American is better than that after all ... kind of moment!

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.1.5  Greg Jones  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.3    7 years ago
MILLIONS of people would flood across the border without his stupid fucking wall

That's already happening. Why do the lefties want it to continue unabated.

Sophomore Silent
3.1.6  1ofmany  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.3    7 years ago

The entire state of California is a fucking open border.

Freshman Silent
3.1.7  volfan  replied to  Colour Me Free @3.1    7 years ago
Why in the 'heck' do 'we' have a congress if all the president needs is a pen and piece of paper? 

That's what obama said.... "I have a pen and a phone". Fact of the matter is, the Dems should quit screeching, they DEMANDED he do something, he did and now, as predicted, they are screeching because he did...for the love of Gawd, people.

It is not "We the People's" fault that Congress is beyond dysfunctional and cannot act on things that are of importance to the future of 'our' nation as a whole ............

Yes, it actually is, because we keep elected these jackasses back to Congress

how many 'manufactured crisis's' does this nation have to have

Well according to Rahm Emmanual, obama's chief of staff at one time, and now the mayor of Chicago where 10 people are killed every weekend by guns in one of the strictest cities for gun control in America, but I digress...he said "never let a good crisis go to waste"...manufactured or not.

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
3.1.8  Colour Me Free  replied to  volfan @3.1.7    7 years ago
Yes, it actually is, because we keep elected these jackasses back to Congress

Good point ... yet the dysfunctionality is now institutionalize, it is a game - 

There is a minority leader and a lifer in Congress pretty much saying "Who knew legislation would be so hard" ... and the anti Trump'rs are backing this crap up ..  Executive orders are not a solution to anything - yet this is what is being call for rather than rolling up their collective Congressional sleeves and do the work they were elected to do.

Compromise .. enforce existing laws - quit trying to make an end run around the Constitution and the courts ... oooops I better stop now before I rant instead of vent!

Professor Guide
3.1.10  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @3.1.5    7 years ago
That's already happening.

Wait... MILLIONS of people are flooding across the border right now? So you actually believe that? WOW! LMFAO!!!!!!!!

Junior Silent
3.1.12  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.3    7 years ago

Wrong, Feinstein's bill which is supported by all Democrat Senators is an open borders bill.

Yesterday on NT, John Russell and Episette both argued with me for open borders.

I had two liberals on Facebook the other day say the following "100 years from now when we have had open borders for years, we will wonder why anyone ever considered borders to be a good thing"

The DSAUSA protesters this week who chanted at our DHS secretary, chanted for open borders.  All members of the Progressive Caucus belong to DSAUSA which is a Socialist organization

Professor Guide
3.1.13  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @3.1.12    7 years ago
Wrong, Feinstein's bill which is supported by all Democrat Senators is an open borders bill.

Our government is run by republicans, Larry. Dems have no control and even if they did, they do not support open borders. Quit spreading lies. 

Professor Guide
3.1.15  Dulay  replied to  livefreeordie @3.1.12    7 years ago
Wrong, Feinstein's bill which is supported by all Democrat Senators is an open borders bill.

Haven't actually READ it I see. 

Junior Silent
3.1.16  tomwcraig  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.13    7 years ago

Then, why haven't they voted to build the wall?  Why did they stop the building of the border fence that was started by the Bush Administration?  Why did they push for Amnesty knowing full well that the same thing in the 1980s actually caused a massive increase in illegal immigration?  Their actions show they want open borders and anarchy.

Junior Silent
3.1.17  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.13    7 years ago

sidestepped the point.  Senate needs Dems to pass a bill and the Dem bill calls for open borders

Professor Guide
3.1.18  Dulay  replied to  livefreeordie @3.1.17    7 years ago
Senate needs Dems to pass a bill and the Dem bill calls for open borders

Well the GOP had the chance to pass immigration in 2013 and the torpedoed it. It wasn't a 'open borders bill'. Even a quick review of the crib notes would tell you that. The Senate vote was bipartisan with 14 GOP Senators voting for passage of the bill. Boehner refused to take it up in the House [obstructed]. The House [Boehner] didn't bother to propose and alternative. 

Ya, it's all the Dems fault.../s

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.1.19  Greg Jones  replied to  MrFrost @3.1.13    7 years ago
Dems have no control and even if they did, they do not support open borders. Quit spreading lies.

No, they have lost any control they had by their stupid, out of touch, politics. But they do support open borders. Remember when Hillary said that, and now Slimey Schumer just confirmed it.

Senior Guide
3.1.20  XXJefferson51  replied to  1ofmany @3.1.2    7 years ago

All of your post was well said.  

Senior Guide
3.1.21  XXJefferson51  replied to  1ofmany @3.1.6    7 years ago

Sad but true.  At least San Diego, Orange, and the inland and northern counties are standing up to the state and openly side with the federal government against its trash.  

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.2  author  It Is ME  replied to  MrFrost @3    7 years ago
Trump and his lying staff insisted for DAYS on end that the only way to solve the problem was for congress to change the law.

As it should be.

But I digress ! chuckle

Sophomore Silent
4  1ofmany    7 years ago

Of course Democrats are not going to advocate that children and parents be housed together in a family prison. Creating a family prison is exactly the situation that Obama found himself in when a federal court issued a court order that said he cannot keep children in detention, even with parents, for more than 20 days.

That order continues to apply and Trump can’t negate it by an executive order. However, Trump has signed an executive order anyway. The DoJ will seek a modification of the court order and the groups that sued Obama will oppose a modification, arguing that it’s essentially a request that the court reverse itself to say that Trump can do what it expressly said Obama could not.

All Trump did was throw the issue of child detention back in the lap of the 9th circuit and democrats so he can wash his hands of it. Whether children are held or not, the parents will still be held and that’s all that really matters. The parents cannot be released on a promise to show up for an asylum hearing because they will run off and hide out in democrat sanctuary cities where they can evade deportation. 

Sophomore Silent
4.1  Rmando  replied to  1ofmany @4    7 years ago

The parents aren't in "prison" because they can leave anytime they want. All they have to do is head back to where they came from. The parents chose to commit a crime by crossing the border illegally- and not at a legal point of entry to claim asylum like the law says. They chose to drag their kids along and put them in jeopardy. These parents are not innocent.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5  charger 383    7 years ago

Real simple way to avoid separating them, don't let them cross border at all, built the wall and they can be together on the other side

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5.1  Greg Jones  replied to  charger 383 @5    7 years ago

Catch them...and immediately take them back across the border....kids and all...after making a record of their criminal intent in case they try it again.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  Greg Jones @5.1    7 years ago

Something we finally agree on

Professor Guide
5.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @5.1    7 years ago

It kills me to do this but, Greg? Voted up, i agree with you.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  charger 383 @5    7 years ago

You have 25 billion for the wall in your pocket?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.2.1  author  It Is ME  replied to  Trout Giggles @5.2    7 years ago
You have 25 billion for the wall in your pocket?

We apparently had over a trillion for wacked out Obama care that "Forced" U.S. Citizens to buy. Why can't we "Force" ILLEGALS to stay out of this country ? Doesn't pay enough ?

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.2.2  charger 383  replied to  Trout Giggles @5.2    7 years ago

Can be built for much less

Start by cutting off money we give to places they come from

Just like adding insulation to your house, There will be savings in many places and improved comfort 

Professor Guide
5.2.3  MrFrost  replied to  Trout Giggles @5.2    7 years ago

Mexico is paying for the wall, remember? /s LOL

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.2.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  MrFrost @5.2.3    7 years ago

So when do they break ground? :)

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.2.5  Trout Giggles  replied to  charger 383 @5.2.2    7 years ago
Start by cutting off money we give to places they come from

Let's start with Israel. They don't need our money they're already a prosperous country.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.2.6  charger 383  replied to  Trout Giggles @5.2.5    7 years ago

I have said that many times

Professor Quiet
5.2.8  Ozzwald  replied to    7 years ago
The simplest way to pay for the wall is to fine the countries from where the illegals come from by withholding a portion of the aid we send them.

Do you understand the difference between illegal immigrants and asylum seekers?  I know Trump and Sessions do not.

Professor Quiet
5.2.10  Ozzwald  replied to    7 years ago
Do you understand the difference between legitimate asylum seekers and illegal invaders?

You realize that ALL asylum seekers are being arrested, right?  Including the ones that cross the border to request asylum, because that can't request on the Mexico side (unless you expect them to yell and scream at border agents).

Junior Silent
5.2.11  tomwcraig  replied to  Ozzwald @5.2.10    7 years ago

You go to a port of entry, aka border gate.  Say, like in Brownsville, Tx.

Professor Quiet
5.2.12  Ozzwald  replied to  tomwcraig @5.2.11    7 years ago
You go to a port of entry, aka border gate.  Say, like in Brownsville, Tx.

Correct, then you request asylum, then you get arrested.  Zero tolerance in action.

Junior Silent
5.2.13  tomwcraig  replied to  Ozzwald @5.2.12    7 years ago

The people that have been arrested were not eligible for asylum or tried to circumvent the process.

Professor Quiet
5.2.14  Ozzwald  replied to  tomwcraig @5.2.13    7 years ago
The people that have been arrested were not eligible for asylum or tried to circumvent the process.

No, the people that have been arrested are people coming across the border for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.  They aren't denied asylum since it takes weeks or months to make that determination.

Senior Guide
5.2.15  XXJefferson51  replied to  MrFrost @5.2.3    7 years ago

Actually we can by taxing the remittances of Illegals working here send home to their families there.  

Professor Quiet
5.2.16  Ozzwald  replied to  XXJefferson51 @5.2.15    7 years ago
Actually we can by taxing the remittances of Illegals working here send home to their families there.

And yet absolutely no talk about penalizing the companies and people that offer illegals their employment.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.2.17  Trout Giggles  replied to    7 years ago

I didn't say one word about illegal aliens coming from Israel. But we send them a boatload of money every year when it's not necessary. They don't need our cash

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.3  author  It Is ME  replied to  charger 383 @5    7 years ago
Real simple way to avoid separating them, don't let them cross border at all, built the wall and they can be together on the other side

That's too simple. Our government "Can't" work that way it seems !

Professor Quiet
5.3.1  Ozzwald  replied to  It Is ME @5.3    7 years ago
That's too simple. Our government "Can't" work that way it seems !

How well did that wall work in Berlin?  Completely blocked all crossing, did it?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.3.2  author  It Is ME  replied to  Ozzwald @5.3.1    7 years ago
How well did that wall work in Berlin?

From Sea to shining sea would work great. Or, for the nitpicky.....Shining Ocean to Shining Gulf !

Professor Quiet
5.3.3  Ozzwald  replied to  It Is ME @5.3.2    7 years ago
From Sea to shining sea would work great.

Only for simpletons.  A wall would barely slow things down.

Professor Quiet
5.3.4  Ronin2  replied to  Ozzwald @5.3.3    7 years ago

Depends on what type of wall you are talking about.

If you are talking about a concrete one that doesn't extend at least 10 feet below the surface and 25 feet the air and extends from ocean to ocean; and is manned by a poorly staffed and funded border patrol- then I agree with you it will be worthless.  They will dig tunnels underneath it; or find ways over it and around it.

If you are talking about a virtual wall that uses sensors detecting heat, motion, sounds, and underground vibrations- monitored and patrolled by the US military; then I say build it and retire the border patrol. Defending the US borders has always been a job of the US military- time to let them do it.  The border patrol can be retrained into ICE agents that will help find and process the other type of illegal immigrant- those that overstay their work or tourist visas.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.4  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  charger 383 @5    7 years ago

It's funny that you think a wall will keep people out.  These people want in, they will find a way in.  Scaling and tunneling is not rocket science.  To try and prevent either would require additional measures, and probably double the cost.  You're so inflamed about this perceived notion that you are paying for immigrants, but you have no qualms about funding boondoggles.  Tell me, if a method was finally in place to effectively keep out illegal immigrants, do you think that your taxes will go down as a result?  Of course they won't.  But you will get to fund some seriously expensive maintenance for your precious border controls.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.4.1  charger 383  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4    7 years ago

why do you want to let them in?

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.4.2  charger 383  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4    7 years ago

It is worth the effort to keep them out, just look at all the controversy they cause on this site alone 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.4.3  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  charger 383 @5.4.1    7 years ago

Where in my post did you find that sentiment?  Net migration is a wash.  Real answers lie in helping other nations to be places that the citizens don't want to leave, and aren't afraid to stay in.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.4.4  charger 383  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4    7 years ago

I am slightly more concerned about overcrowding and crime than the extra cost they bring 

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.4.5  charger 383  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4.3    7 years ago

and that is the problem of that country, why do they think they can just come here?

we have more than enough problems already

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.4.6  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  charger 383 @5.4.5    7 years ago

why do they think they can just come here?

Imagine being in their shoes.  You want to keep you family alive, and you do what you have to do to make that happen.  It's not about politics, its about being a human and having a instinct to survive.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.4.7  charger 383  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4.6    7 years ago

and that is exactly why we now need a wall.  

What are you willing to give up to accommodate them?   

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.4.10  author  It Is ME  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4.6    7 years ago
Imagine being in their shoes.

Why do we....the "American CITIZEN"..... have to do that ?

is that a "Feelings" thing ?

My "Shoes" are just fine. Walk my own "CITIZEN" walk every day !

How 'bout you and yours. Doing Good ?

Junior Silent
5.4.11  livefreeordie  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4.6    7 years ago

Explain why not a single one has applied for asylum in Mexico?  Explain why not a single one has gone to either the US Embassy in Mexico City or any of the 9 US Consulates in Mexico including at every major Mexican city along our border.

This is about an invasion of our country and this nation will not survive unless we stop this.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.4.12  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  livefreeordie @5.4.11    7 years ago
This is about an invasion of our country and this nation will not survive unless we stop this.

Net migration is a wash.  Your melodramatic cries about an invasion are laughable.  What are they invading with?  Pinatas and maracas?

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.4.13  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  It Is ME @5.4.10    7 years ago

Are you seriously comparing your lame white people problems to that of a Honduran?  Holy crap.  The conservative bubble is impenetrable.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.4.14  author  It Is ME  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4.13    7 years ago
Are you seriously comparing your lame white people problems to that of a Honduran?

Are you Honduran ?

On a more cheery note...I never said anything about a "White People Problem" that you are commenting on. I asked if you were doing well. Do you Have a Problem you'd like to share ?

Junior Silent
5.4.15  livefreeordie  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4.12    7 years ago

They are stealing from taxpayers, they are disproportionately filling our prisons, they keep wages low which affects unskilled, blacks, hispanics and whites.

According to DHS, illegal immigration is up for families 435% this year and for unaccompanied minors it is up 329%

Southwest Border Migration FY2018

During the month of May, CBP saw a slight 1.9 percent increase overall when compared to April, but a 160 percent increase compared to May 2017.

The number of Family Units increased by 435 percent and the number of unaccompanied children (UAC) increased by 329 percent compared to May 2017.

The numbers have been very high,” said one agent assigned to the Rio Grande Valley, the nation’s busiest corridor for illegal migration. “It’s to the point that we have had to bring in buses to come out and load these folks up, or send four of five vans at a time.”

Another agent said so many migrants were apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley in May that many were diverted to other sections of the border for processing. The Justice Department has reassigned additional prosecutors to the border region to increase the number of migrants it charges with federal crimes, but one veteran border agent said it was “too early to tell” if the tougher enforcement measures were giving pause to migrants thinking of making the journey from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

Washington (CNN) The number of migrants trying to illegally cross into the US at the Mexico border spiked dramatically in March, according to numbers released Wednesday as President Donald Trump announced he was  sending National Guard troops to the southern border .

It will take a few months to determine if the spike turns into a full-blown surge similar to a migrant crisis that occurred in 2014, but the increase marked a turn for the administration, which a year ago was touting historically low numbers as the "Trump effect" and is now using the statistics as the reason it needs aggressive new immigration enforcement authorities.

The number of people either caught trying to cross the southern border or rejected for admission increased 37% from February into March, a  sudden rise in figures  that had been holding relatively steady. The increase was driven especially by a jump in the number of people apprehended trying to cross illegally. The number of families and unaccompanied children trying to come into the US increased at a higher rate than the general population.

Last month's numbers were three times those of March 2017, when crossings were at their lowest in two decades of records.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.4.16  charger 383  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4.13    7 years ago

Because they are US Citizens, their most lame problem is more important than foreigners problems.   

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.4.17  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  It Is ME @5.4.14    7 years ago
Walk my own "CITIZEN" walk every day !

Wow, either that is supposed to impress someone or make them feel sorry for you and your WPP.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.4.18  author  It Is ME  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4.17    7 years ago
Wow, either that is supposed to impress someone

I truly didn't know "Simple" everyday things you should be doing in your own "American" life could be so impressive. Cool ! thumbs up

Professor Guide
5.4.21  Tacos!  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.4    7 years ago
It's funny that you think a wall will keep people out.  These people want in, they will find a way in.  Scaling and tunneling is not rocket science.

No, but it is 1) hard work that requires tools and 2) time consuming. These qualities make it easier for the Border Patrol to catch people in the act and stop them. That's why the wall is a valuable tool in the struggle against illegal immigration. No one that I'm aware of has suggested that the wall would be the only tool employed or that we would retire the Border Patrol once it's built. The wall does not have to keep people out all by itself.

Professor Guide
5.5  MrFrost  replied to  charger 383 @5    7 years ago
built the wall and they can be together on the other side


It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.5.1  author  It Is ME  replied to  MrFrost @5.5    7 years ago

Looks like an 8 ft. wall at a simple little house being built in Nevada.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.5.2  charger 383  replied to  MrFrost @5.5    7 years ago

you are all for the enemy

Junior Silent
5.5.3  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @5.5    7 years ago

the new walls are 30 ft high and cannot be climbed or crossed over.  

Why do you support foreign invasion of our country?

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.5.4  charger 383  replied to  livefreeordie @5.5.3    7 years ago

and why doesn't he want us to defend ourselves from it?  

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.5.5  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  livefreeordie @5.5.3    7 years ago

a 30 foot wall cannot be scaled?  Are you serious?  I supposes Trump's wall has a magical forcefield that stops tunneling too?

Junior Silent
5.5.6  livefreeordie  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.5.5    7 years ago

you would likely not post something so ignorant if you read sources other than anti-American leftist ones.


Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.5.7  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  livefreeordie @5.5.6    7 years ago

fyi - I read so much from wapo that it won't even let me view that link unless I subscribe.  So much for your assertion.  

Sophomore Silent
5.5.8  1ofmany  replied to  MrFrost @5.5    7 years ago

Give em a disincentive to climb it. If they’re caught illegally in the country, then deport them and make them permanently ineligible for visas or citizenship. Either enter legally or get kicked out and told to never come back. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
5.5.9  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  livefreeordie @5.5.6    7 years ago
you would likely not post something so ignorant if you read sources other than anti-American leftist ones

That link is hilarious. The wall must be 30' tall and a "person should not be able to climb to the top of the wall unassisted". Also, "no hole larger than a foot should be able to be made through the wall in under an hour of trying with hand tools". And "designs must also be able to prevent tunneling from below for at least 6 feet".

So as long as they ban ladders over 28 feet tall and shovels that prevent digging deeper than 6 feet and all portable power drilling tools capable of drilling through the wall faster than 1 ft per hour, the wall will be totally worth it... /s

Here's the kind of tunnels that have been used by the cartels:

"That opening, officials said, connected to a vertical passageway going about 10 meters (33 feet) underground"

"The passageway, outfitted with a ladder, led to a tunnel that was about 1.7 meters (5.5 feet) tall and more than 70 centimeters (28 inches) wide.
Inside the passageway, investigators found what Rubido described as an "adapted motorcycle on tracks that was likely used to remove dirt during the excavation and transport the tools for the dig."
Traffickers will already be working on another four tunnels for every one tunnel border patrol finds and destroys. Deeper or taller walls do nothing to actually stop border crossings, they merely spend billions of tax payer money to contractors and corporations while 70% of the current undocumented immigrants got here not by jumping the border but by overstaying their visas which a wall cannot prevent.
Professor Guide
5.5.10  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @5.5.3    7 years ago
Why do you support foreign invasion of our country?

I don't, that's why I do not support the FLOTUS either... She is a criminal illegal alien invader. She violated her visa in 1995, that makes her a criminal. 

Professor Guide
5.5.11  MrFrost  replied to  It Is ME @5.5.1    7 years ago

Prove it. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.5.12  author  It Is ME  replied to  MrFrost @5.5.11    7 years ago
Prove it.

Prove what ?

Professor Guide
5.5.13  Tacos!  replied to  MrFrost @5.5    7 years ago

$36 dollars? From where? 

The wall is supposed to be 30 feet high. The cheapest 30 foot rope-type ladder I can find is $65 but good luck getting it attached to the top of the wall, much less climbing the thing.

Meanwhile, if you want a real ladder like the one in your picture, expect to pay at least $400 . And good luck carrying that thing through the desert. A typical 32 foot ladder weighs over 100 pounds.

Oh yeah, and then there's sensors to detect people climbing the wall or digging under it.

Yeah, I think the wall will do just fine.

Junior Silent
5.5.14  livefreeordie  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.5.7    7 years ago

It lists the requirements for the wall that it must be unscalable, and tunnel proof down to 6 ft.

Sophomore Quiet
5.6  Skrekk  replied to  charger 383 @5    7 years ago
Real simple way to avoid separating them, don't let them cross border at all, built the wall and they can be together on the other side

Trump has proposed making government more "efficient" by merging the education and labor departments.    His new plan is to merge ICE with NASA and launch refugee families as kinetic weapons against asteroids which threaten the earth.

Professor Participates
5.6.1  1stwarrior  replied to  Skrekk @5.6    7 years ago

Bullshyt and off-topic.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
5.6.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Skrekk @5.6    7 years ago

omg … it looks as if 1st took you seriously.

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.6.3  charger 383  replied to  Skrekk @5.6    7 years ago

Turn the ATF into a convenience store too, with a little side booth for the DEA, Charger said laughing as he left for physical therapy apt. 

Sophomore Silent
5.6.4  1ofmany  replied to  Skrekk @5.6    7 years ago

Jerry Brown has proposed merging the state of California with a Mexican drug cartel so he can get illegal aliens to run drugs and then hide out in his sanctuary cities until they or their children can vote democrat. 

Sophomore Quiet
5.6.5  Skrekk  replied to  1ofmany @5.6.4    7 years ago

Trump is also considering the revival of the Reagan-era death squad program to hunt down refugees, but instead of spending that money on death squads in Central America he'll spend it on death squads in the US.     America First!

Sophomore Quiet
5.6.7  Skrekk  replied to  Texan1211 @5.6.6    7 years ago
Is there anything you won't believe?

Are you saying Trump isn't planning to spend that money on domestic death squads and will outsource the effort instead?    I guess it would be cheaper that way.

I hear that he's picked John Negroponte to run the program.

Sophomore Silent
5.6.8  1ofmany  replied to  Skrekk @5.6.5    7 years ago
Trump is also considering the revival of the Reagan-era death squad program to hunt down refugees, but instead of spending that money on death squads in Central America he'll spend it on death squads in the US.     America First!

Democrats’ sanctuary cities have already given us MS 13 death squads for free by putting illegal aliens first. You can’t destroy us much cheaper than that. 

Sophomore Quiet
5.6.9  Skrekk  replied to  1ofmany @5.6.8    7 years ago

Sanctuary cities are why undocumented persons feel free to report crimes.....unlike benighted red states like Texas.

Sophomore Silent
5.6.11  1ofmany  replied to  Skrekk @5.6.9    7 years ago
Sanctuary cities are why undocumented persons feel free to report crimes.....

The “undocumented persons” are themselves criminals because they entered the country illegally. Deport them. 

Professor Participates
5.6.13  1stwarrior  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @5.6.2    7 years ago

With skrekk, you never know.

Professor Guide
5.6.14  Tacos!  replied to  Skrekk @5.6.9    7 years ago
Sanctuary cities are why undocumented persons feel free to report crimes

What are the numbers to support this claim? We hear it all the time, but I have never seen proof that crime is reported more freely in sanctuary cities or that crime rates are lower in such cities. I have also not seen data supporting the idea that illegal aliens who report crime are then subjected to deportation proceedings.

Here's an article on the topic of illegal aliens and crime.

The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

Some findings:

there are at least 11.2 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. This population comprises approximately 3.5 percent of our country’s population.

illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide .

The numbers indicate they are overrepresented in crime statistics. But if even one American citizen is murdered by someone and we could have simply prevented that person from entering the country, isn't that a thing worth trying to stop?

Sophomore Silent
6  Rmando    7 years ago

Democrats don't care about the kids in THIS country. They yawn and shrug their shoulders as kids as shot in the streets, het stuck in bad schools with no other options and are trapped in a poverty cycle thanks to parents who abuse the system. The only reason they pretend to care about these kids is to attack Trump.

Professor Guide
6.1  MrFrost  replied to  Rmando @6    7 years ago
Democrats don't care about the kids in THIS country.

It's not the democrats that constantly vote against ANYTHING that benefits poor people, kids included. Republicans want to force children to be born, then cut funding to help care for those same kids. Tell me, when was the last time you saw the GOP vote to INCREASE welfare funding? 


Meals on wheels? Oh wait, trump cut that too. And how much are we giving to Israel every year? 7..8 billion? Why? Because the GOP says so....wonder how many kids we could feed with 7 billion dollars? 

But I give you credit for playing the ever so mature, "I know you are but what am I" game. 

Professor Guide
6.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  Texan1211 @6.1.1    7 years ago

Skirting the CoC "BF"

Professor Guide
6.1.3  MrFrost  replied to  Texan1211 @6.1.1    7 years ago

So you are pro-choice now? 

Sophomore Silent
6.1.7  Rmando  replied to  MrFrost @6.1    7 years ago

Why would the GOP want to put anymore money into a welfare system that doesn't work? Fifty years of food stamps and handouts hasn't made poverty go away and has actually created dependence on the system. If throwing money away instead of actually fixing a problem makes you feel good about yourself, feel free to flush yours away. I'll reserve the right to call for changes to a broken system that deliberately spreads poverty.

Junior Silent
6.1.8  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @6.1    7 years ago

There is NO Constitutional Authority for federal welfare programs and every president until Hoover opposed them.

The aid to Israel is US law as a result of the Camp David Accords negotiated by Jimmy Carter.  It requires us as part of that accord to give that aid.  But it also requires Israel to spend 90% on defense acquisitions from US companies which means the money comes back to the US while supporting our defense alliance with Israel. It also allows us to experiment with emerging defense technologies that are implemented by Israel with data feedback to the US Defense Department

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
6.1.9  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  MrFrost @6.1    7 years ago
It's not the democrats that constantly vote against ANYTHING that benefits poor people, kids included.

You know, your right.  The democrats constantly vote against anything that benefits US CITIZENS.  Immigration is a prime example.  The benefits democrats want to give illegals are the benefits they should be protecting for US Citizens FIRST.

Freshman Silent
7  Silent_Hysteria    7 years ago

I am lucky to know some people who are immigration lawyers/judges (I know I know... another claim on the internet... I don't blame you for being skeptical) BUT

the previous policy of broad catch and release went like this.

courts so backed up it my take 3-5 years before there is a court date.

of course in 3-5 years they don't show up for court date. 

When they are finally caught it might be 10-20 years later.

at which point they cry (and the Dems cry) that they have kids who are now 10-20 who "grew up here"..

dems say you can't deport the kids

dems say you can't deport the parents because that's breaking up families

Dema undermine laws by providing sanctuary cities and groups/ policies that protect illegals

many illegals are not here truly accepting asylum .  People claim asylum for BS reasons like a boyfriend was mean.  Catch and release means they disappear into the country any ways

dems pretty much want open borders

Dem groups now calling for the end of ICE and immigration enforcement

dem groups dozing, harassing, calling for death of ICE and other immigration officials

There IS a war on the horizon.... It's already started in an information aspect.  When Dems eventually get control of the WH and congress (they will.. pendulum effect) and they move to do these traitorous things.... that will be the start of conflict... it will escalate as people feel the country is being destroyed intentionally.  You will see it start with attacks on gatherings, murders of prominent officials, murder of people who are known supporters of causes...

Its going to come out of nowhere for most... but the signs are there.  IMO.  Hopefully it doesn't come to that

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @7    7 years ago

You paint a very bleak picture

charger 383
Professor Silent
7.2.1  charger 383  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.2    7 years ago

controlling immigration and overpopulation  is a way to prevent that possibility 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.2.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  charger 383 @7.2.1    7 years ago

I'm all for controlling people.

Junior Quiet
7.2.3  Spikegary  replied to  charger 383 @7.2.1    7 years ago

Why are we the only country given crap for not having open borders and accepting anyone that decides they are coming to the U.S.?  Can you do that in Mexico?  Canada?  What other countries allow you to walk in and set up shop?

charger 383
Professor Silent
7.2.4  charger 383  replied to  Spikegary @7.2.3    7 years ago

puzzles me too

Sophomore Silent
7.3  Rmando  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @7    7 years ago

I hope you're wrong but I don't see any way things will get better in the future. Dems have sold out the sovereignty of this country and too many people are too far apart.

Professor Silent
7.3.1  lib50  replied to  Rmando @7.3    7 years ago
Dems have sold out the sovereignty of this country and too many people are too far apart.

Republicans have sold out the sovereignty of this country to Putin, who is happy his plan to further divide us has succeeded.

Professor Quiet
7.3.2  arkpdx  replied to  lib50 @7.3.1    7 years ago
Republicans have sold out the sovereignty of this country to Putin,

That is pure BS and you know it (I know the Borg implant tells you to say that and you must comply). I am sure that if asked(and I am asking) you can provide proof of that. 

happy his plan to further divide us has succeeded.

Of course statements like that just shows that it is you and those who think like you that are actually working with Putin to divide the country.  You are certainly not doing anything to unite it. 

Professor Silent
7.3.3  lib50  replied to  arkpdx @7.3.2    7 years ago

Here are some examples, but I don't want to overload the system.  Picking out a couple, but more inside.

President Trump just explained why he ignored the advice of his top advisers and congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his rigged election win: He thinks Moscow can help solve big global problems, including the ones the Kremlin created in the first place.

Read about his Putin love and lies.

Remember this gem?

This is after Russia meddled in our election, denying it is treason in many minds. Trump gives Putin a pass.

Want more?

Professor Quiet
7.3.4  arkpdx  replied to  lib50 @7.3.3    7 years ago
Want more?

Yeah maybe something with substance and actually answers the question. What you have give is articles that sure are playing your alleged Putin game of causing dessensionand chaos. Tell me why are you and other democrats doing just what you claim Putin wants?

Sophomore Silent
7.3.5  Rmando  replied to  lib50 @7.3.1    7 years ago

Here's the difference:

The Russia/ Trump nonsense is left wing conspiracy bunk and all the left wing talking points don't change that. Even the Dem leadership admits collusion is a dead end. 

It is very real that there are millions of illegal aliens in this country and the left has no objections at all in letting more in so that one day there will be amnesty and millions of new Dem voters. Any deaths or crimes caused by any illegal is viewed as completely acceptable collateral damage by the left. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
7.4  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @7    7 years ago
There IS a war on the horizon.... It's already started in an information aspect. When Dems eventually get control of the WH and congress (they will.. pendulum effect) and they move to do these traitorous things.... that will be the start of conflict... it will escalate as people feel the country is being destroyed intentionally. You will see it start with attacks on gatherings, murders of prominent officials, murder of people who are known supporters of causes...


Junior Silent
7.4.1  livefreeordie  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @7.4    7 years ago

Dianne Feinstein opposing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS

Junior Silent
7.4.2  livefreeordie  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @7.4    7 years ago

Mexican comedian tells the truth on Immigration

Junior Silent
7.4.3  livefreeordie  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @7.4    7 years ago

Chuck Schumer in 2009: Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
7.4.4  Greg Jones  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @7.4    7 years ago

Tell that to all the victims of illegal immigrant criminals. Can't understand why liberals want to protect illegals with long criminal histories, and we're talking about substantial numbers of them.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
7.4.5  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Greg Jones @7.4.4    7 years ago

It's a matter of scale.  You all want to spend tens of billions of dollars to address immigrants with a wall, and you're using crime stats that don't even come close to comparing with domestic crime by non-immigrants.  Republicans act all fiscally conservative, but are willing to spend like drunken sailors for ineffective solutions.

Freshman Silent
7.4.6  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @7.4    7 years ago

Just calling it like I see it.  Not really even talkin about refugees.  If you want to add illegal aliens immigrants into that number as we can.  Illegal immigrants that have killed many US citizens who would probably still be alive if it weren't for democrats open border ideology they think is a good idea for some reason although it seems quite a few want it because "HAHA LESS WHITE PEOPLE" racist ideals.  Cutting the nose off to spite the face type of situation.  

It's all examples of the left putting illegals over actual citizens and country.... yet they want to whine about Russian memes on Facebook while they sell the country out to foreigners who do no share the same ideals or loyalty to a country.  You may think loyalty to a country is foolish... but once people start actively ridiculing the country and it's citizens the end isn't far.  

And i I hope when that happens and the US is a Third world country (if it even survives I doubt) and they watch more people die in conditions that Mexico and Guatemala has...that many on the left realize this was what they were working towards... no more US because they hate police, and the flag, and white CIS male, and patriarchy blah blah, and everything else ....At least it might make that self guilt of theirs go away

Sophomore Silent
7.4.7  1ofmany  replied to  livefreeordie @7.4.1    7 years ago

Good video. It should be played back to her and her party day and night with the caption “were you lying then or are you lying now?

Sophomore Silent
7.4.8  1ofmany  replied to  livefreeordie @7.4.3    7 years ago

I don’t know why Republican campaigns (or Trump) don’t take these videos and string them together as a campaign against illegal immigration. Schumer and Feinstein (and even Hillary) are very persuasive when they’re on the right side of the issue, 

Professor Guide
7.4.9  Tacos!  replied to  livefreeordie @7.4.3    7 years ago

Good video and an outstanding example of why being a Democrat has become meaningless. They have no idea what they stand for anymore.

Professor Guide
7.4.10  Tacos!  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @7.4.5    7 years ago
willing to spend like drunken sailors for ineffective solutions.

Over 50+ years, the federal government has spent TRILLIONS of dollars (yes, that's a T!) in the "War on Poverty." And it's a lot of those trillions, by the way. In 2012 alone, we spent $799 billion dollars on these programs. That's 0.8 Trillion in just one year.

In 1965, the poverty rate was 17.3%. In 2012, it was 15%.

You want to talk about spending like drunken sailors on ineffective solutions? Let's start there. Compared to that, a few billion on a wall that - at the very least - can't make things any worse, seems like a small price.

In fact, since most of the illegals aliens are poor and unskilled, just consider the wall part of the War on Poverty. It may be the most effective program yet.

Professor Guide
8  Dulay    7 years ago

So all 48 Democratic Senators, INCLUDING Chuck Schumer, are opposed to the Feinstein legislation that they all cosponsored?

On what planet does that work exactly? 

WTF are y'all smoking? 

Sophomore Quiet
8.1  Skrekk  replied to  Dulay @8    7 years ago

Apparently skirting the Coc [ph] are upset that Schumer and other Dems didn't support the far right wing version of the bill which contained a very big and very expensive poison pill.

Freshman Silent
8.1.1  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Skrekk @8.1    7 years ago

and what was that poison pill?

Professor Guide
8.1.2  Dulay  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @8.1.1    7 years ago
and what was that poison pill?

Well there sure as hell must have been a big one in the House bill because they couldn't even pass it today even with their overwhelming majority.

As for the Senate, despite what you claimed yesterday, they STILL haven't filed a freaking bill...

Sophomore Quiet
8.1.3  Skrekk  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @8.1.1    7 years ago

Funding for the Trump Wall was one big aspect in the House bill, another was separating families.   From what I can tell the only real difference between the GOP extremist bill and the GOP "moderate" bill was that the latter didn't separate families quite as much.

Freshman Silent
8.1.4  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Skrekk @8.1.3    7 years ago

was that the Cruz bill?  There wasn't any wall stuff in that one.  I have no idea why schumer said they wouldn't support that one.  

Tgis is going to be an issue again in a few week when someone sues over the Flores act preventing minors for being detained more than 20 days.  

Professor Guide
8.1.5  Dulay  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @8.1.4    7 years ago
was that the Cruz bill? There wasn't any wall stuff in that one.

There is NO Cruz bill. There NEVER was one. Posting a list of bullet points on your website does NOT constitute writing and filing a BILL. You may want to lower the bar that far but I refuse to do so. Cruz is now all in with the STILL unfiled GOP immigration bill. 

 I have no idea why schumer said they wouldn't support that one.

He didn't because it DOESN'T exist and never has existed. 

Now, why doesn't Cruz support the Feinstein bill, that DOES exist and HAS been filed? 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.1.6  Raven Wing   replied to  Dulay @8.1.5    7 years ago
Now, why doesn't Cruz support the Feinstein bill,

What? Are you having a mental fissible? A right winger agreeing to sign a bill by a Democrat? No matter how good the bill is? That would be like political suicide! He would be shunned by his colleagues and right wing voters, and that is something he could not ever accept. So even though the right has no good plan at this time, they would never support anything the Democrats proposed. That would be like drinking vinegar in their Kool Aid. Too Much Info  eek

Freshman Silent
8.1.7  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Dulay @8.1.5    7 years ago

Where do you get that?  He put his talking points out what the bill would cover.  Schumer said they wouldn't support it.  There is indeed a Cruz bill that was put forth 4 days ago or so.  He said he was going to put it out and Dems said they wouldn't support any bill 

Professor Guide
8.1.8  Dulay  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @8.1.7    7 years ago

What part of FILING do you NOT understand? It's not even a whisper of a bill until it FILED with the Senate. Cruz made you a pretty picture and posted it on his website and you lapped it up.

Note that there is NO number in the  S.______ space on the pretty little bullshit pdf Cruz pawned off on you?

NO number means that it has NOT been filed with the Senate. Which means that it hasn't even been read or sent to committee. 


That is the Congress' website where you can search EVERY bill and legislation from EVERY Senator. This is what you will find when you go search Cruz's FILED legislation:

1. S.211 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
State Refugee Security Act of 2017
Sponsor: Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] (Introduced 01/24/2017) Cosponsors: (1)
Committees: Senate - Judiciary
Latest Action: Senate - 01/24/2017 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (All Actions)
2. S.45 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Kate's Law
Sponsor: Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] (Introduced 01/05/2017) Cosponsors: (15)
Committees: Senate - Judiciary
Latest Action: Senate - 01/05/2017 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (All Actions)
3. S.361 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Expatriate Terrorist Act
Sponsor: Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] (Introduced 02/13/2017) Cosponsors: (2)
Committees: Senate - Judiciary
Latest Action: Senate - 02/13/2017 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (All Actions)
4. S.939 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Sponsor: Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] (Introduced 04/25/2017) Cosponsors: (1)
Committees: Senate - Judiciary
Latest Action: Senate - 04/25/2017 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (All Actions)

See a BILL entitled The Protect Kids and Parents Act on that list? 

Perhaps if you go over their and keep refreshing the screen, it will pop up some time in your lifetime.

I would however recommend that you don't hold your breath. 

BTFW, note the number of co-sponsors Cruz gets on his legislation. He ain't much of a Senator, he can't even get his buddies to support his ACTUAL bills. 

Freshman Silent
8.1.9  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Dulay @8.1.8    7 years ago

senate bill 3091

21 cosponsors approx

you were saying?


Professor Guide
8.1.10  Dulay  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @8.1.9    7 years ago

senate bill 3091
21 cosponsors approx
you were saying?


Care to provide a link? 


Refined by:SB 3091

115 (2017-2018)


No results match your search criteria.

Professor Guide
8.1.11  Dulay  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @8.1.9    7 years ago

Oh and BTFW, how 'approx' are those 21 co-sponsors?


Please DO proceed posting that weak shit.

Sophomore Silent
8.1.12  JaneDoe  replied to  Dulay @8.1.10    7 years ago

I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for or not.

Professor Guide
8.1.13  Tacos!  replied to  Skrekk @8.1    7 years ago
which contained a very big and very expensive poison pill

There's no poison pill that can have Chuck Schumer saying "illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple" to going out of his way, 9 years later, to do everything he can to prevent stopping it. That kind of flip-flop is just pure tribal politics.

Professor Guide
8.1.14  Dulay  replied to  JaneDoe @8.1.12    7 years ago

Thank you! Now we see that it was FINALLY filed some time on Tuesday. 

So let's finally take a look at this puppy.

Okay, I click on text and THIS is what I get. 

Text: S.3091 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
All Information (Except Text)
As of 06/23/2018 text has not been received for S.3091 - A bill to limit the separation of families seeking asylum in the United States and expedite the asylum process for individuals arriving in the United States with children.

Bills are generally sent to the Library of Congress from GPO, the Government Publishing Office, a day or two after they are introduced on the floor of the House or Senate. Delays can occur when there are a large number of bills to prepare or when a very large bill has to be printed.

Now I'm sure that SH will insist that I address the 'draft' that he posted but I prefer FACTS and will wait until it's actually part to the Congressional record. 

Thanks again and I hope that you use the link I provided for future reference. 

Sophomore Silent
8.1.15  JaneDoe  replied to  Dulay @8.1.14    7 years ago
Thanks again and I hope that you use the link I provided for future reference.

You are welcome. I have congress.gov in my favorites. I like FACTS too.

I think the reason it may not have been coming up for you in your search was because you used sb 3091 as opposed to s 3091??

Professor Guide
8.1.16  Dulay  replied to  JaneDoe @8.1.15    7 years ago

Could be, don't know what I typed in. I know it wasn't on Cruz's legislative page...

Freshman Silent
8.1.17  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Dulay @8.1.10    7 years ago

Are you serious?  Again?

you already provided the link. 

Just put in S.3091 in the search bar


it was filed approx 4 days ago as I said but you want to be confrontational for some reason instead of acting like an adult.  You have insisted as if I was making it up this whole time when you couldn't be bothered to actually know what you were talking about and insulting others.... perhaps it's time to do some self reflection and ask yourself why you act so cock sure even when you are wrong?

the adult thing to do would have been to apologize and admit you missed it.. that at least is understandable... doubling down on ignorance and trying to move goal posts is pathetic

Professor Guide
8.1.18  Dulay  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @8.1.17    7 years ago
it was filed approx 4 days ago as I said but you want to be confrontational for some reason instead of acting like an adult.

Yet it STILL isn't part of the fucking Congressional record and could hardly have been READ by ANYONE on the Democratic side since they don't have a set at the table while GOP bills are being written. 

You have insisted as if I was making it up this whole time when you couldn't be bothered to actually know what you were talking about and insulting others....

Bullshit. I never claimed that you were making ANYTHING up. I said that there was NO Cruz bill and there STILL isn't one. 

perhaps it's time to do some self reflection and ask yourself why you act so cock sure even when you are wrong?

Since there STILL in no bill to review, how was I wrong? 

the adult thing to do would have been to apologize and admit you missed it.. that at least is understandable...

I wasn't up on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. I didn't miss anything. BTFW, if it WERE up, you would have posted it YESTTERDAY. You didn't. 

 doubling down on ignorance and trying to move goal posts is pathetic

There was only ONE goal post set, a Cruz bill, and it STILL hasn't been officially documented yet.

Junior Silent
8.1.19  livefreeordie  replied to  Dulay @8.1.5    7 years ago

Senate Bill  S-3899

No American loyal to this country would support the Feinstein open borders bill which prevents arresting illegals within 100 miles of the US border.  I've read it have you?

Professor Guide
8.1.20  Dulay  replied to  livefreeordie @8.1.19    7 years ago
Feinstein open borders bill which prevents arresting illegals within 100 miles of the US border.


S. 3036

SEC. 2. Limitation on the separation of families.

(a) In general.—An agent or officer of a designated agency shall be prohibited from removing a child from his or her parent or legal guardian, at or near the port of entry or within 100 miles of the border of the United States, unless one of the following has occurred:

You just lost all credibility on this issue. 

Junior Silent
8.1.21  livefreeordie  replied to  Dulay @8.1.20    7 years ago

Wrong. The net effect is the same.  Since you cannot separate a child traveling with an illegal adult, that means neither can be arrested and must be released into the US like open borders Obama was doing.

That's why they do this.  they've been told if you are caught at the border with a child, they will release you into the US.


Freshman Silent
8.1.22  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Dulay @8.1.18    7 years ago

I understand and it is the internet and I'm bound to come across crazie... but I really thought I would find better here.

you literally denied there was a Cruz bill... saying it needed a S.____ number.  Do you not rememer that?  It's a few posts up.  It tried to remain cordial but you seem intent to be pompous and confrontational over a normal discussion.  

You denied there was ever a bill filed.  It was.  It's been read twice.  That's pretty standard for bills.  A congressman says they are going to introduce a bill.... the basic talking points are released... the rough draft is available.... its officially filed... etc etc

why is it so painful for you to just go "shit... I was looking for it under a different name...  you were right ... it was filed... I was wrong... let's move on with the discussion" ?

its pretty standard behavior for many on the left.  They like to act like they are the open minded adults but everytime they have a gut check moment to prove It they fail.


you denied there was a Cruz bill and was insulting about it

there was a Cruz bill but you searched for it wrong

why not act like an adult and admit that so we can move on and discuss it rationally?  This whole discussion is public record and everyone can see that's the case.... what do you have to gain by being stubborn?  I just don't understand that mentality.  I've assumed wrongly before and I owned up to it and the discussion moved on.  It is what it is.  No one is infallible 

Junior Silent
8.1.23  livefreeordie  replied to  Dulay @8.1.18    7 years ago

1.  S.3091   — 115th Congress (2017-2018) A bill to limit the separation of families seeking asylum in the United States and expedite the asylum process for individuals arriving in the United States with children. Sponsor:   Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX]   (Introduced 06/19/2018)   Cosponsors:   ( 21 ) Committees:   Senate - Judiciary Latest Action:   Senate - 06/19/2018 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. ( All Actions )

Professor Guide
8.1.25  Dulay  replied to  livefreeordie @8.1.21    7 years ago
Wrong. The net effect is the same.

Actually, no, NO it isn't.

Since you cannot separate a child traveling with an illegal adult, that means neither can be arrested and must be released into the US like open borders Obama was doing.

What Obama was starting to do VERY successfully was to put parents on ankle monitors or the equivalent of 'probation' where they have to check in every week and meet all kinds of limitations. 

Just because y'all's partisanship limits your imagination, doesn't mean that this issue can't be worked through with empathy.

BTFW, ankle monitoring cost about $25 a day, detention costs almost $800 a day. Hell, Trump could even give the contract to one of his buddies. Though it won't be as profitable as the prison industrial complex contracts he's been giving out.

Interesting that all those prison contracts were signed an ready, along with proposals from the Navy and Airforce on 'austere' concentration camps but they have to put together a 'working group' to figure out how to put the families back together. 

Professor Guide
8.1.27  Dulay  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @8.1.22    7 years ago
you literally denied there was a Cruz bill... saying it needed a S.____ number. Do you not rememer that? It's a few posts up.

Yes it's right after your post of the 'Cruz bill' from his website that had yet to receive a fucking number yet. Don't you remember that? 

Here I'll repost the link for you:

https:// www.cruz.senate.gov/ files/documents/Bills/20180619_Protect_Kids_and_Parents_Act.pd

That's a pdf, NOT a filed Congressional document. 

You denied there was ever a bill filed. 

There STILL isn't a bill published on the Congress.gov site. Your whole claim was that the Democrats were against it. Yet it hadn't been filed or printed yet so that is IMPOSSIBLE.

Sure, GOP Senators got a heads up and maybe the pdf that you FINALLY posted is verbatim what will be officially printed.

Until it's official, I'll wait to read it.

And there is no way you or anyone else can show that Schumer or any other Democrat were given the chance to READ the bill on Tuesday when you and the seed insisted that they said that they were against it. 

why is it so painful for you to just go "shit... I was looking for it under a different name... you were right ... it was filed... I was wrong... let's move on with the discussion" ?

This whole discussion is public record and everyone can see that's the case.... what do you have to gain by being stubborn? I just don't understand that mentality.

I asked you in the beginning to post a link to the bill so we could review it. You posted a pretty picture and then a day later what you admit was a DRAFT and there STILL isn't a bill on the Congress' official site to review in total. Until there is, there is nothing to discuss. 

22 hours ago I posted the Congress.gov link and copy and pasted ALL of the bills that Cruz had filed in this Congress in their entirety. I didn't look in the wrong place. Now I presume that you went to the link and confirmed that Cruz's bill was NOT listed as of 22 hours ago. 

 I've assumed wrongly before and I owned up to it and the discussion moved on.

As have I. 

BTFW, as for being an adult, have you thanked JaneDoe yet? I have...

Junior Silent
8.1.28  livefreeordie  replied to  Dulay @8.1.25    7 years ago

You remain wrong. The practical effect is open borders because they never show up to court. And the left opposes using ICE to round them up when they don’t show up

“DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing

A recent report from the Department of Justice shows that of the nearly 12,500 illegal alien adults who were apprehended with children at the U.S. border and released between July 18, 2014, and May 26, 2015, whose immigration cases have been completed, at least 84 percent did not appear in court for the final decision.

The report states that 35,695 illegal alien adults with children were apprehended illegally at the U.S. border and were subsequently released without being detained between July 18, 2014 and May 26, 2015. Of these, 12,441 have had final rulings on their immigration cases.

About 11,516 of these adults were given orders of removal by an immigration judge. Among these, 10,436 -- about 84 percent of the total number of completed cases -- were ordered removed in absentia, meaning they did not show up to court as scheduled.

Another 137 were granted “relief” from violating U.S. law, and 124 cases were “terminated.” An additional 291 cases ended in “administrative closure.

The DOJ's Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) reports that of the 35,695 illegal aliens apprehended during that time, 25,732 cases are already past the date of the first hearing. About 23,777 total cases are still pending.

The report also broke down the case decisions for unaccompanied children who were apprehended at the U.S. border in the same time frame. For the 31,987 children apprehended, initial cases have been completed on only 10,591 of them.

Among those, 6,248 children were given orders for removal by an immigration judge, with 5,453 handed down  in absentia . This equates to about 51 percent of the total number of closed cases, and 87 percent of the total number of removal orders

Now let’s look at how those who formally go through the asylum process fares do how the law determines legitimate asylum.

“The dispute begins with the words of the asylum law. In the Refugee Act of 1980, Congress adopted the United Nations standard and said people may seek asylum if they are "unable or unwilling to return" to their home country "because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion."

Jenna Gilbert, managing attorney for Human Rights First in Los Angeles, said it is clear the asylum law does not protect people fleeing "generalized violence." A claim "needs to be tied to the one of the protected categories," she said. "The cases are very fact-dependent."

But the odds of winning asylum are not good for Central Americans. In the past five years, China had the largest number of asylum seekers in the U.S. immigration courts, and only 20% of their claims were denied. Ethiopians did even better, with only 17% denied. By contrast, the highest denial rates arose from claims brought by natives of Jamaica (91%), the Philippines (90%), Mexico (88%), El Salvador (79%), Honduras (78%) and Guatemala (75%).

Freshman Silent
8.1.29  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Dulay @8.1.27    7 years ago

The bill was on the site since it was filed... with the S._____ name as you said.  From the beginning  I said there was a bill and you said there wasn't being insulting.  You were wrong.  Period.  No way to spin it.  But I'll move along.  I have no patience for people playing games ... people who could have just admitted they made a silly mistake and moved along with the conversation... some people want to be right so badly they will double down on lies and stick their head in the sand.

another TL;DR

you said their wasn't a bill.... there was... you didn't know how to search for it.  You were wrong.  

Do some self reflection... that was something really silly to be lying about

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Dulay @8    7 years ago
WTF are y'all smoking?

Right Wing super effective BS. Comes in various flavors; Horse S*it, Donkey S*it, Dog S*it, Fly S*it, and their favorite, super strong Bull S*it. They have all been approved by the head of the DOJ, although they are all mentally addictive. All at a price only the Right Wing supporters can afford. Maybe.


Sophomore Silent
9  1ofmany    7 years ago

If Trump holds the parents in detention, pending a hearing (so they don’t run away to hide out in a sanctuary city), then you have only two choices:1) you separate the children from parents; or 2) you keep the children with parents and basically create a family prison (assuming the illegals don’t just agree to go home). The cost of these detention facilities should be funded by deducting the amount from foreign aid package for the home countries of any illegal alien who isn’t granted asylum. 

Alternatively, if I were Trump, I’d consider releasing parents if the state/city to which they move posts a $1 million cash bond for each person. If the person doesn’t show up for the immigration hearing or doesn’t leave the country when directed, then the entire amount of the bond is forfeited to the federal government. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
9.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  1ofmany @9    7 years ago

Sounds like an evil plan.


Sophomore Silent
9.1.1  1ofmany  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @9.1    7 years ago

It’s like any other bond for criminals. If the illegal aliens are trustworthy, then democrats have nothing to worry about. And if the state doesn't want to do it, private individual democrats can put up the bond by mortgaging their property, emptying their bank accounts, running up credit cards, selling jewelry, prostitution etc. 

Sophomore Silent
9.1.2  Rmando  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @9.1    7 years ago

Sounds like a damn good idea.

Professor Guide
10  Tacos!    7 years ago

The Democrats cry and scream that Trump is the new Hitler. He's an autocrat. An authoritarian. A dictator. He has no respect for the Constitution. We should all live in abject fear of his power-mad ambition.

But they want him to solve the immigration problem with an Executive Order. 

For real?

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
10.1  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  Tacos! @10    7 years ago

While you seem to certainly over dramatises the believe the trump could be a governing problem with his one man genius (himself) strategy and ways and means of accomplishment.  Seeing the problem of his governing ways IMO is smart and one is wise to see and understand his methodology could be a step towards more authoritarianism in our government if left uninhibited to flourish. 

Till now we have had a lot of people deciding what we did as a country, I prefer it stay that way. 

trump reminds me of the pied piper, one man solving the problems till he doesn't get what he wants could turn on all of us rather quickly. 

time will tell

Sophomore Silent
10.2  1ofmany  replied to  Tacos! @10    7 years ago

They have made quite clear that they have no problem with edicts if they get what they want. It’s completely Machiavellian where the end justices the means. An objective approach is replaced with double standards and double talk. 


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