About Profanities....
Just a quick reminder about profanities and the CoC ....
The CoC says:
While cursing and other potentially objectionable content is allowed within reason, it should be used as seasoning – as emphasis. Gratuitous profanity and other repugnant language that does not support the point of the comment or is over-used is prohibited.
Lately, I have been seeing far too much gratuitous profanity and extreme vulgar language used on the site. So this is a reminder, that this is a violation, and will be written up as a skirting the CoC.
This is not a heavy duty discussion. It's just like porn. We know it when we see it. I don't care who it's being used on, there is a limit to what this site will accept. Be judicious in your swearing.
What if we say "Ivanka you feckless %#*& ! ?
That's OK.
What about Ivanka loves her cuntry?
That is gratuitous. It doesn't even emphasis anything.
Public figures are free game on the site. What is not is cursing for cursing sake... which I think both of you do very well, which makes it 1 liberal and 1 conservative if we are keeping score.
LOL, pot meet kettle. After seeing your string of obscenities against people that you don't agree with you have little room to complain...DUH.
My irony meter exploded.
Why is it that conservatives can dish it out but they can't take it? Conservatives had no problems calling Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters names, but when it is a conservatives family member that is being criticized they are outraged. It is almost as if hypocracy is a Republican family value.
LOL, perfect.
I wish I knew how to load the GIF version.
I have about 50 aminiated GIFs on my Photobucket acount that would be quite amusing (to put it mildly) if I could use them on NT.
Check with Raven Wing, she is an expert on that epistte.
Here I am. I've always found it interesting how much easier it is for people to focus on a naughty word than naughty actions. And I like to push the boundaries. Here we have the most incivil and disrespectful president in history and people get the vapors when it gets used more. Yearning for the day people care more about those effed up actions.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kavika. I hope I can live up to it. (grin)
epistte, give me a minute, I'll help you with this
OK....here are the steps to post a GIF
First save the GIF to your hard drive
Then go the comment window where you want to post the GIF
Then click on the Media icon next to the Smiley icon
Select Upload an Image from the top bar
Select the Size you want the GIF to be
Select Normal position
Search for the GIF you want to post
Once you select the GIF you want it will automatically load
Then post your comment
Hope this helps
Here's an example
E.A That allows Hackers Crackers and Nutjobs to Get information about ones Harddrive ( Signature) and also the same with ones motherboard, so in short it is extremely Dangerous!
No it isn't. However, one must always be cautious where they go on the Internet and where they download from or they could get a virus or malware. But, it one has a good AV they will be protected from that stuff.
Your assertion that downloading a GIF can let others see everything on your hard drive is a far stretch.
E.A is that what I said??
Care to show us that!
E.A So the FBI, CIA, MOD, just needed a Better AV?
E.A So You could not find that?
So what DID I say care to at least quote that?
No. The AV needs to be on the user's computer, which has nothing to do with the FBI or any other agency unless they are working for that agency.
Yes, you did say it, here:
E.A That allows Hackers Crackers and Nutjobs to Get information about ones Harddrive ( Signature) and also the same with ones motherboard, so in short it is extremely Dangerous!
If all you want is to play a game like this then I will no longer respond to you.
E.A Raven, read for the Purpose of comprehension, and NOT Polemics, the CIA, FBI. MOD were HACKED, and MY point was did their AV have deficiencies?
IF they Government Departments with what one would think TOP of the RANG AVs, got hacked.... think now, where does that leave the average Citizen??
Now, DID I say, that download a GIF, would allow anyone to see " All that is on a Hard Drive "?
E.A Raven, what is the Harddrive and Motherboards " Signature "?? is that ALL the information on the Harddrive?
E.A Can someone volunteer to help out about the Harddrives and Motherboards ID, and how that is in short a " Signature " that is used as a " system tracker " By Agencies, friendly or otherwise !?
E.A Comprehension problems?
Just right click on any one of them and choose 'copy'. Then click in your comment and choose 'paste'. Size to suit you.
However, I have found that the copy/paste system does not work with some types of files, including GIFs. With the copy/paste some will copy into the comment window, but, will not work. Others won't copy at all. That is why I gave the instructions that will ensure they will insert and work.
But, thanks for the additional info that may work for some.
Clarity is everything. Sometimes the urge to cuss overwhelms the urge to discuss.
When I find myself muttering words that I know better than to type, then I usually take a break and watch moronic video clips. It lightens my mood and allows me to think. Anger and fear shuts down communication and is harmful to a person's health.
Excellent idea!
Thank you.
Some people seem to believe that there is something to "win" by being ugly to others.
Is there a prize for being the person who is best at hurling insults and labeling strangers on the internet?
I try very hard not to be ugly to others.
Sometimes I do fail.
Me, too.
I really try not to hurt others because of the meltdowns that I have seen and that includes people who I disagree with on politics and religion.
I believe in karma, the Golden Rule, etc. The harm we do to others does ripple out and harms everyone and then come home to roost where it began.
It's simple, just look at it as those doing this are displaying their lack of maturity and education.
Fuck this bullshit!
I'm telling!!!!!!!!!!
He be funny.
Ooooohhhhhh, you in trouble now lol.
We can presume you will read these comments because it is your article.
What is up with the censoring of comments? I am referring to comments removed for "sweeping generalizations".
This mode of moderating has been a disaster as far as I can see. You should end it now.
Please stay on topic. Thank you.
The 'off topic' bullshit has to go too, sorry.
Off topic, LOL.
!@#$ ^&*( )(*&
I'm getting it out of my system now
You are always such a #$%@* and it cracks me up!!
If I donate $20.00 to the charity of your choice do I get free reign for my sarcasm, even if it is in only one thread..............?
So can we use this as a comment?
Asking for a friend...
Yes, because that is art. A+ comment.
Great , I saved it for another time. But, maybe I'll never need it......LOL
I think you'll find your moment, LOL!
Actually I hope not.
So then
is ok?
It's art. (Art Deco Font with gradient color effect)
How come I'm not allowed to post Melania's "art"?
Lol, now ya did it ....
OK folks I was kidding. You can't tell a member FU!!
Does that also apply if we use a foreign language, other than pig latin?
O I sure wouldn't do that.... but showing someone a picture of "Art" is still worth a thousand words.
Well I have to agree with that.
Ես չեմ տալիս, եթե դա անում եք այլ լեզվով:
I'll be pushing for bringing in 'the finger' as an emoticon at the next Meta.
Oh don't talk about the next meta.. I hate meta...
How many sleeps 'till next Meta?
Not enough sleeps till the next meta.
Wait, isn't THIS a Meta?
I have that GIF, if I knew how to post it.
If that's art so is this.
I want him for my gnome garden. I wonder if it is available on line.
Not so much.. bare bottom.
Bare bottom vs bare finger that means FU.....Do you see the hypocrisy. Geez.
I think that they are available on line Paula.
First of all, I don't see mooning someone as FU, but more of a high school prank. Second, bareness is forbidden on the site per TOS, and third, I was kidding about the FU art work and I assumed that both you and Bruce knew that.
My bad.
My bad....yes it was but your forgiven for now. If it happens again where could be severe repercussions.
It's the finger that means FU not the bare butt.
I never equated getting mooned as a FU, more of a "Kiss my ass and I will mark the spot" type of thing.
But then again , I have been known to wear a kilt in hot weather.
OMG, I'm blind.
Mark.. thanks for the view.
That's not a bad view at all
Disclaimer , that is NOT a picture of ME.....
this is Me.
there ya go perrie , finally found one …..
That looking good Mark...
Now if you could just pick up those keys on the floor it would be perfect.
The combat boots just make the ensemble.
He is wearing combat boots? How did I miss that... LOL
Merry Christmas,
I have been known to wear a kilt in hot weather. ...OK
Well I guess it does look like cool weather in the picture so.... Ya get a pass.
I found a site that has a version of that one, but it has a blue bird sitting on his bare butt. I am so ordering it.
That will be too funny Paula.
Blue butt, I wonder if that could be connected to blue, Oh no don't got there. LOL
Moosh koosh
in the bush?
Speaking of Melania ...
If I interpreted it I'd be suspended.
I should have known.
All purpose bumper sticker that comes in handy, especially during tourist season:
Might come in handy here as well ......
Its a Michigan thing ...... thats the Upper Peninsula ...... UP for short
Don't tell them what the UP Stomp is!
LOL! D'oh
Born and raised ..... don't know what that is.
Michigan humor. Just like their losing football team.................
Michigan is the only state that you can use the palm of your hand to give directions.
When giving directions in WV, you give folks the bird.
Meh, just one more thing you’re clueless about as Michigan has the most Div one wins in NCAA football history.
But they can't seem to beat the Buckeyes of late. I'm not even an OSU allum or even a football fan. I just like to tweak the nose of Wolverines to the north.
My daughter threw an Ohio state flag across the gates of the stadium Ann Arbor in December of 2008 and took a pictuire of it. I thought that we were going to die getting back to I-23 because the nativls weren't amused by Buckeyes rubbing their lose in the recent loss.
Ah you’re a suckeye ...... that explains a lot. Not much worse than a Wolverine but a Buckeye is one of them and by a VERY wide margin.
I'm not upset but it's amusing how quickly you made what was a joke to be a claimed personal attack.
I expected you to come back with any of 20+ jokes about Ohio.
If Donald Rump is OK, Is Hillary Cunton OK? just want to know
If that is as far as it goes.
just curious, I try to be well behaved
I know you do. I always find it ironic that my most well behaved members are the ones that are the most concerned about these issues. Very telling.
Way I see it, we need to dial back the restrictions on our free speech...at least a cunt hair!
E.A Science will tell YOU it is thicker then it USED to be so find a new better word!
More Apt to the Original Need!
Pretty sure that the original need has something to do with modifying friction.
E.A Indeed so Hair reduces Friction by X Factors, so tell me what do you know about Insect Bites and the Antifungal/Bacterial, properties in them also?
And not to forget Hairs ability to get rid of " Heavy metals " and other substances that the body needs to exude!
That's what I use banana peels for.
E.A Great now ask a Carpenter, when nailing in hard wood what should one do with the Nail. see what they say!
Do I get to say that your mother was nailed hard at some point here? (Sorry couldn't help myself).
Do I get to say that your mother was nailed hard at some point here? (Sorry couldn't help myself).
She said something about wormwood and that's the last thing I remembered.
Oops, please delete the double post
A red one? I have often been told that they are the thinnest.
E.A LOL More Sparse but Thinnest? I think you mean for " FireProne " but a Link would be nice, With a fireblanket tho for safeties sake!!
Science I believe more hair follicles but that defeat the purpose if I agree with CowGirl
It wasn't scientists telling me this crap. It was semi-educated rednecks before internet access. If those rednecks have internet access today, I have no doubt that they're surfing porn, but I don't know if any of them have published a study on what they have learned about the thickness of women's pubic hair.
Yes I remember You and I having many a Debate about " Rednecks " and what they believe and not and what life is about!!
But …. Wait, why bring that up here and now
E.A All those that understand what it means to be healthy and STD free, Look it up, this is NOT a Profanity!
Yes, a cunt hair is a small adjustment, a red cunt hair is a very small adjustment, and a red, red cunt hair is an extremely small adjustment. Basic construction language.
E.A HEY, how many times I have to explain to YOU about "Old etymology and Science " :
E.A that show how " Natural " you are, But Go to My Album, look under Medical , see what the University studies Indicate!!
Note:: in Short NO it increases STD by over 192% more LIES from " Big Pharma " and their Puppets that spread the LIES
Why would a " Sleeve " over a Dick stop any pathogens?
I haven't seen either and probably won't, but I will keep that in mind just in case I ever encounter a situation where that info could be beneficial.
Really? I have books on electrical wiring, plumbing, new construction and remodel, but zero of them have the word cunt in them.
Some stuff you have to pick up on the job. Worked with a couple of chick carpenters once, and they used 'ball hair' instead! Funny as hell...
E.A " Some "?
Any teachings Institution ANY manual will say that the " Book " is a Minute part just as a " Starter " so any one that can only quote from a " Book " knows how much?
Wait, can you give me a minute
head start ?
I actually know it when it is caught between my teeth.
Always had a weakness for the red ones.
Do any of them have the word pubes?
Image caption
Despite being a razor brand, Billie says it wants to remove the stigma around body hair
E.A Natural is Always Best!!
Why do Evolutionist Fight against their God?
here is a joke that is sort of close to the topic and I hope not too bad
A little boy is getting on mother's nerves so she tells him to go watch men building a house across the street
He comes home and says I learned how to hammer and makes hammering motions
Next day he comes back and says he learned how to saw and makes sawing motions
3rd day he says he learned how to measure and holds hands apart, squints and says "move it a cunt hair to the left" Mother says " you foul mouthed boy, go get a switch" Boy replies "fuck you, bitch. That's the electrician's job"
And people used to be concerned about mama's letting their babies grow up to be cowboys! ROFLMAO!
That was great!
two "Dirty Fonzi's" Up
So...how the fuck are all of you today anyway?
(And that comment was totally on topic because I swore!)
and now, back to Dirty Sanchez...........